Just cause 4 danger rising как начать
This is a list of all known bugs and glitches in Just Cause 4 and their solutions.
Bugs and glitches are problems with the games programming that result in errors, crashes, omissions and/or unexpected behavior. Most cause problems during play, some can be used to exploit and gain an advantage in the game, or to just have some fun.
Parachute/Wingsuit not working
Sometimes after landing or grappling somewhere, you won't be able to use your parachute or wingsuit for a certain amount of time. You can still jump and grapple, but can't use the parachute or wingsuit. After a while, you'll be able to use them again.
Login failed
When starting the game, you might get the error message: "Login failed. The SQUARE ENIX servers are currently unavailable. Online features will be inaccessible until the SQUARE ENIX servers can be reached."
The options are "retry" and "go to offline mode".
The "offline mode" stops the player from seeing online features such as player high scores (you can only see your own offline).
Retrying multiple times should normally result in a successful login. This may take over ten tries. Apparently sometimes it either doesn't work, or it would take an unreasonable number of retries.
Missing bridge on the map
The map doesn't show one of the bridges directly east of Prospero Balística.
Semi-transparent duplicate object in a mission cut-scene
Notice the semi-transparent duplicate gun turret.
The ending cut-scene of the mission Sandstinger: Train Robbery has a semi-transparent duplicate of the large gun-turret.
There are 3 problems with this:
- The duplicate turret is on an Army of Chaos train car. Story-wise it makes no sense for it to exist, because the large gun turret is suppose to be unique. It's fair to assume that the Black Hand might have more somewhere, but the Army of Chaos definitely have only 1.
- The gun is pointing sideways to fit on, because it would otherwise be obstructed by the rest of the train. This is very poor train layout.
- How come it's semi-transparent? This is a glitch, or a developer oversight.
Сюжет, как второстепенная опция
В центре повествования Рико Родригес, который желает уничтожить Чёрную Руку и проект Илапа, вызывающий погодные катаклизмы. Местом действия игры стала Южная Америка и вымышленная страна Солис. Сюжет в Just Cause 4 неинтересный, слушать бредовые диалоги и тупые шутейки нет никакого желания. А видеовставки, в которых должно развиваться повествование, смотрятся как кусок хозяйственного мыла. Выполнены они отвратительно: страдает как графика, так и режиссура.
Иногда анимации лиц в катсценах могут отставать от звука. Замечательная работа разработчиков, так сильно они постарались над игрой.
Invisible water [not an actual problem]
If you grapple yourself behind a waterfall, then the screen of falling water makes nearby river water invisible.
This is useful to see just how deep the rivers are and if there's anything at the bottom.
Rico gets stuck in a bridge
Which bridge and which exact corner? It sounds like there may be a small hole in the bridges solid body. Holes like this may be invisible, because the visible walls are programmed separately.
Weird lightning effect [resolved]
Weird lightning effect.
The lightning strikes harnessed by the DA 9.3 Lightning Gun's secondary fire storm grenade sometimes look weird. Although the strikes and the explosions last for a fraction of a second, it is possible to notice that there's a weird dark gray rectangular shape that appears for a brief instant before immediately disappearing. This seems to have been fixed by some patch.
Обзор Just Cause 4: хватит издеваться над трупом
Серия игр Just Cause – это игры, в которых геймеру позволяют реализовать самые безумные идеи. Для этого игра предлагает кучу гаджетов, главным из которых является крюк-кошка Рико Родригеса, главного героя серии Just Cause. На прошлой неделе вышла новая часть игры о похождениях сумасшедшего агента ЦРУ.
Компания Square Enix настойчиво продвигала уникальные системы, связанные с погодой. Пообещав сделать её мегареалистичной и объединить с геймплеем и сюжетом. Но игровое сообщество с недоверием отнеслось к новому путешествию Рико Родригеса и выставило такие оценки проекту на Metacritic: 6.1/10 (PS4), 7.2/10 (XO), 5.8/10 (PC). На Steam ещё хуже, там игра была завалена отрицательными обзорами. Сегодня мы полностью разберем Just Cause 4 и узнаем насколько сообщество объективно отнеслось к самому безумному экшену современности.
