Freecam subnautica как увеличить скорость
Примечание: Если в названии предмета указано два слова, то писать нужно слитно, например ITEM COOKEDPEEPER 5.
Примечание: Этой же командой можно спавнить Seamoth ( SPAWN SEAMOTH 1 )
- Включает бесплатное использование Fabricator и Constructor
- Мгновенно респавнит игрока в капсуле вместе с инвентарем. На хардкоре не рекомендуется.
- Телепортирует игрока к базе или подводной лодке
- Отключает тени. Для включения требуется перезапустить игру
- Отключает блум. Для включения требуется перезапустить игру
- Респавнит игрока на небольшом расстоянии. Команда хорошо подходит, если игрок застрял в текстуре
- Создает несколько пузырей с воздухом возле игрока
BIOME name
Улучшение скорости сканирования
Улучшение скорости сканирования (Scanner Room Speed Upgrade) – это модуль улучшения для Комнаты сканирования. Будучи установленным, увеличивает скорость сканирования на наличие запрошенных ресурсов и других объектов находящихся в списке сканера комнаты сканирования.
Создаётся на встроенном в стену комнаты изготовителе, и размещается в консоль рядом с ним.
Фактическая частота сканирования (в секундах) = Максимальное значение между 1 и 14 - число установленных улучшений * 3.
Экспериментальные биомы
Примечание: Если вы не можете найти плавучий остров, то напишите в консоли команду "BIOME ISLANDS".
Freecam subnautica как увеличить скорость
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Subnautica Console Commands | HUD OFF | Free Camera [ENG/RUS]
★ This guide is intended for: "Creating high-quality screenshots"
★ Данное руководство предназначено для: «Создание качественных скриншотов»
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- HUD (Heads Up Display) - This is some composition of elements that are constantly displayed on the screen, whose task is to show the status of the player. HUD elements can be used to show, among other things, how much health a player has left, in which direction he is looking or where he is in the race. / Это некоторая композицию элементов, постоянно отображающихся на экране, чья задача показывать статус игрока. Элементы HUD могут быть использованы для того, чтобы показать, среди прочих вещей, сколько здоровья осталось у игрока, в каком направлении он смотрит или на каком он месте в гонке.
- Free Camera - Allows you to freely leave your character and roam the terrain, even fly through solid objects. / Позволяет вам свободно покидать своего персонажа и бродить по местности, даже пролетая сквозь твердые предметы.
- FoV (Field of View) - Viewing angle in the game. The higher the field of view, the wider the viewing angle and the more you see on the sides. Than already - the less. / Угол обзора в игре. Чем больше FoV, тем шире ваш угол обзора и тем больше вы видите по бокам. Чем уже - тем меньше.
- Noclip mode - In many video games, Noclip mode, sometimes francized in wall pass mode, is a code that places the player's character in a sort of "ethereal" state, allowing him to "float" through walls, ceilings, floors or even other entities (characters or objects that can interact with the player). / Во многих видеоиграх режим Noclip , представляет собой код, который переводит ГГ в своего рода «эфирное» состояние, позволяя ему проходить сквозь стены, потолки, этажи или даже другие объекты (персонажи или объекты, которые могут взаимодействовать с игроком).
- Tiledshot - The cross-platform, hi-res tiled screenshot feature is accessed via a console command called tiledshot. It can generate screenshots at any size that are a multiple of the screen resolution (or window resolution if the game is running in window mode). Tiledshot does this by rendering the game frame multiple times, one tile at a time at full resolution and concatenating all tiles into a single image file. / Кросс-платформенная функция скриншота с высоким разрешением доступна через консольную команду. Он может создавать скриншоты любого размера, кратного разрешению экрана. