Где найти зомбрекс в dead rising 2
Приветствую, дорогие кооплендовцы. Это статья написана специально для тех, кто ранее в Dead Rising 2 не играл, а сейчас решил.
Одна из самых проблемных и трудных задач лично для меня - это поиск зомбрекса. По сюжету, Кейти необходимо давать ежедневно порцию зомбрекса. Есть несколько способов его достать. Во-первых, можно купить в магазине на втором этаже за 25000$. но не всегда данная сумма есть в наличии. Конечно, можно проходить побочки, грабить магазины. Тут фантазии много, где найти деньги. Но хитрые разработчики спрятали 4 тайника с бесплатной порцией зомбрекса.
1.Казино "Ранчо". Нужно зайти за штору, залезть на две коробки стоящие у стены, далее прыгнуть на большие игральные кости, а оттуда на ящики, где и будет нас ждать зомбрекс.
2.Казино "Американо". Первое что нужно сделать это зайти в кафешку BBQ Shack. Нужно подняться по лестнице на второй этаж,запрыгнуть на квадратную люстру,продвигаться до тех пор пока не будет видно платформы над игровым автоматом. Нужно очень аккуратно двигаться, в противном случае вы упадёте и придётся начинать всё сначала.
3.Казино "Юкатан". В центре казино стоит постройка из квадратных блоков по которым очень легко забраться и забрать наш приз вместе с пулемётом.
4. Под землёй находится четвёртый последний тайник - на платформе под Серебряной аллеей.
Выкладываю видео, где наглядно показано, как достать зомбрекс.
Теперь хочу поделиться важными советами которые помогут вам выжить в безумном мире, в котором нам придётся существовать.
1.Нужно всё время передвигаться. Нельзя стоять на месте. Зомби очень активные увидев человека. А вы для них еда.
2.Оружие.Вокруг огромное количество оружия (палки,дубины,урны,тележки). Смело берите в руки и убивайте. Комбинируйте, чем больше набьёте комбо, тем больше опыта получите.
3. Подбирайте огнетушители, швабры, ленты, гайки и так далее. У них несколько применений. Шваброй можно убивать, а можно скомбинировать и сделать необычное оружие (о крафте я расскажу в следующей части).
4.Таймер игры. Все задания, квесты выполняются на время, Будет неприятно если вдруг забудете сходить за зомбрексом.
5.Почаще сохраняйтесь. Сейвы находяться в туалетной комнате.
6.Спасли выжевшего. Выдай огнестрельное оружие. Это очень поможет довести человека до убежища.
7. Не в ступайте в бой с "психами" в начале игры. Накопите уровней 10 для начала, и уже тогда смело можете атаковать.
8.Почаще смотрите на карту. Стрелка показывает нам длинный и не всегда безопасный путь.
Напоследок скажу пару слов о пинге. Важно, чтобы был стабильный интернет, очень часто игра выдаёт высокий пинг, из-за чего персонажей, друзей, зомби телепортирует, и если к примеру сражаетесь с боссами, может сыграть злую шутку.
В следующих частях я расскажу про крафт, немного поделюсь секретами как пройти боссов. До скорых встреч.
Zombrex basics [ ]
Case Zero [ ]
When Chuck Greene first picks up Zombrex in Dead Rising 2, two information screens explain how Zombrex works.
- Zombrex is a drug that stops the infected from becoming zombies. It is high in demand, expensive, and hard to find.
- Zombrex is still an experimental formula and only prevents zombification for 12 hours.
- Zombrex overdoses are deadly, users must never take it earlier than prescribed.
- The Zombrex Counter on your HUD [ Head-up display ] shows how much you have at all times.
- Katey needs her next does of Zombrex between 7:00PM and 8:00PM . If she doesn't get it, she will die.
- Check your watch to see how much time is left before Katey needs her dose.
Dead Rising 2 [ ]
When Chuck Greene first picks up Zombrex in Dead Rising 2, two information screens explain how Zombrex works.
- The Zombrex Counter on your HUD [ Head-up display ] shows how much you have at all times.
- Katey needs Zombrex everyday between 7:00AM and 8:00AM . If she doesn't get it, she will die.
- Check your watch to see if it's time for Katey's next dose.
