Как изменить горячие клавиши в warcraft 3 reforged
Welcome Warcraft 3 Fans! <3 This is the Download Page for updated QWER Warcraft 3 Customkeys (2018).
Just download the Customkeys.txt file and copy it into your Warcraft 3 folder.
Below you will find the Hotkey QWER Download and a guide how to activate the Customkeys.txt.
Info: We published a newer Warcraft 3 Customkeys guide here, that we recommend. (WC3 Customkeys + Inventory Keys)
Chapter 4: How can I make changes to the
Warcraft 3 Hotkeys and Item Keys?
Now you have learned how to make an easy setup for the Warcraft 3 unit & spell keys as well as item hotkeys.
If you want to make changes to single keys you can use the following tips & tricks!
1. How to Change Single Hotkeys in the Customkeys.txt File?
I do not recommend doing this, it would be against the pattern: If everything is simply based on QWER-ASDF-YXCV why would you change something?
It’s better to let it how it is, to profit from the files we provide, so that they will always be the same if we update them and you download them again. 😉
If you still want to make single changes, for example to change they key for moving/surround, I recommend to use one of the tools from above like Warkeys.
While Warkeys and the other tools nowadays sometimes produce error codes, a simple setup of a QWER pattern is quite simple and can be done in 2 minutes.
2. How to change Single
Inventory Hotkeys in the AHK File?
Having the item slots on specific keys on the mouse or keyboard is an often requested question! It’s super easy to do, just follow these 3 steps:
Guide: How to install the Warcraft 3 Customkeys.txt?
Good news: Installing the Warcraft 3 QWER Hotkeys is really simple. Here is a guide how to activate the Warcraft QWER Customkeys.txt:Step 1: Download the Warcraft 3 Customkeys.txt (click on of the Download buttons on top).
Step 2: Copy the Customkeys.txt into your Warcraft 3 folder:
The new way:
Just copy the Customkeys.txt file into: C:/Documents/Warcraft-III/CustomkeyBindings
The old way:
Copy the Customkeys.txt file into: C:/Programs/Warcraft-III
Step 3: Check the box inside the Warcraft 3 > Settings > Gameplay Options .
After that, restart Warcraft 3 and test if your QWER Hotkeys work! bizeps bling
If they do not work, we can help you in the comment section.
We will always try to answer fast & also other commenters can help you. <3
Inventory Customkeys for Warcraft 3
A great combination for the Warcraft 3 QWER Customkeys is the tool AutoHotkey for the inventory items.
You can download AutoHotkey for Warcraft 3 here.
With AutoHotkey you can setup every item keys like you want, place new keys, swap keys and much more. bizeps
A cool thing is that you can bind ALL of your gaming mouse buttons to Warcraft 3 commands, with AutoHotkey.
Another option for this is Warcraft 3 Warkeys.
Warcraft 3 QWER Hotkey usage and tips
Decide yourself which keys are the best for you! crown
But…the most people use the QWER combination, it has many benefits: It is possible to reach a lot of different keys on the keyboard without moving the hand at all! This is important, because the actions have to be fast & blind! Moreover the keys 1,2,3,4 and so on are in a perfect place.
In Warcraft 3 I always save my army into groups (just an example) 😉
1 | Main Hero |
2 | Main / melee army + second Hero |
3 | Ranged army or casters |
4 | Siege units or air units |
5 | Tanks & Stuff |
That’s it. 😀
Now you should test it directly in a game, and start learning to do everything with Hotkeys! crown bling
WCKey - программа для изменения горячих клавиш в WarCraft III (Dota AllStars)
Вы играете в карту Dota AllStars и вам выпал герой Leshrac the Maliciou (Tourmented Soul) по умолчанию его горячие клавиши [T, C, G, V], не совсем удобно быстро нажимать данные кнопки, и если учесть, то, что в инвентаре у вас еще один или несколько предметов, которые необходимо так же использовать.
Если делать все эти действия при помощи мыши вы, скорее всего, проиграете т.к. будете отвлекаться на панель с умениями и инвентарь. Гораздо проще и удобнее изменить эти клавиши скажем на кнопки [Q, W, E, R], а вещи в инвентаре на кнопки [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
Кроме того, вам постоянно необходимо следить за уровнем жизни вашего героя и противника, опять же если постоянно отвлекаться на панель персонажа, то вы можете просмотреть важный момент в игре.
