Horse heaven как играть
There are 4 divisions of Horses in Horse Haven: Common Horses (realistic), Fantasy Horses, Exclusive Horses and Constellation Horses. For more information on a specific breed, please click a horse portrait below.
Fantasy Horses
Main article: Fantasy Horses
Bright colors and striking looks, Fantasy Horses are a lively addition to Horse Haven! They can be kept on any ranch.
Leveling up
Q. How do I level up quickly?
Horse Haven коды: советы и руководство по стратегии, чтобы разблокировать все лошади
Ubisoft только что выпустила Horse Haven мир приключений на App Store, красивая игра управления временем, которая бросает нам вызов, чтобы поднять лошадей, кормить их, разводить их и идти с ними в гонках, чтобы собирать монеты. Действительно захватывающая игра, о которой мы будем говорить в этой статье, где мы проверим некоторые Horse Haven Читы и советы, чтобы построить идеальное ранчо и получить все лошади, которые вы хотите.
Так что давайте не будем тратить время, у нас есть много работы, чтобы сделать! Если вы хотите чтобы немного улучшить свою игру, читайте дальше для некоторых Horse Haven мир приключений советы и рекомендации!
1. Сосредоточьтесь на еде
Лошадей нужно кормить довольно часто, и им нужно много пищи, поэтому убедитесь, что вы сосредоточитесь на этом, как только начнете играть: всегда есть ваши фермы, производящие некоторые дополнительные культуры, и держите баланс между культурами, чтобы вы могли использовать их для производства самых передовых. Даже если вы получите слишком много и заполнить свой сарай, вы все же не стоит паниковать, потому что вы можете продать их за небольшую прибыль. Поэтому всегда сажайте урожай и убедитесь, что у вас есть много всего.
2. Позаботьтесь о нуждах ваших лошадей
Есть небольшие мини-игры каждый раз, когда у лошади есть новая потребность, и вы должны заботиться о них как можно скорее, потому что именно так вы повышаете их уровень и превращаете их во взрослых, а затем в лучших лошадей с большей энергией для гонок. Каждый раз, когда вы склоняетесь к необходимости, ваша лошадь вы получите дополнительную энергию, поэтому имеет смысл делать это только после того, как вы были в гонке, иначе вся эта энергия, которую вы получаете, тратится впустую.
4. Смотрите объявления
Каждый день, у вас есть возможность посмотреть добавить для некоторых бесплатных алмазов. Сделайте это, потому что вы действительно можете положить эти алмазы в какой-то большой пользы в вашей ферме!
5. Разводите своих лошадей
Есть много пород лошадей, доступных в игре, и ваша цель, безусловно, будет иметь их все. Таким образом, вы должны постоянно разводить лошадей, чтобы увеличить ваш шансы на их получение. Вы можете получить новых лошадей с рынка за монеты или просто посетить своих соседей, нажать их лошадей и использовать их для разведения. Этот последний метод идеально подходит для получения доступа к породам, которых у вас еще нет, и поэтому увеличивает ваши шансы на получение новой породы. Все это основано на пробах и ошибках, поэтому продолжайте пытаться, и в конечном итоге у вас будут все породы, которые вы хотите (и вы можете продать те, которые вы не делаете!)
6. Держать играем
Когда вы играете, вы автоматически выполняете квесты (хотя не помешает проверить их, чтобы убедиться, что вы на правильном пути), повышаете уровень своих лошадей и улучшаете свое ранчо, пока оно не станет действительно впечатляющим. Не торопитесь, потому что Horse Haven World Adventures-это игра, которая требует много, и наслаждайтесь поездкой!
Если у вас есть другие советы и стратегии для Horse Haven, дайте нам знать, комментируя ниже!
Q. How do I add friends in game?
A. If you have a specific person in mind, you both have to connect your games to Facebook and be friends on Facebook. The game will automatically add you to each other's friend lists. If it doesn't happen, close the game, wait a few seconds and try again. Other ways to find Friends in game include joining Clubs and sending friend requests to everyone in the club and tapping on the cars with profile pictures driving by to visit others.
Q. I play on Android device and my friend plays on iOS device, how can I find them?
A. Android and iOS (Apple) devices are connected to different servers and as such they play in different game worlds, so unfortunately there is no way for you to connect with them in game.
Q. I connected my game to Facebook but cannot find my friend!
A. Unfortunately there is a bug in the friend function, and sometimes you cannot find your friend although you have done exactly what the game has asked of you. What you can try to do is to find a common friend who can send a club invite, or create a new club, advertise it on the global club list and wait for your friend to join.
Q. Is there a limit to how many friends I can have?
A. There does not seem to be one. Some players have over 600 friends.
Q. I need more friends! What should I do?
A. If your game is connected to Facebook, join HHWA Facebook groups to find other players. Another quick way of getting lots of friends is the so-called club hopping method, in which you join a club, send every member a friend request, leave the club and join another one after the 30 minute count down has ended. Repeating this multiple times may result in gaining dozens of new friends very quickly.
Exclusive Horse Breeding Recipes
There are of course hidden and exclusive recipes! These usually involve cross-breeding horses in different divisions, that you can't do in normal gameplay. Read on to see how to unlock them!