Zombrex locations [ ]
1. Begin on the second floor of the BBQ Shack, left side of the fire pit.
2. Jump to the large square yellow light hanging from the ceiling.
3. Keep jumping from light to light until Chuck reaches the platform with the Zombrex, money, Bargaining 1 magazine, handgun and Giant Stuffed Rabbit.
1. Begin at the back of the stage near the hallway to the maintenance room.
2. Jump up onto the box just to the right of the maintenance room.
3. Jump to the boxes toward the front to the stage. Zombrex is on these boxes.
1. Climb on top of the slot machines at the base of the monument in the center of the gambling hall.
2. Continue climbing up the monument atop the blue boxes, until Chuck reaches the platform.
3. There is Zombrex here and a LMG gun.
Zombrex basics [ ]
Case Zero [ ]
When Chuck Greene first picks up Zombrex in Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, there are two information screens that explain how Zombrex works.
- Zombrex is a drug that stops the infected from becoming zombies. It is high in demand, expensive, and hard to find.
- Zombrex is still an experimental formula and only prevents zombification for 12 hours.
- Zombrex overdoses are deadly, users must never take it earlier than prescribed.
- The Zombrex Counter on your HUD (head-up display) shows how much you have at all times.
- Katey needs her next dose of Zombrex between 7:00PM and 8:00PM . If she doesn't get it, she will die.
- Check your watch to see how much time is left before Katey needs her dose.
Dead Rising 2 [ ]
When Chuck Greene first picks up Zombrex in Dead Rising 2, there are two information screens that explain how Zombrex works.
- Zombrex is a drug that stops the infected from becoming zombies. It is high in demand, expensive, and hard to find.
- The new and improved Zombrex formula now lasts 24 hours!
- Zombrex overdoses are deadly, users must never take it earlier than prescribed.
- The Zombrex Counter on your HUD (head-up display) shows how much you have at all times.
- Katey needs Zombrex everyday between 7:00AM and 8:00AM . If she doesn't get it, she will die.
- Check your watch to see if it's time for Katey's next dose.
Warnings [ ]
There is an educational promotional poster that can be found in-game, published by Phenotrans, explaining the precautions humans must take around zombies and the side effects of Zombrex.
Transcription [ ]
Do not operate heavy machinery within 24 hours of taking Zombrex.™ Zombrex™ is not suitable for pregnant women. Zombrex™ should only be taken once every 24 hours. Zombrex™ is not a cure.
Posters [ ]
In Dead Rising 2 and Off the Record, there are numerous Zombrex posters put up all throughout Fortune City, 33 in all, that the player can vandalize for prestige points. In Dead Rising 2, the player can earn the Improper Behavior achievement/trophy by spraying all 33 posters.
Зомбрекс - это препарат, производимый компанией " Dead Rising 2, события которого разворачиваются через три года, его нужно применять раз в 24 часа. В Dead Rising 2 зомбрекс выпускается в форме таблеток и применяется в дозировке 200 мг.
Зомбрекс впервые был создан Изабеллой Кис во время вспышки заболевания в городке Уилламет, чтобы спасти жизнь Фрэнку Весту. Ранее лекарство изготовлялась благодаря маткам ос, но Изабелла вела исследования по созданию синтетического лекарства. Её работа была украдена компанией Фенотранс, на которую она работала.
Zombrex users [ ]
The following is a list of characters in the Dead Rising series who are known Zombrex users:
In Case Zero, Katey must be given Zombrex once during the mission Zombrex 1. In Dead Rising 2, Katey must be given Zombrex every 24 hours to prevent her from turning. Four doses of Zombrex are required throughout the course of 72 Hour Mode, which must be administered between 7:00 am and 8:00 am. This also applies to Frank West in Off the Record, who must take Zombrex every 24 hours.
Isabela Keyes created the drug after escaping the mall in Willamette. Her friend, Frank West, was also infected, and he uses Zombrex while the two of them are researching ways to come up with a complete cure.
Since Zombrex depends on Queens to be made, Isabela Keyes has been researching on a way to make a synthetic drug, though her work was stolen by Phenotrans, her employer. Despite this, Phenotrans has been telling the world that the drug is synthetic and does not depend on zombies or Queens anymore. Also, as revealed in Dead Rising 2: Case West, a cure has been discovered but Dr. Marian Mallon has kept it for herself, refusing to let the world know about it. Therefore, infected people everywhere depend on Zombrex.
