Hotline miami 2 как добавить кастомные спрайты
В этом уроке мы рассмотрим создание модификации для Hotline Miami.
Enemies [ ]
Enemy Behaviour options in the level editor.
Various types of enemies and their behaviours can be selected in the Level Editor, enemies can have the following behaviours:
Static: Stands still until the player is within their line of sight, not alerted by gunfire.
Patrol: Makes a 90 degree turn left when their path is obstructed.
Random: Walks around randomly, occasionally stopping.
Idle: Stands still until the player is within their line of sight, not alerted by gunfire.
Dog: Always patrols, moves along walls if possible.
Dodger: Stands still until alerted by the player, unlike other static enemies they can be alerted by gunfire.
Bosses are not available in the Level Editor.
Enemy Factions [ ]
Various factions of enemies are also available in the Level Editor, playable characters can only fight enemies that they have sprites for. The Mafia, Gang, Colombian, Police, Soldiers, and Guards factions are available by default in the Level Editor. Currently, the Prisoner and Hallucinatory Demon factions are not available in the Level Editor.
В редакторе уровней доступны следующие игровые персонажи:
- Фанаты (Кори, Алекс и Эш, Тони и Марк) (Мэнни Пардо)
- Писатель (Эван Райт)
- Солдат (Борода)
- Сын (Сын)
- Крыса (Рихтер)
- Кобра (Джейк)
- Мясник (Мартин Браун)
- Приспешник (Приспешник)
- Джекет (Джекет)
- Байкер (Байкер)
Для каждого персонажа есть свои ограничения на противников и оружие: Пардо, например, может сражаться только против бандитов, колумбийцев и полиции, причем такое оружие, как пожарный топор или узи с глушителем ему доступны не будут. Некоторые персонажи могут выбирать стиль игры, маску или персонажа, если они не закреплены разработчиком. Их список:
- Джекет (выбирает любую маску из Hotline Miami).
- Кобра (выбирает одну из следующих трёх масок: Джейка, Ирвина или Далласа).
- Фанаты (выбирают одного из четырёх ).
- Солдат (выбирает одно из следующих оружий: M16, дробовик, тяжёлый пулемёт, снайперскую винтовку или огнемёт).
- Сын (выбирает один из трёх своих стилей: телохранитель, грязные руки или родословная).
Кроме всего перечисленного, каждый персонаж имеет свою машину.
В редакторе уровней присутствует большое количество противников, кроме боссов, которые встречались нам в сюжетной кампании.
- Статичные (англ. Static): стоят до тех пор, пока не увидят игрока. На выстрелы не реагируют.
- Патрульные (англ. Patrol): ходят вперёд, поворачивая на 90 градусов влево (если возможно). Реагируют на звуки выстрелов.
- Случайные (англ. Random): ходят в случайном направлении и иногда стоят.
- Ожидающие (англ. Idle): стоят с уникальной анимацией, пока в их поле зрения не появится игрок. На звук выстрелов не реагируют. (англ. Dog): аналогичны патрульным. (англ. Thug): аналогичны патрульным. (англ. Dodger): аналогичны статичным.
Для каждого персонажа доступны свои фракции противников, как это уже указывалось выше: с ними они сражались в сюжетной кампании (исключение — Хаммарин, для которого доступно больше всего фракций). Список фракций:
Community Content [ ]
Content Dumps [ ]
Levels and Custom Assets (by Character) [ ]
Sprites [ ]
- Enemy Reskins:
--1. Mafia Mods
--2. Gang Mods
--3. Police Mods
--4. Colombian Mods
--5. Guard Mods
--6. Soldier Mods
--7. Misc. Faction Mods
- Faces:
- Alternate Corey Face by tony-chan
- Jacket's Face Rooster Mask by tony-chan
- Colombian Henchman Face, by DannyJudas
- Golden Richard, by -sparta-
- Jones Unmasked, by Circuz
- Mafia Thug Face, by Lordonio
- Fat Pardo Face, by -sparta-
- Colombian Bodyguard/Street Samurai Face, by MarquezMark , by Psycho Named Jerry
- Twitch face-sprites, by CrazyJaydon
- Richter's Mask With Shades, by GreenTroll108
VHS Covers [ ]
Weapons [ ]
- Stronger Gun Sounds Mod, by YossarianAssyrian (HLM2)
- Insurgency, by Têmis (HLM2)
- Hotline Insurgency, by ImNotLolzor (HLM1)
- CS:GO Gun Sounds Replacement, by Khaled420 (HLM2) , by Graffiti_Cat (HLM2)
- Goldeneye Sounds and Music, by alickswootton (HLM2)
- Madness Combat Sounds, by juses_crust14 (HLM2)
- Better Weapon Sounds and Other Sounds, by datiel12 (HLM2)
- Gun Sound Revamp, by zombiedamage (HLM2)
- True Miami Guns, by whitegolddigger (HLM2)
- Meme Sounds for Melee Kill Sound Effects, by GreenTroll108 (HLM2)
Music [ ]
-1. General Music Mods
- The War Of Miami: 1991, by Synthpon80s (HLM2)
- Chances, by Synthpon80s (HLM2) [NOTE: Mod no longer hosted/available on Zippyshare.]
