Judas cradle что это
The Judas Cradle was formed in the year 2001 under the name The Common Man. From their hometowns of Mobile and Birmingham, AL, The Judas Cradle have embarked on tours with such bands as Bleeding Through, As I lay Dying, Bury Your Dead, Undying, Misery Signals, and Rag Men just to name a few. The Judas Cradle have released their full length album TOO BAD THEY'RE ALL DEAD through Eulogy Recordings, prior to that, a 5 song EP called "Where Child Actors Go to Die" through Indianola Records.
The Judas Cradle
The Judas Cradle was a tall, thin, stool with a metal or wooden pyramid on top. The victim would be stripped and bound with ropes. The victim would then be lowered, very slowly, onto the device, where the pyramid would then enter the vagina or anus. Any movement by the victim would cause an increasing amount of pain.
The primary attraction for this torture method was the humiliation the victim would endure. If the victim fainted from the pain, the torturer could lift them until they were awake again, and commence.
Torturers would sometimes need to continue interrogations overnight, and would then suspend the victim above the device overnight, only to resume the torture the next morning. Torture would range from several hours to several days.
The Judas Cradle was rarely, if ever, cleaned, meaning that if the victim did not die from wounds inflicted by the device itself, they would almost certainly die from infection.
This device was used in various countries, and of course, each called it something else. In France it was “la veille,” in Germany, “Judaswiege.” In Italy it was known as “culla di Guida.” It has also been called the Judas Chair.
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Judas Cradle
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Перевод "the Judas Cradle" на русский
The Judas and masons managed to conduct some kind of séances in the result of which the natural life of the country was destroyed.
Исходя из этого ошибочного предположения, власти выбрали свой путь "решения" проблемы - они арестовывают десятки невинных людей, тем самым пытаясь шантажировать лидера оппозиции, чтобы он "признал результаты выборов" и "пошел на диалог".
Lieutenant, need I remind you that this man stole the Judas coin from our very grasp.
Лейтенант, нужно ли напоминать, что этот человек украл монету Иуды прямо у нас из-под носа.
I learned about the Judas Chalice and how it could resurrect dead vampires.
Я узнала о чаше Иуды, и о том, что она может воскрешать вампиров.
Your system has been contaminated by the poison of the Judas tree.
Your system has been contaminated by the poison of the Judas Tree.
So the last on to hear the cavalry was coming in the Judas.
Так что последний, кто узнал о прибытии кавалерии и есть наш предатель.
The second sequel, The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice, was released on December 7, 2008.
Третья часть трилогии - «Библиотекарь: Проклятие чаши Иуды» - вышла 7 декабря 2008.
Picks off the whole pack from the air, sparing only the Judas wolf.
The addition of second guitarist Fred Ziomek, bassist Billups Allen and drummer Ryan Parrish saw the band release their first full-length LP The Mark of the Judas in 2000, on the now-defunct M.I.A. Records.
С приходом второго гитариста Fred Ziomek, басиста Billups Allen и барабанщика Ryan Parris группа выпускает свой первый альбом The Mark of the Judas в 2000 году на несуществующем нынче лейбле M.I.A. Records.
Part of the Judas Priest stage show often featured Halford riding onstage on a Harley-Davidson motorbike, dressed in motorcycle leathers and sunglasses.
Часть сценического шоу Judas Priest часто включала появление на мотоцикле Harley-Davidson Роба Хэлфорда, одетого в байкерскую кожаную куртку и солнцезащитные очки.
The Mark of the Judas was not widely promoted or distributed due to M.I.A. Records going out of business not long after the album's release.
The Mark of the Judas не был широко распространён, и из-за этого группа отказывается от лейбла M.I.A. Records вскоре после выхода альбома.
Su style you are sufficiently hard muy seemed the Judas Priest, for lo general, pero también tiene melódicos bad subjects as Bleed Will be Me the Seven Seals.
Тип Su, котор вы достаточно трудные muy показался священником Judas, для низкого генералитета, вопросов melódicos tiene también pero плохих по мере того как кровотечение будет мной 7 уплотнений.
We're aware of the Judas coin, and we will have it out of circulation before you can use it to turn a single other heart to darkness.
Мы знаем о монете Иуды, и мы уберем ее из оборота, чтобы ты не смог превратить сердце каждого человека во тьму
Sandberg is also an electronic artist, whose renderings have been adapted for book covers by futurist Damien Broderick: The Dreaming, Earth is But a Star, The Judas Mandala, Skiffy and Mimesis, Uncle Bones, Warriors of the Tao, and xyzt.
Сандберг также электронный художник, изображения которого были адаптированы к обложкам книг футуриста Дэмиена Бродерик: The Dreaming, Earth is But a Star, The Judas Mandala, Skiffy and Mimesis, Uncle Bones, Warriors of the Tao и др.
Or do they blame the Judas goat that led them up the ramp?
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