Hearts of iron 3 или 4 что лучше
8 июн. 2016 в 3:53
I've not played either and appreciate HoI4 is embryonic in comparison to its predecessor but a lot of views on this subject already. The slight majority I've gathered from forums seems to be HoI4 is edging it even with the AI needing work.
I'm not too fussed about graphics, and I'm looking to play offline against the computer AI, so was looking to play the version with the most challenging AI without having the artificial difficulty of just having your research and output slowed down, or the computer player's research/output boosted.
Learning curves don't worry me too much as I find the struggle with learning part of the fun.
Any recommendations about which I should go for welcome :)
8 июн. 2016 в 6:56 please. hoi3 is so much better. at least we had transport planes and transports. try doping air supply in hoi4. comes in v ery handy sometimes 8 июн. 2016 в 7:00 The people telling you that HOI3 is better are the people who grinded for 200 hours to actually learn that circus. It's an absolute mess during war time. Too much micro on too big of a front. Not to mention Peace time is just clicking on 4 different sliders for 3 years until War breaks out, longer if you're not in Europe. HOI4 is definitely more innovative and superior in almost every way, the only downside is the AI but HOI3 had the worst AI of any Paradox game on release. They had to bring over some EU4 devs to fix it.I say buy HOI4 and never look at any number under. It's not worth the frustration.
Git gud :P, 350 hours for me.. its so much fun w/ Black ICE 8 июн. 2016 в 7:05 ha ha now i want to try HoI 3 again, i'm going to have to get both , and HoI 2 lol 8 июн. 2016 в 7:19 Edit: Also Paradox is about the only company I know of that gives you critical parts of game dlc without making you pay for it, they're hardly cash grabbing their fans. Bingo. They've actually shot themselves in the foot in some cases by giving too much away for free leaving customers with little incentive to actually buy the expansion! I hold Paradox up as one of the few developers to do DLC the right way. 8 июн. 2016 в 7:32 The people telling you that HOI3 is better are the people who grinded for 200 hours to actually learn that circus. It's an absolute mess during war time. Too much micro on too big of a front. Not to mention Peace time is just clicking on 4 different sliders for 3 years until War breaks out, longer if you're not in Europe. HOI4 is definitely more innovative and superior in almost every way, the only downside is the AI but HOI3 had the worst AI of any Paradox game on release. They had to bring over some EU4 devs to fix it.
I say buy HOI4 and never look at any number under. It's not worth the frustration.
Git gud :P, 350 hours for me.. its so much fun w/ Black ICE Yeah and I have 1,036 on my original Steam account, your point?
Arguing about your hours on an old game doesn't make you credible when the person you're trying to argue with has more.
Nostalgia should never influence purchase. If you never played HOI3 and had to choose, I guarantee you'd prefer HOI4. If you played 3 from the very beginning, it was absolutely horrible. Took a whole year to fix it and Paradox had to make it automatically include Black Ice because it was a dumpster fire without it. Thanks but I'll gladly take this game and never look back. 19 июл. 2017 в 5:31
+ You can create factions other than the historical three
+ Equipment system is great
+ Doesn't crash on my PC
+ Single techs carry more weight.
- The political alignments of countries are changed away from history because
- The alignment system with the ideology sypport is completely ridiculous
- Weird naval invasions(Australia into Finland?)
+ In general the political system is more interesting
+ Supply system
- - Crashes over and over on my PC
o Leadership system. I am undecided on that one, it probably can be exploited incredibly in MP if the minors of a team skip research in favor of diplomacy and espionage trading all necessary equipment from their major.
+ Specialized Techs for jungle/arctic/desert/mountain
- AI cannot handle germany properly
- AI cannot handle Japan properly
All in all I like HoI3 more.
19 июл. 2017 в 5:48 Also, this game, IV, was made with DLC in mind, indicating they planned on leaving things out, so it could be sold at a later date.False. Paradox does not deliberately "leave things out" to sell as DLC. What they offer is a complete and polished game (at least as polished as any game is these days) that has all the necessary content to play a full campaign from beginning to end. If they add something at a later date then it is exactly that, an addition and not something that was "left out".
Developers have limited resources, especially a smaller developer like Paradox, and at some point, they simply have to stop adding content and features to a game and finish with what they have. This isn't a nefarious scheme to milk their customers but a brute fact of game development. As someone once said, it's easy to make the perfect game; all you need is infinite time and infinite resources. However, since no developer has that luxury, every game will be imperfect to one extent or another.
But to call Hearts of Iron IV "incomplete" is absurd. Is there room for improvement? Of course there is, but you could say the same thing about its predecessor even after years of patching and expansions. That doesn't make it an incomplete game. If you think HoI3 sounds like the better game then go for it, but you shouldn't go that route based on flawed notions that HoI4 is somehow incomplete.