- Clockwork Miami, by JustAQuick87 (HLM2)
- Another Ringtone, by JohnRDVSMarston (HLM2)
- Rescored, by TheAstroHunter (HLM2)
- Payday Music, by YossarianAssyrian (HLM2) , by acanofdrpepper (HLM2)
- Beta Music Mod, by YossarianAssyrian (HLM2)
- Music Replacement Mod for HLM1, by King_Bushie (HLM1)
- Madness Combat, by juses_crust14 (HLM2) , by eq2343 (HLM1)
- Sofa's Music Mod, by ARedundantSofa (HLM2)
- Another Music Mix, by BoxcarRacer41 (HLM2)
- Distorted Reality Mix, by vetchinaz (HLM2)
-2. Campaign Soundtracks
- Miami Falls, by DannyJudas
- The Rooster Files Soundtrack, by robracer97
- Experimental Soundtrack, by Technobreaker
- Requiem Soundtrack, by mvfolevh
- Pigfingers Soundtrack, by Awarets
- MADNESS Soundtrack, by TheBlueDoctor and robracer97
- Aftershock Soundtrack, by Kuroneko
- A Real Human Bean 2 Soundtrack, by robracer97 , by Atlan
- Bushido Soundtrack, by Fusilli
- Frostbite Soundtrack, by thebasicbrick
- Hunter: Snowfall Soundtrack, by THELEGOMack
- Hunter: Red Star Soundtrack, by THELEGOMack
- Cold War Redux Soundtrack, by TheCrossRoss
- THOTLINE MIAMI Soundtrack, by Goethe
- Cryoablation Soundtrack, by YossarianAssyrian
- The Dark Wright Soundtrack, by robracer97
- INNOCENT Soundtrack, by TheSuitedFox
- OUTCAST REDUX Soundtrack, by TheSuitedFox
- Miami Menace Soundtrack, by DAPPY
- Shibuya Gun Sounds & Music Mod, by coringa
- The Cold One Soundtrack, by Meeghaard
- Wild Thing Custom Soundtrack, by DOOM
- Hunter: Brotherhood Soundtrack, by THELEGOMack
Miscellaneous [ ]
-1. Blood and Effects
-2. Walls and Tiles
- More Tiles Mod, by DannyJudas (Tiles)
- Grey Sewer Walls Mod, by YossarianAssyrian (Walls/Tiles)
- Prison Walls and Doors Mod, by Video-Brains (Walls/Tiles) , by -sparta- (Walls)
- Tech-Based Texture Pack, by Video-Brains (Walls/Tiles/Items)
- Breakable Walls, by ChargerHM (Walls)
- Community Tile Collection, by Musicjab (Tiles) , by Ben_Hayden (Doors)
- Tec-9 Replaces FAMAE, by Avengers-jiu-jitsu (FAMAE)
- Skorpion vz.61 Replacing Uzi, by loligoli (Uzi/HLM2)
- HM1 Katana and Shuriken, by loligoli (Katana and Throwing Knife/HLM2)
- MP5 Replaces FAMAE, by alickswootton (FAMAE)
-4. Cars and Other Vehicles
, by YossarianAssyrian (Vehicles)
- Black Fans Van, by saplight (Vehicles)
- Fans Van to Helicopter, by DoubleDonkDiddyKong and Skunkrocker (Vehicles)
- Dystopian Vehicles, by PerfectPardo (Items/Vehicles)
- SWAT Fans Van, by dadsnoza (Vehicles) , by ohmygod_jc (Vehicles) , by _Neksor (Vehicles)
-5. Items, NPCs, and Large Compilations
- Minor Sprite Fix Mod, by Video-Brains (Minor sprite sheet fixes)
- HM1 Furniture Mod, by YossarianAssyrian (Items)
- Strange Music, by areyougoblet (Broken Vinyls)
- HM1 NPC Mod, by YossarianAssyrian (NPCs)
- Clean Broken Bar Vehicles, by alickswootton (Items)
- Hospital Items Mod, by YossarianAssyrian (Items/NPCs)
- Redial Items Mod, by YossarianAssyrian (Items)
