Glamour prism где взять
31 янв. 2018 в 14:20 How to get more glamour prisms without subscribing?
I'm playing the trial. I did the mission from Swyrgeim before the latest patch. At that point I didn't understand that the prism would be used up and she said try it, so I did. Now I have zero prisms and no way to run her mission again. Does anyone know how I can get more without subscribing please?
I really don't want to have to retire my toon as either too-ugly or under-equipped until I subscribe.
31 янв. 2018 в 14:32Am pretty sure you can get them from your grand company when you join them at MSQ level 20-ish.
Just keep going down the main storyline.
31 янв. 2018 в 14:47Justins right although they have all been converted into a single item now.
i dont understand why you care about your characters apearence on a trial account. if you ever sub to the game youl be swapping gear too fast for it to matter
How to get glamour prisms?
Just buy them off the mb or get a pal to make you some.
Treasure chests from level 60 onward have a pretty good chance of dropping them to a player in dungeons.
They are super easy to craft so I really recommend doing it yourself. One of the necessary mats (clear prism) is super cheap and bought from a bunch of different NPCs (click "Shops" on the left). The other item is a pretty easy to make/cheap to buy ingot or cloth or some very low level material.
Where can I buy glamour prisms?
(The bardings are also pretty)
Just adding to the ones already mentioned, pvp marks are a pretty solid source, though there nay be better things to get early on (a mount, glamour, minions and scrolls, a set of makai gear so you can get a makai title and work towards the Garo mounts). They make a good dump for marks though when you the other stuff you might want.
I am not pvp-er by preference but the frontline daily is just a really solid activity to build into your routine. It just offers so much. As a maxed character I get 40 genesis, 100 mendacity, 50 poetics, 1500-2000 pvp marks, and if I win credit towards earning several mounts (many of which look great). The mounts can take quite a number of wins to get, but if you do it consistently and chip away at it over time (and considering the daily rewards you get) its not bad at all. At 15 glamour prisms a day I will likely have to never buy or craft a prism again if I keep working slowly towards the mounts.
Glamour prism где взять
Вы можете загламурить свои вещи вещами своего уровня или ниже, если он принадлежит тому же классу и профессии и занимает столько же слотов, как и основная вещь. Танк не сможет загламурить вещь Черного Мага, как и куртку нельзя загламурить туникой с капюшоном.
Для того чтобы активировать эту функцию игрок должен выполнить квест A Self-improving Man у Wiscard в Mor Dhona (x22,y6)
Для того чтобы начать процесс вам нужна вещь которую вы хотите чтоб выглядела по другому, вторая вещь которой вы будете ее замещать и призма. Какая призма легко узнать.
Их можно купить или на аукционе или сделать самому, выполнив следующий квест у Wiscard, затем купив у НПЦ рядом Tataroga, нужные книги со списком рецептов, активировать их и скрафтить.
Если вам надоест одежда и вы захотите поменять, купите у Tataroga Glamour Dispeller и очистите одежду, точно такой же процесс как и с гламуризацией только в списке сверху выбираете Remove
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