Controls for special vehicles are not displayed
The special controls for the crane helicopter and tractors and possibly also the other special vehicles might not be displayed, even if the HUD is still set to "display all".
2 mission markers
The mission Mazmorra Rescue has 2 mission markers. They're only about 20 meters apart from each other and have the same text. This does not affect gameplay and the mission starts normally.
Tank tracks spin in wrong directions
When any of the tanks are made to turn sharply at a very low speed, or if a tank is made to turn around on the spot, the tracks will be spinning in the wrong directions, as if the tank was turning the other way.
Мнение сообщества об игре
Сколько людей, столько и мнений, но Just Cause 4 стала фактором, объединившим геймеров в единый организм, который всем сердцем ненавидит эту игру. Итак, вот несколько забавных и аргументированных отзывов об игре, взятых со Steam:
New items
- A new version of the Agency Hovercraft. - The Agency version of the Firebrand Scout Chopper, but can also drop naval mines. for Rico.
- Several large submarines that surround Solís. These are stationary vehicles and act as enemy bases that must be completed.
. . . . . . - Miller's command ship. This is featured in the mission Rogue Agent and it can be visited afterwards.
- Unnamed 8th submarine. This is a wreck near USS Visionary, and is said to be a Black Hand wreck.
- Small machine gun drones.
- Bigger drones that operatives can stand on.
- Gravity "gun", with a function similar to a Mech GRIP. - Powerful shotgun that propels enemies away with a secondary fire that shoots boosters. - Automatic sniper rifle that can deploy a remotely controlled drone. - Assault rifle. It can lock on targets if needed.
There are 3 types of Agency operatives. All of them are equipped with grappling hooks, marking the first time in the series with enemies that can grapple around if Just Cause 2 Multiplayer and Just Cause 3 Multiplayer are not included.
- First are normal agents equipped with the Niagara 9mm Bullpup, Sequoia 370 Mag-Slug, and less commonly the Yellowstone Auto Sniper. These wear tan fatigues.
- Second are agents wearing green. They seem to have barely more armor than the normal agents. They're armed with the Niagara 9mm Bullpup, Sequoia 370 Mag-Slug, and rarely Yellowstone Auto Sniper.
- Third are "ranking agents". There's only about 10 of them, but they're quite a bit tougher. Rico even recognizes a few of them as former colleagues. These are all armed with the Sequoia 370 Mag-Slug.
All of them have a grappler that looks the same as the Just Cause 3 grappler, but with only Just Cause 2 grappler functionality. They grapple themselves onto walls and ceilings a lot and can also grapple onto drones at will.
Some game setting keep resetting themselves
Screen resolution keeps resetting
If the screen is 1920x1080, the game automatically sets it to 1280x720 almost every time the game is turned on. It's easy to set it back to what it should be when customizing the graphics settings, but for some reason this setting wants to go back to this default.
Fullscreen option resetting
For some people, the game resets the fullscreen option to windowed every time it is launched.
Although easy and fast to reset manually, it is annoying to have to set it back to fullscreen every time the game is launched.
Melee attack on a vehicle kills driver
Whether the vehicle is flying or not, if you go up near the driver and melee attack , it'll work on any vehicle and if the driver is a soldier it will take 2 hits. this probably happens because As it is a AOE attack, it kills the driver through the vehicle just as it kills them if bullets are used.
Under the map
There are several ways to glitch under the map, through the terrain. The waterfall behind El Abismo has multiple underwater caves. The caves are under the river, at the bottom of the waterfall. One of these caves leads out of the visible map, to an infinite sea under the map. See the video below for the exact glitched spot. Even with the video it's hard to find and likely to drown Rico multiple times.
There is no terrain here, apart from some visible wrecks under some lakes. Grappling onto these wrecks will teleport Rico under-ground.
When underground, the world is above you, glitching in and out of view. Far, far below is an endlessly deep ocean. As you go deeper, a weird black shape should appear. Lighting will get really messed up. If you go even deeper, you may see a tiny yet noticeable "horizon". It's grey and white and shining.
