Как принять иудаизм в crusader kings 2
Judaism is the religion, philosophy and way of life of the Jewish people. Judaism is a monotheistic religion, with its main inspiration being based on or found in the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Tanakh) which has been explored in later texts, such as the Talmud. Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expression of the covenantal relationship God established with the Children of Israel.
Head - Kohen Gadol
Holy sites - Jerusalem, Damascus, Hamadan, At Tur (Sinai), Salalah (Dhofar)
Judaism is the oldest of the Abrahamic religions and its origins can be traced back all the way to the Bronze Age. The most holy city of this monotheistic faith is Jerusalem, which served as the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Israel. Defining features in-game:
- Can have a religious head (the Kohen Gadol) if the High Priesthood is restored.
- Can restore Israel if the Promised Land is reclaimed.
Miaphysite Christianity, sometimes known as Oriental Orthodoxy or Coptic Christianity, is a religion that arose in opposition of the Council of Chalcedon's decision to condemn and excommunicate Patriarch Dioscorus, While remaining in communion for several more years after the Council of Chalcedon the conflict that occurred after Rome attempted to impose several persecutors of Non-Chalcedonians and the Bishops of Egypt elected several rival Coptic popes lead to the Schism in following years . Once spreading across the Byzantine Empire's non-Greek land as well as the Kingdoms of Armenia, Nubia, and Abyssinia, its spread has been significantly hampered by the Islamic expansion and is in danger of being wiped out.
The religious head of Miaphysitism is the Coptic Pope. However, like the Ecumenical Patriarch, he only has jurisdiction over a relatively small amount of characters and land; more info here. The Coptic Pope is often also the Bishop of Alexandria, if it is controlled by Miaphysite lords.
Miaphysitism gains a holy order, the Order of Saint Anthony, if Alexandria, Makuria, and Axum are Miaphysite and owned by Miaphysite characters. With Monks and Mystics, it also has a monastic order, the Community of Saint Anthony.
- Alexandria: Historical seat of the Coptic Papacy. Pope Dioscorus I of Alexandria, who was deposed by the Council of Chalcedon, is recognized as the first Patriarch of the Coptic Church.
- Aksum: Location of the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion where the Ark of the Covenant is kept.
- Antioch: Severus of Antioch was the last Patriarch of Antioch and is venerated as a saint in Miaphysitism.
- Jerusalem
- Dwin: Location of the Cathedral of Saint Grigor, the largest Christian church in Armenia at the time it was built.
- Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem are important Silk Road counties.
Miaphysitism's heresy Monophysitism is mechanically identical to the mainstream religion.
Unique Mechanics [ ]
Kingdom of Israel - If a Jewish ruler gains control of Jerusalem and the promised land (constituing the duchies of Jerusalem, Ascalon, Galilee and Outrejourdain), and has 500 piety and 500 prestige he can restore the United Monarchy of the Kingdom of Israel and be proclaimed king. In addition to the title, he will gain 1000 prestige.
Building the Third Temple - The first and second temples were the most important religious temples in Judaism. They were built upon the holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Both were destroyed long ago, but prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel proclaims a Third Temple will one day be built as an eternal edifice and permanent dwelling place of the God of Israel. If a Jewish ruler controls Jerusalem and has 1500 gold and 1500 piety he can build the Third Temple. This grants 500 prestige and 500 piety but costs 1500 gold.
Restoring the High Priesthood - If a Jewish ruler controls Jerusalem, it is possible to reinstate the ancient office of Kohen Gadol - the High Priest and head of the Jewish faith. In addition to holding Jerusalem, restoring the High Priesthood requires 1000 piety and the Third Temple must be rebuilt.
Jewish Usury - Non-Jewish rulers can borrow gold from Jewish money-lenders.
Expulsion of the Jews - Jews have historically been a people without a state, and occassionally highly-skilled Jewish courtiers will appear at the courts of non-Jewish rulers. If a ruler wishes to do so, he or she can expel all Jews from the realm. This will cancel any debts owed by the ruler to Jewish moneylenders, but Jewish courtiers will no longer join his or her realm, and he or she will not be able to borrow money from the Jews anymore. Because of abuse by nasty racists the long nose tribe can no longer be expelled.
Moral Authority
Each religion has a moral authority, determined by the actions of its followers. It defines the power of the religion, and impacts the chances of heresies.