In Dead Rising 3, Zombrex has taken on a new form, Zombrex GPS chips. These chips are designed to be surgically implanted under an infected person's skin, usually via the back where there's a good concentration of body fat, and routinely dose them each day with Zombrex so that they do not turn. If they do turn, the chip tracks them via GPS.
It's also revealed that, for infected U.S. citizens, Zombrex chipping has been made mandatory by federal law. An exhibit found in the Museum of the Americas reveals that shortly after the whole chipping concept was introduced, in regards to the new law, the government agreed to pay for the costs of national mandatory chipping, seeing as nobody wanted a repeat of Fortune City and that not everyone could afford Zombrex.
The original Zombrex dosage is still prominent on the streets, as a group of individuals called illegals refuse to be chipped by the government. They say that people that are chipped are living as a prisoner to the government with no right for privacy. The Illegals live "off of the grid" and still use the auto-injector used in previous games.
Warnings [ ]
Zombrex publishes an educational promotional poster which explains the precautions humans must take around zombies and the side effects of Zombrex.
Do not operate heavy machinery within 24 hours of taking Zombrex. TM Zombrex TM is not suitable for pregnant women. Zombrex TM should only be taken once every 24 hours. Zombrex TM is not a cure.
Zombrex, real life photo.
Chuck Greene and infected daughter Katey with Zombrex
Chuck Greene and Zombrex
Background [ ]
The drug that Frank helped Isabela make in overtime in Dead Rising is actually Zombrex. In Dead Rising 2, Chuck Greene fights in "Terror is Reality" to earn money, so he can pay for daily treatments of Zombrex for his daughter, Katey.
Zombrex locations [ ]
Since the Willamette Incident, Zombrex is widely sold in many pharmacies, and it is extremely expensive at $300 a box. It is also administered by government health care institutes and is carried by most ambulances. Dick Jones, a survivor in Still Creek, has some Zombrex in stock in his pawnshop.
In Dead Rising 2 and Off the Record, Zombrex can be found in hidden places, awarded from survivors, defeating psychopaths, or buying from pawnshops located in Fortune City, with the price rising in $25,000 increments with each purchase, starting at $25,000. It is important to note that like weapons, the player will lose their supply of Zombrex should they restart the story.
Dead Rising 2 [ ]
The following is a list of hidden Zombrex locations in Dead Rising 2. These will not respawn unless the player starts a new game.
- Begin on the second floor of the BBQ Shack, on the left side of the fire pit.
- Jump to the large square yellow light hanging from the ceiling.
- Keep jumping from light to light until Chuck reaches the platform with the Zombrex, money, Bargaining 1 magazine, handgun, and giant stuffed rabbit.
- Begin at the back of the stage near the hallway to the maintenance room.
- Jump up onto the box just to the right of the maintenance room.
- Jump to the boxes toward the front to the stage. Zombrex is on these boxes.
- Climb on top of the slot machines at the base of the monument in the center of the gambling hall.
- Continue climbing up the monument until Chuck reaches the platform.
- On the top of the platform, there is Zombrex and an LMG.
Additionally, the player can buy Zombrex from any of the four pawnshops in Fortune City listed below:
The following missions reward the player with Zombrex upon completion:
- Starts on Day 1, Sept. 25 at 10:00 pm. Sven Blaaborg rewards Chuck with a dose after being escorted back to the shelter during the mission.
- Starts on Day 2, Sept. 26 at 11:00 pm. A dose is obtained after defeating Carl Schliff during the mission.
- Starts on Day 3, Sept. 27 at 2:00 am. Richard Kelly gives Chuck some Zombrex when escorted to the safe house.
- Starts on Day 3, Sept. 27 at 9:00 pm. This mission will occur only if Sven has been rescued. In this unannounced mission, Sven Blaaborg appears in the cafeteria and asks Chuck to find him vodka or whiskey. Upon giving him the booze, Sven gives Chuck a box of Zombrex. Code Blue must be completed successfully for this mission to activate.
Off the Record [ ]
The following is a list of hidden Zombrex locations in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.
Zombrex is available for purchase from all of the pawnshops in Off the Record; their locations remain unchanged from Dead Rising 2. However, the price for Zombrex now starts at $50,000, with the price rising in $50,000 increments with each purchase. All missions that award the player with Zombrex in Dead Rising 2 are also present in Off the Record. However, it should be noted that in Off the Record, Hunger Pains begins at 5:00 am instead of 2:00 am.
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