Idxgiswapchain present failed error call of duty как лечить
An integer that specifies how to synchronize presentation of a frame with the vertical blank.
- 0 - The presentation occurs immediately, there is no synchronization.
- 1 through 4 - Synchronize presentation after the nth vertical blank.
- 0 - Cancel the remaining time on the previously presented frame and discard this frame if a newer frame is queued.
- 1 through 4 - Synchronize presentation for at least n vertical blanks.
If the update region straddles more than one output (each represented by IDXGIOutput), Present performs the synchronization to the output that contains the largest sub-rectangle of the target window's client area.
An integer value that contains swap-chain presentation options. These options are defined by the DXGI_PRESENT constants.
Return value
Note The Present method can return either DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED or D3DDDIERR_DEVICEREMOVED if a video card has been physically removed from the computer, or a driver upgrade for the video card has occurred.Idxgiswapchain present failed error call of duty как лечить
5 мая. 2015 в 20:37 Game Crashes Randomly Direct X Error IDXGISwapChain: Present Failed its only certain graphics cards it seems, you need to update the drivers so we can download them so that they are stable and work with our new cards i have the titan X cards in 4 way sli even if i disable sli and use 1 card it still happens.. and i see alot of other people complaining about this error as well 27 июл. 2015 в 7:21 27 июл. 2015 в 15:58 27 июл. 2015 в 18:54 I'm running EVGA 970's in SLI and I had to roll the drivers back to March and I haven't had this crash since.. 28 июл. 2015 в 8:09Offical Statement from Activision on this:
Activision does not officially support the use of multiple monitors. We do not test on multiple monitor systems and cannot guarantee any level of functionality. This also includes SLI and Crossfire videocard setups.
Many games will not function properly on systems with multiple monitors. Common problems include crashing, failure to launch, or image distortion. If you are encountering any of these problems and are using multiple monitors you will need to disable the extra monitor(s) through the software for your video card or by physically disconnecting them from your machine.
This is just ridiculous!
28 июл. 2015 в 9:11I will update my own topic with further details.
I have a ticket opened and will try to force this issu to be adressed.
Any update on this? Is it still good?
try to disable shadows at all.. i know u have a 980 and it should be run but it doesnt.. we have 2 clan members who got same problem over months. every day dxcrash and after a tip from someone they disabled shadows and both got no dxerror again (4 days now) 7 авг. 2015 в 19:21
Offical Statement from Activision on this:
Activision does not officially support the use of multiple monitors. We do not test on multiple monitor systems and cannot guarantee any level of functionality. This also includes SLI and Crossfire videocard setups.
Many games will not function properly on systems with multiple monitors. Common problems include crashing, failure to launch, or image distortion. If you are encountering any of these problems and are using multiple monitors you will need to disable the extra monitor(s) through the software for your video card or by physically disconnecting them from your machine.
This is just ridiculous!
Amazing - I had tried this and Crashing has stopped. Sucks only one monitor. Once I enabled the second monitor the Crashes returned. I this culprit.
27 мая. 2016 в 12:14La solucion es ir a la carpeta del juego: c:/ archivos de programa x86 / steam / steamapps / common / call of duty advance warfare / _commonredist / directx / jun2010 /
y le dan boton derecho raton en DVXSETUP aplicacion y a propiedades, en la pestaña comptabilidad buscan el apartado configuracion y activan la "v" en la casilla ejecutar con una resolucion de pantalla de 640 x 840 y eso les solucionará el error del modo multijugador
C:/ Archivos de programa(x86) / seam / steamapps / common / Call of duty advanced Warfare / y bajan la ventana hacia abajo en busca de los dos ejecutables, veran que son los unicos archivos con foto de AW,
le dan al boton derecho de cada uno de ellos y activan: -Desabilitar el ajuste de escala de la pantalla si se usa la configuracion elevada de ppp,
pulsan aceptar y prueben de nuevo.
An app can use Present1 to optimize presentation by specifying scroll and dirty rectangles. When the runtime has information about these rectangles, the runtime can then perform necessary bitblts during presentation more efficiently and pass this metadata to the Desktop Window Manager (DWM). The DWM can then use the metadata to optimize presentation and pass the metadata to indirect displays and terminal servers to optimize traffic over the wire. An app must confine its modifications to only the dirty regions that it passes to Present1, as well as modify the entire dirty region to avoid undefined resource contents from being exposed.
For flip presentation model swap chains that you create with the DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL value set, a successful presentation results in an unbind of back buffer 0 from the graphics pipeline, except for when you pass the DXGI_PRESENT_DO_NOT_SEQUENCE flag in the Flags parameter.
For info about how data values change when you present content to the screen, see Converting data for the color space.
