Как настроить luna unit frames
Hello I'm trying to set this nice ui as my default and i can't have timers text shown on my buffs as stated in the wiki, nor spinning thing.
I tried different release versions and numerous things, so far nop won't work.. I haven't looked at the code yet.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Attero commented May 13, 2016
Is there something wrong with GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft(buffIndex)? Seems to work fine, and calling it on a hook for UNIT_BUFF should get you a close approximation of the max duration, too.
On another note, is there any irc channel or email address that can be used to get in touch with Aviana?
I get e-mail notifications from posts here. And yes, GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft(buffIndex) returns the time left on a buff. It doesn't give you the timestamp when the buff was applied though. But you need that to show how much the spinning thing has progressed. I solved this in version 1.x by letting the addon create a database of every buff duration when a new one is applied. You also need to make the player buffs respond to PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED instead of UNIT_BUFF because time data might not be avialable when UNIT_BUFF is fired.
- This feature is not in 2.X because i never got to do it before Nost went down. And now i don't play vanilla anymore so i lost interrest.
- The whole buff/debuff system is essentially a quick copy of the 1.X one adapted to the new layout. I had some plans for it.
- And no, you can't easily copy the timer function over from 1.X
sipertruk commented May 13, 2016
I forked and added text timers under the buff bars in 63b841a.
It's still experimental and ugly, buff timers texts overlap the debuff bar.
Also added right click right click cancel buff, the current event handler was void.
The reason I asked for a way to contact you was that i had a few questions that are not neccessarily related to LunaUF.
I've been spending the last few weeks writing a modern castbar usable in vanilla, and i figured I'd ask you for a few points of advice, seeing you spent quite some time in vanilla developing recently. Here works just as well i guess.
- Is there any reason you are not using a library for sharing media files between addons? I know that LibSharedMedia doesnt exist until 2.0, but is there any specific reason for that? What about libs such as "Surface-1.0"?
- What about copyright on textures? Did you run around getting permissions, or are they pretty much public domain?
- Do you know anything about a crash when moving frames around the screen, or do you have any advice for debugging client crashes caused by the addon in general?
And lastly, is your internal "TODO list" for Luna2.0 available anywhere? If you've no intention of working anymore on Luna for the time being, it would help to know where to start.
Here is a general rule of thumb:
If you want to maintain your own version make a fork and publish your changes there. If you just want to make one addition but have it coded nicely and not like a "hack" then submit a pull request and i will review it and merge it into the code. If you want a quick and dirty fix for something that is rather specific just fix it locally for you.
- Surface-1.0 only supports textures and if i remember correctly was rather ancient in its design. I thought about using it but for some reason didn't.
- They are public domain since they came from LibSharedMedia
or other addons that have a corresponding license. - Yes the classic client can crash when moving frames around. This is a bug in the vanilla client and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about that.
The to-do list would be the issues list here plus what was in my head.
Also note that i have NOT abandoned this. I might come back and start working on it again. Also i promised to fix big flaws if they emerge.
sipertruk commented May 16, 2016
Unit Frames for WoW Classic
. ATTENTION. -For users coming from a version prior to 4000-
LUF is now based on oUF. This means i had to write the entire addon from scratch with the exception of the options menu. While you will be able to simply replace the addon folder as always and still keep your settings, some of them will be reset to DEFAULT values. It is recommended to DELETE THE ENTIRE LunaUnitFrames folder and the put in the new. This will still preserve your settings as they are stored elsewhere.
- The default font - If you have previously used the default font (Myriad) this will be changed and you can simply change it back. Due to this change asian clients will now start with a font that is compatible with their characterset.
- Colors - Colors have been streamlined and are now more closely related to the oUF color scheme. Class colors should remain unaffected.
- Castbars have been removed from some units
This addon comes with LibClassicDurations integrated to view aura durations,
Как настроить luna unit frames
Aviana released this Oct 9, 2021
- Ported TBC fixes & additions to 1.14
- Fix enemy aura timers
- Fix a Lua error in raid options
- Fix LibHealComm-4.0 for priests
Aviana released this Oct 9, 2021
- Add new system to position bars
- Add [enumtargeting] tag
- Enable koKR, zhCN & zhTW (They need updating though)
Aviana released this Sep 9, 2021
- Make [threat] return whole numbers
- Fix lua error with 2d status portraits
- Update LibHealComm-4.0
Aviana released this Sep 7, 2021
- Bumped TOC
- Added Ability to adjust frame strata
- Add option to highlight steal-able buffs
- Added Arena auto profile switching
- Updated LibHealComm-4.0
Aviana released this Jul 3, 2021
- Implement [effheal] and [overheal] tags
- Fix a nil error
- Implement a workaround for missing raid members (only works when out of combat)
- Fix Auto Profle Switching when disabled
- Update LibHealComm-4.0
Aviana released this Jun 24, 2021
- Fix combopoints when not on autohide
- Fix aura filter not working for out of range units
- Update LibHealComm
Aviana released this Jun 22, 2021
Proper combo point fix
Aviana released this Jun 22, 2021
- Fix first combo point sometimes not showing
- Added missing ranks for bandages, mend pet and health funnel to HealComm
- Restrict class buff filtering to friendly units
- Fixed y axis adjustment of in frame auras
Aviana released this Jun 19, 2021
- Add 25man to the auto profile switcher
- Performance fix related to weapon buffs
- Unofficially update HealComm
- Added stack counter to squares (by truchonh)
- Fixed Scourgebane weapon enchant duration
Aviana released this May 25, 2021
- Add slider for buff/debuff count
- Fix tbc 40 debuff cap
- Add color customization for ticker/alt ticker
- Fix totem timers
- Add right click focus option to arena and arenapet
- Allow to set raidpet growth direction
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LunaUnitFrames Reference Guide - Vanilla World of Warcraft Addon
There are two versions, one for the original Vanilla client and one for World of Warcraft: Classic.
