Government facility гта 5 что это
1.1 Все сотрудники гос. организаций обязаны соблюдать регламент работы, установленный нормативно правовыми актами и инструкциями, приказами, положениями организации, а также ЛОРу организации.
1.2 Сотрудникам гос.организаций разрешено грубое применение силы и другие криминальные действия при написанной и одобренной RP ситуации, а также одобренная RP Биография. Вся ответственность за такие действия, наказывается по IC, в рамках RP процесса.
Пояснение: На каждую государственную организацию разрешено до 5 человек с "плохой биографией".
Наказание: BAN 1-3 дня.
1.3 Сотрудникам гос.организаций имеют право брать взятки мелкого размера (до 5000$) только если преступник совершил преступления небольшой тяжести и при этом отпустить нарушителя.
Пример: Кража, то есть тайное хищение чужого имущества. Хулиганство, то есть грубое нарушение общественного порядка, выражающее явное неуважение к обществу.
Наказание: Наказание: BAN 1-3 дня.
1.4 Руководящему составу запрещено осуществлять какую-либо криминальную деятельность, включая взятки.
Пояснение: К руководящему составу относятся: лидер, заместитель лидера.
Исключение: Старшим рангам разрешено брать крупные взятки с одобренной RP Биографии.
Наказание: WARN.
1.5 Запрещены любые действия, которые идут вразрез с реальным положением дел в государственных организациях.
Примечание: Каждый сотрудник гос.организаций должен полностью отыгрывать свою роль и его поведение должно соответствовать занимаемой им должности.
Наказание: WARN.
1.6 Запрещено продавать/сливать гос. имущество.
Исключение: Оформленная и одобренная Администрацией RP ситуация на форуме, а также одобренная RP Биография.
Бэд-агенты/ бэд-копы могут продать форму только при одобрении куратора или вышестоящей администрации.
Наказание: WARN + Изъятие/BAN 1-14 дней.
1.7 Запрещено продавать оружие. которое было получено после перестрелки и обыска.
Исключение: бэд биография ( изъятое имущество выдается только после предоставления доказательств куратору фракции)
Примечание: Всё оружие, полученное по итогам перестрелки, должно находиться на складе / утилизировано, так как является вещественными доказательствами.
Наказание: WARN + Изъятие/BAN 1-14 дней.
1.8 Сотрудникам гос. организаций разрешено хранить в кладовке дома, личном транспорте или автомастерских: оружие, патроны, бронежилеты, различные спецсредства, принадлежащие любой гос. организации.
1.9 Запрещено оставлять себе оружие/спецсредства после увольнения.
Наказание: WARN + Изъятие.
1.10 Никнеймы игроков на должностях лидера и руководящего состава должны соответствовать именам и фамилиям, свойственным гражданам США, соответствующих должностей.
Исключение: при выборе специфического никнейма от игрока требуется подробно прописанная RP биография, объясняющая специфичность имени или фамилии и поясняющая обстоятельства, при которых он мог бы занять выбранную им должность.
1.12 Запрещено принимать/вступать в государственную организацию лицам, которые имеют судимость.
Исключение: Отсутствие судимостей на протяжение последних 30 суток.
Наказание: WARN + Увольнение нарушителя.
1.13 Запрещено находится АФК начав рабочий день. Максимальное нахождение в АФК - 40 минут.
Наказание: WARN.
1.14 Запрещено использовать вертолет для конвоирования.
Исключение: особо опасный преступник (более 7 статей УК) и имеется разрешение от мед. работников для перевозки заключенного по воздуху.
Наказание: WARN.
1.15 Разрешено использовать фургоны и дополнительное подкрепление при конвоировании только в случае тяжких преступлений или массовом количестве преступников.
Наказание: WARN.
1.16 Запрещено использовать личный воздушный транспорт для сбора информации.
Наказание: WARN.
1.17 Запрещено не завершать работу через маркер и находясь на службе собирать авто, лутать мусор и работать на других функциональных работах.
Наказание: WARN.
1.18 Запрещено использовать тревожные кнопки находясь не на смене.
Наказание: WARN.
1.19 Разрешено использовать тревожную кнопку только в случае ранения/убийства и прямой угрозы (учитывая правило PG).
Наказание: WARN.
1.20 Для организации LI разрешены крайм действия только в социальном пространстве.