Total BS, lol. They release games that are nowhere near complete, like Stellaris.
HOI 4 vs HOI 3
- Ответы 122
- Создано 18.04.2017, 12:22:48
- Последний ответ 30.10.2020, 18:38:34
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Здравствуй, уважаемый форум. Мне кажется, что не совсем корректно сравнивать лоб в лоб игры из двух разных поколений игростроя. Это приблизительно как выставить в ринг тяжеловеса против боксёра из л
Не играл в Хойку лет 6-7. Появилось свободное время и решил, так сказать вспомнить былое.. Начал играть в HOI 4 и в HOI 3 BI 9.1 (с сабмодами). В итоге могу сказать, что HOI4 это какое-то страшное нед
Дота, да. новый стандарт днища.
Именно насчет духа и ощущений - надо мне будет потом отписать. Но, имхо, тройка выигрывает четверке в двух моментах: 1. До снятия паузы в самом начале. 2.
Помню сколько мучался 6 лет назад с HoI3. Игра была первой для меня в жанре глобальных стратегий(Total war и Цивилизацию не считаю, это вроде как принципиально иные стратегии)). Это потом вслед за ней
3 выигрывает почти по всем фронтам. Поясню по пунктам 1) Производство: В 3 части более удобно для меня за счёт того, что позволяло комплектовать дивизии под свои хотелки. То есть играя за минора
что все так набросились на 3 часть? не смотря на все баги и косяки это был все же шаг вперед, а не назад как простенькая казуальная 4. в 3 в наличии - адекватная экономика, развитие системы коман
Hearts of Iron IV | 11 голосов / 37.93% Hearts of Iron III | 8 голосов / 27.59% Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game | 6 голосов / 20.69% Arsenal of Democracy: A Hearts of Iron Game | 2 голосов / 6.90% Hearts of Iron IV | 9 голосов / 31.03% Hearts of Iron III | 12 голосов / 41.38% Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game | 0 голосов / 0.00% Arsenal of Democracy: A Hearts of Iron Game | 2 голосов / 6.90%Серия Heart of Iron имеет довольно продолжительную историю и множество игр, выпущенные в разные годы. В этой теме предлагаю форумчанам проголосовать и высказаться о своих предпочтениях в данной серии. Какая игра лучшая а какая худшая. Поехали.
Iron Cross в голосование добавлять не стал, т.к. не владею достаточной информацией об этом аддоне. Стоило ли его включать или нет? Насколько понимаю, сейчас его оф. не продают.
Мой выбор таков:
HoI - основа основ, самая первая игра, простенькая, но атмосферная. Запомнилось, что именно там появился потом перекочевавший в HoI III треугольник альянсов (в HoI II сделали проще). Более-менее правдоподобные карта провинций и отображение структур армий того времени (подивило, сколько у СССР кавы, тут, ИМХО, перебор получился). Минусы - адско неудобное древо технологий (к тому же с таким микроскопическим шрифтом там ничерта не понятно) и странный баланс в авиации - RAF нагибают всех. В общем списке стоит на 5-м месте.
HoI II - прорывная игра, до сих пор остающаяся одной из любимых (с нее и началось мое знакомство с Парадоксами). При простой структуре - множество удачных решений и находок. Хорошее древо техов, разветвленная структура войск (и появились бригады), дифференциация мажоров стала сильнее (немцы специализируются на танках и блиц-ударах с котлами, РККА наносит прорывные удары толпами пехоты и танков, янки контролируют моря, англосаксы всех бомбят, япы хороши и на суше, и на море), система ПП очень удачно сделана. Минусы - маловато эвентов и жесткость пути развития (не дают сильно отойти от реальной истории), не очень удачный саундтрек, опять-таки, странный баланс в авиации (RAF снова нагибают всех). Отдаю второе место.
AoD - в него играл мало, запомнились продвинутая система финансирования, возможность строить дополнительные здания (университеты, концлагеря) и три новые фичи (этика, экономика и ещё что-то). В целом, меня не зацепил, но четвертое место заслужил.
DH - о, это уже другой разговор. Система выборов событий, много эвентов, развитое древо техов, множество видов и родов войск, уникальные черты отдельных политиков, а карта - просто блеск, столько провинций, государства выглядят правдоподобно. Появилась подробная статистика потерь. Особенно поразило, что при оккупации Германии и Австрии СССР и западными союзниками создается советская и союзная оккупационные зоны, которые потом превращаются в ГДР и ФРГ. Плюс атмосферность и продвинутая система шпионажа. Однозначное первое место.