- WW2 Assets, by robracer97 (Walls/Tiles/Items/Enemies/Weapons/Sounds)
- Nightclub Furniture, by Musicjab (Items)
- Noir Mods, by robracer97 (Walls/Tiles/Items/Enemies/Weapons/Sounds/Music)
- Deadbolt Furniture, by Musicjab (Items)
- HM1 Arcades Mod, by YossarianAssyrian (Arcade Machines)
- Working Cop/Pardo's Car Trunk, by MaximShcherbinin (Items)
- Low-Cost Hard Mode Filter, by perforat0r (Items)
- Human Punching Bag Replacement, by Michaelquit19138 (Items)
Raw Assets and Tools: [ ]
- HLM WAD Explorer, by TcT2k , by tony-chan , by YossarianAssyrian
- Shell Shock, Painkiller, and Misc. Sprite Dump, by CrazyJaydon
- Hotline Miami: Redial Sprite Dump, by Battle_Bee and femax
- Midnight Animal Sprite Dump, by spncryn
- Face Sprite Dump Galore, by Gunch_Punch
- Cryoablation + Past Campaigns Sprite Dump, by YossarianAssyrian
- Dreamland Assets, by NOIZMAKR
- Modern Office Sprite Dump, by Musicjab , by Musicjab
- Miami Menace campaign sprites and other assets, by Dapp_y
- Ikea level furniture and tiles, by Musicjab , by THELEGOMACK
- Decompiler for .play Files, by Kataiser17
- Verevann Furniture & Sprite Dump, by toad'n'toad and Xyfropunk
Hotline miami 2 как добавить кастомные спрайты
Вот, как и обещал. Такси на замену Пардовской машины. За основу брал такси из First Trial.
Спрайты можно как то быстро заменить (я не про цвет) или их надо рисовать самому долго и пичально?
Владислав, можно вытащить спрайт из игры и отредактировать так, как пожелаешь.
Валерий, я знаю это, как сделать это быстро? то есть заменить например анимацию персонажа?
Вытаскиваешь спрайты персонажа, редактируешь каждый кадр и суешь в игру.
Виталий, при помощи HLM WAD Explorer открываешь hlm2_data_desktop.wad, выбираешь любой файл в формате png и во вкладке Resource нажимаешь на кнопку Extract.
Валерий, прекрасно, ты только недавно писал «Моддинг 2016 года», когда чувак выкладывал экран загрузки, так поясни пожалуйста, как блин может в голову стукнуть идея замены тачки персонажа, это даже никак не влияет на игровой процесс и ощущения от игры, зачем ты это сделал?
Артур, я это сделал для уровней в редакторе, потому что эту тему можно развивать и дальше. Но в чем смысл замены одного экрана и только на русском языке?
Characters [ ]
The Level Editor features the following characters:
Jacket : The main protagonist of the first game is playable, alongside an updated sprite. However, his play-style differs slightly. Whilst still being able to use every mask from the previous game, many of the abilities had to be altered or even outright removed based on the fact that many of the masks abilities had no practical use in-game, or the mechanics they worked off of don't exist. Another absent feature is Jacket's ability to take hostages. Jacket can only fight Russian Mobsters, despite the fact that he also fought the police in the first game.