Примечание: сотрудники данной организации могут делать дискриминирующие репортажи текущей власти, организовывать незаконные митинги, заниматься "желтой" прессой и т.п. Лидер и сотрудники данной организации должны понимать и нести весь груз IC ответственности в случае разоблачений.
1.21 Изымать оружие у задержанного можно только с помощью функционала.
Наказание: BAN 1-3 дня.
- Не выплата денежных средств;
- Не исполнение своих обязательств;
- Развал государственного строя и поддержка бандитизма;
- Халатное отношение к работе и бездействие в реальных проблемах;
- Коррупционная составляющая руководства правительства, разрушающая жизнь штата.
3.1 Законодательная власть правительства обязана разработать и обеспечивать актуальность законодательной базы.
Наказание: Устный выговор лидеру.
3.2 Законодательная власть правительства обязана обговаривать и утверждать любое изменение или нововведение в законодательную базу или нормативно правовые акты, не идущие в разрез с RP логикой с куратором организации или с куратором всех гос.организаций.
Наказание: Устный / Строгий выговор лидеру.
3.3 Администрация правительства имеет право расходовать бюджет государственной казны исключительно в интересах государства.
Наказание: Строгий выговор лидеру / Снятие.
3.4 Администрация правительства имеет право самостоятельно ограничивать бюджет той или иной государственной организации.
Исключение: Сумму премирования устанавливает и утверждает куратор Goverment и Гл.куратор гос.организаций.
3.5 Администрация правительства обязана выдавать соответствующие премии государственным сотрудникам 1 раз в неделю.
Наказание: Строгий выговор лидеру / Снятие.
3.8 Губернатор обязан следить за уровнем зарплат в государственных организациях, а при планировании бюджета зарплат Губернатор не должен допустить остаток совокупной суммы в казне менее 1 миллиона долларов.
Наказание: Строгий выговор лидеру / Снятие.
3.9 Количество проверок не может составлять более 2 в неделю на одну государственную организацию и не больше 1 типа проверок единовременно.
Пояснение: Одновременно не может происходить и налоговая и прокурорская проверка и переаттестация сотрудников.
Наказание: Устный выговор лидеру.
3.10 Сотрудники налоговой обязаны своевременно реагировать на должников и исполнять свои обязанности. Максимальная задержка от налоговой 36 часов.
3.11 Сотрудники налоговой опираются либо на фракционный функционал, либо на решение суда.
Наказание: Устный выговор лидеру.
3.12 Суд не может, основываясь на домыслах, выносить судебное определение/решение или отказывать в принятии иска, кроме случаев судебного прецедента.
Наказание: Устный выговор лидеру + WARN Судье.
3.13 Суд не может иметь плохую биографию и выносить NOnRP решения.
Наказание: Устный выговор лидеру + WARN Судье.
3.14 Суд не может принимать взятки и выносить судебное решение в чью либо пользу, преследуя на свои выгоды.
Наказание: Устный выговор лидеру + WARN Судье.
NOOSE Headquarters
It is located deep in the Palomino Highlands within the eastern coast of San Andreas. The headquarters is located east of the city of Los Santos and southeast of the Land Act Reservoir. It is accessible by an exit on Route 15 and its main entrance is located on Sustancia Road. The NOOSE headquarters are based on the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles.
Facilities are underground bases introduced to Grand Theft Auto Online in The Doomsday Heist update.
Facilities are huge multilevel underground facilities operated by the IAA. They may be customized with several additions, similar to Bunkers, Motorcycle Clubhouses and CEO Offices.
There are 9 Facilities available to purchase from Maze Bank Foreclosures after receiving an introductory phone call from Lester Crest.
“ Hey, uhh, I know we've got that other thing. you're still working on that, right? Right, great.Okay, well I've got something else. Something so big and so secret, we've gotta hide it under a thousand tonnes of reinforced concrete.
Buy an ex-government facility on Maze Bank and I'll meet you over there.
This'll make any bank job we could pull look like small fry. ” Visit the (teal 'H' here) near Lester's house at any time and he'll call you again with details of the job.
In a similar manner to Bunkers and Hangars, facilities can be purchased for use both by Organizations and Motorcycle Clubs however there is no on-going business operation within that requires the player to register as a CEO, Biker President or VIP other than the actual Heist missions. If the player is in a crew, the crew logo will be prominently displayed on walls and the floor throughout the Facility. A new Interaction Menu Facility Management function allows the player to turn the logo display on or off, invite other players or turn the Heist Planning Screen on or off.
