Как поднять давление в тормозной магистрали в игре train sim world
4 апр. 2017 в 16:24
So again in the charge scenario after switching cabs and setting everything cocrrectly it says "Set the air pipe pressure to 79 lbs".
Well it goes up to about 50 lbs and just sits there. I waited like 10 minutes.
Now what am I missing?
4 апр. 2017 в 17:32All you should have to do is set all the controls as instructed and nothch up to 1 and then wait for a minute or so. But in Cumberland Charge scenario who knows what could be wrong.. Believe me there could be any of a bunch of things that are not right.
5 апр. 2017 в 0:17I just did this scenario yesterday and had this exact same issue. I followed the instructions, and double checked myself. the train acts like there is a leak somewhere preventing the pressure to rise above 50 PSI.
I tried to roll with it anyway, and it is nice to see that breaking power actually is very poor when your train line has such low PSI.
Since the scenario was borked anyway, I decided to have a little fun with it, and coupled my whole train to another one sitting at a red not far ahead of me.
FPS dropped to 15 FPS (had a solid 30+ FPS until then), but more interestingly, the train line would not get above 20-30 PSI, so even lower than before.
Как поднять давление в тормозной магистрали в игре train sim world
Maxim, в TSW как такового аналога свободного режима нет. Максимально близкое - режим "Поезда".Можно загрузиться пешком.
играю в свободном режиме . Дальше депо не могу поехать так как при выходе на линию стоят заперщающие симафоры , постоянно горит красный при выезде на любую линию. проезжает состав один , другой и так несколько часов ждал , результат одинаков. что-то со скриптаами. вряд ли целостность проверял.
Что делать если горит красный свет, и пишет Запрещено. Нет доступного маршрута. .
Как поднять давление в тормозной магистрали в игре train sim world
Как поднять давление в тормозной магистрали в игре Train Sim World?
Всем привет. Друзья подскажите как поднять давление в тормозной магистрали в игре Train Sim World?
В Train Sim World, существует несколько видов локомотивов расположение рычага пневмотормоза может отличаться, а вот кнопки на клаве отвечающие за давление в тормозной системе на всех локомотивах одинаковые. Повысить давление "Ж" понизить "Э".
Как поднять давление в тормозной магистрали в игре train sim world
11 дек. 2017 в 10:38English Language ( Google Translate ) -----
In the "Clear Cut" mission, it is not possible to complete the task due to a script script error. Explanation - to the left of the turn circle there is a locomotive that needs to be moved to another place after repair, but this can not be done because of the error of the task script. After the player turns on all the necessary switches, the "start the engine" task follows, and after it "pump the air into the brake system". In order to start the engine, it is required to open the engine compartment and turn the switch to the extreme left position by holding it in this position for at least 4 seconds, then release and the engine must earn. HOWEVER it DOES NOT HAPPEN (as indicated indirectly by the lack of sound of the engine running) even though the system writes "close the engine compartment doors and return to the cab" counting the engine running. The next task is to pump air into the braking system above the 79 PSI mark. This is just not done for the reason of the UNDEFINED ENGINE (script script error at the previous step of starting the engine) and adding speed to the engine does not lead to anything. This is well traced if this mission starts with this locomotive, if you start a mission from any other locomotive, then at this stage the error is manifested by raising the pressure in the braking system when the engine is not working (the arrows of the manometers show a pressure increase of up to 80 PSI when the brakes are released with the engine off ). Also indirect confirmation of the error is the sound of the engine running on the locomotive before the "start-up" phase. It is also impossible to pump air into the braking system because of the described error, although the locomotive reacts to the addition of engine speed (honestly trying to pump air at various engine speeds for 60 minutes, but the result is zero), monitors constantly show 80 PSI, and the system for these the indication does not react at all. How to fix ?
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