Как разрушить постройку в the survivalist
Building is an important mechanic in The Survivalists. Players can build walls to keep out enemies, houses to sleep in, and various crafting stations to survive.
Customizing Buildings [ ]
You can place some items on walls, such as tools or a Decorative Wall Hanging .
Torches and Makeshift Lanterns can also be put above walls for illumination.
Buildings can also be painted with dye made in the Dyeing Bench .
Destroying Buildings [ ]
Placed buildings can be destroyed by going into the Build Mode, pressing the Destroy Mode button and selecting the building you want destroyed. You'll get all the materials back.
Getting Started [ ]
To access the building menu, you can press R anytime during the game.
Not all blueprints are available at the beginning. The more different structures you build, the more blueprints are made available.
Cancelling Buildings [ ]
Incomplete building blueprints can be removed by going into Build Mode, selecting any building (as if you were going to place it) and pressing the Erase Blueprint button on the building blueprint you want removed.
Читы для The Survivalists
Как получить крафт лопаты?
Я наиграл не так много в эту игру, лишь 3,5 часа, но уже на этом времени в игре просто делать нечего, прогресс остановился, обезьян , конечно, не много, всего 6, но это ничего не меняет, в игре есть закопанные сокровища, такие, как лист стекла, но это сокровище закопано и я не понимаю, как получить лопату или кирку?
На карте можно найти торговца в воздушном шаре ему нужно дать предметы которые он просит и получить доступ к торговле где за дублоны можно купить различные вещи включая лопату
Чтобы РАЗБЛОКИРОВАТЬ крафт лопаты, нужно на верстаке открыть топор. Либо купить у таинственного незнакомца (человека (если он человек) около воздушного шара), там можно купить лопату и кирку. Если ты на пиратке, ты даже не сможешь открыть палку. Есть ДЕМО версия в стиме, она бесплатная. ( отыграл больше недели на одном мире).
Monkey Building [ ]
Monkeys can automatically construct blueprint structures with a Multitool.
Skill Leveling
You can increase this skill by equipping a Toolbox and building things. You can also carry D.I.Y. Instruction Manuals that increase the character's Construction Level by 1.
Construction is a skill that determines what you can build. A high Construction skill allows you to build a wider variety of structures and workstations.
How to build
- To build a structure (e.g., a fence, a barn) first equip the Toolbox either using a shortcut key or through the character inventory.
- You will automatically switch to build mode, move your mouse (PC) over to the target build area. Then choose what type of item you want to build (PC: mouse wheel to switch between build options). Default is a wooded chest. Left click (PC) on where you want to build. The build area will show as a 1x1 square with ropes on stick to indicate the build zone (or more than 1x1 if larger item e.g. gate). By clicking more and your builder will automatically search for and collect the required materials (e.g., wood planks). In order to carry planks they need at least the Bunny Wabbit Backpack. If the item is too big/heavy for them to carry they will tell you after you finish specifying the locations of structures.
- As long as they are building, the builder will automatically continue to build the item unless you cancel the build by opening their inventory and choosing Cancel next to the word Builder. Note attacks or other distractions may auto-pause the build. You can also toggle pausing/resuming construction by moving the builder to the construction and choosing that option (left-click, PC)
If building a fence make sure you are placing the build areas in a straight line and a translucent image of the fence connected onto the existing fence will show to indicate that is what it will look like when built. This way you can make sure it will be built correctly. The ground must also be flat to build on.
I recommend building a perimeter fence around your base first. However, wooden fences are vulnerable to fire attacks and may collapse after repeated attacks. Wire fence is less flammable, but raiders can se through this type of barrier and shoot characters on the other side easily.
List of Buildings [ ]
The following structures can be built. You need to build a pre-requisite structure in order to unlock the next one in the building grid.
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