There's no way to get to the seabed - if there even is a seabed - of the underground ocean. Even with an invincibility mod so Rico won't drown as he swims deeper, it's impossible to find an end to the ocean. Most likely, there is a limit, and the game will crash when the player gets there. But even so, nobody has ever reported reaching the bottom of the ocean.
It is advisable to bring the weaponized "Skystriker" wingsuit to utilise its boost for travel and a railgun or the Renegade rifle to use their drones. The wingsuit itself can not boost itself out of water (like the JC3 version can), which is why the drone-deploying gun is needed. The player can then grapple the drone and thereby get into the air. With out drone, the player could swim east for about 15 to 20 minutes until the ground in close enough to the water to be grappled.
If you travel to Illapa you can see the moon easter egg and a long vertical stone tunnel on top of a giant cube. The tunnel is used in the final mission. Other points of interest include all bases that are known to have underground areas.
There is another way to go underground, but its unknown whether it works every time: by dropping a supply drop crate on Rico's head. Sometimes, he will get squished and fall through the ground.
Another way is through the use of mods (PC only). Using the entity spawner, set the gravity to -10,000 ( world gravity -10000 ). This will make the world's gravity 10,000 times stronger (even though it's a negative). Also, make sure you turn on invincibility ( event player.invulnerable ). Now, fast travel to any location and free fall. When you hit the ground fall right through it and get to the underground world. Yet another way of doing this is by free falling. As you fall, "pause" the player ( event player.pause ). Doing this will make the player invisible and frozen. Estimate the time it takes to reach the ground from this height. Once that time is over, "unpause" the player ( event player.unpause ). You'll find yourself underground.
This glitch is similar to one found in Just Cause 3 and not a proper "glitch" as such. This is actually very helpful and convenient for allowing players to explore hidden areas.
Also, similar to Just Cause 3, you can get underground when a vehicle off a despawned, derailed train carriage hits the ground (happens most often in a Fellhawk Jet Fighter.)
Ховерборд и грави-пушка, поднимающая танки: трейлер дополнения Danger Rising для Just Cause 4 Статьи редакции
Обладатели сезонного пропуска получат к нему доступ 29 августа.
По сюжету DLC, организация «Агентство», на которую работал Рико Родригес, приказывает убить его. Спецагент решает дать отпор и устранить руководителя операции, отправившись на корабль-базу, пришвартованный у берегов острова Солис.
В дополнении игроки получат доступ к новой технике, в том числе к гравитационной пушке и ховерборду — воздушной доске, на которой можно будет выполнять трюки.
Все владельцы издания Gold Edition и сезонного пропуска смогут начать играть в Danger Rising 29 августа. Релиз для остальных игроков состоится через неделю, 5 сентября.
Danger Rising — финальное DLC для Just Cause 4. До него разработчики из Avalanche Studios выпустили ещё два — Dare Devils of Destruction и Los Demonios.
Game gets stuck on death [semi-resolved]
Offline mode doesn't work
When offline, the game will not allow you to play, as it will repeatedly show a text-box saying "Offline mode" and "Ok".
Planes take off strangely
Planes take off vertically
Rico may be in a semi-rare Army of Chaos Pointman Scout Tank, but the EM-979 Airliner is not taking off properly in this screenshot
They seem to take off normally most of the time, but rarely there's a plane that flips 90 degrees up the moment it leaves the ground and then goes straight up for a while.
This happens when the front wheels spawns in the ground. Once the player approaches the plane, the wheel pops out of the ground and the whole plane suddenly jumps 90 degrees up.
This may have been addressed in a patch, making this glitch rare, but recently someone has seen it again.
Planes take off too soon
A player-controlled plane can easily take off in under 100 meters, but the A.I. planes seem to be programmed to try to look more realistic.
At Aeropuerto General Benitez, the planes taking off may take off a little earlier than usual. Similar to the vertical takeoff glitch, the plane will try to fix itself and go back to its regular path, so it'll dive back down to the ground and resume it's "takeoff" like nothing happened.
This one can be made to happen when you grapple a car to the front of the plane, but this would not count as a glitch then. It only counts as a glitch if it happens on its own with out any interference from the player.