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At least some were last verified for version 3.0.Christianity is one of the 6 religious groups represented in Crusader Kings II, and the only group playable without paid expansions (though its mechanics are expanded by Sons of Abraham).
The second of the Abrahamic religions, Christianity arose from the teachings of Yeshua of Nazereth, a Jewish carpenter commonly called by his Greek name Jesus, whom Christians believe to be the literal Son of God. Though Jesus was crucified in approximately 30 AD on the orders of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, the faith he founded would ultimately supplant Hellenic paganism as the state religion of the Roman Empire following its legalization by Emperor Constantine I in 313. By the time of Crusader Kings II, Christianity is the dominant religion in Western and Central Europe, as well as in the Byzantine Empire and East Africa, and its reach continues to expand in later start dates by the conversion of West Asian pagans and the Spanish Reconquista.
There are four groups of Christians present in CKII: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Miaphysitism (also known as Copticism), and Nestorianism.
If characters are of different religions, they'll get a large opinion penalty towards one another:
Name Criteria Opinion Example Religious Differences Different religions of the same religious groups -10 Catholic
vs OrthodoxHeretic Parent religion vs its heresies, and vice versa -25 Catholic
vs a Catholic HeresyInfidel Different religion group -20 Catholic
vs SunniZealous Anyone of different religion -25 Stacks with standard penalty This penalty, apart from Zealous, is reduced by the Tolerance technology in the capital of each character, -6.25% per technology level. Additionally, a character who is sympathetic towards another religious group has no Infidel penalty towards or from characters following a religion of that group.
Nestorianism is a minority religion that arose in opposition of the Council of Ephesus and Council of Chalcedon's decision of Christ being "of two natures". The religion is in isolated areas near Baghdad and on Socotra in early starts in 1066. Nestorianism once was a significant influence in the Eastern world, with many adherents in Central Asia, including many Mongols, and spreading as far as China and India. However, it almost completely collapsed in the 14th century due to the destruction of Timur's conquests and Islamic and Ming dynasty persecution. There are few Nestorian starts and they will, as is somewhat historical, most likely be wiped out by expansionist Muslims or Mongols. There are also two horde Khagans that follow this faith themselves, those of the Golden Horde and Ilkhanate in 1255 and 1260 respectively; historically, this was most likely the basis for the myth of Prester John.
- Has a religious head: the Patriarch of the East
- Minority religion; has 23 provinces following the religion in 769 start date.
- Can intermarry Taoist, Bön, Buddhist, and all religions in the Zoroastrian group.
- Prior to 2.8 patch, the Nestorians used to have Autocephaly head system like the other non-Catholic Christian branches before reworked to have their own religious head system which is very similar to Papacy but without Papal succession mechanic.
A Nestorian ruler can form a holy order if he controls at least one holy site and Nestorianism has at least 50% Moral Authority. With Monks and Mystics, it has a monastic order, the Community of Saint Abraham.
- Edessa: Location of the School of Edessa and birthplace of Nestorianism.
- Baghdad: Seat of the Nestorian Patriarch from 775 to
- Almost all Nestorian holy sites are important Silk Road counties, except Edessa.
Due to the typical lack of moral authority, it is relatively easy and harmless to convert from Nestorianism to its heresy.
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At least some were last verified for version 3.0.Every character in the game follows a religion. A character's religion has a major impact on their gameplay mechanics. Cosmetically, the player character's religion determines the interface and icons used for the various alerts.
Interaction between religious groups is mostly limited to warfare. Characters may convert to another religion in some cases.
