Как играть в call of duty 2 с ботами
Содержание Корректировка к ботам 2
MBOT V 0.7 На сайте pg есть мод ботов для КОД 2 но там очень не ясно описанна инструкция и поэтому у людей очень много вопросов.Чтобы впредь такой ерунды не случалось я и создал этот DOX.
1.Наличие КОД2(нормальная пиратка)
Пояснение:Есть пиратка Код2 такая в которой нет картинки запуска а просто тупо чёрный фон и надпись Call of Duty 2,на такую КОД 2 боты непойдут
2.Патч версии 1.3
3.Берём архив mbot разархивируем его в папку с игрой
Например: D://Games/COD2/
4.Далее создаём ярлык к файлу CoD2MP_s.exe
5.В свойствах ярлыка в строке обЪект добавляем через пробел:+set fs_game mbot +exec mbot.cfg
6.Заходим в этот ярлык если боты поставились то в нижнем правом углу вместо версии игры будет написано mbot v0.7
7.Создаём не выделенный сервер
нажимаем тильду и пишем:
автораспределение бота- addbots auto
бот за немцев- addbot axis
бот за союзников- addbot allies
убить бота немца- removebot axis
убить бота союзника- removebot allies
убрать всез ботов- removebot all
умереть- kill или kill
сложность ботов- skill *число* от 1 до 10
Спасибо за внимание.Кому помогло пишите в личку пожалуйста!
Корректировка к ботам 2
во всех командах надо добавлять вертикальныую чёрточку наклонённую в лево (в начале строки)
Распакуй эти три папки в C/Games/Call of Duty2/main. Дальше зайди в игру и пропиши в консоле /exec bots, а потом /map_restart. Действует только на стандартных картах и в режиме Командный бой.
три не обязон это три разные режимы ботов
Распоковал и прописал, а че дальше.
Привет. Подскажите пожалуйста, как можно выбирать любое оружие не зависимо за кого играешь? Не могу играть за немцев без Бара. Помогите пожалуйста.
Витязь да ты и в это играешь
чё за херня выдаёт при загрузке мапы scrippt compile error
У меня такая же ошибка. Непойму что делать надо.
заходите в DOX для кода там усё написанно!Работает на 100%
У меня вообще ничё нету, хотя скажу вам по секрету боты идут на Call of duty2 с патчем 1.3
Боты только с патчем 1.3 работаю, на всех предыдущих будет писать ошибку: scrippt compile error
Как переименовать ботов? Типа вместо Bot 1 было бы 432WOlF-/. Я конечно могу сам разобратся, но не знаю в каком файле что именно надо переименововать. Боты конечно клевые, сейчас играю на последней версии 0.9, радует количество режимов игры.
Корректировка к ботам 2
Во всех командах нужно добавлять вертикальную чёрточку, наклонённую влево (в начале строки).
MBOT V 0.7
На сайте PG есть мод ботов для КОД 2, но описанная к нему инструкция оставляет желать лучшего, посему у людей очень много вопросов. Чтобы впредь такого не случалось, я и создал этот DOX.
1.Наличие КОД2 (нормальная пиратка).
Пояснение:Есть пиратка Код2, в которой нет картинки запуска, а просто тупо чёрный фон и надпись Call of Duty 2, на такую КОД 2 боты не пойдут.
2.Патч версии 1.3
3.Берём архив mbot. Разархивируем его в папку с игрой
Например: D://Games/COD2/
4.Далее создаём ярлык к файлу CoD2MP_s.exe
5.В свойствах ярлыка в строке объект добавляем через пробел следующее:+set fs_game mbot +exec mbot.cfg
6.Заходим в этот ярлык. Если боты поставились, то в нижнем правом углу вместо версии игры будет написано mbot v0.7
7.Создаём невыделенный сервер
нажимаем тильду и пишем:
автораспределение бота- \addbots auto
бот за немцев- \addbot axis
бот за союзников- \addbot allies
убить бота немца- \removebot axis
убить бота союзника- \removebot allies
убрать всез ботов- \removebot all
умереть- \kill или kill
сложность ботов- \skill *число* от 1 до 10
Call of Duty
Here to you always will answer your questions.
In what your difficulties?
I allow the reference to last file MBot.
In this version:
This updating MBots, supplied new, more dense sound line in English and German languages.
On maps still works mortars bombardment.
The system of military ranks is switched on. At assignment of the next military rank you will hear music.
