Как использовать духи bayonetta
Есть вопрос об одной из механик, и на удивление нигде не нашёл ответа.
Геймдиректор триквела Bayonetta был ведущим дизайнером Scalebound — и в них могут быть схожие механики Статьи редакцииПолный фотосет в посте ( ° ʖ °)
Хидеки Камия напоминает фанатам, что Bayonetta 3 – эксклюзив Nintendo Switch«На вашем месте я бы просто купил Switch».
Разработчики Bayonetta 3 советуют присмотреться к деталям в трейлере игры — и у фанатов уже есть теории Статьи редакции Почти буквальное подтверждение того, что в трейлере ЦерезаА также что с жопками и обнаженкой все в порядке, расслабьтесь
Do not underestimate me. RT @Vixit_Vixen: Is Cereza gonna get naked in the third game? Первый геймплей, скриншоты и детали Bayonetta 3 — игра выйдет в 2022 году Статьи редакцииСудя по странице в eShop, триквел переведут на русский язык.
Много дополнений, а также порты Dying Light и KotOR для Switch.
Год релиза появился на японском сайте Nintendo.
Японский график релизов Nintendo в 2022 году содержит Kirby: Discovery и Bayonetta 3 Bayonetta 2 как гипертрофированный сиквел и её сходство с God of War 3 Статьи редакцииЧем игры PlatinumGames и Sony Santa Monica похожи друг на друга и в чём их различия.
Актриса Хеллена Тэйлор заявила, что поклонникам, возможно, предстоит свыкнуться с Байонеттой без её голоса Статьи редакцииЧто это значит, она не объяснила.
PlatinumGames хотят показать Bayonetta 3, но не могут"Это не наше решение, что и когда говорить"
Bayonetta в движении: демонстрация раннего геймплейного прототипа с комментариями аниматора PlatinumGames Разработка Bayonetta 3 идет «хорошо», а Animal Crossing: New Horizons ждут обновленияNintendo успокоила фанатов этих игр, не получивших никакой информации о них в ходе E3 2010.
Продюсер PlatinumGames, известный своими резкими высказываниями в твиттере, пояснил фанатами, что не может поделиться подробностями разработки из-за ограничений издателя.
Other Consumables
Magic Flute
A Magical Flute said to have been played by the mythical Sirens. Releases a wave of high-frequency spiritual energy that causes heavy damage to any nearby angels.
Red Hot Shot
A wondrous demonic medicine that can save a witch from the depths of mortality, it is automatically used when Bayonetta's vitality is depleted and acts as a second chance.
Gates of Hell Purchase limit: 1.
Broken Witch Heart
A magical stone made of rose heart-shaped crystals. Collecting four Broken Witch Hearts forms a completed Witch Heart, which will permanently increase Bayonetta's vitality. There are forty Broken Witch Hearts to find throughout the first game for ten extensions of the life bar, and five completed Witch Hearts can be bought at the Gates of Hell.
Blue Witch Heart
A mysterious blue stone in the shape of a heart, it extends the life bar by three Witch Hearts' worth, even when all normal Witch Hearts have been obtained. It can only be bought from the Angel Attack! mini-game for 40 points and lasts a single chapter.
Broken Moon Pearl
A magical pearl fragment, when two are obtained they are combined into a completed Moon Pearl and will permanently increase Bayonetta's magic gauge by one orb. There are sixteen Broken Moon Pearls to find throughout the first game for eight extensions to the magic gauge, as well as eight complete Pearls that can be bought at the Gates of Hell.
Gold Moon Pearl
A strange golden pearl that automatically recharges two orbs of the magic gauge when it is empty. When combined with Eternal Testimony accessory, their effect will stack and recharge up to four orbs whenever it empties. It can only be bought from the Angel Attack! mini-game for 40 points and lasts a single chapter.
Midas's Testament
It is said that whoever rings this bell will be blessed with unexpected wealth. Using this item will temporarily cause all angels and demons to glow while the bell is active, attacking enemies under the effect of this item will cause them to bleed out more halos/orbs than normal.
Accessories are equipable items purchased from Rodin that provide an added effect or modify a technique Bayonetta already has. Bayonetta can equip an accessory to each arm, allowing her to have up to two different accessories equipped at the same time. There is also a third slot at her waist, though this slot is only used to equip the Immortal Marionette. Each accessory has its own unique effect, and they can be mixed and matched to help in a situation or to compliment a specific playstyle. Particular accessories can only be unlocked after fulfilling certain conditions in both games, as well as having to purchase them with Halos.