Chapter 5: Are there more Options or Quick Commands?
The Autohotkey tool with the AHK scripts is incredibly powerful and can be even extended to set everything you want inside Warcraft 3 on binds!
Simplify your daily WC3 experience and get faster in everything!
Extra Warcraft 3 Commands
for the Autohotkey Tool:
And you know what? Once Warcraft 3 Reforged is out, hopefully setting up hotkeys will be much easier (it will be inside the Warcraft 3 client). This will change our life! 😉
QWER Customkeys.txt for Warcraft 3
On this image you can see the keys of all spells:
It is the same thing for all Warcraft 3 heroes, buildings, workers and units! All Warcraft 3 keys are bound to QWER! This combination proved to be the best and most likely everyone loves it! 8) x33
Get your Warcraft 3 QWER Customkeys now and step up your game. bizeps
This configuration is allowed by Blizzard and is not considered as cheating or hacking.
What are Customkeys?
So, what are Customkeys?
The Warcraft 3 default key settings are randomly spread over the keyboard and different for each race.
This Warcraft 3 Customkey settings are the perfect solution:
It binds everything onto the keys QWER. That allows you to select, build and spell superfast without moving your hand at all! bizeps This will increase your APM (actions per minute) dramatically and you will play better in no time! 😀 bling
Warcraft 3 Custom Hotkeys QWER Download:
Here is the Warcraft 3 Customkeys.txt QWER Download for your language:
Info: These Customkeys are for Warcraft 3 only!
If you search QWER Customkeys for Dota go here, or see our Hotkeys Overview.
Customkeys QWER for Warcraft 3 (English) | 385,979 Downloads | Download |
Customkeys QWER for Warcraft 3 (German) | 172,454 Downloads | Download |
Customkeys QWER for Warcraft 3 (French) | 110,935 Downloads | Download |
Настройка программы WCKey
Для изменения горячей клавиши, наведите курсор над необходимой ячейкой, щелкните, появится диалоговое окно, в котором необходимо выбрать клавишу, выберите клавишу и нажмите закрыть.
После изменения клавиши они автоматически запоминаются, сохранять ничего не надо. Для того чтобы установить все клавиши в значение "по умолчанию", нажмите соответствующую кнопку.
В случае если непонятно для чего предназначена ячейка, наведите курсор на ячейку и подождите несколько секунд, после чего выведется всплывающая подсказка поясняющая назначение ячейки.
Изменять горячие клавиши героев DotA AllStars следует до запуска WarCraft, если изменить во время игры, то изменения вступят в силу только после перезапуска WarCraft.
Все остальные клавиши можно менять во время игры при условии, что программа деактивирована.
Проверка обновлений при запуске:
При каждом запуске программы она обращается к сайту и проверяет доступность новой версии программы.
Включить лампочку Scroll Lock когда программа работает:
Данная опция включает лампочку Scroll Lock когда программа работает, т.е. подменяет клавиши и выключает эту лампочку если программа не подменяет клавиши инвентаря.
Отображать полоски жизней:
Данная опция включает отображение полосок жизней дружественных юнитов и вражеских.
Изменять горячие клавиши героев:
Данная опция включает или выключает подмену стандартных кнопок умений героев.
Активация инвентаря:
Настройка отвечает за горячую клавишу которая будет включать и выключать инвентарь, по умолчанию F8. Доступно 3 клавиши на выбор F7, F8 или F9.
Chapter 2: Which Customkeys
options do I have?
Warcraft 3 is really old and the most Customkeys options are an addon, software or tool.
The problem here is that they always act in the grey zone and it’s important that Blizzard is not treating the tool as a hack. But by updating their policy and compatibility with each patch, these tools often stop working. Check the table to make the right choice! 😉
List of all Warcraft 3 Customkeys Options:
So what you will get here, is a list of all hotkey tools that are available. Some are outdated and will not work fluently anymore with the new Warcraft 3 Patches.
