Fujitsu fuj02b1 device driver что это
During this time, our software has become incredibly faster and smarter. Today, DriverPack is the largest database of unique drivers in the world, located on ultra high speed servers all over the world. In order to perform the process of driver installation always quickly and with the highest possible quality, we use machine learning technologies that makes our selection algorithm even better and more accurate. We have managed to achieve all this in such a way that the software remains absolutely free of charge, and everyone can use it.
My team and I are proud of our product, and we hope it will become your reliable assistant in configuring any computer in the shortest possible time frame.","landingintroduction_author-speech-marked":"We spend all our time in order to save yours!","landingintroduction_video-caption":"And here is what Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of Russian Federation, thinks about DriverPack Solution","landingnotebookvendorslist_landing-title":"DriverPack is suitable for any computer","landingnotebookvendorslist_landing-subtitle":"Yes, for ANY computer - we checked!","landingnotebookvendorslist_cta-btn":"Install all required drivers","landingnotebookvendorslist_versions":"Other DriverPack versions","partners_landing-title":"Our partners","landingproducts_cta-title":"Choose your DriverPack","landingproducts_cta-description":"Download the pack that fits you","landingproducts_item-title-online":"DriverPack Online","landingproducts_item-description-online":"It downloads instantly, downloads and installs all drivers if you have Internet connection (>) ","landingproducts_item-version":"Version:","landingproducts_item-button":"Download","landingproducts_item-title-network":"DriverPack Offline Network","landingproducts_item-description-network":"It contains drivers for network hardware (Lan/Wi-Fi) and doesn’t require Internet connection to operate (>) ","landingproducts_item-title-offline":"DriverPack Offline Full","landingproducts_item-description-offline":"It contains all drivers, operates without an internet connection, and can be downloaded through a Torrent-tracker (>) ","landingpublications__source-link":"Read more","landingpublications__landing-title":"Mass media publications about DriverPack","landingscreenshots_landing-title":"DriverPack is the most convenient and fastest way to configure a computer","landingscreenshots_landing-subtitle":"The software is provided for free, and is suitable both for professionals and for beginners","landingsocial_landing-title":"Join the DriverPack community","landingsocial_landing-subtitle":"Follow the news and take part in discussions","landingtopvideocardlist_landing-title":"Popular video card models","landingtopvideocardlist_landing-caption":"DriverPack selects drivers for video cards of any models, here are the most popular ones","landingusers_cta":"The number of DriverPack users around the world keeps growing with every passing second","landingusers_cta-btn":"Install all required drivers","landingusers_versions":"Other DriverPack versions","landingvideocardlist_landing-title":"Popular video card manufacturers","landingwizard_landing-title":"It is now possible to configure a computer in one click","landingwizard_item-caption-download":"Download and start up DriverPack Online","landingwizard_item-caption-setup":"Configure your computer with one simple action","landingwizard_item-caption-profit":"Yay! Now the computer runs like brand new!","landingwizard_cta-btn":"Install all required drivers","navbar_download-link-short":"Download","navbar_download-link":"Download DriverPack Online","notfound_cta-text":"You can find and install drivers automatically by using DriverPack Online for free","notfound_cta-btn":"Download DriverPack Online","notfound_info-404":"> — the requested page is not found","notfound_info-500":"> — something went wrong (server error)","notebookfilters-title":"Available drivers","notebookvendorslist_other-text":"Other manufacturers","notebookvendorslist_title_os":"Drivers for laptops on >","notebookvendorslist_title":"Driver search for laptops","productlandingheader-online_cta-btn":"Download DriverPack Online","productlandingheader-online_caption":"DriverPack Online - the most popular product of just > size. It is downloaded instantly, it selects drivers for your computer or laptop, and after that downloads all required drivers via Internet and installs them. It perfectly fits an ordinary user. It operates only with Internet access.","productlandingheader-network_cta-btn":"Download DriverPack Offline Network","productlandingheader-network_caption":"DriverPack Offline Network - drivers for network hardware in one place (>). It is downloaded fast, and installed even faster! As soon as Windows is re-installed, DriverPack Offline Network will configure network drivers to connect to Internet, and then download drivers for the rest devices!","productlandingheader-offline_cta-btn":"Download DriverPack Offline Full","productlandingheader-offline_caption":"DriverPack Offline Full is a huge build of > size for driver installation without Internet access. Just download DriverPack Offline Full and use the enormous library of up-to-date drivers wherever you like. It perfectly fits for system admins.","promoheader_os-versions":"The software is suitable for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP","promoheader_uninstall":"DriverPack