Concocting Compounds
By using the three different crystallized compounds Bayonetta can create some of the other items listed on this page for free. Below is a table listing the recipes for each item. Note that each figure in the right-hand column represents five individual items.
Как использовать духи bayonetta
Жанр: Слэшер
Разработчик: PlatinumGames
Издатель: Sega
Платформы: PS3, X-Box 360
Дата выхода: 8 Января 2010
Оффициальный сайт
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- Когда Bayonetta стреляет, патроны рикошетят, тем самым, нанося доп. урон ближайшим врагам.
- Во время атаки вражеских "ангелов", слои их брони будуть ломаться.
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- Начальное управление будет состоять из стрельбы, удара butto, и простого удара. Далее вы можете покупать различне комбинаци.
- Bayonetta имеет Witch Time - своеобразный Bullet Time.
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- Bayonneta так же имеет катану, но пока что ее название не разглашается. Катану можно будет зарядить как в DMC4, для более мощной атаки.
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- Bayonetta имеет большую цепь и серп, которые использует для наземных и воздушных атак.
- Правый тригер на X360 отвечает за стрельбу. Вы можете экипировать все 4 пушки, либо заменить 2 пистолеты, имея связку 2 пистолета + меч.
- Bayonetta разрабатывается полтора года, работа началась почти сразу после выхода Okami
Lollipops are consumable items that provide an immediate effect when used, they can be bound to the up, left, and right directions of the D-Pad to be used immediately without having to pause and go to the menu. They each come in two forms, normal and mega, with mega lollipops having double the effect or duration of their normal versions.
Green Herb Lollipop & Mega Green Herb Lollipop
An herb-shaped candy lollipop containing an extract with healing properties. It recovers Bayonetta's health when used, the Mega version recovers twice as much health.
Gates of Hell Purchase limit: 3 Green Herb Lollipops and 1 Mega Green Herb Lollipop.
Purple Magic Lollipop & Mega Purple Magic Lollipop
A butterfly-shaped candy lollipop that increases one's alertness, it restores magical power when used. The normal lollipop restores four orbs, while the Mega version restores eight.
Gates of Hell Purchase limit: 3 Purple Magic Lollipops and 1 Mega Purple Magic Lollipop.
Bloody Rose Lollipop & Mega Bloody Rose Lollipop
A rose-shaped candy lollipop with energy-increasing ability, it dramatically increases attack power temporarily. The Mega version lasts twice as long.
Gates of Hell Purchase limit: 3 Bloody Rose Lollipops and 1 Mega Bloody Rose Lollipop.
Yellow Moon Lollipop & Mega Yellow Moon Lollipop
A moon-shaped candy lollipop capable of producing a magical barrier, it temporarily makes Bayonetta invincible. The Mega version lasts twice as long.
Gates of Hell Purchase limit: 3 Yellow Moon Lollipops and 1 Mega Yellow Moon Lollipop.
Free Lollipop Effect
During a cutscene where Bayonetta will have a lollipop, pressing down the button corresponding with the lollipop's color the moment she removes it from her mouth will grant the effect of one of the lollipops immediately after the cutscene ends. This only gives the effect of the lollipop, it is not obtained in the player's inventory, and it only works on scenes that cut directly to a fight afterward. This bonus lollipop effect doesn't count as a used item and will not affect your final score on a mission.
Dropped Items
These are items that are dropped from angels or objects and are immediately picked up when near them. Some of them are collectible, while others have an immediate effect and unfortunately cannot be saved.
Laurel Leaf & Green Laurel
Green gems in the shape of laurel leaves that contain vital essence in crystallized form. The laurel leaf instantly restores half a bar's worth of vitality when picked up while a Green Laurel restores a full bar. If the health bar is full the Laurel Leaf is turned into 50 halos, while the Green Laurel is turned into 100 halos.
Purple Butterfly & Swallowtail Butterfly
Butterfly-shaped gems that contain magical power in crystallized form, the Purple Butterfly instantly restores four magic gauge orbs, while the Swallow Tail Butterfly restores eight. If the magic bar is full the Purple Butterfly is turned into 50 halos, while the Swallowtail Butterfly is turned into 100 halos.
Crystallized Compounds
A trio of crystallized compounds that Bayonetta can use in concocting to create various items with different effects, they are; Baked Gecko ( ) which controls defense, Mandragora Root ( )which controls vitality, and Unicorn Horn ( ) which controls offense.
Arcade Bullet
A very rare, spiritual metal containing the essence of an angel's life force. Used in business transactions within Inferno. ― In-Game ManualIn the Wii U Version, when the player chooses the Link, Peach or Daisy costumes, the appearance of Halos changes to that of Rupees or Coins (together with their sound effects when collected) to reflect the currency used in those games (Zelda or Super Mario, respectively).
