Как экспортировать машину из automation в beamng drive
Если Вам нравятся автомобили и автомобильные игры, вы, вероятно, слышали о Automation, игре, в которой вы можете спроектировать и построить свои собственные автомобили в мельчайших деталях, от кузова и шасси до подвески и настройки двигателя. Автоматизация пользуется большим сообществом игроков придумывают невероятные автомобили, чтобы поделиться друг с другом, все время обсуждая тонкости дизайна.
Мы теперь сотрудничаем с разработчиками Automation, чтобы игроки смогли сесть за руль машин из Automation. Экспортируйте свой автомобиль из Automation в BeamNG.drive одним щелчком мыши! Стиль, звук и механические детали - все будет преобразовано в нашу игру. Мало того, что мы будем размещать ваши творения в нашем хранилище модов, так что вы можете поделиться ими со всеми игроками BeamNG.drive.
Автомобили - не единственный плод нашего сотрудничества. Мы также объединили усилия, чтобы воссоздать тестовый трек из Automation. Расположенная в горной местности Южного острова Новой Зеландии, карта имеет сложную американскую трассу и множество уникальных особенностей для изучения. Делайте все возможное, чтобы воссоздать имитацию кругов Automation, или выявляйте сильные и слабые стороны ваших конструкций на различных поверхностях и препятствиях.
Как экспортировать машину из automation в beamng drive
Just a bit more information about the exporter!
1. How does the exporter work?
2. Is Automation required?
3. Can exported cars be modded?
4. Will Automation mods export?
5. Important links
6. What will be exported?
7. The Exporter Collaboration
8. What about interiors?
9. Can you export multiple trims?
10. Will fixtures like lights be functional?
11. Engine-only exports?
You design a car as you normally would in Automation and once you are done you hit the export button on the car’s summary page or within the car manager. That takes you to the exporter room from which you can finalize the export by another simple button click. At that point your new car will be waiting for you in the vehicle list within BeamNG.
2. Is Automation required to drive Automation cars in BeamNG.drive?No, Automation cars are handled similar to normal car mods. That means you can build cars for a friend who doesn’t own Automation, although if you both have Automation you could send the 30kB Automation .car save file instead of a 30MB car export mod for BeamNG.
3. Can Automation cars in BeamNG.drive be modded?Yes! If a modder wants to design their car in Automation and for instance add a nice interior to it, that is entirely possible. Just make sure to credit Automation when you do. :)
Yes! Mod car bodies and fixtures export just like vanilla content. So if you for instance want to make a mod for BeamNG.drive, you could make the car shell for Automation as a mod, design the looks with fixtures and then export it to BeamNG.drive and continue to flesh out the mod using the exported car as a basis.
In the current first release version of the exporter we have the following features implemented.
- Car Visuals - The meshes for chassis, body, engine, gearbox, suspension, all fixtures, wheels and brakes are exported. Some fixtures can break off your car, and your car materials and paint find their way into BeamNG as well. Fixtures like lights and wings have basic functionality.
- Car Deformation (Basic) - A basic implementation of car deformation is implemented, it never will be as good as for native BeamNG cars, but this aspect is something we will improve on until release and for future updates.
- Engine Sounds (Basic) - Automation engine sounds are exported, at the moment only the exhaust note.
- Engine Data - Accurate power and torque curves for naturally aspirated engines, and good approximations for turbo engines are exported to BeamNG, along with idle RPM, max RPM, engine inertia and friction.
- Drivetrain - We export the accurate gear ratios, gearbox type, choice of differential, transfer case (4x4), traction and electronic stability control, speed limiter, drivetrain losses, and fuel economy.
- Wheels & Brakes - Tires are exported the way you create them in Automation, with accurate sizes, tire tread, and friction coefficients. Brakes are exported with their appropriate strength.
- Suspensions (Basic) - Definitely the trickiest part beyond the fundamentals, the suspensions need to work and scale for an immense range of possible car designs. We export all Automation suspension data, including spring and damper stiffness, camber, and anti roll bars. The suspension types that are exported with unique geometries are double wishbone, struts, trailing arm, torsion beam, and solid axle coil.