For either version, drag the LunaUnitFrames folder into the Interface/AddOns folder in your World of Warcraft game folder.
How to Use
LunaUnitFrames allows an enormous amount of customization. While seemingly overwhelming, each individual part is very straightforward.
The sidebar of the main window contains a section for every unit frame that can be customized. Thankfully, all the frames have the same customization options, so it looks more complicated than it really is.
Now we will look at the options available in the different sections.
These settings effect all unit frames and some settings that effect the addon as a whole.
Unit Frames
The options are the same for all the different unit frames types. LunaUnitFrames distinguishes between the unit frame as a whole, and the individual bars within the frame. The first set of options deals with the frame as a whole.
Option | Description |
Enable | Show or Hide the frame. |
Height | The height of the frame. |
Width | The width of the frame. |
Scale | The scale factor of the frame. |
Position | The position on screen. Turn on Config Mode to drag the frame as well. |
Indicators | These will show icons around the frame for all the different status effects. You can change the size, position and offset for all indicators. |
Combat Fader | You can choose a transparency setting for when you are in or out of combat. |
Speedy Fade | The frame will fade in or out very quickly when you enter or exit combat. |
Combat Text | Displays damage numbers on the frame. You can change the size and position. |
Portrait | Show or Hide the portrait image in the frame, change its position and size. Choose between a 2D, 3D or generic image. |
Highlight | The frame can have a highlight when it is your target, you are mousing over it or if it has a dispellable debuff. |
The next set of options let you customize the individual bars within the frame.
All Bars have the following options:
Option | Description |
Enable | Hide or Show the bar. |
Invert | The bar will appear empty when at 100% and full when at 0%. |
Vertical | The bar will fill from the bottom to the top. |
Size | The number of pixels the bar takes up in the frame. |
Health Bar
Power Bar
This is the mana / energy / rage bar.
Empty Bar
The empty bar can be used as a spacer to break apart other bars or for putting extra Tag information in the frame.
Cast Bar
Option | Description | |
Hide | The cast bar will only show when you cast a spell. | |
Icon | The cast bar will include the icon of the spell. |
Healing Prediction
Option | Description | |
Buffs | You can choose to show or hide Buffs as well as the location and the sizes of both regular and emphasized buffs. | |
Enable debuffs | The same as Buffs, but instead for Debuffs. | |
Enable Border Color | This will color the border around the buff or debuff based on its type, i.e., a weaponbuff, curse, disease or poison. | |
Emphasized Buffs | You can make any buff or debuff stand out by adding them to the list. Instead of the normal size, they will appear using the Big Size, making them much more visible at a glance. | |
Enable Timer Text | Shows a numeric countdown time over the buff. | |
Enable Timer Spin | Shows the standard spinner graphic over the buff that fills up as the cooldown progresses. | |
Weaponbuffs | Show or hide weaponbuffs along with other buffs. |
The tags are the text that appears within the bars. They, too, are very configurable. For each bar, you can change the size of the text displayed, and the content of the text. You can find all the tag information by clicking on the [?] button at the top of the window.
Bar Order
You can change the order of the bars, both vertically and horizontally, by selecting a bar and clicking one of the arrow icons. Arranging the bars horizontally works best if you have the bars fill vertically.
Totem Bar
This will add a bar that shows the health of your totem.
Option | Description |
Hide | Hides the totem bar until you place a totem down. |
Druid Bar
This will add a new bar when you shapeshift that will show your mana while the main power bar is showing your rage or energy.
XP Bar
This displays your current XP along with any rested XP available.
Reckoning Stacks
This will show a bar showing stored Reckoning strikes for Paladins.
Option | Description |
Growth | Choose the direction for the bar to increase as more strikes build up. |
Hide | Hides the bar until a Reckoning strike is available. |
Clickcasting allows you to cast a spell by clicking on a unit frame. You can set a different spell to cast for each mouse button you have.
Option | Description |
Cast on mouse down | Will cast immediately when clicked on, instead of waiting for you to release the mouse button. |
You can customize every single color used for every bar in this section. Useful for making a very custom look in every element if you are very dedicated.
Config Mode
It is very useful to have an addon like BetterAlign at this stage to help get everything lined up nicely.
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You can save and load different profiles so you can have different configurations for different characters, or even for different situations. You may want a profile dedicated to raiding, for instance.
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