This may have been addressed in a patch, making this glitch rare, but recently someone has seen it again.
SAM sites have no collision
The top part of the SAMs in Solís might have broken, or disabled collision models, allowing Rico to clip through them (go inside it).
Supply drop pilots reset [resolved]
It has been reported that somehow the pilots can get reset to only Fortuna and Bulldog (and sometimes just Bulldog) being available, even at chaos level 10. It's unknown how it happened.
It has also been reported that random pilots can just become locked.
Closing the game and restarting it will fix this.
Weird fire effect
Weird fire effect, seen during Operation Thunderbarge.
It's rare, but it's possible for the fire effects from an exploded helicopter to look really weird/cool.
Графика – привет из начала 2000-х
Сейчас точно 2018 год? Just Cause 4 заставила меня усомниться в этом (тут я оставлю несколько наглядных скриншотов, навивающих ностальгию по 2007 году).
Консольная версия игры смотрится коряво и паршиво, а дальность прорисовки мелких объектов тема для отдельного разговора. В этом году через мою PlayStation 4 прошло много трипл-эй игр, и везде я смог сделать красивые скриншоты, но не в Just Cause 4.
Common info about the article
Just Cause 4 already has a number of patches (see Just Cause 4 Patch history), but not everything is fixed yet.
Several issues below have been resolved. Things are marked as "resolved" if they have at least one confirmed solution. Things are marked as "semi-resolved" if a solution works in only some cases, or if the problem keeps reappearing.
Keep in mind that not everyone will necessarily encounter each of these. Some of them are rare and may be difficult to reproduce.
Standard thing to try in case of major reoccurring glitches with the PC Steam version: Open the Steam main window and then click on the "LIBRARY" tab at the top. Then right-click on "Just Cause 4". Then click "Properties. ". Then click on the "LOCAL FILES" tab. Then click on "VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES. " Then Steam checks the game files and replaces any that seem to be corrupt.
Danger Rising
After the release of the trailer, the description was set to: "In Danger Rising, Rico vows to take down the Agency after learning of their plans to eliminate him. Tom Sheldon joins Rico on his mission to stop the Agency with the all new game-changing Hoverboard and gravity-defying The Stormalong EM Zero – a gravity gun that significantly upgrades Rico's arsenal!"
Danger Rising downloadable content became available on September 6th, 2019. Gold edition and expansion owners received a 7 day early access and became available for them on August 29th.
According to Victoria Setian, senior producer at Avalanche Studios, this is the largest one of the expansions.
Duplicates in the supply drop [resolved]
The supply drop list has some duplicate items in it. It's impossible to make the second of them active. Attempting to click on a duplicate will highlight the first one.
- Uma - This item had a duplicate in some pre-launch gameplay videos that showed the list. It was fixed in the PC version, but as of late june 2019, there's still one extra in the Xbox version. . . . . .
Patches have removed the duplicates.
Безграничные возможности геймплея и убитый ИИ
Вершить анархию в Just Cause 4 с комфортом дозволено владельцам мощных ПК и больше никому, доказательство этому вы найдете ниже. Если допустить, что игровых приставок не существует, то в Just Cause 4 есть те самые безграничные возможности для игрока. К примеру, можно налепить несколько ускорителей на танк, добавив мощные подъемники и машина смерти вроде бы готова. Но нет, танк просто начнет раскручиваться так, будто это и есть обещанное разработчиками торнадо.
Вариативность захвата аванпостов – одна из немногих положительных черт новой Just Cause. Если постараться, то при захвате очередной точки можно обрушить на головы супостатов дождь из транспорта или контейнеров (закрепляем шарики, а потом отсоединяем все тросы зажатием одной кнопки).
Крюк-кошка и вингсьют – основные источники веселья в Just Cause 4. Первый можно модифицировать при помощи подъемников и ускорителей, которые заставят страдать не противников, а вашу приставку, вызывая фризы, лаги и желание выключить эту второсортную игру. На втором можно весело летать ровно до того, как Рико не пропашет носом землю.