The Fans (Corey, Tony, Alex, Ash and Mark all collectively count as the character 'The Fans') : The Fans can fight against Russian Mobsters and gang members. Being a group of multiple playable characters, the editor allows for free choice, or restricting the player to a certain character. Their weapon range is the same across the board.
The Cobra (can select the following masks: Jake, Irvin and Dallas).
The Fans (can select any of the playable characters within the fans).
The Soldier (can select the following weapons: M16, Shotgun, Heavy Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle and Flamethrower).
The Son (can select the following playstyles: Bodyguard, Dirty Hands and Bloodline).
When selecting a playable character with this ability, by default the player will be able to pick the playstyle, however it is possible to force the player to use a specific playstyle by manually placing down the character on the map with the desired playstyle.
Each character has their own vehicle, acting as an end-level trigger. Therefore, one must be placed in every level so the level can be completed.
Необходимые программы
Чтобы изменить спрайт игры и сделать так, что-бы он использовался в игре вам потребуются следующие программы:
Hotline Miami Wad Explorer
Данная программа понадобится для того, что-бы открывать файлы игры с расширением .wad.
Редактор уровней
Редактор уровней — одна из главный особенностей версии Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number для PC. Он позволяет игрокам создавать свои собственные уровни, а также, но уже косвенно, модификации, а после делиться ими с другими людьми через Steam Workshop. Бета-версия редактора появилась 10 декабря 2015 года, после чего получила первое обновления 23 декабря. Уже в новом обновлении от 3 мая игроки получили возможность загружать. Пользователи Steam на Windows могут менять версию редактора.
Дизайн уровня
Редактор уровней позволяет создателям уровней размещать различные объекты на них. Доступны следующие типы объектов:
- Этаж: хоть пол является исключительно декоративной частью дизайна, её неиспользование выглядит очень глупым действием. Существует множество типов покрытия пола.
- Стены: стены используются для блокирования движения, снарядов и зрения противника. : двери блокируют снаряды и зрение противника, если они закрыты, но их через них можно пройти, что откроет их. : окна блокируют движение, но не снаряды и зрение противника. Часто используются для того, чтобы позволить противникам видеть игрока из другой комнаты.
- Предметы: декоративные элементы, используемые для придания уровням атмосферы, в то время как большинство не влияет на игровой процесс, некоторые из них могут блокировать движение : названное «Разным» в редакторе, оружие может быть помещено в любом месте уровня, но лишь то, что доступно персонажу.
Необходимые программы
Чтобы изменить спрайт игры и сделать так, что-бы он использовался в игре вам потребуются следующие программы:
Game Maker
Для редактирования самих файлов игры и создания мода нам потребуется Game Maker. Необходимая версия - 7.0, 8.0 или 8.1.
Желательно иметь Pro Версию, чтобы иметь максимум возможностей во время создания модификации.
GM Декомпилятор
Данная программа нужна нам, для извлечения файлов игры и их последующего редактирования.
Графический редактор
Также понадобится любой графический редактор, поддерживающий прозрачность. К примеру: Adobe Photoshop, PaintDotNet.
Настройки уровня
Transferring Alpha Levels to the Updated Editor [ ]
If you're like everyone else that's made a level in the alpha editor and want to port your level over to the official build of HM2, follow the steps below. Please note that this method hasn't been extensively tested yet, and may produce unstable results. It's highly recommended that you make a back up of your level if you haven't already done so.
Beta Features [ ]
- Create new scenes/levels for the game including furniture, enemies, weapons, and NPCs.
- Custom intros, outros, and cut-scenes for levels.
- Custom campaigns.
- Custom VHS covers for levels.
- A maximum of 7 floors/areas per level.
- Unlocked floor transitions. (No longer locked by location; can spawn the character anywhere within the map when transitioning)
- Locational weapon spawns. (Weapons spawn in the environment, rather than being limited to an enemy)
- Character Implementation:
: Has the ability to kill Thugs. : Ability to use all his masks from the original game. (It's possible to restrict his mask usage to one or none) : The only character with full sprites for every enemy type.
