Как флипать валюту в poe
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is there API for item prices in the Path of Exile?
There are various tools and websites where you can check prices.
How can I trade someone in the Path of Exile?
By right-clicking the target's portrait.
How many Fusings does it take to get a 6-link?
On average, it takes somewhere under one thousand Orbs of Fusing to link six sockets together.
Как флипать валюту в poe
Jeffrey, да опять же можно. Но вся проблема в рандоме. Тебе выпадает 3 каома за карту. Это уже нормально так навалило. И ты всех их на +1 рез сделал( ну так вышло) . И вот ты уже очень богат. И так каждый день. Примерно но суть ты понял. Изи 6л. Уберка с топорами онли. Шапир с мечом / банкой. И кончено же эльдар с крит хатрой и убер эльдар с критом и пенетрой :3. Это конечно сказки, но в теории даже такое может быть :3 так что нафармить вполне можно :3
Влад, рандом сегодня на твоей стороне, завтра нет, так что я бы не стал на такой длинной дистанцией делать ставку на рандом) + спустя какое то время аукцион забивается ништяками и цены уже далеко не такие как на старте)
Владислав, 8 часов в день как мне кажется будет не достаточно, ибо ты должен с таким онлайном делать минимум 4+ экз в час на протяжении всей лиги (это не учитывая старт лиги, где тебе нужно вкачать и одеть чара)
Jeffrey, рандом это рандом) он каждый день такой какой хочет :3 и вполне может быть максимальный для тебя неделю. И офк всякие мапки продавать, сервисы, челенжи там. Просто вещи. Я привел убер вариант :3 тот который с минимальным рандом( про боссов) там можно фармить и даже в плюс выходить
Jeffrey, на самом деле, смотря на какой лиге и что фармить
Если фармить енд гейм(шейпера, убер элдера) то профита будет больше, чем просто бегать буриалки те же, мне так кажется
психологический фарм за сутки составляет 30+ экзов, на деле около пары хаосов
А ещё кстати , боюсь сам создавать и принимать участие в опросах , мне всегда кажется что все пиздят) 22% челиков делают 31+ экз в день , хотя в моем опросе половина была за « не играю на флеше» собственно вопрос почему здесь так дохуя фармеров 31+ экзов и вы не играли на флеше , где цена экза как на лиге ) вот и думай теперь кто и где в голосовании наебал)
6-10 ex,в основном на крафтк джевелов вандерам/и лукам.)
прям чистым фармом - сложно, но можно. просто достать - достаточно просто, было бы желание.
3000+ выйдет,если инвестировать экзы,хотя бы скупать мирроры в начале,они всегда растут в цене,либо диваны и тд.
No, во первых чтобы начать флипать нужно сначала нафармить, а во вторых ты можешь проснуться с утра и увидеть, что экз который был по 70 упал до 60(перепады курсов других валют тоже имеют место быть) и все твое флипанье последних пары дней улетело в трубу. Я уже молчу о том, что 24/7 кидать трейды пацанам это самое унылое занятие.
Grommash, во первых боты, во вторых ты можешь залипать куда угодно и альт табать , в третьих ты пробовал прежде чем говорить ? Да есть перепады, но надо шарить в этом
No, вот именно что пробовал. Именно плотно флипал 1 день на абис лиге, когда мне 10 экзов не хватало на хх и впадлу было фармить. Но у меня было 140 экзов в наличии, соответственно оборот был большой. Да это прикольно когда ты продаешь 6 экзов за 540 хаосов, и сразу в момент трейда инвайтишь чела, который покупает 531 хаосов за 6 экзов, но через несколько часов контрл+лефт клика меня это сильно утомило. Если и флипать нон стоп,то ботом. А по чуть чуть можно флипать на выгодных курсах, бегая карты, если пишут в момент, когда ты портнулся в хо или дочищаешь мапку.
No, я никогда не скупал в чатике у нубов шмотки по дешевке. И даже наоборот подсказывал, когда читал русский чатик(например чел продавал табулу за дешево, хотя выгоднее было продать ее вендору и дивайн продать барыгам). Наебывать новичков это не мое.
Flipping Currency Guide/AMA
I will let you know now, I hate writing, I suck at it, and it will probably be sloppy. Hence the AMA, but we will cover a lot of stuff in the original post.