На Искусственный Интеллект противников наплевали, результатом чего стали наитупейшие боты, неспособные попасть в героя. Но ладно если косоглазие врагов восполняется их количеством, то, что тогда делать с отсутствием их реакции на действия игрока? Лучшее место, где можно посмотреть на тупой ИИ – линии фронта (нововведение игры). Вмешательство в перестрелку отрядов повстанцев и солдат «Чёрной руки» повергнет врагов в шок и их слабоумие будет возведено в абсолют. Проходя игру я заметил, что в рядах противника слишком много женщин, но зачем?
Рико Родригес бессмертен, ни падения с больших высот, ни дождь из пуль и взрыв вертолета над головой не берут его, а жизни героя восстанавливаются слишком быстро. Ещё в игре появились новые виды противников, но от обычных болванчиков они ничем не отличаются. Just Cause 4 не дает игроку челлендж, пытаясь закрыть эту дыру взрывами и экшеном.
Progress wiped after a death [resolved]
If Rico dies mid way through a mission or doing whatever, the game wipes all the progress and forces the player to restart at the beginning of the game.
This seems to be fixed, possibly by the December 18th patch.
Duplicate factory in supply drop menu
Plot summary
Because Rico and Tom stopped Project Illapa (or are at least in the process of doing so), The Agency is now angry at them. Similarly, as stated in the mission Operation Illapa, Rico is also angry at the Agency, although previous grievances have gone as far back as Just Cause 2.
The Agency sends Agent Emerson Miller with a fleet of large submarines to Solis in order to kill Rico Rodriguez and Tom Sheldon. These submarines and their vicinity act as bases that must be destroyed.
The agents are using grapplers, but theirs only have the JC2 level of functionality, because in JC3, Dimah upgrades Rico's grappler. The agents can also fire guns while standing on special drones.
It starts with the mission Old Friends and New Enemies, when Tom gets a tip to check something out. He invites Rico along and they get ambushed by The Agency. It turns out that Rico has secretly been tracked by the Agency via a homing device built into his grappler ever since Medici. The Agency considers Rico to have stolen the grappler, because Rico kept it on when he quit. He has no intention of returning the grappler and absolutely hates being tracked, so to deactivate the homing device he needs to find agent Miller.
The Agency show up with 7 giant submarines that function as Agency bases. Completing these counts as missions. It is slowly revealed after each mission that the Agency has a secret, ulterior motive for its presence in Solis and that the elimination of Rico and Sheldon is of high priority, but not the highest.
After destroying all other submarines, Tom locates Miller and his flagship, the USS Statesman. This results in a boss battle and a big reveal in the end. To avoid spoilers, go read the mission article, if you're interested: Rogue Agent.
A quarter of a fountain
The town Alqollacta has a fountain that is 3/4 inside adjacent buildings. The fountain itself is not a problem, it's reasonable to think that the fountain could be built this way, but the upward stream of water is inside the building. The stream is higher than the building so it comes through the roof.
Game gets stuck when customizing controls [resolved]
This was solved by a patch from December 14, 2018. The patch added a permanently usable back button to the bottom right of the menu. Initially this could either be clicked on, or activated with the left control key. Some later update changed this to the back button.
Helicopter spawns inside a platform
A helicopter may spawn inside the landing platform at Prospero Astillero. If this happens it may seem fine for a while, but it'll destabilize and blow up soon.
Similar stuff has been very rarely seen at a few car parking lots, but with out a explosion.
Planes do cartwheels [resolved]
Planes and aircraft will occasionally do cartwheels or spin around very quickly. For AI, this is speculated to be a pathing error, but for the player, it may occur when flying close to a tornado.
This seems to have been fixed by one of the patches.
90 degree jump
Rico jumps at a 90 degree angle when trying to obtain a weapon.
Производительность на консолях: зависающее мыльцо
Сейчас приставки являются основными игровыми платформами и то, что я увидел на своей PlayStation 4 Slim шокировало меня. Похоже, что Square Enix ничего не учит – ни провальная The Quiet Man, ни сырой кусок мыла Just Cause 4. Чтобы мои слова имели силу, предоставляю небольшой геймплейный отрывок:
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