List of religions
Parent religions
Al Nadjaf
HamadanJabal Qufs
Sects, vassal opinion bonus, can designate heir, Concubinage, no short reign penalty Indian Subjugation Demesne limit +3
Peace purity gain +1/month
Raiding, river movement, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, 250% short reign penalty, prestige loss while at peace, no penalty from raised vassal levies County Conquest, Subjugation, Prepared Invasion Levy size +30%
Retinue size +50%
Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, 200% short reign penalty County Conquest, Subjugation Levy size +10%
Garrison size +30%
Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%Garrison size +20%
Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%Itil
Syr Darya
Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, 150% short reign penalty, prestige loss while at peace, no penalty from raised vassal levies, ignores defensive attrition County Conquest, Subjugation, Tribal Invasion Levy size +30%
Light Cav Offensive +30%
Light Cav Defensive +30%Rügen
Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, 200% short reign penalty County Conquest, Subjugation Levy size +10%
Garrison size +30%
Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%Garrison size +20%
Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%Perm
Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, 200% short reign penalty County Conquest, Subjugation Garrison size +40%
Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%Garrison size +30%
Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%Wagadu
Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, reincarnation County Conquest, Subjugation Garrison size +40%
Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%Rome
Levy size +30%
Heavy infantry offensive: +20%
Heavy infantry defensive: +20%Balkh
Raiding, Patron Gods, Concubinage, female temple holders, defensive attrition, reincarnation County Conquest, Subjugation Garrison size +40%
Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%Syrakusa
Ghana- Since 2.4.1, when a temple that is designated a holy site is destroyed, the province becomes the holy site instead, but the value of the province for moral authority is reduced by half. This was to prevent the game from crashing when nomads/tribals raze a holy site.
- Because a majority of Tengri land belong to nomads, they have no temples in most of their holy sites, forcing the player to build them.
- The Pagan religion appears for characters in the history files, representing pre-Christian Irish and pre-Islamic Arabs, among others. The rare "Spawn of Satan" event can lead to the creation of 3 generic pagan witches, and the "Immortal Rival" event can lead to the creation of an immortal generic pagan, but otherwise they cannot normally appear in-game without the console.
- Catholicism and all Catholic heresies become Orthodox heresies if the Great Schism is mended. This does not affect the Miaphysite or Nestorian denominations.
- The unit modifiers for reformed pagan religions apply if you do not have the Holy Fury DLC. With Holy Fury only Reformed Germanic, Reformed Tengri, and Reformed Aztec have the specified modifiers. All other reformed pagan religion no longer get any unit modifiers unless they recieve them from the selected nature or doctrines.
- Unless otherwise stated, the holy sites for the heretical and non-heretical versions of a religion are the same.
All religions with a parent religion are heresies. With Sons of Abraham, if a heresy becomes more prevalent than the parent religion (5 provinces more), it will become the new orthodoxy, and the parent religion will become a heresy. All holy orders of the parent religion switch over to the former heresy when this happens. Note that the Eastern religions do not have heresies.
Yazidi has its own holy sites. They are Nishapur, Fars, Mosul, Mecca, and Jerusalem.
Manichean is the only heresy with a separate Holy order.
Manichaean has its own holy sites. They are Khozistan, Samarkand, Baghdad, Jerusalem and Udabhanda.When a pagan religion is reformed, anyone following it gets an event to decide whether to accept the reformation. If they don't, they are regarded as following the "Old" version of the faith, which is considered a heresy. The reformed version keeps the name of the pre-reformation religion.
Likewise, if an Orthodox ruler mends the Great Schism, Catholic rulers get an event to decide whether to convert to Orthodoxy (or the "heresy"). Either way, Catholicism is thereafter treated as an Orthodox heresy, and all the Catholic heresies become Orthodox heresies instead. Orthodox Heresies can also mend the Great Schism if they manage to replace Orthodoxy as the parent religion.
Holy wars
Religion also provides various Casus Belli, most notably holy war and Crusades, though this varies from religion to religion - both are unavailable to unreformed pagans for example. Sword of Islam also introduced two new Casus Belli specifically for Muslims.
Eastern Orthodoxy is the religion of the Byzantine Empire and several of its neighbors. In 1066, it is also the religion of the Rurikid rulers (Rus-Ruthenia region).
The Byzantine Empire is by far the most powerful Orthodox ruler in most start dates. However, its rule is often challenged by heresy (notably Iconoclasty in 769) and powerful Muslim rulers.
The religious head of Eastern Orthodoxy is the Ecumenical Patriarch, usually residing in Constantinople. However, he only has jurisdiction over characters and provinces not already under pentarchs and autocephalous patriarchs. Most of the time, the Ecumenical Patriarch is also the Pentarch of Constantinople, and a vassal of the Byzantine Empire.
- At game start, the only autocephalous religion with multiple kings
- The only religion with a dangerous heresy at any start date (Iconoclasm in 769) to re-unite the Catholic and Orthodox religions if an Orthodox ruler owns Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Alexandria as well as having the Ecumenical Patriarch as a vassal
- If the Byzantine Empire does not exist, it can only be created by Orthodox rulers
- The commander of the Varangian Guard will only convert to Orthodoxy (and not an Orthodox heresy)
The Orthodox faith gains a holy order, the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre, if Antioch and Jerusalem are majority Orthodox and controlled by Orthodox characters. In Monks and Mystics, they also have a monastic order, the Community of St. Basil.