removal","promoheader_cta-text-gamers":"Your computer is more powerful than you think: update all drivers for free","promoheader_cta-text-gamers-caption":"If you like computer games, we recommend you to update the drivers on your computer more often to reach the highest possible efficiency of your hardware. Up to 37% more FPS - the best game experience and new achievements with DriverPack.","promoheader_cta-text":"DriverPack will install drivers for free and solve driver problems on any device","promoheader_cta-btn":"Install all required drivers","promoheader_size":"File Size: > KB","reviewheader_cta-text":"Join DriverPack community in the social networks to keep up with the news about the product and take part in discussions","search_input-placeholder":"Search for the name of driver, laptop or DeviceID","search_btn-text":"Find","searchformitem_type-section":"Category","searchformitem_type-notebook":"laptop","searchformitem_type-device":"device","searchformitem_type-free":"for free","generatesearchitemname_notebookvendor":"> laptops","generatesearchitemname_vendor":"> devices","searchheader_caption-subtitle":"Driver search on the query:","searchheader_caption-filter-label":"Driver will be downloaded for the chosen OS","searchresult_details-content-notebook-text":"> in order to identify and install the required drivers automatically, or go to > page and select the required driver manually","searchresult_details-content_download-link":"Download DriverPack","searchresult_notebook":"Laptop","searchresult_download-btn":"Install the driver automatically","searchresult_details-content-text-placeholder":"Data loading…","searchresult_details-content-label-1":"OS","searchresult_details-content-label-2":"all systems","searchresult_details-content-group-text":"> in order to identify and install the required drivers automatically, or go to the > device page and select the required driver manually","searchresult_device":"> (> results were found)","searchresult_details-content-text-many":"Several different drivers for this device were found","seofooter_os-list-title":"Operating System Versions: > ","seofooter_offers-title":" Available for free ","seofooter_driver-description-title":"Driver Description","seofooter_popular-drivers-title":"Popular Drivers","sidebanner_title":"Are you tired of looking for drivers?","sidebanner_caption":"DriverPack will automatically select and install the required drivers","softdetails_download-count":"Downloads number:","softdetails_package-size":"Size:","softdetails_added":"Update Date:","softdetails_license":"Distribution Scheme:","softdetails_license-free":"free of charge software","softdetails_os":"Operation Systems:","softdetails_uninstall-link":"Remove","softdetails_download-link":"Download","softdetails_uninstall-page-link":"How to remove >","softlandingheader_search-title":"Search for the latest versions of the free of charge software over the enormous database","softsearch_input-placeholder":"Software or category name","softsearchformitem_type-category":"category","softsearchheader_title":"Search results","softsearchheader_subtitle":"Here is all software found according to your query:","softsearchresult_download-link":"Download","topsoft_item-download-count":"Downloads number:","topsoft_item-download-link":"Download","translationheader_cta-text":"Help us make DriverPack available for millions of PC users worldwide — take part in our volunteer project on translating it to the other languages","translationheader_bubble-team":"Would you like to be a part of the translators team for the world largest service of automatic computer configuring?","translationheader_bubble-languages":"Do you know English or Russian quite well, so that you are ready to translate from one of them to your native language?","translationheader_bubble-experience":"Do you have any experience in translating software or web-sites by using online translation services?","translationheader_bubble-email":"If your answers are YES to all three questions, please, e-mail us to > with '>' in the subject line and let us know your target language that you are ready to deal with.","translationlist_title":"DriverPack Authorized Translators List","translationtool_text-transifex":"In DriverPack Solution we do our localization by using service:","translationtool_example-ru-to-en":"Lines for translation from Russian (RU) into English (EN), and CIS languages (CIS)","translationtool_example-en-to-all":"Lines for translation from English (EN) into other world languages","deviceclasses_laptop-single-main":"laptop","language_title":"English","landingPagePublications_rbk":"DriverPack is the software that consists of drivers for Windows thoroughly selected and tested by Artur Kuzyakov’s team. This application analyses a user’s computer and installs onto it the required drivers, which enables you to solve two issues: firstly, to speed up the process of the computer’s configuration (which is especially important if there are dozens of computers within one system); and secondly, to improve its operational ability.","landingPagePublications_secretfirmy":"Today, DriverPack has the largest driver database in the world which is translated to 45 languages and operates on the computers of more than 42 million users.","landingPagePublications_cnews":"Since the moment the very first version of the software was created, DriverPack Solution has been very popular