Guild wars 2 как сменить ник
local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "NameChangeScripts")
local function eventHandler(self, event, . )
NewName = " "
PN = GetUnitName("player")
-- Change Player UnitFrame Name
PFNC = CreateFrame("Frame", "PlayerFrameNameChange")
local function ChangePlayerName(self)
PFNC:SetScript("OnUpdate", ChangePlayerName)
-- Change Target UnitFrame Name
TFNC = CreateFrame("Frame", "TargetFrameNameChange")
local function ChangeTargetName(self)
local TN = GetUnitName("target")
if PN == TN then
TFNC:SetScript("OnUpdate", ChangeTargetName)
-- Change Target's Target UnitFrame Name
TFTNC = CreateFrame("Frame", "TargetFrameTargetNameChange")
local function ChangeTargetofTargetName(self)
local TTN = GetUnitName("targettarget")
if PN == TTN then
TFTNC:SetScript("OnUpdate", ChangeTargetofTargetName)
-- Change Focus UnitFrame Name
FFNC = CreateFrame("Frame", "FocusFrameNameChange")
local function ChangeFocusName(self)
local FN = GetUnitName("focus")
if PN == FN then
FFNC:SetScript("OnUpdate", ChangeFocusName)
-- Change Focus' Target UnitFrame Name
FFTNC = CreateFrame("Frame", "FocusFrameTargetNameChange")
local function ChangeFocusTargetName(self)
local FTN = GetUnitName("focustarget")
if PN == FTN then
FFTNC:SetScript("OnUpdate", ChangeFocusTargetName)
Так как я абсолютный ноль в скриптах и всекому такому не могли бы подсказать что тут нужно поменять чтобы получить желаемый никнейм
How do you change your username in Guild Wars II?
Just wondering if it is possible to change your username in the game. How do you do that?
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThis is a policy, explained in the links that JT provided, and in the quote that AP added to this thread.
This is not a matter to take to support, because unless you meet the very narrow requirements (read the threads for those details) your display name will not be changed. By creating tickets to ask for services not offered, or to protest policy, you slow service for others.
I will take the suggestion to offer display name changes to the team, but at this time and for the foreseeable future, that is not a service that will be offered. If it is offered, we will make you aware of it.
Name generators for all five races.
The Human one is notable because it specifically generates names that fit for Krytan, Ascalonian, Canthan, and Elonian characters. I also found it helpful to check out the other generators, especially the ones that the GW2 races take their naming practices from already -- ex: Welsh/Celtic names for Sylvari characters. I found some of the other "Pop Culture" themed generators had some really cool ideas as well, especially the Wheel of Time generator.
(I also wanted to note that I have no affiliation with this site. I just wanted to share after seeing the thread from the user that built his own Asuran name generator.)
Display Name Changes
tl;dr: Display Name Changes when? (also anet customer service is disappointing)
PS: One time when I wanted to close an account I had to wait for literally one (1) actual real life month to get a reply.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castFirst you say that you understand that their are technically reason (which anet told us more the enough) and then you ask why it is not possible to fix this? There a technical reason this cant be fixed, you don´t know the database of gw2, you don´t know what it takes to give us that "basic" feature. If it would the worth the costs and risks they would probably do it, but it looks it aint.
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