- Constantinople: The historical seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Emperor Constantine's capital. Constantine is venerated as a saint by Orthodoxy and by Byzantine Catholics.
- Jerusalem
- Antioch: Referred to as the "Cradle of Christianity" and the place where the word "Christian" first emerged.
- Ephesus: An important center of early Christianity.
- Mount Athos: The heart of Eastern monasticism.
- Iconoclasm is functionally identical to mainstream Orthodoxy, though an Iconoclast Byzantine Emperor cannot request that the commander of the Varangian Guard convert to it. In the 769 bookmark, the emperor follows this heresy and the Iconoclast Patriarch rules in place of the Ecumenical Patriarch. The Iconoclast Patriarchate does not exist in other starts.
- Bogomilism Mechanically similar to Cathar heresy. has no religious head nor autocephaly. It permits female bishops and has no penalties for female rulers or heirs, though not absolute cognatic succession law.
- Monothelitism and Paulicianism follow the same mechanics as mainstream Orthodoxy, but have their own always-existent patriarchs.
Application of Crown Laws and Offers of Vassalization
Religion affects how Crown laws are applied. This is particularly important in regions which see frequent religious conflict (Iberia, Eastern Europe and the Near East), or are simply religiously diverse (India). Independent dukes and counts are considered to have the No Crown Authority Law, if the king of the de jure kingdom which they belong to is of another religion.
AI rulers will also never accept diplomatic vassalization if they follow a different religion from the potential liege's.
Religion groups
Six religious groups are represented in Crusader Kings II. Within each group there are variants, heresies, or both.
Variants of Christianity are uniquely peaceful toward each other, disallowing the use of religious revocation except against heretics.
Relations with religious head are important, as they can perform excommunication, enabling free imprisonment and a depose-ruler CB.
- Catholic: Crusades. extra Papal favors, Papal succession by election among the College of Cardinals, antipopes, investiture. More opportunities to use Sanctioned Invasion CB. Multiple Holy orders. Coronation for kings and emperors.
- Orthodox: the largest religion with autocephaly
- Miaphysite: a branch of Christianity in East Africa, led by Coptic Pope of Alexandria.
- Nestorian: a once-major branch of Christianity, led by Patriarch of the East.
Notable Heresies:
If the High Priesthood is restored, Jewish Great Holy Wars can be declared immediately. However, a unique requirement for instating the religious head is to convert the county of Jerusalem to Judaism.
Powerful Muslim CBs allow fast expansion, but large realms often fail due to dynastic decadence. All faiths of Islam (but not all heresies) can have a Caliph, a secular (and thus playable) religious head who can declare Jihads.
Iqta government replaces both Feudal and Theocracy governments, allowing rulers to hold both castles and mosques without penalty. Iqta rulers can freely revoke duchies, and use Open succession to effectively designate heirs.
Notable Heresies:
- Yazidi (Sunni): Caliph (Sheik) and Jihads. Has Excommunication. Has its own holy sites.
- Hurufi (Shia): Caliph (Sheik) and Jihads
- Qarmatian (Shia): Caliph and Jihads. Allowed to raid. No Hajj. Prestige loss while at peace, no penalty from raised vassal levies.
- Kharijite (Ibadi): Caliph and Jihads
- Usurp the Caliphate by claiming the existing caliph's primary title.
- Or, create a new caliphate by conquering key locations and converting to a variant with no current Caliph.
Many unique mechanics make Pagans strong early on but weaker as time passes. Powerful Pagan CBs allow fast expansion, but unreformed Pagans have extreme stability problems. Can raid regardless of culture or government. No religious head until reformation.
- Germanic: offensive faith. coastal conquests, prepared invasions, river movement, Viking trait, secular religious head
- Tengri: offensive faith. horse warfare bonuses make them uniquely suitable for nomadism. Often associated with cultures that support the powerful Tribal Invasion CB. Ignores pagan attrition.
- Aztec: offensive faith. prisoner sacrifice
- Slavic/Romuva/Suomenusko/African: four defensive faiths which share many similarities but also have some unique features.