Since 2011 the most requested feature for Automation has been “I want to drive my cars”. Making such a feature within Automation would be nigh-on impossible due to the complexity, as well as time and money required to make any even decent driving game. That is why for a long time we considered making an exporter for Automation that allows players to drive their cars in a dedicated driving game.
About two years ago we started to work on an exporter for a racing game and got pretty far: chassis, bodies, fixtures, and engine stats exporting. All that was still based on the Kee Engine version of Automation. Unfortunately, the developer was neither helping out, nor responsive, and we had to stop working on that side project as a consequence of that.
With the switch over to UE4, we gave the exporter idea another shot and were looking around for suitable games, seeking to reuse most of the expertise and code we gathered making the other exporter. BeamNG at that point looked like a good candidate, and in a quick “over-the-weekend” try to export something from Automation into BeamNG manually, we saw that this actually might be possible. Work on a prototype proceeded in late 2017 and about three months into it we were confident this would work out.
We got in touch with BeamNG and were met by significantly more enthusiasm for the exporter than in our previous attempt. Also, getting direct help in solving technical issues made progress quick. In February 2018 we had a finished prototype that somewhat reliably exported cars.
Our dev teams met for the first time via Skype in mid February. At that point we established that, indeed, working together on an exporter in an official capacity would be fantastic for both BeamNG, Automation, and their players.
In mid May 2018 we decided that within two months a first more polished version of the exporter could be realised and released with a joint update for both games! To our knowledge this marks the first time a major feature such as this is implemented as a cross-product tie-in between independent studios.
Interiors are not planned to be added to Automation 1.0. It would take a lot of time and effort to implement a good system for interior design, which unfortunately won't be feasible. This means that exported cars will only have cameras / viewpoints placed outside the car, rear view and bonnet cams.
For now only single cars (a single Trim) export at a time. We will for future versions look into the possibility of exporting a full model with all its trims, structures the same way in BeamNG.
Mostly, yes. Depending on where they are sitting and what materials you have chosen for them they should work for what they think they represent. that can sometimes go wrong, of course.
Как экспортировать машину из automation в beamng drive
Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game
11 окт. 2019 в 17:04Just as the title says; cars export just fine and work in BeamNG except that there is no folder "engine" under the sound folder in the mod archive so the engine is silent. Big disappointment I can't hear that V16 scream like it does in Automation or the farting of my giant I3. And yes, I did the usually troubleshooting- verifying game cache, antivirus off, wiping BeamNG caches, checking write permissions for folders, etc.
Other mods, (including others made with Automation) from other people's computer work fine but that is because they all have an "engine" folder under "sound" so the problem is my exporter. It also takes a long time to export a car if that helps. I do have another computer to test on but, that computer is essentially a complete clone of this computer in hardware and software so I'm not sure how much that will help. Neither Automation, nor BeamNG are installed to C drive because of a lack of space. They are both on their own separate drives but the save folders are in the default places. All other games work perfectly fine with no problems.
11 окт. 2019 в 17:07 P.S. My Automation game is vanilla with no mods of course. It is exporting the engine sound to BeamNG that is failing somehow and the cars have engine sounds in Automation itself.Maybe it is an issue with the BeamNG game cache? Nah, you did that. :( Then this is a really weird problem. Are you by chance running Beam & Automation at the same time, because both use FMOD, and that could cause conflicts.
There should be no issue with using different drives for the games unless those drives are external. I wouldn't expect that problem to be localized to specifically engine sound banks.
I just asked our programmer and he says he has seen this issue pop up somewhere else, remembering that the game log is spammed by this happening. Could you start the game, do that export, and then quit the game. After that, open the launcher and click the Game Log button to get the AutomationGame.log
14 окт. 2019 в 9:19I did a fresh install of Automation on the other computer and it did the same thing. That is the log file I included. There is some weirdness about the game not liking running in 1080p on a 4k monitor in the log file but you can ignore that. Lotta games like Mount and Blade do that to on this other computer so that's not important. I just ran it windowed over here and very quickly made a car with all the trimmings and exported. Looking in the zip of the car I saw it still lacked the “engine” folder. Copied it over to the other computer to put in BeamNG just to double check that it had no sound. No joy.