Эта модификация MBot`ов, снабженная новой, более плотной озвучкой.
На картах работает миномётный обстрел.
Включена ранговая система для игрока. При присвоении очередного воинского звания будет звучать музыка.
Translation mbot_dev.txt
The mentioned below text to know and understand it is necessary.
It is a basis. But it is obsolete. It is important to read texts from the developer "cepe7a".
It has made work with SDK idle time, easy and fast.
Principle of work:
There are some types waypoints (WP in abbreviated form). To everyone WP at editing Corresponds the model, in the list:
w: Simply WP - a bear;
g: WP for a throw pomegranates - a mortar;
c: WP for camper (The sniper) - a toilet bowl;
f: WP for jump down - a shell 88мм.
j: WP for a jump forward - a shell 88мм
m: WP for Overcoming of an obstacle - a hydrant
l: WP for To get on a ladder - a hydrant
Spawnpoints are marked with red armchairs, and they are revolved by a seat in that side where the player will look at spawn.
bot_debug 1 - ON editor WP
bot_status <the name of a boat> - shows the status of a boat
bot_printwps <Initial Number> <Final The number> - deduces in the console all current WP, since <Initial Number> and finishing <Final The number> also highlights chosen
bot_dumpwps <the name of a file> - generates a file with WP
bot_wpfile <a name of a file> - a file from which the data about WP will be loaded. If bot_debug 1, by default it tmp.txt, if bot_debug 0 - that " the name map_type game.wp ", For example "mp_carentan_tdm.wp".
deletewp 1 - to remove chosen WP
jumptonode <number> - to move on WP with number <number>
The beginning of work:
1. We start for a label for CoD2MP_s.exe with keys +set fs_game mbot +exec botDev.cfg
2. Further we start for a necessary card. If the file with WP for this card still is not present, after loading we write bot_dumpwps <a name of a file>, bot_wpfile <a name of a file> and at last fast_restart (<the name of a file> should be identical). If the file with WP is, we write bot_wpfile <a name of a file> and fast_restart. Now it is possible to put WP.
3. Remember! If you want to be kept, necessarily use bot_dumpwps. If хотиете to load a file with yours WP and, for example, to continue arrangement WP we use bot_wpfile.
Process of arrangement:
If you have started to create a new card with WP after the first loading on it are automatically generated initial вэйпоинты, at all do not delete them! They are as though attached to Spawnpoints and their removal will lead to to bugs at game.
Process of creation WP looks as follows: we Put WP1, we put WP2, we choose WP1, we connect it with WP2, т.о. The boat will go from WP1 to WP2. Further in detail all actions are described.
After loading a card open the console and waste upwards yet will not see inscription Loading bot waypoints from.
Under it can are shown mistakes (red color) and Warnings (yellow color).
<file>: Error! file not found - the file with a name <file> is not found
<file>: Error! Unknown file format - a wrong format of a file
<file>: Error! Waypoint *n has unknown type - WP number *n has unknown type
<file>: Error! No data found - the file is empty or does not bear the necessary information
<file>: Warning! Waypoint *n have no next waypoints - at WP number *n is not present following WP
<file>: Warning! Waypoint *n of type <type> have more then one next waypoints - WP type <type> number *n has more than one following WP. Arises if at WP such as f, j, m or l it is more than one than following WP as one following WP is necessary for their correct work only.
Warnings allow to correct mistakes formed at arrangement WP. To proceed to WP in which mistake we write in console jumptonode <number WP>.
If the card was loaded that the message "Loaded" is deduced.
Working methods:
1. Choice WP: we are aimed on модельку necessary WP and we press a key "To use", the yellow inscription from above above моделькой will not appear yet. To remove allocation choose another WP or the same then allocation will be removed.
2. Connection WP: we choose initial WP (from which there will be a boat), further we direct a sight on final WP (to which there will be a boat) and we press the button to beat a butt (+melee). If all has passed successfully the line connecting both WP will appear, and in a second will be allocated final WP. It is impossible to connect WP with itself and as with WP which it is already connected with allocated WP. WP it is possible to attach to one as much as necessary WP, and from him to carry out communications too.
3. Detachment WP: we Choose initial WP, further we are aimed on WP which is the following for given WP and we press the button to beat a butt. If all has passed successfully the line connected both WP will be gone.
4. Removal WP: Выбирете WP, press key Delete and WP will leave. All communications from him and to it as will leave.
5. Change of position WP: we Choose WP, we become the person to the north (letter N on a compass) and using arrows and buttons PgUp and PgDown on the additional keyboard We move WP.
