Как активировать корабль в римворлд
Корабли периодами появляются у орбиты вашей планеты. С ними вы можете торговать. Продавайте им излишки своих ресурсов и покупайте необходимые вам вещи.
Существует четыре типа кораблей.
- Торговец экзотикой - продает и покупает предметы искусства, редких животных и другие предметы.
- Торговец контрабандой - торгует небольшим количеством оружия и рабами
- Торговец оружием - в основном холодным
- Оптовый торговец - специализируется на продаже еды, тканей или ресурсов в больших количествах.
Следите за ценой продажи и покупки она у всех разная, независимо от типа корабля.
Для торговли с кораблями должен быть склад и маяк (нужно покрывать маяками всю территорию складов с предметами на продажу).
Корабль - строение, используется для отправления колонистов в космос. Постройка корабля и эвакуация на нём колонистов является логической целью игры и единственным способом победить её в игре без DLC Royalty, однако после отправления некоторого количества людей на другие планеты, вы всё равно сможете продолжить игру. Минимальным количеством ресурсов для полного сооружения корабля являются:
- 2,750 единиц стали;
- 1,075 единиц пластали;
- 420 единиц урана;
- 95 продвинутых компонентов;
- 35 компонентов;
- 105 единиц золота;
- 1 ядро ИИ.
Рабочий корабль должен включать три корабельных двигателя, соединённых балками со всеми остальными частями корабля в одном экземпляре, а именно:
Корабельная балка | Вакуумный саркофаг криптосна | Корабельный компьютер | Корабельный реактор | Корабельный двигатель | Сенсорный кластер |
Каждая часть корабля не должна находится под крышей, а также им необходимо подключение к сети. Для запуска корабля достаточно поместить всего лишь одного колониста в контейнер криптосна, однако каждый колонист и животное, которых вы хотите эвакуировать, должны иметь отдельный контейнер. Для помещения животного в контейнер криптосна, необходимо ввести ему наркоз, после чего нажать на него правой кнопкой мыши и выбрать опцию "поместить в контейнер криптосна".
Для отчёта готовности корабля к запуску, требуется нажать на любую его часть и выбрать одноимённую опцию - в таком случае вы сможете увидеть части, которых может не хватать для полёта с планеты. Чтоб увидеть заветные титры, повещающие о том, что вы победили, нажмите на компьютер левой кнопкой мыши и выберите опцию "запустить корабль".
rimworld режим разработчика как пользоваться
Режим разработчика в игре Rimworld добавлен в качестве инструментария для тестирования игры и модов. С помощью такого инструмента можно реализовать все возможности в игре, не следуя последовательности исследований и развития. Для включения режима разработчика нужно в настройках поставить галочку напротив строчки режим разработчика. Пройдемся по главному интерфейсу данного инструмента:
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I'm not maintaining this mod anymore, it's being reworked into a generic vehicle mod (air, land, sea). Don't ask about it here, if you want info on the mod, drop by the discord. I post updates regularly.
This mod adds Boats into the game, allowing you to travel across the map as well as across the world. What does this mean? Boats are not only a method of transportation, but also provide great defensive and offensive capabilities. Pawns are restricted to the world map based on whether or not they are bringing a boat with them. Deep water and Ocean Tiles are untouched so unless another mod changes that for you, your pawns will not be able to cross them without a boat. Caravans with Boats may also Dock at settlements which will initiate trading and gift options. In the future I plan to add a bonus to rest and mood when docked at a settlement.
Stats and Information of Boats
This mod adds Boats in a way that all of the necessary stats and properties are accessible via XML. They are not hard coded in. If you wish to make your own boat addon, feel free to do so! Please give me a heads up or send me a message if you plan on uploading it to the workshop. I would like to keep track of any additional Boat addons that come out.. for personal reasons. You will of course need to include Boats as a requirement and load it above your mod.
Not compatible with multiplayer yet, it causes dsync.
Compatible with CE Fast Track.
RimCities don't generate well on coasts, so I wouldn't suggest bringing boats to the settlements from RimCities. No mod conflict, just poor beach generation in that mod. You'll probably lose the boat or beach it.
If you're unable to exit the map on a river or cannot enter a river because it says the river size is not large enough or there's no exit direction, turn off RiverSizeMatters in the mod settings. It's currently WIP so you might encounter this bug if you're interacting with rivers a ton.
This mod has a lot of code into it, even though there are only 4 boats right now. This means inevitably there will be more bugs pop up in areas you would never expect. So far, everything has been pretty smooth sailing and there hasn't been any issues that are super difficult to fix. Report them and I will get to them :) Thanks.
Why does Boats have such a long load time?
I can't emphasize this enough. this mod is huge lol even though there aren't that many boats right now, the work behind them is. more than you guys would think. Each patch I make adds an additional amount of time to your load time, and I am required to make patches to change mechanics for pawns to better suit them towards vehicle like behavior. This is what gives Boats their boat like mechanics. Ingame, this mod is very lightweight. Load time? It's gonna be up there with Human Alien Races and Combat Extended.
Can I add this mid game?
Yup! But then you'll miss out on cool stuff like being able to spawn more settlements on the coastline or increase the beach sizes on tiles with coastline, which are in the mod settings and only affect new saves.
What about load order?
Load order doesn't matter, but put it as high up as you can, cause some mods might overwrite some patches that I use. If you're getting a duplicate statBases error for water, it's because you're using a mod like Water is Beautiful or Simply More Bridges, whom aren't careful with their patches. Just move their mod above Boats and it'll disappear.
My Boat Doesn't Work! Help!
Well either you're using godmode to build them or you put Boats at the bottom of your list. People. stop placing boats in godmode. Boats are not buildings, they are pawns.. So if you want to devMode them into the game, go in and spawn them like you would spawn in a pawn.
Fishing Isn't Working!
Either you don't have a compatible fishing mod installed or your fishing delay (in mod settings) is set to 0. Default for that is 10,000. Or you could also just be doing it completely wrong. which brings me to the 2nd part of this answer.
How Fishing Works:
Once you have a compatible mod installed with boats, and a fishing boat built, you don't do normal fishing jobs like you would with your fishing mod. I would straight up have to create jobs or hook onto / patch the fishing mod's jobs to do that, and no I won't do that. Way way WAY too much of a hassle. To fish on fishing boats you must manually put the pawn onto the fishing boat, take the boat out onto a suitable water cell (the deeper the water, the better the fishing rates), and toggle fishing on. The boat will auto gather fish over time, but don't forget your pawns! Cause they will continue to fish until you pull them back.
- Vanilla Fishing Expanded
- [RF] Fishing [1.0]
In the future, I would like to fully expand upon the Ocean and events outside of normal terrain. This includes Pirate raids, Sieges from the water, other variations of boat weapons including but not limited to. Turrets, Rotatable Cannons, Submersibles, and possibly a sea based event for naval battles. This is all planned, so it may be some time before they are implemented.
Thank you Dr_Zhivago, dninemfive, Jamaican Castle, Dyrewulfe, Pelador, Mehni, and Ibmaian from the Discord Server for helping me resolve errors.
Dr_Zhivago, NECEROS, and Kerberos for helping me bug test
Rowboat - MistorLove
Fishing Boat - Edmund Wulfgarth
Rowboat, Caravel, Galleon - Odz
Join me on Discord [discord.gg]
Note: Please do not copy and re-upload this mod. This mod is translation capable. If you would like to add a translation please make a fork from GitHub and I will work with you to add it to the mod.
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