- Zunist: Can't raid, but don't suffer the stability penalty that other pagan religions have. Attrition, levy and heavy infantry bonus. Can intermarry with the Dharmic religions.
- Bön: defensive faith. synergy with Tibeto-Burman culture group. Can intermarry with Eastern religions.
- Hellenic: offensive faith. imperial reconquest
- Control holy sites in order to boost moral authority and reform the religion.
- Hellenic: Conquer and recreate a Hellenic Roman Empire
Reformed religions combine the best features of paganism and existing organized religions. They consider those following the old ways to be heretics.
Tribal rulers must reform (or convert) in order to adopt feudalism or found a merchant republic.
With , pagan reformation adds the ability to reform with a selection of natures, doctrines, and leadership, which allows the religion to be customized to gain the benefits of other religion's abilities.
The main religion, Zoroastrianism, allows and even encourages marriages between close relatives.
If the Priesthood is restored, Zoroastrian Great Holy Wars can be declared immediately.
Heresies: All heresies are eligible for reincarnations if supernatural events are enabled.
- Khurmazta: Has the Patron Deity mechanic (similar to Hindus). May not benefit from Divine Marriage or restore the Priesthood, but can become Saoshyant.
- Mazdaki: No concubines nor Divine Marriage mechanics and have access to Summer Fair decision. No opinion penalties for female rulers and women may hold temples; women can also be appointed as commanders or Moabad (i.e. Court Chaplain), but NOT to other council positions. Enables Absolute Cognatic succession law.
- Manichaeism: Is almost a separate religion and is very different from orthodox Zoroastrianism. No concubines and may not benefit from Jews (borrowing money) or Divine Marriage. Have their own religious feast and religious head. May also form a holy order if certain criteria are met and have different holy sites from other Mazdans.
- Completely control the Empire of Persia in order to become Saoshyant and restore the priesthood.
Has subgroup Indian religions (Hindu, Buddhist, Jain). Characters can convert to another Indian religion if they control any province with the new religion. Provinces convert very slowly, but there is no revolt risk. No religious heads.
- Hindu: Can raid and has +30% army morale. They are hindered by strict adherence to the caste system, and by lack of heir designation.
- Buddhist: ambition to reject negative trait, +4 Learning, synergy with Tibeto-Burman culture group.
- Jain: stability bonuses include a large demesne, vassal opinion boost, and pacifist AI that further reduces factionalism.
- Taoist: +2 Stewardship. Can intermarry with some Pagan, Zoroastrian, Eastern and Christian faiths/heresies. Schools of thought give strong bonuses, but also maluses. Much easier to adopt Chinese Imperialism.
- Indian religions: Conquer the entire Indian subcontinent in order to unite India into a single de jure empire.
- Taoist faith: Become an Empire and adopt Chinese Imperialism
1 Religion DLC is not required to play as a nomad; Horse Lords unlocks nomadic rulers of all religions. However, players must convert to a playable religion before they can settle down to a non-nomadic government type.
2 All religions support concubinage when tribal or nomadic. For Muslims, this replaces polygamy for rulers.
Religious head
Religion also affects what powers the religious head has; unreformed Pagans for example have no religious head, while a Christian religious head can excommunicate characters, which is impossible for Muslims (except Yazidis) and unreformed Pagans.
Pagan religions may gain a religious head and a Great Holy War (Crusade CB) if they reform. They then become the "Reformed" version. The version without a religious head and Great Holy War becomes a heresy and is called the "Old" version of the religion.
Catholicism is the major religion of Western Europe. After each start date, it has a tendency to progress further east, and is almost always one of the most successful religions in the game.
Catholicism is one of the major instigators of the Great Schism. The Great Schism was a separation of the original Nicene Church after a prolonged rivalry between the Roman Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople, culminating in them excommunicating each other shortly before the "High Middle Ages" game start (in 1054).
The religious head for Catholicism is the Pope, but it is not uncommon for one or more Antipopes to form throughout the game.
- Bishops who like the Pope (or Antipope) more than their secular liege will shirk their duties as vassals. They will pay taxes to the Pope (or Antipope) and provide levies to nobody. College of Cardinals, a special mechanism that determines how Popes are replaced , a special crown law that determines how bishops are replaced
- Papal Investiture halves the piety cost of religious head interactions, at the cost of not being able to appoint successors to bishoprics
- Free Investiture improves vassal opinion, harms pope opinion, and allows appointing an antipope, as well as successors to bishoprics
Once the Crusades are unlocked, Catholicism gains more holy orders than any other religion in the game (up to five if their formation conditions are met). With Monks and Mystics, Catholicism gains two monastic orders, the Benedictines and the Dominicans.