I recommend to use the solution in Chapter 3, that means a Customkeys.txt ready to download file in combination with an AHK (Autohotkey Tool) script for the item hotkeys. That’s easy! 😉
For everyone else who want to discover the old library, here are all the Warcraft 3 hotkey tools I have ever added in the past years:
WC3 Hotkey Tools I recommend nowadays:
AutoHotkey + Customkeys | Recommended Go to Chapter 3 |
Warkeys | Only recommended for some cases |
QWER Hotkeys (old) | Not recommended anymore |
YXCV Hotkeys (old) | Not recommended anymore |
QWER for Dota (old) | Not recommended anymore |
RGC Warkeys | Not recommended anymore |
Keycraft | Not recommended anymore |
Config.Dota file (QWER) | Not recommended anymore |
Dota Hotkeys (Inventory Hotkeys) | Not recommended anymore |
Wc3isk2 (Inventory Hotkeys) | Not recommended anymore |
Dota Allstars Editor (for config.Dota) | Not recommended anymore |
AucT Hotkeys Tool (Multi Key Bind) | Not recommended anymore |
Dota Customkey Web App (external link) | Not recommended anymore |
Warcraft 3 Reforged Customkeys Download: Easy Guide (2020)
It basically works the same for classic WC3 and for Reforged.
Let’s start: You should be able to setup everything in under 5 minutes!
Chapter 3: Step by Step Customkey + Itemkey Installation
Now let’s start with the solution that really works!You have two options one super simple customkeys copy for perfect keys (solution 1) or customkeys+item hotkeys (solution 2).
I recommend the second solution, so that you get the perfect setup for your game. 😉
Solution 1:
Simple Customkeys.txt Download
Steps you need to do:
Download a Customkeys.txt file:
Warcraft 3 Customkeys.txt Download:
Warcraft 3 Reforged Customkeys (QWEASZ) | English best | Download |
Warcraft 3 Reforged Customkeys (QWER) | German | Download |
Warcraft 3 Reforged Customkeys (AZEQSW) | French | Download |
Dota 1 Customkeys.txt Download:
For WC3 Reforged:
C:\Users\username\Documents\Warcraft III Beta\CustomKeyBindings
For WC3 Reforged (OneDrive users):
C:\Users\username\OneDrive\Documents\Warcraft III Beta\CustomKeyBindings
Tip: Whenever a new Warcraft 3 Reforged patch gets released, check if your Customkeys are still working. You can find a list of all WC3 Reforged patches here.
Solution 2:
Customkeys + Item Hotkeys
for Warcraft 3 / Dota 1:
To get the full control over all hotkeys in Warcraft 3 a supporting tool is necessary to bring all modern features into the game. With Autohotkey any combination can be switched and configurated. Follow the steps below to simply set up Warcraft 3 item hotkeys.
Warcraft 3 Customkeys AHK File Download:
Warcraft 3 Inventory Hotkeys (Items on F1-F6) my favorite | Download |
Warcraft 3 Inventory Hotkeys (Items on TYGHBN) | Download |
Warcraft 3 Inventory Hotkeys (Items on ALT+QWEASD) | Download |
That’s everything you need! For questions comment below and if you need more commands for the AHK scripts, read on! 😉
Chapter 1: Why do I need Customkeys
for Warcraft 3?
Everyone is talking about these Warcraft 3 custom hotkeys! But what are you able to do with WC3 Customkeys and why are they important at all?
Let’s put some light on this question and highlight the real game-changing benefits you can gain to improve your skill, APM and overall flexibility in Dota 1 and Warcraft 3!
What are Warcraft 3 Customkeys?
Yes Customkeys are key to victory! But hey first of all, for all new players and to shut down any confusion: What are Customkeys for WC3?
Custom hotkeys change the key that you need to press for a specific spell, build or command in Warcraft 3 to the desired location, whether it’s on your keyboard, numpad or even a numerous key on your gaming mouse (new gaming mouses often got 5-10 extra keys!) 😉
These Customkeys can be a small tool, script or text file called Customkeys.txt that has to be placed in the Warcraft 3 files to make it running! Unfortunately, the Warcraft textfile is not capable of switching item hotkeys, but the cool thing is: This guide helps you to make this happen! 😉
Why Customkeys are important in Warcraft 3?
You need it because the standard warcraft 3 hotkeys are spread all over the keyboard, for example: with a human worker “build” is on b and “lumber mill” is on l – this makes it really hard to play games on a high level!
Unfortunately, our good old lovely Warcraft 3 does not have any smart solution to edit these internally inside the game. But because of the high request of Warcraft 3 ladder players and Dota 1 gamers, tons of solutions grew up to exactly match this issue! Help is here guys, enjoy! 😉
Update: For Reforged it’s the same, you can use the grid layout ingame, but you still can use your own Customkeys.txt which gives you much more options for customization.
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