So lets knock a few misconceptions/myths about flipping out of the way first.
Bull shit, you only need 1-2 X to get started in flipping, depending on RNG with 1-2 X you can make 50 chaos an hour, or you can make up to 300 chaos an hour. It all depends on the RNG of trading.
2) You make more money mapping then flipping.
4) How much money can you make an hour flipping ?
So that wraps up some of our Misconceptions/Myths.
Now here is a disclaimer, I am not saying I am the best at flipping, I am not saying what I am going to teach, is the best way to do it. There is plenty of people who I know are way better at this then me, but I can help you get to where I am at currently. If your already flipping and you have some advice, I have no problems throwing it into the original post or correcting something I have said.
First we need some tools to help us with our flipping duties.
Mercury trade is the second most important thing to have when flipping, it allows us to not even have to look at our whispers to know what the person wants to buy/sell. It also allows us to invite people at the click of a button, kick players, as well as send automated messages we have pre planned at the click of a button.
Depending on how much you want to flip, you can be getting 20+ trade request in a minute, and that is no joke. If you do not have this tool you will get over whelmed and confused.
There is plenty of guides about setting up mercury trade.
The second thing we will need is a sniping tool/indexer, there is plenty of them out there, just google it and find the one you like the best.
The Third thing is an Autoclicker/Scroll wheel for clicking, I have seen conflicting reports on this. Use at your own risk. If we could get someone from GGG to clarify that would be great, I will send an email to support tomorrow morning and post the answer in here, so please use at your own risk.
So this is going to be a pretty long chunk of our guide right here.
So say we wanted to flip Chromatic Orbs, we would put YOU HAVE chaos, and you WOULD LIKE TO BUY Chromatic orbs, we are just looking at the price that the Chromatic s are selling for.
Now how do we flip ? Say the price of Chromatic Orbs was 1 Chaos per 15 Chromatic Orbs, that means we need to buy Chromatics for more then 15 chaos per to make a profit.
Make sure you READ this carefully this part CONFUSES A LOT OF PEOPLE.
So lets say the best price someone was BUYING Chromatics for was 16-1 we could then put a listing that we are buying Chromatics for 15.9 to 1, and then make a listing that we are selling Chromatics 15.1 to 1 chaos.
So remember to figure out what we want to buy or sell for, we first say we HAVE CHAOS and want to BUY that item to see what they are selling for, this will show us how much we can sell that ITEM for, then we say we HAVE THAT ITEM and want CHAOS to see how much people are BUYING them for INSTANT gratification for, we then set our prices based off of that.
So say you have no idea what to flip ? Look on the left side, click on any subject, look for items in your budget, with good consumer confidence, preferable stuff you can buy a lot of, and be fine sitting on the stock for a while. Plug the item into your Sniping tool, and buy items that are under priced and you think you can sell. Remember to look at the stats on the items etc, do research on the product you buy, this will also help with your game knowledge.
So make sure you know what the max rolls are etc, or make sure you know if the item sells or is in a popular build. POE Ninja will tell you if an item sells in the confidence reports.
So now we have our tools how do we get started ?
Most guides and videos I looked at when I started to learn how to flip straight up sucked. Everyone has this idea that flipping is all about flipping currency and honestly that is the smallest part of your profits.
What we really want to do to make the maximum amount of money is flipping, and buying investment items(Divination cards)
Now once again, we are a poor player with maybe 100-200 chaos whatever it may be. The first one you could start off doing is Hoarders, buy them 5-6 chas per card.
Now lets say we start off with hoarders, Hoarders are often on the market and are in abundance, I could probably buy a full set in 20 minutes, and that is while I am mapping at the same time. We put Hoarders into our sniping tool, We put Hoarders on Our Market on POE currencey. That means people will be coming to you, and you can find people in between maps.
So even if we buy all of our Hoarders at 6 chaos per, you need 12 cards for a set that gives you an exalted orb. 6 x 12 = 72(Last time I checked could be wrong LOL) and right now currently an Exalted Orb is going for around 87-90 chaos, obviously we want to sell our exalted orb fast, so that way we can buy more items.
