Как ездить на динозавре в майнкрафт в fossil
Spinosaurus ('spine-o-sawr-us' meaning "Spine Lizard") is a diurnal (meaning active during the day) large prehistoric creature that was added in Build 5.1. They are also semi-aquatic, and are the only spinosaurids in the game so far. They are 3.5 blocks tall at their head (5 blocks at the spine) and are 10.5 blocks long. There is a slight difference between males and females, the males have tan streak across the top of their spine, while the females don't. Newborns are half a block tall, have no spine, and are fully grown in 12 Minecraft days. They, like the other apex predators, cannot be given essence of chicken to grow faster.
Spinosaurus, like almost all other mobs, has a mood that can drop or be raised through various means. Having a low mood means it may attack or avoid you, while having a high mood will make it passive. Right-click it with a DinoPedia (Good luck!) to see what its mood is at.
A fossil version of the Spinosaurus can be created by right-clicking a bio-fossil on the ground, which will create a random skeleton of a prehistoric creature with a small chance of it being a Spinosaurus.
Like most other mobs in the mod, they do not spawn naturally in the world and must be created by the player through the culture vat. As they are dinosaurs, they hatch from large eggs that need to be warmed by torches or any other light source.
Pteranodons, as piscivores, cannot hunt when hungry, as their diet is limited to fish; they also cannot eat from feeders. Because of this, they heavily rely on the player and need to be hand-fed alive and cooked fish (vanilla and modded), Sio-Chiu-Le, and fish spawn.
As of Version 8.0.4, Pteranodon will occasionally dive to catch fish, making them somewhat self-sufficient.
Pteranodon ('teh-ran-oh-don', meaning "toothless wing") are winged fish-eating prehistoric reptiles from the Late Cretaceous period that were included in the original Fossils and Archeology mod. They are the first and only pterosaurs in the mod so far, and one of three creatures capable of flight, the others being confuciusornis and meganeura. Adult males are 1.7 blocks tall around the crest, and around 3 blocks long, while females are 1 block tall, and are 2 blocks long. They both have a wingspan of around four blocks when in flight. Their white and black texture is inspired by sea birds such as osprey. Newborns are crestless and flightless, 0.3 blocks tall, and they are fully grown within 9 Minecraft days. They can be given essence of chicken to grow faster by one day, at the cost of hunger.
Pteranodon, like almost all other mobs, has a mood that can drop or be raised through various ways. Having a low mood means it may attack or avoid you, having a high mood will make it passive. Pteranodons require a high mood to not attack on sight. Right-click it with a DinoPedia to see what its mood is at.
A fossil version of the pteranodon can be created by right-clicking a bio-fossil on the ground, which will create a random skeleton of a Mesozoic-era prehistoric creature with a small chance of it being a pteranodon.
Spinosaurus are semi-aquatic carnivorous animals that are somewhat slow on land, but are much faster when in water. Though they are described as aggressive, they are at first neutral to the player as they are too insignificant to attack on sight. They can break blocks weaker than iron when on land, but this is relatively uncommon while they are in water. Their prey that they will automatically hunt down and kill is all types of mod fish, vanilla animals, Compsognathus, Dryosaurus, dodos, Pachycephalosaurus, Smilodon, and several other prehistoric creatures. They will also attack any type of baby animal.
When they are provoked, they will become surprisingly fast, and will launch a devastating special attack where they will pick the player up in its mouth and shake them until they are dead. This is inescapable and will always result in death (this is true for every mob), so be sure to never attempt to attack it with a sword. Bows are more practical, though still very difficult as most of the Spinosaurus' hitbox is arrow-proof. Another strategy is to throw potions of harming at it, but this is also risky as the player needs to be close enough to hit the Spinosaurus.
They will interact with and throw toy balls, bringing up their mood significantly. They will also attempt to interact with scratching posts, and tethered logs, but will break them in the process due to their one hit kill attack. They are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and will sleep at night.
Adult Spinosaurus can breed and lay eggs every five minutes as adults if there is a male and female present. The breeding probability is handled by how many individuals are nearby.
A male pteranodon flying through the clouds.
Pteranodons are slow timid piscivorous creatures, meaning they can only eat fish meat (including prehistoric fish) or fish eggs. Due to their general sluggishness on land, their most unique and greatest ability is flight, which they will be able to do at adulthood in 9 minecraft days (baby pteranodon are limited to the ground until they grow up). When they learn to fly, they generally will spend more time in the air than on land, and are extremely fast, as well as reaching heights beyond the clouds, making it a good idea to completely close them in an aviary. In order to take off from the ground properly, they require at least a one block drop-off point, and will not be able to fly in very flat terrain. Another way to force them into flight is by pushing them off a high surface. Hitting them can also make them begin flying, though they will now be hostile towards you. If pushed into a river or the ocean, they will automatically begin flying, skimming the surface of the water. While doing this, it is possible for them to catch fish (as items), though they may fly past it rather than eating it. When falling or coming back down to the ground, they will slowly glide down to the ground to stop fall damage, like chickens. If they do not have enough room to fly, they normally sit on the ground and sometimes attempt to jump into the air anyway to no avail.
They are generally slow walkers when on land, but when aggroed, surprisingly can become quite speedy. Upon each attack, they fly or 'jump' back usually, which can often result in them winning fights they normally would lose, as the other mob cannot properly counterattack.