HoI III - явный аутсайдер. При, в общем-то, хорошей концепции, игра получилась слабой. Слишком усложнили древо технологий, идея теории и практики исследований до конца не доведена, уровень нейтралитета - вообще бред какой-то, сбивать его с помощью шпионажа - ещё лучше. ИИ действует совсем уж альтернативно, Франция может и не пасть в 40-м году, а США - открыть Второй фронт уже в 42-м. Блок Союзников сгребает в себя почти все страны мира (это как?? ) Понравились система командования и новая система партий, возможность производить оружие и подразделения по лицензии. 6-е место.
HoI IV - разрабы учли косяки третьей части и постарались опираться на наработки DH, и не без успеха. Система нацфокусов, удачное древо техов, новая система производства оружия и комплектования подразделений, система авианалетов и морского боя, ленд-лиз и лицензионное производство, планирование операций (хотя и кривоватое) - явные плюсы. Саундтрек удачный. Минусы - на ист. режиме ИИ всё равно косячит, выбирая не те фокусы, система лицензий работает криво, шпионажа нет от слова совсем. Третье место, с надеждой на дальнейшую доработку игры.
Hearts of iron 3 или 4 что лучше
15 июн. 2017 в 13:37 I've played a bijilion of hours in HOI2. Was the biggest fan and then HOI3 came to the world. I think that I still carry mental scars from HOI3. I really think that HOI3 was a horrible game comparing to HOI2.Now, when HOI4 is on a good sale I am contemplaiting on buying the game but very affraid after HOI3 scars.
How does HOI4 stands in compairing to it's 2 older brothers? 15 июн. 2017 в 13:43
If you like spamming infantry divisions and defeating Germany, England and the U.S. by 1938 with Qatar. maybe it's alright.
If you'd rather ignore things like Air forces, Naval Forces, Espionage, Command Structure, Weather, and overall strategy, maybe it's alright.
Essentially if you like playing a game where it takes about 3% effort to conquor the world on the hardest difficulty, with critical real-life factors the likes of which I just listed having 0 impact on gameplay whatsoever, this is the game for you.
15 июн. 2017 в 16:49 15 июн. 2017 в 17:02 You have 6 games in your library. You haven't been exposed to much. 15 июн. 2017 в 17:05 You have 6 games in your library. You haven't been exposed to much. I played hoi3 a bunch outside of steam, as well as civ 4-6, eu3, and several other things. Don't be a ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 15 июн. 2017 в 17:07 I played hoi3 a bunch outside of steam, as well as civ 4-6, eu3, and several other things. Don't be a ❤️❤️❤️❤️So what you're saying, is HOI4 is better than the initial release of HOI3, and two other last generation titles?
15 июн. 2017 в 17:10 I played hoi3 a bunch outside of steam, as well as civ 4-6, eu3, and several other things. Don't be a ❤️❤️❤️❤️So what you're saying, is HOI4 is better than the initial release of HOI3, and two other last generation titles?
Fantastic. That's literally the exact question. Yes, I am saying hoi4 is better than hoi3, as that is the question
Just let me enjoy the game if I like the game. Stop being a ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
15 июн. 2017 в 17:11As someone who can relate to what you are saying. I actually refunded Hoi4 the first time I picked it up and am glad that I've picked it up again today for an 8 hour play session, especially with some of the new minors focus trees in the DLC. It ditched some of what I disliked about Hoi 3 the micromangement for micromangements sake, the repetition is lessened.
Hoi 2 I loved, I liked playing a minor and building them up to be a super power. It was simple to pick up and a lot of fun reshaping history.
For me Hoi 3 sucked because it took that away for the most part and became very complicated. It crippled minors to the point of sidelining them. If i'd of enjoyed it as much I would have learned how to play but never did, as playing a large nation for me is already giving myself half the game.
Hoi 4 suffers from some complexity but more bad UI design rather than gameplay complexity, having to click three times to do something that should be done in one click. Assinging aircraft to carriers for example is a chore. First find the icon which can be half hidden, then find the carrier, then assign aircraft, then go back and tweak the reinforcements, for each and every carrier individually. Add to this the fact the map switches modes when I don't want it to, I feel like I am fighting the UI at times to get it to do what I want. Despite my UI quarms, it feels more like Hoi 2 which I can appreciate. History can take unexpected turns which I enjoy, because they have given us that option at the game start! Invading is a bit easier, and the only real resource you have to worry about seems to be manpower and production time, other resources just make that time to produce units quicker.
I don't know if that helps you decide, it will take a little bit of learning your way around the UI but the game mechanics don't have the same curve as Hoi 3. I also hate the way the colors on the map are often hard to make out borders with some of the glare off the lighting for example, which is why I am fighting it to stay on one map mode. The drag and drop for your armies is also a nice touch when defending, and sea invasion is easier to execute with a quick battle plan.
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