Как играть fnf по сети
Мод не изменяет скин игры. Геймплей остается абсолютно идентичен оригинальной версии, за исключением того, что вы столкнетесь с другим игроком вместо искусственного интеллекта. Вам обоим необходимо все так же нажимать кнопки в нужное время, а в конце баттла вы получите заработанное количество очков. Так и определяется победитель.
Если вы давно хотели сыграть в эту всемирно популярную игру со своими друзьями, тогда обязательно скачайте эту модификацию. Разработчики постарались и сделали ее максимально качественно для вашей комфортной игры. Мод позволяет вам играть клавишами со стрелками для Игрока 1 и WASD для Игрока 2.
Ниже размещены прямые ссылки, по которым вы можете скачать этот невероятно полезный мод на свой компьютер. Также здесь доступна детальная пошаговая инструкция по установке.
- Скачайте архив мода с нашего сайта (если у вас 32-битная операционная система — берите соответствующий файл).
- Разархивируйте его в удобное для вас место.
- Запустите файл FunkinMulti.exe.
- Можно приступать к игре.
Возникли вопросы? Хотите поделиться своим мнением о данном приложении, высказать замечания или предложение? Форма добавления комментариев всегда к вашим услугам!
this is quite simple, the only thing you need is put this to google: what is my ip?
then you have to enter the game with the multiplayer mod, go to "freeplay" mode and online mode, you enter the server option and in the large space without anything you put your ip and next to it, you put the number of the continent in which you are (for example: in South America it is 9999)
anyway in the part of "how to play with people from other countries" is what you have to put for the respective region, or in some cases, the country.
2. how to know what my ip is but in command prompt
if you dont know how to use command prompt, here the tutorial
first, you have to search the application "command prompt", in the application you have to put this command:
and now, you have to copy the IPv4 adress and make all the things that i say above this part.
3.2. why do you need to use the authtoken
The reason is because, the authtoken is basically the same as logging into a web page, what you copied from the page is like the key to be able to use ngrok
NOTE: You have to put the authtoken every time you start ngrok
3. how to play with people FROM THE SAME COUNTRIE using Ngrok
3.3. how to know that my authtoken was saved?
Now, first of all you need to check that your authtoken was saved and you can find out if the following message appears: "authtoken saved to configuration file: (and the path where it was saved)"
If this appears to you, it is because you can already create your server
3.4. How do I start my server now?
now, you need to put this command: ngrok.exe tcp -region
and the region where you live
available regions
at this point, I will show you what you have to put in each case:
-Asia or Pacific: ngrok.exe tcp -region ap 8000
-Australia: ngrok.exe tcp -region au 8000
-Europe: ngrok.exe tcp -region eu 8000
-India: ngrok.exe tcp -region in 8000
-Japan: ngrok.exe tcp -region jp 8000
-South America: ngrok.exe tcp -region sa 8000
-North America: ngrok.exe tcp -region us 8000
depending on which region you are in, you will put these commands, after putting that, you have to press enter and that's it, your server is already connected
2.1. Why is this NOT the best option?
This is not the best option in case you want to play with someone unknown, because the IP is not something that you would normally share with anyone, for security reasons, but, in case you don't want to use this anointing with PEOPLE FROM YOUR SAME COUNTRY, then read the following
4. how to play with people from other countries
3.1. how to download ngrok and use the authtoken
first you need to go to the official website of ngrok and register with your e-mail, then, you need to go to the authtoken section and copy the first thing that appears when entering
and now you have to download ngrok for windows (not mac, not linux, because the mod is not ported to other platforms lol), then unzip the file and if you have not used it before you will not know what you have to do, no problem, you have to go to the last part of the text that opens when starting ngrok and put: ngrok authtoken (and paste your authtoken)
5. How to use Hamachi
Also there's another way of playing with friends from different regions using Radmin VPN
5.2. Creating a network
If you are creating the network click on the button that says Create New Network, make sure you put a password that your okay with your friend knowing. Once you created the network the IPv4 should be there. If you or your friend are joining the network just put the Network ID and Password that you or your friend put.
3.6. how to let my friend join
now you have to go to ngrok and copy the option: (the number that appears) .tcp.ngrok.io: (number that appears) and send it to your friend
example: 0.tcp.ngrok.io : 10345
your friend have to enter the client section and put 0.tcp.ngrok.io (example) and in the other side 10967 (example), and thats it, you and your friend can play now
5.3. Hosting the server
Copy the IPv4 on Hamachi and paste it onto the server but make sure you put the port at the end like this :9999 <-- any port
Friday Night Funkin' Multiplayer - A Mod for Friday Night Funkin'
Ever wanted to play with your friends, or you don't have friends but wanted the game to be more challenging? Try out this multiplayer mod then!
If you want to play online but is unable to Port Forward, try out Ngrok, it's the easiest solution i could think of.
If you're having issues with Online mode, or want someone to play with, join FNF Modding Discord.
Default Keys (They can be changed ingame):
Player 1 (Boyfriend) is controlled with Arrow keys.
Player 2 is controlled with WASD keys.
Incompatible with other mods that change the game's executable
This mod is currently matching with the version on Github from the vanilla game
3.5. How can I play with the server now?
as you are the server creator, you have to go to the game and, being in online mode, enter server and put "localhost", and next to it, 8000
note: this ONLY has to be done by you, the other person has to enter in another way
По сети Totally Accurate Battle Simulator / TABS на пиратке онлайн мультиплеер
Как играть По сети Totally Accurate Battle Simulator / TABS на пиратке онлайн. Мультиплеер с применением кряк-фикса (crack steam fix) Создан для интернет соединения и объединить игроков в одной игровой сессии или с вашими друзьями по сети в режиме мультиплеера.
В Totally Accurate Battle Simulator для ПК играть можно как в одиночку, так и в компании друзей . В дополнение к набору предопределенных сражений в игре есть режим песочницы, где игроки размещают свои армии друг против друга.
Принимаем приглашение от друга или нажимаем Быстрая игра.
Создать группу Создать Позвать друзей Приглашаем друзей и ожидаем их подключения.
4.1. using a VPN
first, you can play with a person who created the server only using a vpn and it works perfectly
you only have to connect the VPN in the region of your friend and, you can play
5.1. Downloading Hamachi
So first you need to download Hamachi using this page and this is how the page looks:
you will have to create an account like Ngrok.
4.2. making a server
Well, to play with people from other countries is easy (if you already read the above), the only thing that changes is that you have to put the region where your friend lives, this does not affect you, so they can play easily both
that's all you need to do if you want to play Friday night funkin' with someone using Ngrok! enjoy with your friends.
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