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Wynncraft, The Minecraft MMORPG
Wynncraft is a world record-holding Minecraft MMORPG server created by the CraftedMovie team. Gameplay takes the player throughout multiple realms and provinces, exploring a large, detailed map as they go. Currently there are 5 playable classes, each with unique weapons and spells. Characters level up by killing mobs and by completing quests, and there are thousands of items to obtain and equip. With an extensive crafting system and multiple dungeons and raids, the possibilities are endless.
What is Wynncraft?
Wynncraft is the largest and the most popular RPG/MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game) server in Minecraft. It's a free to play game that requires an internet connection and a Minecraft account.
Start your journey from humble beginnings in the Wynn province and explore one of the biggest and most detailed adventure map in Minecraft. Play coop alongside your friends to progress and level up. Complete quests, raids, dungeons and lose yourself into the immersive world of Wynncraft.
Gain experience through playing the game and find powerful weapons as you adventure throughout the world.
We boast one of the largest, custom made seamless worlds in Minecraft. Every house, each cave, and all the terrain have been carefully sculpted by our talented team.
Wynncraft has over 100 unique quests that immerse and teach you about the worlds interesting lore. Each quest has its own story and adventure which will leave you wanting more.
You're not alone! Wynncraft has over 1 million unique players. Team up with your friends to create guilds and form a bond with your fellow adventurers!
Exploring Wynncraft is not a stroll in the park. The world is full of dangerous creatures that will stop your advances, however by killing them you reap the rewards!
There is so much to Wynncraft, and we're still developing it! Instead of reading about it, why don't you try it out for yourself? Alternatively you can find more information in the "Help" section.
Как скачать и установить Wynncraft
Во-первых, скачивать и устанавливать Wynncraft не нужно. Потребуется лишь оригинальная копия Minecraft, которую надо купить. Так как Wynncraft является MMORPG, разработанной на её основе, то все права принадлежат Mojang и разработчики мода не могут поддерживать Wynncraft без Minecraft. Купить Minecraft можно на официальном сайте.
После покупки, устанавливаем Minecraft и запускаем. Нажимаем «Мультиплеер», а затем «Добавить сервер».
Устанавливаем для Server Resource Packs значение «Включено».
Нажимаем «Готово». Теперь вы можете просто дважды щелкнуть по Wynncraft, чтобы присоединиться к игре.
Как начать играть в Wynncraft
Русификатор Wynncraft
Русификатор к Wynncraft подготовила группа ВК Wynncraft | MMORPG. Инструкция довольно внушительная, но результат того стоит.
Ещё стоит отметить, что русификатор устанавливается только на версию Minecraft 1.12.2.
Copyright Wynncraft © 2013 - 2021. Unaffiliated with Mojang AB or the Microsoft Corporation.
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