A very rare metal containing the essence of a demon's life force. Used in business transactions within Inferno.Accessory Information
Below is a list of all the accessories that can be obtained in in both games, Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 along with their description, method of unlocking, and effects.
Pulley's Butterfly
Unlock Bayonetta - Purchase at The Gates of Hell for 100,000 Bayonetta 2 - Purchase at The Gates of Hell for 100,000Activation Hold +"It is said that long ago, the witch Turandot crafted this treasure while in the service of the Queen of Lhasa, hoping that the butterfly would give users divine protection. Butterflies of Protection flutter around the bracelet's user, absorbing attacks on their behalf before breaking up."
Requires at least four Magic Gauge Orbs to activate. Effect Once activated, Pulley's Butterfly will summon a small rabble of glowing butterflies, four in total. As long as the butterflies are active, they will each absorb one attack each for Bayonetta until they are all destroyed, preventing (in theory) the next four attacks that would deal damage to her. While the butterflies are active they drain the magic gauge slowly and can be dismissed by holding down the activation buttons again. While using it, Bayonetta is unable to use Bat Within as it demands the player to be hit. It is important to note that certain attacks can carry multiple hitboxes, and can take away multiple butterflies at once. This is extremely important for some characters like Zero or Rosa, who were relying on the butterflies to tank certain attacks that might leave you completely in the open for the next one. It is also important to note that Zero carries the Infernal Communicator passively, so his maximum butterflies are reduced to two. This is also true if you want to combine both this and the Infernal Communicator in one build.
Infernal Communicator
Unlock Bayonetta - Purchase at the Gates of Hell for 100,000 Bayonetta 2 - Purchase at the Gates of Hell for 100,000Activation Hold +"Used to summon the infamous band of demon youth known as the "Little Devils," this item allows communication with these residents of Purgatorio. By using this magical device, one is able to temporarily contract the "Little Devils," calling upon their power to attack one's foes."
Requires at least four Magic Gauge Orbs to activate. Effect Once activated, the Infernal Communicator will summon a small group of floating skeletal demons that will attack Bayonetta's enemies and add to her combo score. There are five devils in total, arranged in a pentagon around Bayonetta. Though their damage is low, they have a decent stagger rate and can keep smaller angels off-balance, allowing more extended combos. While active, the Little Devils slowly drain the magic gauge. They can also be dismissed in the same manner as summoning them. King Zero naturally has the Little Devils as a passive ability, activated in the exact same way. This means the Communicator is completely useless on him. Combining the Communicator with other summoning accessories like Pulley's Butterfly will reduce the overall number of devils available from five to two.
Sergey's Lover
Unlock Bayonetta - Purchase at The Gates of Hell for 100,000Activation Hold +"Made by Matryona, a witch from the principality of Moscow, this brace allows the user to call upon the strength of the demon to which they are contracted, and divide themselves into multiple beings. By using this treasured item, Matryona was able to face several foes at once during battle. Her exploits have recently come back into vogue, leading her to become the model for the Russian Matryoshka folk dolls."
Requires at least four Magic Gauge Orbs to activate. Effect Once activated, Sergey's Lover will summon two images of Madama Butterfly (or Madama Styx if playing as Jeanne) that will mimic Bayonetta's attacks and movements, but with a slight delay. The images do a fraction of the damage Bayonetta herself does, but quickly rack up combo points while active. As long as the images are present, they will drain the magic gauge. They can be dismissed in the same way as you summoned them at any time.
Star of Dinèta
Activation Press or Hold Taunt ( / ). Effect When taunting an enemy, a small amount of health will be restored. Holding down the taunt button restores a small amount of health up to four times in a row. Bayonetta must be taunting an enemy for the accessory to work as pressing the Taunt button outside of combat will have no effect."American Navajo legends stats that these braces were crafted by the witch known as Yenaldooshi. They allow their user to replenish their vitality by taunting an enemy. Turquoise, shunned as a source of magical power, is still in use today in Navajo talismans."
Gaze of Despair
Gaze of despair
Activation None. The effect is passively activated while equipped. Effect Causes all enemies encountered to immediately go into the berserk state that is caused by Bayonetta taunting an enemy. Enraged enemies attack much faster and are much more resistant to Bayonetta's attacks, making it much more difficult to stagger or stun them, even with Wicked Weaves. Despite these drawbacks, enraged enemies give increased combo points when struck and, by extension, drastically increase the amount of magic generated when attacked. This makes the Gaze of Despair invaluable when trying to get Platinum combo scores or a large number of halos."Cursed braces containing the soul of Musso Koroni, an ancient African goddess said to be the goddess of discord. Placing these braces upon one's arms is said to be an affront to Paradiso, summoning upon it's wearer the wrath of the heavens. During the witch hunts, the Malinese witch Karaba, was forced into these gauntlets, in which she was brutally murdered by angels."
