Half life deathmatch source dedicated server что это
27 янв. 2020 в 15:59
A dedicated server needs correct start-up parameters and a start up .bat file below is the file as text you would need to edit to your ip, derver name ect and set file ext as .bat then it will turn into a gear icon
And your server machine set as a static ip and a web space to host any custom content maps ect. The "create a server" (listen server will work fine with much less hassle.
:: Your start command ::
:: Replace after = ::
set runcmd=C:\hds\srcds.exe -game hl1mp -ip XXX.XXX.X.XXX -port 27015 -maxplayers 16 -debug -console -nocrashdialog -norestart -tickrate 66 +map YOUR_MAP_NAME
:: This will keep the window clean and easy to read
@echo off
:: Sets the title of the window
title SRCDS Guardian 3.0 %servername%
:: Clears the window incase there is anything there
:: Prints to the window what we are doing
echo SRCDS Guardian 3.0 has been started!
echo *************************************************************************
echo To close the server, close this window and type exit in the server window
echo *************************************************************************
echo %servername% is now starting.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) SRCDS Guardian 3.0 has been started!
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now starting.
:: This is a return point in case the server crashes or is closed
echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now ONLINE
echo Watching %servername% for crashes.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now ONLINE
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) Watching %servername% for crashes.
::Start the actual server
start /wait %runcmd%
echo (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
echo %servername% is now restarting.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now restarting.
::Server crashed or closed, so we point it to the return point to start the server again
goto restart
Source Dedicated Server
The Source Dedicated Server or SRCDS is a tool that runs the server component of a Source game without the client component. In other words, it simulates the game without drawing it. SRCDS is chiefly used by server providers who want to serve up as many games from the same computer as they can.
This page, however, is aimed at mod developers who want to run SRCDS on their home computer. Doing this is a must if you are creating a multiplayer mod as the behaviour of dedicated servers differs from that of listenservers (those started from the main menu) in some areas. Crashes that only happen on a dedicated server are entirely possible!
Hardware requirements
CPU - To run a Source dedicated server you need at least a 1.0Ghz Intel CPU or equivalent. This will run a basic server with 20 slots at a good level of performance.
Memory: To run a normal server you will need at least 512MB RAM, you might need to restart the server every once in a while to clean up the memory. 1GB is enough to run over 60 player slots total.
Bandwidth: Bandwidth is used a lot—more specifically, upload bandwidth. Here is a list of how fast your connection must be to run a certain number of players at lowest settings. (When talking about bandwidth for servers we always talk about upload, not download.) Note: these numbers are theoretical, your results may vary slightly!
Half life deathmatch source dedicated server что это
2.place steamcmd folder in your root drive most often LOCAL DISC C.
3.place a folder named hds next to steamcmd.
4.copy this text below and save as update.bat (not update.bat.txt) The icon
will change into a gear.
c:/steamcmd/steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir c:/hds +app_update 255470 validate +quit
5.click on the update.bat it will download the files, run this twice to update the first set of files.
6.ok, now you have the files, now we need a "server start bat" copy the text below into another
text document
:: Your start command ::
:: Replace after = ::
set runcmd=C:\hds\srcds.exe -game hl1mp -port 27015 -maxplayers 16 -debug -console -nocrashdialog -norestart -tickrate 66 +map crossfire
:: This will keep the window clean and easy to read
@echo off
:: Sets the title of the window
title SRCDS Guardian 3.0 %servername%
:: Clears the window incase there is anything there
:: Prints to the window what we are doing
echo SRCDS Guardian 3.0 has been started!
echo *************************************************************************
echo To close the server, close this window and type exit in the server window
echo *************************************************************************
echo %servername% is now starting.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) SRCDS Guardian 3.0 has been started!
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now starting.
:: This is a return point in case the server crashes or is closed
echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now ONLINE
echo Watching %servername% for crashes.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now ONLINE
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) Watching %servername% for crashes.
::Start the actual server
start /wait %runcmd%
echo (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
echo %servername% is now restarting.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now restarting.
::Server crashed or closed, so we point it to the return point to start the server again
goto restart
when you want to stop the server
Type quit in server window to stop this autorestart.bat then you can close the server.
