Гудрун или хольгер кто прав assassins creed valhalla
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Когда вы завершите миссию «Грива и решка», которая начинается как часть более крупной миссии под названием «Информация о Восточной Англии», вам придется действовать как судья и выбирать, кто окажется правым между Роуэном и Хольгером в Assassin's Creed Valhalla. В этом руководстве мы поговорим о результате обоих вариантов и поможем вам выбрать правильный, на наш взгляд, выбор.
2. Should You Support Sigurd’s Judgement in AC: Valhalla?
Not only is Holger immediately found as the perpetrator, but he is also supposed to pay 30 times the original price of the sailcloth while Gudrun only demanded the original price. At this point, we are presented with a choice to either agree with Sigurd or disagree with his choice.
Agreeing with Sigurd’s judgment will please him and count towards the true ending in AC: Valhalla. However, disagreeing with him will count as a strike and push you away from getting the true ending.
Once you agree with him, Sigurd will say that his decisions should be carried out exactly as he said and will leave looking pleased. On the other hand, if you had disagreed with his judgment, you are in for a long templar-esque lecture from him.
Even though the sequence felt a little bit like seeing Sigurd on a power trip and the sentence he served could have been a tad lighter but Holger has been caught in a similar fashion before. This was just the last straw and seeing him answer for his actions felt like a nice change.
This page is a walkthrough for the Blame and Sail Quest in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn more about the quest objectives, stealth routes, notables, and more!
List of Contents
IMPORTANT : This quest appears once you complete any story arc after rescuing Sigurd during The Siege of Portcestre story arc. |
1. Which Side to Choose: Gudrun or Holger?
As Sigurd the Jarl is confined to his quarters, Randvi asks Eivor for his ever-powerful choice-making ability to decide upon a local dispute. Gudrun and Holger have been engaged in a heated debate about the ownership of sailcloth, and we can hear both sides before deciding on the matter.
Picking between Gudrun and Holger doesn’t matter in AC Valhalla because the choice sequence will be interrupted by Sigurd. Sigurd will storm in and demand to know why he was not called.
At this point, things take a turn, as we have not seen Sigurd in such a bad mood before! Eivor was only filling in his position of Jarl, but he seems to be shaken as though it was a coup. Then we are introduced to yet another choice within a choice regarding Sigurd’s judgment.
Гудрун или хольгер кто прав assassins creed valhalla
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Picking between Gudrun or Holger is one of the AC: Valhalla’s many choices that oversee the main storyline. What makes this choice unique is that this has another choice embedded within it.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is, in essence, a story-driven RPG that encompasses choice-based gameplay at its core. As Eivor, we are tasked with many story-altering choices during the gameplay. In the Lincolnshire arc, we come across a dispute between Gudrun and Holger and are tasked to resolve it in the absence of our Jarl.
Blame and Sail: Gudrun or Holger
WARNING : This section contains major spoilers regarding the ending of Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on if you do NOT mind spoilers. |
Agreeing or Disagreeing with Sigurd's judgement is a major decision that will affect the ending of Assassin's Creed Valhalla!
It is important to note that Holger's sentence is unchanged regardless of your decision.
Agree With Sigurd's Judgement
Agreeing with Sigurd's Judgement regarding Holger's sentence contributes towards a specific ending in Assassin's Creed Valhalla in which Sigurd and Eivor return to England together after the A Brother's Keeper quest of the In The Hall of The Slain story arc.
Disagree With Sigurd's Judgement
Disagreeing with Sigurd's Judgement results in another heated exchange between you two during Holger's trial. This ultimately contributes towards a specific ending in Assassin's Creed Valhalla in which Sigurd does not return to England with Eivor after the A Brother's Keeper quest of the In The Hall of The Slain story arc.
У кого есть причина? Роуэн или Хольгер? Assassin's Creed Валгалла Мане и Тейлз
En pocas palabras, Хольгер (по нашему мнению) это правильный выбор в миссии суда над AC Valhalla Rowan или Holger. ГлубокийdiceМы смотрим на последствия каждого выбора, чтобы вы сами могли понять, почему мы выбрали Хольгера, а не Роуэна. Миссия «Грива и решка» начинается, когда Хольгер срезает волосы с хвоста лошади Роуэна.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Mane and Tails - Роуэн права.
Если вы выберете этот вариант, Эйвор скажет, что Хольгер поступил неправильно и что отрезание хвоста снизило рыночную стоимость лошади. Следовательно, Эйвор dice что Хольгер должен оплатить ущерб, нанесенный лошади Роуэна. Однако, несмотря на уплату денег, Хольгер не сможет удержать лошадь. Поэтому вы будете разочарованы, и вы оба уйдете.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Mane and Tails - Хольгер прав.
Если вы выберете этот вариант, Эйвор скажет, что волосы в хвосте отрастут снова. Следовательно, никому не будет причинен постоянный вред. Однако Эйвор попросит Хольгера извиниться за то, что он сделал, и предупредит его никогда не повторять этого. По просьбе Эйвора Роуэн примет извинения, и они с радостью уйдут как друзья.
Другие гиды Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Как получить Лук гнева СкадиКак видите, выбор Хольгера - правильный выбор. Без сомнения, лучший вариант. Здесь следует иметь в виду, что выбор, который вы делаете в этом квесте, длится только до завершения миссии и не оказывает долгосрочного влияния на игровой процесс.
Blame and Sail Location
The quest starts in Ravensthorpe once you complete any story arc after The Siege of Portcestre.
Blame and Sail Walkthrough
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