Second a way through the menu. We choose item of the menu origin, further we become in that place where we want that was WP, we press Ins on additional keyboard, and then Enter on additional keyboard
6. We put g: we Look in that point where the boat will throw to a pomegranate, we throw for test a pair a pomegranate and not changing position of a sight we press a key "9". If pomegranates were terminated, we look in the sky and we press the button to use.
7. We put c: we Look in that place where the boat will look, when camper, and we press a key "7".
8. We put f: For example the boat should jump out of a window. We become on a window sill, is closer to edge, and we press a key "0" (zero). Now slightly we go forward and as soon as we start to fall, we cease to press a key forward (т.о. We as though model falling a boat). After a landing, we do one - two step, both we put anyone WP and it is attached it to that which on a window sill.
9. We put j: we become in that place the boat will jump whence, we press 6, further we depart back, and with start from the marked point we do a jump forward and in that place where have landed we put anyone WP and is attached it to that from which jumped.
10. We put m: we Admit to us it is necessary to climb in a body of the lorry. We become before a body in dense, we press 5, further we get and we put anyone WP, then соедияем both WP.
Now we admit to us it is necessary перелезть through a fencing. We become in dense to a fencing, we press 5, We get on a fencing we put WP such as w, it is attached it to the first put WP, further we jump off vertically downwards from a fencing, we do Half-step, we put anyone WP and It is attached it to that which on a fencing. Further we choose the very first WP (hydrant), in the menu we choose item mode (at the very bottom), we press Ins on additional keyboard., yet we shall not see an inscription over, we press Enter on additional keyboard.
11. We put l: we Become at the very bottom of a ladder as it is possible closer (!), we press 4, we get upward as soon as the ladder comes to an end (in hands there is a weapon), do Half-step forward and we put anyone WP, then We connect both WP.
12. Change of a corner of a throw pomegranates or directions camper: we Choose WP such as g or c. We write in console jumptonode <number chosen WP>, further we choose item of the menu angles, we look in that point where the boat should look, when throws to a pomegranate or camper, we press Ins on additional keyboard., then Enter on additional keyboard..
13. Change such as WP: we Choose item of the menu type, we press Ins on additional keyboard. yet the designation necessary WP until then will not be highlighted and we press Enter on additional keyboard. if all has passed successfully that on a place chosen WP should that type WP which we will appear have chosen.
Delete - to remove WP
The arrow upwards - to move to the menu on one item upwards
The arrow downwards - to move to the menu on one item downwards
0 on доп. To the keyboard - to change value in the current line of the menu
Enter on additional keyboard. To the keyboard - to accept the changed value
Additional клавиатурка:
The arrow to the left - to move WP on the West
The arrow WPарво - to move WP on the east
The arrow upwards - to move WP on the north
The arrow downwards - to move WP on the south
PgUp - to move WP upwards
PgDn - to move WP downwards
In game there is a restriction on quantity of models on a card no more than 1024. Therefore I have made so WP will be visible only in small radius from you (500 units). Otherwise at plenty WP on a card, game simply to come to the end.
Special WP
It is necessary to force to jump bots through an obstacle.I shall tell on screenshots, assorting a concrete case.
For the beginning we shall move a point 62.
We allocate her [F].
We approach closely to a barrier.
On the keyboard we press an arrow downwards. We press, we shall not reach yet a position [origin]
We press a key [Ins], then - [Enter] on the additional keyboard.
WP will rise on that place where we only, that were.
Let's change purpose WP
We press a key " an arrow downwards ".
We reach a position "type"
We press [Ins] until [w] will not turn in [m]
The bear becomes a fire engine
We move up to a position [mode]
We press [Ins]
[up] will turn in [over]
[up] and [over] differ only a sound of a landing.
Using keys [arrow] [PgUP] and [PgDn] on the additional keyboard we move a point 63 on a crest of an obstacle.
Let's force to jump off a boat from height.
We allocate a point 142
We change type [w] for type [f].
The bear becomes a shell.
We delete points 143 and 144.
We allocate the necessary point.
We press [Delete]
We connect points 142 and 145
We allocate a point 142, we direct a sight at a point 145, we press [Shift]
Check: we allocate a point 142, we press F3
The bot jumps downwards.
Последний раз редактировалось asdfg 06-01, 18:30, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
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