8.info on setting static ip/port forwarding
With a router your going to have the forward the below ports with "port forwarding" on
your router, to get your server shown on the steam list, the port forward link below is very helpful
and also your tech support on your router can also help, they will need the port list below to "open"
they are just as listed TCP 27014 thru 27050 and UDP 27000 thru 27030
you also need to assign a static ip to your machine. if you dont, you will get many errors because
your ip address is dynamic and always changing. its easy, see "e-how" link below (all links just copy and paste in browser)
See SteamCMD for installation instructions.
For modders
- Install SteamCMD
- Run the update tool with +login anonymous +app_update [appid] . The appid you should use is listed in a note above. Optionally, add +force_install_dir <path> to download to a custom location; it must appear before the +app_update command.
- To start the server, run orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game <vproject> .
- You will need to extract sounds, materials and models; do the "source X" GCFs before the "source 2007 X" ones.
- You should end up with <server_path>\hl2 from your GCFs and <server_path>\orangebox from the update tool.
- You may want to run the update tool again after extracting to make sure that everything is correct.
No matter which type of server you are using, your computer must be able to receive unsolicited incoming connections. This is exactly what routers and software firewalls exist to prevent, so if you are using either you will have to reconfigure. Refer to the manufacturer instructions for how to do this.
- 27015 TCP/UDP (game transmission, pings and RCON) - Can be changed using -port on startup
- 27020 UDP (SourceTV transmission) - Can be changed using +tv_port on startup
- 27005 UDP (Client Port) - Can be changed using -clientport on startup
- 26900 UDP (Steam Port, outgoing) - Can be changed using -sport on startup
SRCDS has also been spotted opening connections on 27005 and 51840 UDP, but these may be outbound only.
Half life deathmatch source dedicated server что это
Create a folder for SteamCMD.
Extract the contents of the zip to the folder.
On first run SteamCMD will automatically update and enter you in to a Steam> prompt. Type help for more information.
Open a Command Prompt and start SteamCMD.
2. Now that you managed to get SteamCMD and to make it work, you must now download the HL1DMS Dedicated server. Make sure that your file extensions are visible (example: .txt, .bat, .exe).
Make a text file in your SteamCMD directory, and put this command in it.
steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir C:\SRCDS\HL1DMS validate +app_update 255470
This command will install your HL1DMS dedicated server in C:\SRCDS\HL1DMS. You can change the directory to where you want the server to be installed.
After this, you save the file, and change its extension from .txt to .bat (example: installHL1DMS.bat) and run the file. SteamCMD will now download your server.
(EDIT: ID changed from HL2DM's dedicated server to HL1DMS' dedicated server, thanks 1157)
Sometimes SteamCMD may fail to download all files, simply open it continously untill you get all files.
This is the entire guide for a normal SRCDS for HL1DMS.
There also appears to be an automated autokick disabler plugin, but it doesn't seem to work at all, crashing the server when player starts connecting to server. Sad.
Once you install all the things, you simply connect to the server, and in RCON or in your dedicated server window, write sm_disable_autokick name_or_part_of_your_name_here.
You will have to this to each player who joins, unless you somehow find a magically working automated autokick disabler plugin.
You will also need to add sv_cheats 1 to your server.cfg or autoexec.cfg
I also recommend using the old version of gm_flatgrass for the map. You could also use the normal hl1dms maps, but well, with the double entity bug, it's not recommended.
In addition, if your server keeps crashing OR you don't want to wait that long to start the server, you can create another text file, this time in the folder where the folder hl1mp and srcds.exe is present and change it's extension to .bat
Contents of the file:
:: Your start command ::
:: Replace after = ::
set runcmd=D:\SRCDS\HL1DMS\srcds.exe -console -game HL1MP -maxplayers 32 +fps_max 200 -port 27015 +map gm_flatgrass -tickrate 100
:: This will keep the window clean and easy to read
@echo off
:: Sets the title of the window
title SRCDS Guardian 3.0 %servername%
:: Clears the window incase there is anything there
:: Prints to the window what we are doing
echo SRCDS Guardian 3.0 has been started!
echo *************************************************************************
echo To close the server, close this window and type exit in the server window
echo *************************************************************************
echo %servername% is now starting.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) SRCDS Guardian 3.0 has been started!
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now starting.
:: This is a return point in case the server crashes or is closed
echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now ONLINE
echo Watching %servername% for crashes.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now ONLINE
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) Watching %servername% for crashes.
