Где найти кожу в 7 days to die
А ты его и не найдешь. Он либо крафтится, либо покупается у торговца, за большие деньги.
Rattag Просветленный (27669) Иванус Крахмалус, Шанс найти этот тигель - крайне низкий. Больше зависит от удачи, ибо можно найти его сразу в мусорном баке, а можно и за 300 дней не найти (как один парень у нас на сервере. За 72 игровых дней, так и не нашел тигель). Так что его действительно проще купить или скрафтить, ежели надеяться на удачу.
Сколько играю так и не попался. по видосам в строительных магазинах. ща пойду искать)
Где найти кожу в 7 days to die
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Добрый вечер, в этом руководстве я научу вас добывать кожу и расскажу обо всех мной известных способах её получения
917 | уникальных посетителей |
4 | добавили в избранное |
этот способ является самым распространённым и сложным в исполнении
для него вам понадобится запастись терпением и пушками
ведь некоторая добыча при виде вас начнёт убегать,а другая и глазом не моргнув убьёт
Самка оленя
Самец оленя
Зомби собака
Бешеный волк
Горный лев
сори за плохое качество льва
после того как вы удачно поохотитесь останется самое простое-разделать тушу
для этого вам понадобится любой нож и прямая пара рук
подойдя к трупу нажмите левую кнопку мыши,тем самым вы соберёте кожу,мясо и кости
при зачистке домов вы не раз натыкались на различные диваны и стулья и не предавая этому значения уходили лутать домик дальше , а зря!
Ведь при разборке этих диванов вы получаете кожу в количестве - один кусок дивана , одна кожа
А при разборке одного такого офисного стула вы получаете аж 6 штук кожи! Халява)
3 и последний способ - утилизация ненужного хлама
за разбор этих предметов вы получите кожу,а именно
за одну часть кожаной брони вы получите 1 шт кожи
за обмотки рук вы получите 1 шт кожи
за пальто вы получите 13 шт кожи
за панчо вы получите 15 шт кожи
если вы дочитали данный гайд до этого момента,то огромное вам спасибо и удачи в выживании на просторах 7 days to die)
Где найти кожу в 7 days to die
29 ноя. 2016 в 5:53 ive been going to houses just for leather im new to this game and it's day 5 i need some help to make er what forge i think anyway to get leather without killing animals? or using a fireaxe againts the couch? or using a wrench to the car? because i have none of all those tools ive been getting cloth only using stone axe. 29 ноя. 2016 в 5:57 You'd have to axe a leather couch to get leather. The couches I've seen in the random houses are cloth not leather. Look in the hotels, there should be leather couches in every suite. 29 ноя. 2016 в 6:00 You'd have to axe a leather couch to get leather. The couches I've seen in the random houses are cloth not leather. Look in the hotels, there should be leather couches in every suite. true.. somtimes in houses also. but if you find good hunting grounds. use your bow alot..then deers just drop after few shots29 ноя. 2016 в 6:04 You'd have to axe a leather couch to get leather. The couches I've seen in the random houses are cloth not leather. Look in the hotels, there should be leather couches in every suite. 29 ноя. 2016 в 6:04 You'd have to axe a leather couch to get leather. The couches I've seen in the random houses are cloth not leather. Look in the hotels, there should be leather couches in every suite. true.. somtimes in houses also. but if you find good hunting grounds. use your bow alot..then deers just drop after few shots Thanks but im not good at killing them they run so fast i just got one or two shot 29 ноя. 2016 в 6:13 29 ноя. 2016 в 6:15 when you use your bow.. it will get better..your level of the bow will rise same as your skill.. use your skill points wise
29 ноя. 2016 в 6:16 Kneel and sneak attack the deer for extra damage, at first u prob have a low quality bow so the deer will run for a bit after being hit but just follow without spooking and sneak shot him again if he doesnt die first from bleeding. Later when u get ur bow to high quality as well as a good archery skill you can one shot deer with this sneak attack but by then you prob be using guns instead. 29 ноя. 2016 в 6:17 Kneel and sneak attack the deer for extra damage, at first u prob have a low quality bow so the deer will run for a bit after being hit but just follow without spooking and sneak shot him again if he doesnt die first from bleeding. Later when u get ur bow to high quality as well as a good archery skill you can one shot deer with this sneak attack but by then you prob be using guns instead. i am hardly using guns at all. they just attrack z's .. i would only use them for pvp
29 ноя. 2016 в 6:24 true.. somtimes in houses also. but if you find good hunting grounds. use your bow alot..then deers just drop after few shots
Thanks but im not good at killing them they run so fast i just got one or two shot
Next time you see a Deer get as close as you can. If it runs DO NOT CHASE it. Just watch, it will stop running after a few seconds. Slowly approach and go into sneak mode. From the side shot deer in the shoulder. From the back shot him in his butt. He will run directly away from you. Again. DO NOT CHASE. Slowly follow after a 5 count. There is a good chance that your first arrow will make it bleed out and it will just die. But if not get as close as you can and put another arrow in him. This should finish him off.
Pigs I deal with differently. I'll get as close as I can and then wait till they run from me so I can shot them in the butt running after them and shooting again if needed. Pigs don't run as fast as a deer and you can sometimes catch up to them. However one or two arrows in the butt will put a pig down. I have a hell of a time getting a kill hit on the side of a pig so I want them running from me.
Animals are worth a lot of xp it's good to learn how to kill them early game.
Tutorial [ ]
The video below gives a short demonstration on where to find leather if you haven't found the leather tanning schematics yet
Usage [ ]
The following recipes require Leather: (NOTE: Times are based on a level one skill and the material that an object is crafted from, which is only reliable for food at the moment, so is rather difficult to calculate, this table is auto-generated):
Leather can be gathered from killing Animals, such as Rabbits, Stags, Boars, Bears, Zombie Bears, and Zombie Dogs. After an animal is killed, it must be Harvested with a Hunting Knife, Bone Knife, Machete, or Fire axe or just a normal axe to get Leather from the dead animal. Leather can be used to make some early stage Clothing.
Harvesting [ ]
In addition to crafting, Leather can also be found by harvesting blocks.
Block | Tool | Common Location |
Office Chair | Any | High School |
Leather Couch Arm | Any | Apartment Building |
Forge | Wrench | |
Destroyed Forge | Wrench | |
Sedan | Any | Hospital |
Notes [ ]
- Leather can be transmuted into Scrap Iron via crafting and scrapping Scrap Leg Armor.
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