Global cooldown cs go что это
The term cooldown is defined as a period of wait time before a spell, ability, or item power can be used after a prior spell, ability, or item power. Often referred to by the pseudo-acronym "CD".
'Cooldown' may refer to:
- The period of time after using a spell, ability or item before it can be used again. Many powerful spells and abilities have lengthy cooldowns, encouraging players to exercise forethought in choosing the best moment to use them. Some abilities have no cooldown and can therefore be used as often as desired (provided any other requirements are met).
- The period of time after using almost any spell or ability in which it is not possible to use any other spell or ability. This is known as the global cooldown, and prevents players from using several abilities at once, instead requiring them to be used one at a time (often as part of a 'rotation'). Most abilities cause and are affected by the global cooldown, but some are not - see the list below.
- An ability with a lengthy cooldown; for example, Save your cooldowns for boss fights.
global cooldown cs go что это? global cooldown cs go что это
на четвертый спавнюсь и вот приехали Global Cooldown что делать?
люди говорят то что это снимут или патруль
у мене тоже така діч але я з чітами ніколи в житті не грав. 1
один из вариантов это когда у тебе нет звания ( на калибровке) и ты делаешь две победы в мм за 24 часа. в это время тебе подыскивают равных игроков (это не бан) так что не стоит волноваться. так же это борьба с созданием и прокачкой новых аккаунтов.
Я тоже забанен был потому, что у меня прошлый забанили на глобалах, создал новый, и получилось что я смурфил, и еще раз забанили.
VAC ( Valve Anti Cheat ) Cooldown
A VAC ban message caused by a cheating infraction on the player's Steam account.
A VAC cooldown is a permanent, non-negotiable account ban that cannot be removed by Steam support. It is caused when VAC detects a cheat software running on your computer.
This will apply a VAC ban to your account and will prevent you from joining VAC-secured servers.
Competitive Cooldown
A Competitive Cooldown prevents a player from queueing Wingman or Competitive matches in matchmaking.
It is applied when:
- A player abandons
- A player gets kicked too many times from competitive matches,
- A player kills too many teammates,
- A player does too much damage to teammates,
- A player fails to reconnect to their match, or
- A player kills a teammate at round start.
Global cooldown cs go что это
гааааайз, у меня global cooldown и написано что 25 ноября он спадет. надеюсь после разбана ничего не будет ? и это значит что все 10 человек в патруле забанили?
в патруле ныне сидят сильверы и звезды чтоли.. или я скрим :D
на этом аккаунде dme,а мейн глобал просто :(
В Патруле нет сильверов, а у читеров не может быть званий никаких вообще, лишь позорное красное клеймо в профиле!
В Патруле нет сильверов, а у читеров не может быть званий никаких вообще, лишь позорное красное клеймо в профиле!
так оно спадет через 5 недель :))))))) уж лучше бы юзая читы получил,не так обидно было бы xD
Просто тс такой неадекват что 7 дней ему мало, патруль дал 35 дней за неадекватное поведение.
Просто тс такой неадекват что 7 дней ему мало, патруль дал 35 дней за неадекватное поведение.
у меня на мейне глобал,тут биг стар,не думал что они такие лоу скилл что даже патруль забанил
toshaba написал за что забанили. Есть время задуматься о своем поведении. А за читы банят навсегда.
ах да,через +left стоял афк ибо бигсраты не адекватные люди,не способные играть в эту игру,за след такой бан что будет?
Мы надеемся что патруль прислушается к игрокам и начнет выписывать баны на 180 дней таким неадекватам, но врядли. Следующий будет либо 35 дней либо навсегда.
Мы надеемся что патруль прислушается к игрокам и начнет выписывать баны на 180 дней таким неадекватам, но врядли. Следующий будет либо 35 дней либо навсегда.
что ты видишь неадекватного в одной игре простоявшей афк? когда у тебя 4 дегенерата в тиме,за которых обезьяна сыграет лучше. комьюнити кс так себе я скажу,а про ранки на которых играют такие люди вообще молчу
Global Cooldown
A global cooldown cause by being Majorly Disruptive (hacks) in Competitive.
A Global Cooldown is applied when a player has:
- Been Convicted by Overwatch
- An Untrusted Account
They prevent you from using the Matchmaking system for any gamemode, and also prevents you from joining VAC-secured servers, even if your account has Prime Status.
Temporary Cooldown
A temporary cooldown in the new Panorama UI
A Temporary Cooldown is given to a player when they win 2 Competitive games within 21 hours, before they have a Skill Group.
It is not a ban, but does prevent you from playing Competitive modes for 21 hours.
A Cooldown is a temporary or permanent account restriction given to a player in CS:GO.
Global cooldown
The global or universal cooldown, frequently shortened to "GCD", is the cooldown which starts every time you start to use a spell or ability, and affects all of your class spells and abilities. There are exceptions to this, however, as noted below.
The term 'global' is also often used to refer to a single global cooldown. In this way it serves as a basic unit of measurement for time and ability usage. It may take a certain number of globals to set up a rotation, to deal a certain amount of damage/healing, or to respond to an event. The phrase 'to global' (or 'to be globaled') refers to being killed extremely quickly, such as in the duration of only a single GCD.
If a spell has a casting time less than the global cooldown (or instant cast), you generally have to wait the remainder of the global cooldown. If a spell with casting time is interrupted before it has finished casting, the global cooldown is canceled. This allows you to immediately begin casting a new spell, be it the same spell or another.
Some abilities are not affected by the global cooldown, and do not trigger the global cooldown when used. This means that they can be used at times when other abilities cannot (such as immediately after using an instant ability), and can be followed immediately by another ability without delay. Such abilities are often referred to as being "off the global cooldown" or "not affected by the GCD". All such abilities are currently instant cast, allowing several to be used simultaneously, followed immediately by the use of another ability. Many of these abilities have the effect of augmenting the character in some way, and are often placed in macros with other abilities, for speed and convenience.
As of Battle for Azeroth, a significant number of abilities which previously were not on the global cooldown have been added to it. Notably, the majority of DPS and healing cooldowns and movement abilities have been added to the global cooldown. Some but not all defensive abilities have also been added to the global cooldown.
Abilities noted for not affecting nor being affected by the global cooldown:
Shared cooldown
A shared cooldown is when some spell, item or ability prevents usage of certain others while it is cooling down. It effectively applies the same cooldown to all those that it shares a cooldown with.
A shared cooldown need not match the ability's individual cooldown; some powerful abilities with lengthy cooldowns also have a short shared cooldown with similar abilities, preventing a player from gaining several powerful effects at once.
Warrior stance changes also fall under the shared cooldown category. Switching stances as a warrior prevents switching to another stance for 1.5 seconds but does not prevent the user of other abilities.
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