Selene's Light
Unlock Bayonetta - Purchase at The Gates of Hell for 100,000 Bayonetta 2 - Purchase at The Gates of Hell for 100,000Activation Activated when struck by an enemy. Effect Instantly causes Witch Time to activate when taking damage from an enemy, consuming a portion of the magic gauge in the process, up to a maximum of four orbs. This allows Bayonetta to get out of chained combos from quick enemies like Gracious & Glorious. This only triggers when you have magic orbs available, and the length of this Witch Time is determined by the number of orbs consumed this way, with one second per orb to a maximum of four seconds."An ancient brace crafted by the Egyptian witch Cleopatra. When its wearer is attacked, Witch Time will be instantly triggered, expending Magical Power. As leader of the Egyptian practitioners of magic, Cleopatra developed this guard to assist those who had trouble grasping the finer points of Witch Time."
Evil Harvest Rosary
Unlock Bayonetta - Purchase at The Gates of Hell for 100,000 Bayonetta 2 - Purchase at The Gates of Hell for 100,000Activation Activated when dodging ( / ) at the last possible moment. Effect When doing a dodge that would normally activate Witch Time, Bayonetta will instead create a small orb of power in her original location when she began her dodge. This orb will explode after a moment or if an enemy comes too close, causing damage and usually staggering them. This effect strips Bayonetta's dodge of its ability to trigger Witch Time and doesn't provide many combo points."Magical beads crafted by the witch Akko while in the service of the ancient Japanese queen Himiko. When its user dodges incoming danger, the beads will launch a magical counter-strike against the attacker. While the attack is incredibly powerful, it sucks the emotional strength from its user, stripping them of the ability to activate Witch Time."
Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa
Unlock Bayonetta - Purchase at The Gates of Hell for 200,000 Bayonetta 2 - Purchase at The Gates of Hell for 200,000Activation Push the left joystick in the direction of the incoming attack. Effect Bayonetta conjures a shield with the Umbra Witch sigil to repel incoming attacks. This usually staggers the target and yields one magic orb, as in a perfect dodge. If the analog stick is pressed at the same time the attack connects, Bayonetta will gain two magic orbs, counter with a headbutt and activate an extended Witch Time. Certain weapons, like the Shuraba, will counter with a Wicked Weave as long as Bayonetta has magic orbs. This accessory is deemed by players to be by far the most useful and mastery of its effect can protect the player from even the most brutal onslaughts. The effect of the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa is also able to be used regardless of accessory equipped in the Wii U and Switch versions of Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 when the Hero of Hyrule costume is equipped. This accessory can block all forms of damage, including environmental staggers and the lightning from the statues like those you find during Chapter One. However, it cannot incur Witch Time from this. Like all things on NSIC in Bayonetta, achieving a perfect parry with the Moon does not allow Bayonetta to enter Witch Time. This does include Alfheims with the Witch Time only condition, even though the Witch Time disabled rider does not apply."Braces blessed by Shiva, the Indian goddess of destruction. Said to have been crafted by the witch Yaksi while serving the Vijayanagara Empire, legend states the braces have the power to repel an enemy's attack. Yaksi was purported to have been invincible, as her mastery of this technique allowed her to nullify any attack, no matter what the strength."
Eternal Testimony
Activation None. The effect is passively activated while equipped. Effect Automatically replenishes two magic gauge orbs whenever the gauge is depleted. This accessory's effect stacks with Golden Moon pearls in the first game, allowing Bayonetta to replenish four magic gauge orbs whenever her magic power runs dry."A treasured article worn only by the elders of the Umbra Witches, these bracelets are both incredibly powerful and symbols of status. Said to have been crafted by the ancient and universally feared witch queen Aizen, slipping this onto one's arms would allow one to regenerate their magical powers. Legend states that the strange crow's head on the braces is actually Aizen transformed, and she will severely punish anyone who attempts to use the braces that she deems unworthy."
Bracelet of Time
Bracelet of Time
Activation Bayonetta - Press and hold ( / ). Bayonetta 2 - Press the L button. Effect Causes Witch Time to activate instantly, allowing the player to control exactly when and where they wish to exploit its effects."Eva, a truly extraordinary witch, entered into a contract with the legendary dark knight, and then faced the amassed armies of Inferno. These bracelets were made by her hand, and those wearing them are said to become true masters of Witch Time at their very will."