That is still a 15 chaos profit, for about 2 minutes of your time.
Impossible right ? Nope.
So to wrap this part up, no matter how poor you are, there are always going to be items that you can start flipping, while you level that can bring you good enough profits to make you leave your maps, but at the same time give you a good profit ratio.
As you get more chaos keep investing into Divination cards, go on POE ninja, look at what the cards give you, and look at what the items sell for, when you really start getting into flipping a lot of money is going to come from buying Div cards turning them in, and then selling the item it gives you, you can be making 200+ chaos on some of these sets of cards per full set you buy, and it maybe takes a few minutes of trading to get it, but remember to get the real profits and to make a lot of money, we need to have tons of cards/items we are buying so that way we make more money, when you can start buying 6-10 sets of cards that you want to invest in and sit on them and not care is when you start making the 200-300 chaos an hour easily.
So what do you do if you already have a good amount of Currency ? Same thing, go to POE Ninja, find items that have good confidence in selling, buy those items for cheap, and then sell them. POE NINJA Will tell you everything you need to buy. It has all the gear listed, maps, cards, weapons, flask. You want to invest in everything.
Research the item, find out the good rolls, put the item in your sniping tool, and figure out what you want to buy them for.
Look up the divination cards, for example The Wolvens Kings Bite, need 8 cards, can usually buy them for 28 chaos a piece. 28 x 8 = 224(Lel I think math again KEK) you can sell the Quiver for 300+ and you can also gamble and Vaal it and if you get +1 say move the eff over bill gates.
1-2 hours and you can have a good list of 20-30 items in your sniper and be ready to go.
PoE trading or PoE Flipping
If you haven't heard about item or orb Flipping and you are familiar with item trading, then those two are very similar, but they have one small difference. When you talk about trading, you don't talk about profits. Maybe you intend to make some money on the side. However, Flipping strictly implies that with every trade, you want to get richer. It is the main difference between these two, and in this text, we want to bring you closer to the topic of Flipping.
Flipping currency as a way to make money
Those of you who wish to start making real money on the Path of Exile market might start looking into Flipping as a great opportunity. There are quite a few ways in PoE to earn something on the side. However, only with Flipping you will be able to skyrocket in terms of money-making. This method does not require an endgame account. You won't have to be geared for mapping or ready to complete elaborate missions - all that you need to begin is some basic knowledge, time, and a little bit of investment.
Long story short, Flipping means buying for less and selling for more. You will be looking for items, and especially currency, that has some margin between "buy" and "sell" prices. For example, if the regular price of Tabula Rasa is currently 10c at your server, then you will be trying to buy it for 8 or 9 and sell for 12 or 11. There are only two rules to follow. The first one is to never sell items for their standard prices. The second is always to make a profit on your trades. If you can do that, just make sure to look at the market frequently and try to find undervalued items. There is nothing too hard to understand. Everything is plain and simple. Buy for less, sell for more, and make money on Flipping.
Generally, there are two methods of Flipping in pretty much every MMORPG. One is sniping, where you try to hunt a valuable item listed for sale for a very low price. Undervalued high-end items are icing on the cake if you manage to land these. This method requires a lot of patience, time, and some initial investment. Also, keep in mind that it's unreliable. There will be a day that you land several good deals and a day when you snipe nothing.
The other method is bulk Flipping. There are two entry ways for it. Either you have a lot of currency or a considerable amount of items. The margin is small, but the trade volume makes it, so you end up with a profit. The method requires significant investment in the beginning.
How to Flip efficiently
Various websites offer this kind of service. You can see the price at which players buy and the price at which players sell Orbs if you go there. By looking at them, you will quickly notice a trend. Many people who sell their goods go way beyond the item's regular price. On the other hand, buyers are often undercutting item prices to get them cheaply. Usually, those trades are just listed up there for a long time, and no one uses them. However, once in a while, someone wealthy or someone who lacks knowledge will let those people earn money. It is exactly what you should avoid. Listing items well above or well beyond its price makes no sense as you count on other people's mistakes to make money.
When you are listing your Orbs, you have to take into consideration the group of people that you will be targeting. Try to make a "fair" margin on your trades, which will be beneficial for you but won't generate considerable losses for the player that you are trading with. It might seem like a less profitable path of money-making. However, by setting reasonable values on your items, you will gain more customers, and therefore you will trade more often.