- Re-addition of the Drill, Pot, Silenced Uzi, Cleaver, and Throwing Knives as usable weapons - only usable by Jacket (first two) and Biker (last two)
- Environmental Effect Filters:
- Rain
- Darkness
- Daylight
- Sunset
- Standard (Red-Aqua-Fuchsia)
- Jungle (Lime colored trees)
- Storm (Maroon, Black, with thunder)
- Waves (Purple-Aqua-Fuchsiawaves, as seen in Dead Ahead)
Accessing the Alpha Level Editor [ ]
The developers left the old alpha version of the editor in the retail version of HLM2 and it can be accessed via exploits. A modded .exe containing the alpha build must be downloaded, and put it in the game directory. (Works for both Steam and GOG edition)
Alpha Features [ ]
NOTE: The alpha version of the editor is incomplete. As such, it is no longer updated and lacks features and bug fixes the beta editor has. Use at your own risk.
- Selecting Manny Pardo, Jake, Evan, and sometimes The Fans will result in the level completely crashing.
- A lot of items aren't finished.
- Many Items will crash the game, when selected.
- Many Walls from the games are not available. (ie, white brick walls, or indestructible mirrors/windows)
- Corner wall textures for the Sewer Walls, Wood Walls, and Movie Set Walls will not be placed.
- If too many walls are added, the game will crash.
- Many tiles from both games are also not available.
- The guns tab does not have any weapons that can be placed.
- Triggers can not be made. (For example, the elevator explosion in Casualties, or the "Get the Girl" objective scene in Final Cut)
, Jacket and H.M. Hammarin are unusable.
- Lethal knife throws will automatically turn the sprite into a mobster.
- No outro/intro/sprite editors.
- No cutscene editor.
- No campaign editor.
- If you use The Pig Butcher, Richter or The Soldier, you won't be able to finish the level.
- Saves made in the alpha build will not carry over to the full version.
- The floor tiles tend to disappear while using the Rewind function and while renaming the level.
- Some songs are unlisted, such as iamthekidyouknowhatimean's Run. Other songs are incorrectly labeled; for example, selecting Jasper Byrne's Voyager will instead play Carpenter Brut's Le Perv, and Scattle's Bloodline is listed as Pursuit.
- If the player lowers the volume while in a level, the game will crash.
- Adding doors will occasionally result in a crash.
- If player replays the level the floor tiles will disappear, leaving only walls, items and enemies.
Level Editor
The Starry Sky selection screen of the editor. The blue lit buildings of the Miami skyline ebb and flow like waves.
The Level Editor is a feature in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number.
The level editor allows for the creation of custom levels and campaigns using assets from the main game. These levels are shareable though Steam Workshop with the caveat that they can be completed. Level Editor files have limited mod support and any 'mods' files bundled in them can also be shared through Steam Workshop.
The Beta started on December 10th, 2015, and received its first public update on December 23rd. A second public update was released on March 1st, 2016 with a hotfix on March 10th, 2016. On May 3rd, another public update incorporated Steam Workshop support, allowing players to upload and download new levels through Steam.
Steam users running Windows are able to access the latest release of the level editor by opting in to the editor_beta patch in the game's Steam properties box.
There is no guarantee that beta-created content will work in the final build, so users should be wary of the very real possibility that new updates will render their work obsolete.
Level Settings [ ]
In the Level Settings the playable character can be selected as well as the music that will play on the level. It is also possible to set cosmetic effects to the level, such as rain and the background effect. The level borders may also be set to prevent the player from going outside the playable area. It is also now possible to add additional floors, requiring the use of a Floor Transitioner Trigger.
Level Design [ ]
Floors: Floor tiles make up the base of the level, providing the player with multiple types of floor patterns and color subsets.
Walls: Walls are used to block movement, projectiles, and enemy line of sight, like floors these are used in every level.
Door: Doors act as a way to move between rooms. They act as walls until opened..
Glass: Glass, being transparent, blocks movement, but still allows the passthrough of projectiles and provides a line of sight., glass is often used to allow enemies to see the player from another room.
Items: Items are decorative assets that are usually used to make levels look more realistic, while most do not have any effect on gameplay, some do block movement.
Weapons: Called 'Misc' in the editor, weapons can be placed around the level for the player to use, only weapons the player character has sprites for can be placed.
Добавление своего оружия
В этом уроке мы рассмотрим создание модификации для Hotline Miami 2.
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