Puzzle Pieces
During certain Horse Racing or time-limited events you might collect puzzle pieces, which unlock an Exclusive Horse breeding recipe! Once you collect enough pieces, claim the recipe before attempting to breed that Exclusive Horse, otherwise, the game will not allow you to cross-breed a Fantasy Horse with a Common Horse.
List of Exclusive Horse Breeding Recipes
A. If it's not a visting horse, then you don't have an empty Stable on that ranch for the horse to go to. You'll have to move one of your horses to the Grand Stable or to another ranch to make room.
Q. What are the skills of a horse?
A. Every horse has three basic skills: speed, stamina and jump. Horses may also get up to two of the three weather skills. To see what skills any given breed and tier has, go to Skill Chart.
Q. How can I upgrade the skills of my horse?
A. Upgrades may be received by chance from the wheel of fortune when the horse levels up between levels 11 and 15. The only certain way, is by reaching special milestones during an active Steeplechase Skill Event.
Breeding Recipes
In Horse Haven, a Recipe refers to a specific combination of two different Horse Breeds you need to cross-breed for a chance to get a different third Breed. Once you have earned or unlocked a breeding recipe, you can make that cross-breeding whenever you like, it won't expire.
Main Article: Breeding
Common Horse Breeding Recipes
All the Tier 1 Common Horses have breeding recipes shown in Horsepedia. Although the exact breeds might be hidden based on player level, these recipes are available to everyone playing the game! Be sure to check out each horse breed page for any additional combinations. If you take notes, feel free to share your own experiences! Tip: You can try different breed combinations and see the "new" horse breed in the Breeding House preview before having to pay!
Tier 4
The Purebreeders Society allows players to unlock Tier 4 horses. You have to unlock a Tier 4 certificate before you can breed a Tier 4 horse. (see that page for more info)
Q. How can I breed a Tier 4 horse?
A. You have to unlock a Tier 4 certificate for that breed from Purebreeders Society. Every month there are three breeds you can choose from. After you have unlocked the certificate with jewels, you can try for a Tier 4 of that breed, by breeding two Tier 3's together or breeding with a friend's Tier 4.
Q. How can I breed with the visiting fantasy horse?
A. You can find the visiting fantasy horse from the paddock on the Fantasy Island. Tap the horse to open a pop up with a blue breed button. You can also find the visiting fantasy horse from the bottom of your horse list on every ranch. Tap the blue i-icon to open a pop up with a blue breed button.
Exclusive Horses
These are horses released with time-limited Events in Horse Haven. Note: Usually they can only be pure-bred for higher Tiers. Sometimes Exclusive Breeds will have an unlockable recipe released later on!
Horse heaven как играть
Here you can find the most Frequently Asked Questions and summary of answers. You can use search function (Windows: ctrl+f, Mac: cmd+f) to look for a certain word. The questions are organized by subject groups.
Time-limited Breeding Event
On occasion, there is a time-limited Breeding Event where making a specific cross-breeding of two common horses offers a chance to produce a unique foal. No certificate is required during these special events.
Q. Are there any events currently happening?
A. Look at the in-game Event Board to see if there are any events happening right now. For more information about different types of events commonly seen in the game, go to Events.
Q. Why are the top 50 Hong Kong/USA Race horses faster than mine but have lower skills?
A. All horses in the top 50 are fully diamond skilled, there is a visual glitch that shows the leaders base stats rather than the real-time stats.
Common Horses
There are over 70+ Common Horse breeds in the game. Here, they are categorized by Market purchase location (some breeds are exclusive to a certain village location). However, all the Horses can be kept and bred on any ranch.
Exclusive to USA Market
Exclusive to France Market
Exclusive to Germany Market
Exclusive to UK Market
Available from All Markets
Since Version 2.7.0, ponies are available in the game. There are currently 7 ponies in the game; 4 of them are exclusive to the French Market and 3 of them are available in all markets.
Constellation Horses
The current series Constellation Horse is often available to purchase with real money through the Mystery Shop during the zodiac sign period it stands for. Sometimes there are other limited-time purchase packs offered in-game as well. Check your game! You cannot breed for a Constellation Horse. There are Constellation l, ll, and lll.
Sign | Dates | Constellation I | Constellation II | Constellation III |
Leo | July 23 rd GMT– Aug. 22 nd GMT | |||
Virgo | Aug. 23 rd GMT– Sept. 23 rd GMT | |||
Libra | Sept. 24 th GMT– Oct. 23 rd GMT | |||
Scorpio | Oct. 23 rd GMT– Nov. 21 st GMT | |||
Sagittarius | Nov. 22 nd GMT– Dec. 21 st GMT | |||
Capricorn | Dec. 22 nd GMT– Jan. 19 th GMT | |||
Aquarius | Jan. 20 th GMT– Feb. 18 th GMT | |||
Pisces | Feb. 19 th GMT– Mar. 20 th GMT | |||
Aries | Mar. 21 st GMT– Apr. 19 th GMT | |||
Taurus | Apr. 20 th GMT– May 20 th GMT | |||
Gemini | May 21 st GMT– Jun. 20 th GMT | |||
Cancer | Jun. 21 st GMT– July 22 nd GMT |
2015 Note: the first Leo Horse month lasts from July 30th, GMT to Aug. 22nd GMT, due to the release date of Version 2.7.0. But the next Leo Horse month in 2016 will begin timely on July 23rd GMT.
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