How much can you make on Flipping
There are quite many ways to increase your profit margins in the Path of Exile; however, the majority of them involve hunting monsters and depending on the randomness of possible drops. Flipping as a money-making method doesn't provide a steady income as well. Do not get discouraged by tough start and low income at the beginning. You won't be able to double your bank value right away, however, with steady and patient trading, you will unlock for yourself the best Orb Farm in the game. In this method, in general, you should be easily much more profitable than on any other, but keep in mind that this requires more than mindless clicking on endless waves of monsters. You will have to spend some time learning about market prices and trends to determine items that you can earn on, but in general, Flipping is much more profitable than any other method of increasing bank value.
Currency Flipping or Item Flipping
There are two major groups of items that you want to trade to make a profit. The first one involves trading currency in the form of Orbs. This one works great for both new and advanced players since it doesn't require high amounts of initial investments. You can make money even on trading low valued Currency Items like Alchs, Fusings, Alterations (Alts), Chromatics, and Chaos Orbs, but the real profit of Orb trading lies in Exalts. Since their value can be counted in hundreds of other Orbs, it is easy to find someone who won't know the exact market price or players that will undercut real values. With this method, you will be trading quite often since you want to get every little bit of profit that you can get - even if it means going back to town for one Alch. Everybody in Path of Exile has Orbs, and because of that, anybody can be your potential client.
On the other hand, you can also Flip items. This method is dedicated to much more experienced players. You will have to become an expert, which will be able to determine item values instantly to make a profit on item trading. There is much less competition in this field, which means that there are more possibilities for easy gains. Remember the time when you first started playing the game? Likely, you were not able to determine whether to throw out something from your inventory or to keep it. In the Path of Exile, there are numerous different stats and items usually come with at least a few affixes. Many different builds use a large variety of different kinds of stuff, so only the most experienced players can accurately determine whether an item is worth its price or not. If you are one of those players, you can get rich through item trading.
There are many types of equipment that can be traded, and item value does not determine whether an item is worth something or not. Even simple blue stuff can have one or two exceptional stats that will make the item that they are worth hundreds of Exalts. It is the highest learning curve that new players have to overcome in the Path of Exile. Finding random items with exceptional stats that are undervalued on the market is probably the best way to increase profits in PoE, but if that's too hard, there are also other items with more stable prices - uniques, flasks, skill gems, maps, and others. In general, item-trading is more volatile than Currency Flipping, and therefore, we recommend making money on Orbs rather than equipment. This way, you won't lose any of your hard earnings, and you will always be on the plus.
Not every trade that you make has to be profitable right away. Long-term investments are the way to go during server launches when the prices are at the lowest. If you see someone on the chat or on trading websites with endgame legendaries and crucial gems that are used in builds featured in the current meta - make an offer. Pile up on items that will be valuable to pro players later on and wait a few weeks or even months before selling them.
On the other hand, if you were lucky enough to get a valuable drop like an Exalted Orb - do not sell it at any circumstances. During early days on the server, everything is cheap, and even though "living" costs and you need some currency to buy gems and basic equipment - it will always be better to tighten your belt and hold on to your valuables. Doing that, you will receive a huge reward of profit after the first few weeks.
If you are a high level player you might have already gotten pretty rich through at the map run or from the boss drops. The thing about the flipping is that the more you invest in it the more you might get in return. It is not required to have a lot of currency to start however it will definitely help. Prices within your server will be set depending on the league status and its release date. During the early days getting rare items might be hard since there are high demand and a low supply of them but overpaying at that time will still make you a profit on the long run. Prices early will be low so take advantage of that fact and invest in Uniques and Rares to make easy money per every flip.
PoE Currency Flipping - Make money on reselling without leaving town!
Flipping, by definition, involves buying goods and selling them in a short period with a profit. In volatile markets with inexperienced traders, it is possible to gain an advantage over others and to become rich. In this guide, we will be taking a look at currency flipping in the Path of Exile to show you that it is an easy way to earn additional orbs and other forms of currency. Delve with us into the world of marketing and see for yourself that it's easy to flip!
