Как обновить оффсеты rust
Многим интересно… как же создать («свой») чит для CS GO, без вак бана!?
Как уже нам известно, есть исходники читов — это готовый код чита, который нужно обновить и скомпилировать.
Но малой части игровой индустрии которая играет с читами не знает как это сделать.
Разберём всё по порядку:
Для начала разберёмся какие исходники читов нуждаются в обновлении!?
Это все исходники кроме (indigo,zamanware,chlenix). Они не нуждаются в этом, т.к. там стоит авто-обновление.
Как обновить оффсеты rust
После того как вы скачали SteamCMD
1)Создайте файл update.bat и в нём пропишите:
cd steam
steamcmd.exe +runscript ../update_script.txt
cd ..
2)Создайте файл update_script.txt и в нём пропишите:
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
@NoPromptForPassword 1
login anonymous
force_install_dir ../rustds
app_update 258550 validate
Как обновить оффсеты rust
Rust Alpha win.799.81 - Official Rust - Devblog 98
Hopefully anyone interested in making an external/internal Rust memory hack will find the following useful.
Use m_layer from GameObject:
great job, I have reversed all of this stuff, but I could never get a static pointer to the entity base. could you tell me how you found it.
nvm its referenced in :
Last edited by maxkunes; 14th December 2015 at 01:33 AM . great job, I have reversed all of this stuff, but I could never get a static pointer to the entity base. could you tell me how you found it. If you have reversed all of this yourself, finding non static pointers for entity should be a breeze. Or am I wrong? If you have reversed all of this yourself, finding non static pointers for entity should be a breeze. Or am I wrong?I was able to find non static pointers in Cheat Engine and was able to map out all these classes but the actual pointer wasnt just pushed off of a register. It was passed around through 10's of functions.
Most of the arrays I did find with garbage collected, even If I did find a static pointer it would disappear.
But the classes I did have :
you can see me here testing viewmatrixes from the camera. All this info is generally the same throughout all unity games. Except for game specific classes.
to me seemed like a unity component array, you can look online at what this is. It has pointers at i * 0x8 I believe that point to certian components.
0x8 always being transform because as you can see in this picture it is always the first component. 0x0 might be some more data on the object like layer and shit ::
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