among users. The software is available for download absolutely for free. This distinguishes DriverPack Solution from its competitors and attracts more and more new users.","landingPagePublications_xbit":"DriverPack Solution is an interesting application, it contains a set of options that other software solutions of the same type don’t provide. Any user can fix all the errors and set up proper operation of the system and all its devices in just two clicks. At the moment, the number of drivers in the DriverPack database has already exceeded 1.1 million entries, and they all have been tested for safety.","landingPagePublications_chip":"With DriverPack it’s not a challenge at all to find the latest versions of the drivers for your PC components. The most pleasant aspect is that a user doesn’t even have to do anything by himself. This tool is completely automated and convenient in operation.","landingPagePublications_pcmag":"DriverPack Protect will help protect your computer from malware and adware programs and plug-ins, which even antivirus software and ad-blocking tools often fail to do.","landingPagePublications_habr":"The need to seek and install drivers each time when you reinstall Windows is, in my opinion, one of the most significant flaws of the entire Windows family. As far back as in 2008, I decided to fix this problem and wrote my own software which was called DriverPack. Today, my product is used by 40 million users all over the world, and I consider that the drivers problem in Windows has now been solved, albeit by means of a third-party solution.","landingPagePublications_computerra":"The new version provides a user with more tools for making up his own driver selection. It’s an especially pressing issue for those who service computers and administer lots of different hardware. Now it is possible to integrate any alternative driverpacks into DriverPack rather than just removing the unnecessary.","landingPagePublications_vc":"Thanks to the grapevine, this product has been translated by users into 45 languages without the participation of our team.","adminpagefaq_official_vendors-q":"Before DriverPack, I downloaded the drivers from the official sites but I experienced issues even with them. Why are the drivers in DriverPack more reliable than those from the manufacturers?","adminpagefaq_official_vendors-a":"In order to make our driver database not only the largest but also the most stable, we keep working hard on improving it permanently, and we even fix the bugs which the official manufacturers allow! We use machine learning technology and thanks to it, our selection algorithm is constantly improving. And that is exactly why the drivers from DriverPack are the most reliable: -)","adminpagefaq_database-q":"How does the DriverPack database expand? Can I really find the drivers I need in it?","adminpagefaq_database-a":"To date, our driver database is the largest in the world, that’s why you will be able to find the driver for any device with over 99% success. In order to keep gathering and supporting such a database, we cooperate directly with the device manufacturers and driver developers. We collect and test the drivers from the official sites as well as from private FTP servers, and we also take active users' recommendations into account.","adminpagefaq_free-q":"Is it true that DriverPack is absolutely free of charge?","adminpagefaq_free-a":"All our software is absolutely free of charge! But if you want to support our project, you can install the useful software we are offering for your own use, and recommend DriverPack to your friends: -)","adminpagefaq_antivirus-q":"My antivirus has discovered a virus in DriverPack - how could that happen?","adminpagefaq_antivirus-a":"This is most likely a false positive, as all DriverPack versions undergo thorough examination and accreditation by the Kaspersky Laboratory. Our company cooperates with many antivirus software providers such as Avast, and 360 Total Security. In order to continue operating, just add DriverPack to your antivirus white list. We will also appreciate if you report this as a false positive to your antivirus company as well as to our Support Service.","adminpagefaq_expert_mode-q":"Which mode is the most convenient for using DriverPack?","adminpagefaq_expert_mode-a":"By default, DriverPack starts up in automatic mode, designed to be understandable and convenient to use even for new users. However, for convenience of the advanced users and system admins, we have developed Expert Mode which contains extended settings and customization options. In order to activate this mode, it’s enough just to click the corresponding button located at the bottom of the screen.","adminpagefaq_stable-q":"The driver has not been installed properly and my computer now has issues. How can I fix this situation?","adminpagefaq_stable-a":"The operation stability of the DriverPack software is one of our main priorities but minor failures still happen, though they are rare. This is why we create a restore point which will enable you to return everything back to the previously configured state. In order to prevent a similar problem in the future, we recommend you to go to the DriverPack Menu and send the report that is automatically created by the software, to our technical services.","partners_landing-text-opera":"Opera Software is a global developer of browsers and software to operate in the Internet.