How does one actually flip? I know how its done on D3, but not sure how so on PoE.
Do you buy currency for lower and sell for higher. Do you do this with uniques, or rares?
And about buying and selling for profit, do you spam to buy at below prices and wait to sell at higher? how long do you wait to sell your stuff for more?
Sometimes, we have to cross a ditch.
Sometimes, we have to cross an ocean.-Rhys, GGG
It could be currency, uniques, what have you. So long as you can find people selling for cheap, you can turn around and sell it for more after you buy it.
see thats the issue, I honestly dont think flipping is as easy as everyone makes it out to be.
The best I could do is investment flipping really. Take for example my kongors undying rage.
I bought this thing for 2 ex and tossed a few jewels and fuses and now its worth like 12 ex.(standard)
I just cant see people buying ex for 20c, then turning around and selling them for 22c. I see people spaming all the time that they are buying ex for 20 chaos, and others selling them for 22 or more. I just cant possibly see people actually seeing this and not doing their due diligence to find the right offer.
I have never bought an ex for more than 20c recently, and cant imagine there are people that do.
Sometimes, we have to cross a ditch.
Sometimes, we have to cross an ocean.-Rhys, GGG
see thats the issue, I honestly dont think flipping is as easy as everyone makes it out to be.
The best I could do is investment flipping really. Take for example my kongors undying rage.
I bought this thing for 2 ex and tossed a few jewels and fuses and now its worth like 12 ex.(standard)
I just cant see people buying ex for 20c, then turning around and selling them for 22c. I see people spaming all the time that they are buying ex for 20 chaos, and others selling them for 22 or more. I just cant possibly see people actually seeing this and not doing their due diligence to find the right offer.
I have never bought an ex for more than 20c recently, and cant imagine there are people that do.
Knowing many different unique and rare markets is very helpful. Writing down which people have offered and what they offered on your item before is useful as you can then quickly know which person you can sell to if you find one on the market that it sold significantely below that offer.
Knowing many different unique and rare markets is very helpful. Writing down which people have offered and what they offered on your item before is useful as you can then quickly know which person you can sell to if you find one on the market that it sold significantely below that offer.
I suppose book keeping is one way, but it just seems like so much damn work for a game. I guess stuff like this works though.
Sometimes, we have to cross a ditch.
Sometimes, we have to cross an ocean.-Rhys, GGG
1) The risk of the item losing value before you can re-sell it
2) The loss of liquidity that you incur while you hold the item
3) The time needed to sell the item later on
Flipping works particularly well when:
A) The market is unstable, but predictable, so you can take advantage of price swings over time (maybe you notice Tabula Rasa sells for 2ex in the evening but 2.5 ex in the morning). This works particularly well with orb exchange rates.
(Yes, excessive flipping by the community can also lead to speculative bubbles. Be careful! :))
Whether you are Flipping higher tier currencies like Exalted Orbs, Unique items, Support Gems that are core for certain build or other things everything can be profitable. If it does work for everyone it will work for you. The biggest profit us always made on rarely traded goods that don't have a lot of competition on them. Search through your Stash Tab for items that other players may want to buy. Using this technique you might be able to find multiple really interesting tradeables with lower market post ratios. Equipment pieces that are rarely posted can still sell quick for a fast profit and you can make a few times better profit with them than the money that you could get from regular trades.
If you want to collect the data about PoE orbs use site that is made for it - don't try to determine prices within the game. Make the use of websites like PoE trade and PoE ninja to buy sell and list what you have. Their services are free and thanks to the help of their tool you will be able to find clients for your goods much easier.
Besides the data and premium guides, we have got for you more content available in video and in the text. If you want to use a full range of features of Sellersandfriends. com please use the sign up button at the top of the page.
It is the end of this short guide to Flipping in Path of Exile. If you have read the whole article, then you should easily start earning orbs on this process. If this text has proven to be helpful to you, make sure to tell us what you are thinking about it in the comment section below. We value your opinion since with every voice that comes from your comments. We can improve our services and make this website more user-friendly. You can also check out other articles that we have made in the blog section and read guides from other multiplayer online games. Join our community and become a member of a large gaming family today!
Last but not least - thank you for reading and for your views and that being said - see you in the next one!
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