Due to their small diet range, they will not attack any mob first. Their predators are allosaurus, ceratosaurus, deinonychus, kelenken, mosasaurus, sarcosuchus, and tyrannosaurus. Baby pteranodons may be at risk from a wider array of carnivores as well.
Pteranodons will interact with tethered logs, scratching posts, and will chase toy balls, providing significant mood boosts. They are diurnal and will sleep at night, however they will not sleep when flying.
Adult pteranodons can breed every five minutes as adults if there is a male and female present. The breeding probability is handled by how many individuals are nearby.
Как ездить на динозавре в майнкрафт в fossil
Трицератопс ()
Управление с помощью палки
Можно приручать
Считается взрослым после 4-х лет. (4 дня в мире Minecraft)
Можно на нем кататься.
Не голоден и не взрослеет.
Удерживайте клавишу shift, чтобы замедлится или слезть.
Очень полезен для ломания блоков земли.
Велоцераптор (Velociraptors)
Упорядочение с помощью руки.
Можно приручать.
Может предать если на него напал кто нибудь.
Возможность использовать их как сундуки.
Тиранозавр Рекс (Tyrannosaurus rex)
(запрещен, в связи с разрушением блоков)
Плезиозавр (Plesiosaur)
Ест только рыбу.
Управление с помощью пустой бутылки.
Можно приручать.
На прыжок приземляется.
Ловит рыбу когда голоден и находится неподалеку от воды.
Можно кататься на нем и нырять под воду.
WASD для контроля.
Мезазавр(может быть не правильное название) (Mosasaurus)
Ест кальмаров и игроков.
Работает как лодка.
Не может передвигаться по земле.
Стегозавр ()
Управление с помощью палки.
Можно приручать.
Дилофозарв (Dilophosaurus)
Ест любых животных.
Ослепляет своих жертв.
Брахиозавр ()
Управление с помощью палки.
Можно приручать.
Саблезубая кошка.
В основном как волк.
В основном как овца.
Как вырастить яйцо: ВАЖНО.
Поставить на освещаемое место, не трогать в течении пяти минут и всё. :3
Редкости спавна.
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Появляется на высоте 50 под землей или под водой
Fossils And Archeology & JurassiCraft
Цель этого сообщества состоит в подготовке (перевод на русский язык) и публиковании последних новостей о разработке двух замечательных модификаций для игры Minecraft - Fossils And Archeology и JurassiCraft.
Fossils And Archeology и JurassiCraft - парочка одних из самых известных модов, добавляющий в мир Minecraft доисторические флору и фауну и их способ возрождения, а также основные аспекты палеонтологии и археологии.
1. Какие-либо беспричинные оскорбления и любого рода дискриминации по полу, расе, религии профессии и т. д., адресованные кому-либо, запрещены.
3. Встраивание подозрительных и опасных ссылок в комментарии запрещено.
5. Употребление мата в комментариях и обсуждениях запрещено. Пытайтесь сводить применение брани к минимуму.
6. Рекламирование (пиар) чего-либо в данном сообществе без какой-либо договорённости с администрацией этого же сообщества запрещено.
7. Распространение псевдорелигиозной, террористической и другой опасной информации запрещено.
8. Распространение пиратских (полученных нечестным путём) копий каких-либо файлов запрещено.
Дополнение: под это правило также попадают файлы, которые были получены путём ПОКУПКИ их у первоначального владельца/создателя или какого-либо посредника.
Pteranodon can be tamed in three different ways. The first way requires the player to stand within six blocks of the egg as it hatches to automatically tame it. The second way is to hand-feed one until it is tame. The final way is to forcibly tame them using a whip. They are ordered with arrows. They were previously able to be ridden, but this has been removed because of the small size of the creature.
Spinosaurus is one of the seven apex predators that use the special taming method, and cannot be tamed by imprinting at birth or through the whip. To tame an adult Spinosaurus in the intended way, the player must attack it until it reaches 7 hp (a DinoPedia is recommended to determine the health of the creature so you won't kill it). At 7 hp, it will go into "sleep mode." This is very difficult to accomplish due to the Spinosaurus' one hit kill ability, speed, and block-breaking. If successful, while the Spinosaurus is asleep, the player must right-click it with an Aquatic Scarab Gem. Once this is done, the Spinosaurus will wake up at full health, now tamed. It can be ridden, but you will mount it awkwardly on it's neck. It is ordered with a skull stick.
Riding a Spinosaurus in third-person. Note the fact that you mount it on its neck.
Tamed Spinosaurus are rideable as adults. They can be ridden by right-clicking on one with a whip. When ridden, they won't go hungry or age. They are moderately fast on land, but extremely fast while in water, though there is a chance that a player riding a Spinosaurus in deep water could drown. It can be controlled only if the player constantly holds the whip, and can only be controlled for a short time without it. Riding uses the same WASD format as normal Minecraft movement, and shift to get off.
Spinosaurus is a piscivorous carnivore that will mainly eat fish, but can also kill and eat many other types of mobs (see above). They can be hand-fed all types of vanilla or mod fish (alive or cooked), fish spawn, Sio-Chiu-Le and all types of meat. They can also eat from feeders.
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