Its history has lasted for more than 20 years. Opera Software participates in developing web standards within W3C project. More that 350 million people worldwide use Opera products.
Its headquarters is located in Oslo, the capital of Norway.","partners_landing-text-yandex":"Yandex is a global developer of the search engine and popular Internet services of the same name.
In Russia, where Yandex comes from, its share among the search engines makes 56.4% (according to Yandex.Radar, for March, 2018). This company is one of the few who successfully withstands competition with Google, the search giant.
Its headquarters is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia.","partners_landing-text-avast":"Avast Software is a global developer of software in the field of information security.
It releases the world most popular free antivirus. The software from Avast prevents 1.5 billion attacks against computers and the web every month.
Подробности о наиболее часто используемом файле с именем "fuj02b1.sys"
Продукт: FUJ02B1 Компания: FUJITSU LIMITED Описание: WDM driver for FUJ02B1 PnP device Версия: 6.0.5840.16384 MD5: 49e588ac7d2b57f057756a91c6f36d25 SHA1: db551873b4935816ee5f2e6c3307ac0894683262 SHA256: 618e2cb3704c5f2681fa0fda3ed701789dcc5322063b0edfb3da1272485e18a9 Размер: 5888 Папка: C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS ОС: Windows Vista Частота: Высокая Проверьте свой ПК с помощью нашей бесплатной программыДрайвер "fuj02b1.sys" безопасный или опасный?
Последний новый вариант файла "fuj02b1.sys" был обнаружен 3261 дн. назад. В нашей базе содержится 5 шт. вариантов файла "fuj02b1.sys" с окончательной оценкой Безопасный и ноль вариантов с окончательной оценкой Опасный . Окончательные оценки основаны на комментариях, дате обнаружения, частоте инцидентов и результатах антивирусных проверок. Драйвер с именем "fuj02b1.sys" может быть безопасным или опасным. Чтобы дать правильную оценку, вы должны определить больше атрибутов файла. Самый простой способ это сделать - воспользоваться нашей бесплатной утилитой для проверки файлов посредством нашей базы данных. Эта утилита содержит множество функций для контролирования вашего ПК и потребляет минимум системных ресурсов.Щёлкните здесь, чтобы загрузить System Explorer.
Fujitsu fuj02b1 device driver что это
За эти 8 лет работы программа стала невероятно быстрее и умнее. Сегодня, DriverPack это самая большая в мире база уникальных драйверов, которая расположена на сверхскоростных серверах по всему миру. Для того, чтобы установка драйверов всегда проходила не только быстро, но и максимально качественно, мы используем технологии машинного обучения, что делает наш алгоритм подбора еще лучше и точнее. При всем этом, нам удалось оставить программу абсолютно бесплатной, чтобы каждый желающий мог ей воспользоваться.
Что такое " fuj02b1.sys " ?
В нашей базе содержится 21 разных файлов с именем fuj02b1.sys . You can also check most distributed file variants with name fuj02b1.sys. Чаще всего эти файлы принадлежат продукту FUJ02B1. Наиболее частый разработчик - компания FUJITSU LIMITED. Самое частое описание этих файлов - WDM driver for FUJ02B1 PnP device. Этот файл содержит драйвер. Вы можете найти его в разделе драйверов в System Explorer.
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