This error “[2019.10.14-01.06.04:265][660]LogFMOD: Warning: Failed to stop event instance” repeats for a good while and then I think the meat and potatoes might be this, “[2019.10.14-01.08.17:380][653]LogLevel: ActivateLevel /Game/Environments/PhotoScenes/Levels/BeamNGExportScene 1 1 0
[2019.10.14-01.08.17:380][653]LogLevel: ActivateLevel /Game/Levels/Car_Export_Scene 1 1 0
[2019.10.14-01.08.17:634][661]LogStreaming: Warning: IsTimeLimitExceeded: ProcessImportsAndExports Start IO nullptr Load Time 200.21ms Last Step Time 15.44ms
[2019.10.14-01.08.17:825][663]LogLevelActorContainer: Created LevelActorCluster (43) for /Game/Environments/PhotoScenes/Levels/BeamNGExportScene.BeamNGExportScene:PersistentLevel with 36 objects, 2 referenced clusters and 251 mutable objects.
[2019.10.14-01.08.19:221][673]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
[2019.10.14-01.08.20:789][673]CamsoLog: Error: An error occurred trying to verify the signature of "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Automation/UE421/AutomationGame/Content/ExportPlugins\AutomationCarExBNGx64.dll": error 0x800b010a
[2019.10.14-01.08.32:884][]CamsoLuaLog: DoExport:
[2019.10.14-01.08.33:268][]CamsoLog: Warning: Unhandled material (MaterialInstanceDynamic_0, MASTER_FlickeringLights)
[2019.10.14-01.08.33:285][]LogSerialization: Error: Attempt to sync load bulk data with EDL enabled (LoadDataIntoMemory). This is not desireable.”
After that, we get a lot of stuff like this “[2019.10.14-01.08.33:525][]LogSerialization: Error: Attempt to sync load bulk data with EDL enabled (LoadDataIntoMemory). This is not desireable. File ../../../AutomationGame/Content/Engines/Meshes/Engines/alunormal.ubulk”
I'm starting to think that it may be another program or file association that is causing this error and not Automation itself, (which is why I'm the only one in the world having this problem). We have a game trying to make a .zip archive (associated with Winrar and 7zip) which is partially successful and then it puts .wav files in it (which is associated VLC media player). But, if it was a problem making a zip file, would it make one at all or corrupt it? Or, if it was VLC media player messing with the wav files, wouldn't we still have the “engine” folder and it's nested folder?
14 окт. 2019 в 10:15Update, Problem partially solved! But.
So I fired up Automation again, and exported again. This time I got a prompt for a license agreement for engine sounds-blah, blah, blah, etc. I click yes and exported and now I have sounds!
The difference? The computer was connected to the internet at the exact moment I exported the car. I never got that prompt before so I never got my engine sounds. You guys really need to do away with that separate “online only” license agreement hours into the game and just make that part of the main EULA up front like every other game. I was going crazy trying to figure this out.
I don't like taking my gaming PC online because it is also my work PC. Games are work for me (or at least they used to be and will be again soon). I only have a steam game online the first time I fire them up to go through to the main menu to authenticate when I install them.
Other Problem with exporter!
My rev limiter in BeamNG is screwed up after exporting and does not reflect the values I input into Automation. I always idle at 800 revs so I stall out all the time with my high-performance-for-size engines (in other words nearly all of them) and then I always can way over rev the engine by 2,000 or even 3,500 revs which destroys them.
Anyways, you guys are doing an awesome job and this is easily one of the top 5 best games ever. John DeLorean was my hero growing up, any chance for a double-Y frame for making death traps?
How to create a vehicle for BeamNG?
I have seen the wiki tutorial, so please point me out preferably a YouTube tutorial. I have also seen this thread but it is very old and already revived twice and dead now. Should I reply again on it? I am surprised there is so much tutorial out there for Autodesk 3DS Max among other things but BeamNG Modding tutorials are scarce and incomplete.
Or is it just too tough? I have a basic idea but I just want a comprehensive guideline from scratch to end for a basic model and then work my way up from there.
If it is really very difficult, then Kudos to the existing modders and perhaps, I should look for inspiration elsewhere :(
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