An intercom plays regular announcements indicating the ongoing IAA occupation of the facility.
After completing acts of The Doomsday Heist, memorabilia from said Heist will crop up around the facility:
- Upon completion of Act I:
- An IAA "For Valor" plaque will appear on the front desk of the facility.
- IAA agents begin to spawn around the Lounge. All agents do not have any IAA badge present but are still equipped with a gun belt, sometimes empty or containing a Glock. Female Agents rarely spawn but are character models of random business pedestrians.
- A full-size model of the sea mine seen in The Bogdan Problem will appear in the lobby area.
- A miniature model of the submarine featured in the Doomsday Heist will appear in a glass case.
- A large statue will appear in the previously empty space to the right of the Orbital Cannon room's location. This statue is the same model as that seen outside the FIB Headquarters.
- Small models of the Thruster, a satellite, and the rocket seen in The Doomsday Scenario will appear in the Lounge.
These memorabilia are given to anyone who participated in the corresponding finales, meaning those who own a Facility will get these as well. Players who do not own a Facility yet will still get the memorabilia when they purchase one.
The Layout with security camera locations and other points of interest marked.
The player enters the facility via a large oval elevator from the surface. Entering the corona on foot or with a vehicle or flying an approach and selecting the option to enter will trigger a small cutscene showing the surface platform splitting into two doors which swing upwards and reveal the elevator platform which descends into the structure. If the player is entering on foot, the cutscene will include them entering a PIN on the keypad controls for the elevator. During the entrance cutscene, the exterior of the Facility shows the style the player has chosen.
Once underground, players appear in a large oval room containing the garage storage areas. The level (designated -3) contains storage for large weaponized vehicles including the Avenger. The Weaponized Vehicle Workshop with the Weapon Mechanic is found at one end. A small keypad terminal with a yellow corona is used to return to the surface on foot. Ramps and stairs lead up to the mezzanine level that runs around the outside edge of the oval room. A blue corona in the workshop provides the vehicle management menu to rearrange the stored vehicles. A walkway is visible on a third level but it is inaccessible.
The oval room serves as storage for seven smaller personal vehicles and five large weaponized vehicles; the southern area stores the Avenger on the lower area close to the main elevator, while the southern side of the mezzanine level stores the Chernobog and the RCV on the right and left side of the Avenger, respectively, together with three personal vehicles. The northern side of the mezzanine level stores four more personal vehicles and the TM-02 Khanjali at the center of said area. The circular platform accessed by the double set of stairs stores the Thruster.
From level -3, a walkway at the opposite end to the workshop is manned by an armed guard and leads to the security area.
A walk-through metal detector branded and operated by Gruppe Sechs must be passed through (with an audible buzz). A security guard can be seen typing at one dual-screen computer and another unattended computer is next to him. A small glass-walled office on the right contains a guard manning another computer and there is a re-spawning Minigun with 500 rounds that spawns on the counter and can be picked up from inside the office for free reloads.
If the optional Security Room upgrade was purchased, the entry is on the left directly opposite the Minigun.
Inside the Security Room is a central table with 5 further weapon pickups that re-spawn every 5 minutes:
- 2 Sticky Bombs
- With 60 rounds SMG ammunition
- With 120 rounds Assault Rifle ammunition
- With 18 rounds Pistol ammunition
- With 64 rounds Shotgun ammunition
There is a single security staff member operating a CCTV terminal. The player can take over control and view and control the 13 available camera positions (even though there are only 12 monitors on the desk).
A gun locker is on the far wall and performs the same function as those found in Bunkers, Clubhouses and Offices, allowing the player to assign a custom subset of owned weapons to be carried around.
The Strike Team terminal is located on the desk looking out into the hallway. This allows the player to call 3 levels of mercenary strike on other players.
Next is a large L-Shaped reception desk staffed by a male and a female Assistant in an office and will provide free snacks and access to Pegasus Concierge Services to leave the Facility in a helicopter, with a small fee of $200 - $5,000 (depending of the aircraft).
Walkways are accessible behind the reception desk and overlook the office areas below. Three stairways lead down to the lower level. The fire doors on the opposite side of the stairways are inaccessible to the player.
Continuing along the main lobby corridor from reception leads past the sleeping quarters to another lobby.
Sleeping Quarters
A door on the left leads to the sleeping quarters (if purchased). This provides the player with a spawn location option to allow them to start a session inside the facility.