::Start the actual server
start /wait %runcmd%
echo (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
echo %servername% is now restarting.
>> "%servername%.log" echo.
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
>> "%servername%.log" echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now restarting.
::Server crashed or closed, so we point it to the return point to start the server again
goto restart
This was the entire guide on how to make a SRCDS server on this game.
Image is from crack-life page on Moddb.
If you need help with your server, ask the community or add and ask meee
And now a big report and suggestions for volvo
Issues with Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
Problem Nr.1 "Crashes"
This problem is very common after the steampipe update.
The game may crash after 3 seconds after joining a server, after some minutes for no reason, or crash without a reason at all. These are often Crash-To-Desktops, with no "hl2.exe is not responding" messages. This pretty much never happened or very rarely happened BEFORE steampipe.
Problem Nr.2 "Double Entity Bug"
This problem appears in every map, and is potentially a big factor in people's CTDs with no error message.
Parts of this problem:
1a. Maps with a lots of entities- The maps which uses a big amount of entities and models, and are close to the entity limit from the current Source Engine will NOT work at all due to the duplicated entities adding to the amount of entities, and usually results in the server crashing during the map load.
1b. Maps with loop triggers - These maps which have triggers looping continously will have double triggers, which will double the looping continously, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 64x, 128x, 256x, etc untill the lag takes over the entire loop interval, and game freezes forever. For example, the Half-Life source map c1a0 has looping multi_managers, standing on it too much will cause lag to appear, and it will freeze shortly after the lag appears.
1c. Different sitations - There are also situational things, like double trigger_hurts which deals double damage, double doors, double ammo, double func_breakables, double ambient_generics and so on. For example, the map Crossfire has double cannons, making them useless.
Problem Nr.3 "Broken AI"
All NPCs/monsters do not fully work or do not work all. The only NPCs I know that work properly are monster_alien_grunt, monster_tentacle excluding damage and monster_barnacle.
Problem Nr.4 "Broken Entities"
Certain entities do not work as intended, or do not work at all. For example, env_fog_controller does not work, game_text does not work etc.
Problem Nr.5 "Shiny Chrome textures"
Most weapons that have metallic texture have a rather shiny bug, which appears both in Half-Life Deathmatch: Source and Half-Life Source.
Problem Nr.6 "Current Source Engine Commands"
Because as if fixing the game and making it steampipe compatible for its Source Engine version, you had to import it to a "newer" engine. The "wait" command isn't working like the old times, and now it works on FPS with values. The worst of it thought, is that the command "ent_fire" can be used ONLY by the owner/administrator. No one else on the server can use it. EDIT: Other players are able to use console commands too IF the server is dedicated, and their autokick is disabled, similar to Half-Life: 2 Deathmatch.
These are the big problems about this game. Some apply to Half-Life Source, too.
Here are some suggestions:
1. Give increased attention to the Github page. You have a big project, and players are actively reporting bugs there, but no one checks them OR ATLEAST RESPOND TO THE PLAYERS.
2. Import Half-Life Source maps back into Half-Life Deathmatch: Source.
3. Fix the Multiplayer tab in Options, and add a button for players to change their model.
4. Fix these problems.
5. Fix these bugs too:
5a. No mute button or butten menu
5b. No window to show who's talking. This can become a problem when someone is micspamming.
5c. Decrease nuclear MP5 grenade radius or damage.
5d. Try adding HL2 entities. Some people just want to see the world burn with alyxemp.
5e. Fix monster_tentacle hit detection.
5f. Decrease game price for Half-Life Source and Half-Life Deathmatch: Source in order to attract players.
6. Add a report bug button, similar to old TF2.
7. If all else fails, override the current Half-Life Deathmatch: Source with the non-steam old WORKING version of Half-Life Deathmatch: Source.
Configuring and running the server
Navigate to the folder you just installed your server in. There should be a bunch of files and folders, including a directory with the name of the game you have just installed, e.g. hl2mp for HL2: Deathmatch. The configuration files are located in the <game>/cfg/ e.g. hl2mp/cfg/ directory.
Edit the main configuration file: <game>/cfg/server.cfg . Change the hostname line (this is the name people will see in the server browser) and other options to your liking.
Open a terminal where you have installed the server and start the server:
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