For info about calling Present1 when your app uses multiple threads, see Multithread Considerations and Multithreading and DXGI.
Flip presentation model queue
Suppose the following frames with sync-interval values are queued from oldest (A) to newest (E) before you call Present1.A: 3, B: 0, C: 0, D: 1, E: 0
When you call Present1, the runtime shows frame A for only 1 vertical blank interval. The runtime terminates frame A early because of the sync interval 0 in frame B. Then the runtime shows frame D for 1 vertical blank interval, and then frame E until you submit a new presentation. The runtime discards frames B and C.
Starting with Direct3D 11.1, consider using IDXGISwapChain1::Present1 because you can then use dirty rectangles and the scroll rectangle in the swap chain presentation and as such use less memory bandwidth and as a result less system power. For more info about using dirty rectangles and the scroll rectangle in swap chain presentation, see Using dirty rectangles and the scroll rectangle in swap chain presentation.
For the best performance when flipping swap-chain buffers in a full-screen application, see Full-Screen Application Performance Hints.
Because calling Present might cause the render thread to wait on the message-pump thread, be careful when calling this method in an application that uses multiple threads. For more details, see Multithreading Considerations.
Specifying DXGI_PRESENT_TEST in the Flags parameter is analogous to IDirect3DDevice9::TestCooperativeLevel in Direct3D 9.
For flip presentation model swap chains that you create with the DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL value set, a successful presentation unbinds back buffer 0 from the graphics pipeline, except for when you pass the DXGI_PRESENT_DO_NOT_SEQUENCE flag in the Flags parameter.
For info about how data values change when you present content to the screen, see Converting data for the color space.
Flip presentation model queue
Suppose the following frames with sync-interval values are queued from oldest (A) to newest (E) before you call Present.A: 3, B: 0, C: 0, D: 1, E: 0
When you call Present, the runtime shows frame A for only 1 vertical blank interval. The runtime terminates frame A early because of the sync interval 0 in frame B. Then the runtime shows frame D for 1 vertical blank interval, and then frame E until you submit a new presentation. The runtime discards frames B and C.
Лечение ошибки Direct3DDevice::Present failed (DEVICE REMOVE
В игре Call of Duty: Ghosts у многих происходит зависание игрового процесса и вылет игры с ошибками:
Direct3DDevice::Present failed (DEVICE REMOVED): DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG (-2005270523)
"Видеодрайвер перестал отвечать и был восстановлен"
Происходит это из-за нехватки напряжения графического процессора GPU, т.к. заводские настройки низкие и видеокарта не справляется с игровыми нагрузками.
Лечится данная проблема с помощью программы MSI AfterBurner 2.3.1 Final.
1. Открываете программу MSI AfterBurner.
2. Внизу интерфейса нажмите на кнопку дополнительных настроек "Settings".
3. В открывшемся окне поставьте галочки на пунктах:
"Разблокировать управление напряжением"
"Разблокировать мониторинг напряжения"
4. Нажмите "ОК" и перезапустите программу нажав "ДА".
5. В первом окне "Core Voltage (mV)" ползунком увеличьте напряжение на 12 единиц. Пример с видеокартой GeForce GTX 570 - с 1013mV до 1025mV. Можно и больше, но мне хватило. Если будете экспериментировать и прибавлять, то смотрите за температурой видеокарты.
6. Зафиксируйте настройки кнопкой "Apply".
7. Приятной игры без зависаний и вылетов на высоких настройках!
Для безопасности можно конечно опять заблокировать настройки, т.е. в дополнительных настройках "Settings", снять поставленные галки и нажать "ОК", но тогда со временем настройки возвращаются к дефолтным и начинаются опять вылеты. Не знаю почему это происходит, пару раз возвращал их обратно, а потом надоело и перестал их блокировать, играю нормально.
Подобные проблемы у меня были в играх: Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, а особенно в Battlefield 3 и Battlefield 4. После данного лечения все нормализовалось, играю без вылетов.
Return value
IDXGISwapChain1::Present1 method (dxgi1_2.h)
An integer that specifies how to synchronize presentation of a frame with the vertical blank.
- 0 - The presentation occurs immediately, there is no synchronization.
- 1 through 4 - Synchronize presentation after the nth vertical blank.
- 0 - Cancel the remaining time on the previously presented frame and discard this frame if a newer frame is queued.
- 1 through 4 - Synchronize presentation for at least n vertical blanks.
If the update region straddles more than one output (each represented by IDXGIOutput1), Present1 performs the synchronization to the output that contains the largest sub-rectangle of the target window's client area.
An integer value that contains swap-chain presentation options. These options are defined by the DXGI_PRESENT constants.
A pointer to a DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS structure that describes updated rectangles and scroll information of the frame to present.
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