- Rome: The seat of the Pope and historical capital of the Western Roman Empire.
- Santiago: The site of the tomb of St. James the Great, one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ.
- Köln: The site of the Shrine of the Three Kings, a reliquary said to contain the bones of the three wise men from the East who visited the young Christ in the Gospels.
- Jerusalem: Holy to all Abrahamic faiths, Jerusalem is the historical seat of the Jewish faith and the site where Christ was executed and rose from the dead.
- Kent: The Archbishopric of Canterbury is of great importance in British Christianity from antiquity into the Renaissance. Among other things, it was the see of St. Thomas Becket, who was murdered by followers of King Henry II Plantagenet in 1170 AD (the infamous "turbulent priest" incident, emblematic of the tension between secular and clerical rulers in Catholicism).
Santiago and Jerusalem are under Muslim control in the early start dates, which makes Catholicism's moral authority rather vulnerable. In a 769 game in particular, due to the fact that Karl of West Francia often dies before forming Francia or the Holy Roman Empire, it's not uncommon to see Rome be captured by a Viking adventurer. This causes MA to plummet (-10 for losing the holy site and -5 for the Pope not controlling it). This in turn tends to result in heresy outbreaks across Western Europe, tearing its already relatively weak realms apart and making them easy prey for the Umayyads.
- Fraticellism has identical mechanics to Catholicism, but the Fraticelli Pope (if created by a Fraticelli ruler who controls the county of Rome) is a duke-rank title. This means he may be vassalized by a mere king instead of only by an emperor as is the case with the Catholic Pope.
- Catharism does not have a religious head or crusades, but allows female bishops and absolute cognatic succession law and has no penalties for female rulers or heirs. Bishoprics are filled by absolute cognatic open elective.
- Lollardy and Waldensianism lack a religious head and crusades. Bishoprics are filled by agnatic open elective.
Common features
For all Christian religions:
is expected to be monogamous, as in Judaism. Christianity does not normally feature any form of polygamy, though Christian tribal rulers can still take concubines. are called "churches" and their holders are called "bishops". a character by granting a temple (similar to Indian religions) or ordering to take the vows
- Improved spread rate compared to other faiths, reflecting Christian evangelism.
- Unique decisions: (requires Sons of Abraham DLC; if Way of Life DLC active, the Theology focus) (requires Legacy of Rome DLC)
- Chaste and Celibate : +5 opinion from Christian churchmen
- Hedonist and Lustful : -5 opinion from Christian churchmen
Most Christian religions feature a religious head with the following interactions:
a character (100 piety), making them disliked and vulnerable to the Excommunicated Ruler CB
- Grant divorce (100 piety) CB, grantable against any stronger ruler or any ruler whose title you have a claim on, should the Pope not like him (1000 piety)
The concept of a character's religious head is especially important for Christians as many characters may not have the same religious head even though they follow identical religions, due to (potential) antipopes and autocephaly.
Как принять иудаизм в crusader kings 2
Николай Волк запись закреплена
Как в 2 части попросить массового крещения? Что то ну совсем не разобраться. Играю за языческую Померанию
Если не ошибаюсь, в окне религии есть кнопочка, рядом с кнопкой реформации язычества
Окно религии, потом кнопка "другие конфессии", там надо выставить фильтр что-то типа " Весь мир "(изначально будут показаны только конфессии твоей религии), потом выбрать нужную, нажать на неё, в самом низу будет " Принять конфессию"
Окно религии, левый верхний угол, там капля с крыльями, если правильно помню.
Jewish Starts [ ]
Problems faced by both starts can be: marriage can only be considered between jews therefore the 1066 start may require invites to court for male or female characters. The Byzantine Empire or Kingdom of Georgia will call holy wars against you. Starting in 1066, other vassals of Cumania may attack you for your land. Starting in 876, The kingdom of Cumania (or duchy of Bolgar) has a high chance of calling an invasion for your lands. Converting your provinces to your religion will be difficult with a low moral authority (can be increased by many victorious holy wars). Low moral authority will also increase the chances of tengri or other religious revolts (including heretic).
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