In the original Bayonetta, the Bracelet remains activated based on how long the button is held down, though this drains the magic gauge very quickly. In Bayonetta 2, the Bracelet of Time activates Witch Time for a fixed duration and consumes only a limited amount of magic orbs with each activation. In both games, it disables all other ways that Witch Time would normally be activated and also disables Umbran Climax. The Bracelet is unavailable in Tag Climax mode.
Climax Brace
Description (Bayonetta)
Description (Bayonetta 2) A mysterious treasure that pushes all who use it to a climax in power. It is said to give its wearer unlimited magical power. Activation None. The effect is passively activated while equipped. Effect (Bayonetta) Causes Bayonetta to enter "Serious Mode", making every one of her attacks into Wicked Weaves as if she were fighting one of the Auditio bosses. However, using this item prevents any records set during its use from being recorded. Effect (Bayonetta 2) Gives Bayonetta unlimited magic power, allowing her to use Torture Attacks and Umbran Climax whenever the players like. However, using this item prevents any records set during its use from being recorded. This accessory cannot be used in Tag Climax mode."A mysterious treasure that pushes all who use it to a climax in power. Where, when, and how is was made all remain a mystery; however, it is said to have come from a different dimension. Its incredible power is feared both by angels and demons, who have reached a mutual understanding that its power is not to be unleashed on the battlefield, no matter what conflict arises."
Immortal Marionette
Unlock Bayonetta - Clear the game on Easy or Very Easy mode, then purchase at The Gates of Hell for 100,000 Bayonetta 2 - Complete the game on 1st Climax difficulty, then purchase at The Gates of Hell for 100,000Activation Press or repeatedly. Effect Causes Bayonetta to execute intricate combos and techniques by simply pressing buttons without the need for timing or certain button combinations. She will also dash towards any enemies that are out of reach and can perform Wicked Weaves instantly without the need for executing specific combos or techniques. If used on Hard or Non-Stop ∞ Climax in either game, all combo points will be halved."Nicknamed Bloody for her ruthless tactics in battle, these decorative braces were crafted by the feared witch, Mary. Especially proficient at fighting, Mary was said to unleash her techniques like an unstoppable flowing river. Those who wear these braces are said to become masterful fighters, as if they were marionettes being controlled by Mary herself."
Mallet of Rewards
Activation None. The effect is passively activated when equipped. Effect An accessory for Bayonetta 2 only, the Mallet of Rewards allows Bayonetta to gain an increased amount of halos and items whenever she defeats an enemy using a Torture Attack. The Mallet cannot be used in Tag Climax as Torture Attacks are disabled."A rare artifact created in the eastern lands by a chivalrous thief and lone witch by the name of Okuni. Those making their livings through wrongdoings need only wear this and all hidden wealth will be revealed when going about their treasure hunting."
Earrings of Ruin
Unlock Complete Chapter XIV in any difficulty, then purchase at The Gates of Hell for 500,000Activation Press the L button when at least one magic gauge is full. Effect When playing as Bayonetta or Jeanne, the Earrings replaces the standard use of Umbran Climax with summoning the Umbran Armor instead of demons. Rosa cannot equip the Earrings as the Armor acts as her Umbran Climax by default."Crescent earrings given to front-line Umbran fighters by the clan's elder. Witches who wore these earrings were permitted their own magic-powered war machine, Umbran Armor."
Climax Brace 2
Activation None. The effect is passively activated when equipped. Effect Allows Umbran Climax to drastically increase in strength whenever it is activated. However, Bayonetta will take more damage from enemies when it is in use and will not be able to set any new records. This accessory was changed in the Nintendo Switch version of Bayonetta 2, allowing the player to now set records with the brace equipped."A mysterious treasure that pushes its user to newfound heights. A special orb equivalent to the magic power consumed will increase the strength of your Infernal Weaves."
Alternative Methods
In Bayonetta, there is a telephone in the Chapter 2 Verse 2 area (next to the stairs, there are two; the correct phone is the right-side one) that you can input a code while looking at it to spend a huge amount of Halos to directly buy a specific accessory.
- Bracelet of Time (3 Million Halos) Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, ZL
- Climax Brace (5 Million Halos) Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, ZR
- Eternal Testimony (2 Million Halos) Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, R
In Bayonetta 2, there are specific doors in Chapter 1's plaza area that if you tap on the door three times via the touchscreen the screen will zoom out to a fixed angle for a short time, during which if you enter the code Up, Down, Up, Right, Left, X, B, Y, A you will get a message asking if you wish to purchase the accessory for a huge amount of Halos.
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