A second lobby area with exits to the War Room on the left and 2 exits to the overhead walkways on the right. The first exit provides most convenient access to the Lounge area overlooking the offices below. The second exit provides access to the Server area and the Heists Setup Room.
War Room
The War Room is a circular room containing eight ceiling mounted curved displays surrounding a central circular control for the Orbital Cannon.
The lounge is a rectangular room with seating and a working Internet accessible iFruit computer and can be upgraded to include a wall-mounted TV. Once installed in the Lounge, the privacy glass feature can be turned on or off using the control panel located to the left of the main door when standing in the Lounge. By default, the privacy feature is disabled but can be toggled on or off as desired.
Downstairs from the lobby and gantry, there is a large office space with 8 desks with triple monitor computer displays. Breakout space is directly beneath the lounge with operational Vending Machines and tables and seats which is then followed by a second office space with a further 4 desks. IAA agents both male and female can only spawn when there isn't an active heist, with the exception of two periodically spawn near the vending machine.
Open Server Area
At the far end of the office space on two levels are computer server towers which are attended by multiple NPCs in white lab coats, all wearing generic doctor ID badges from St. Rytkonen University Medical Center claiming to be "James Smith" Attending Physician.
If the Orbital Cannon is purchased, the server towers are visually updated to be twice as tall with a much cleaner design.
Heist Planning Room
Back upstairs, the final accessible room in the facility is the Heist Planning Room where Lester Crest introduces the player to Avon Hertz and Cliffford to set in motion the events of The Doomsday Heist itself. Players can access this room to play through the heists and return to replay any of them later.
Daily Fees
Owning a facility will incur a standard daily fee of $500, plus a $50 Garage Mechanic fee. Opting for the Security Room and Orbital Cannon will cost the maximum fee of $1,050 daily.
GTA 5: Government facilities, most interesting places GTA 5 guide, walkthrough
This section of the Grand Theft Auto V game guide includes the list of government facilities located across the in-game world map. You can additionally learn what is the danger of entering such location in GTA 5.
Fort Zancudo
The mysterious military base is hidden behind a west side of San Andreas. You will be nearby it several times during your missions, but probably you won't get inside - which is worth a trip. You can find there, among others, Rhino tank, Lazer P-996 jet, Buzzard helicopter and even a powerful Titan. But, unfortunately, entering the base is equal to four Wanted Stars. And, additionally, you can simply sneak in and penetrate freely so you have to rush things inside, because the longer you're inside, the harder is to get out due to the growing number of guards and machines. But you can get a bit crazy inside. Besides interesting training center in there, you can also find a lot of weapons spread here and there like a minigun.
Humane Labs and Research Company
Another secret place with not clear features is a Humane Labs and Research Company. Located on the eastern coast, almost opposite to the Fort Zancudo. Like in the case of the Fort, you get four Stars for only getting in there. You visit it in one mission, but directly from the inside. o see it from the outside, you have to get there alone. What's interesting, you can take a cab which will take you to the very entrance. But you always get a four stars.
National Office of Security Enforcement
On the eastern cost you can also find a headquarter of NOOSE. It's another governmental facility. But on the contrary to Fort Zancudo and HLRC entering it won't cause any stars. You can find there, for instance, a Buzzard helicopter on the roof. To get there, you have to climb up on the ladder on backs on right from the main entrance and then get on the left side of the building.
Bolingbroke Penitentiary located on south from the Trevor's hangar in Sandy Shores is another place you can visit looking for an adventure. An attempt of breaking in gives you Wanted level but riding around it is completely safe. Next to the prison you can find runaways. They'll pretend to be hitchhikers, but don't get fooled - they are armed. You can recognize them for their orange uniforms.
The NOOSE headquarters consists of two levels of security checkpoints at the entrance leading to the main buildings. The facility is primarily composed of three buildings: Record Database Center Server Banks, Record Database Center Processing Zone A, and Record Database Center Processing Zone B. None of the three buildings are accessible.
The facility also has a large parking lot overlooking the highway and a delivery and storage area which contains several smaller buildings of unknown name or purpose. The facility is prominently guarded, including an initial gatehouse off on Sustancia Road and a second gatehouse closer to the main campus; however, in spite of all the guards, and security warnings, the player can still access and explore the area without a wanted level. Beyond guards, the area is populated by other individuals, most likely employees.
A Buzzard Attack Chopper always spawns on the roof, making NOOSE HQ a safe and reliable (if somewhat out of the way) source for air transportation.
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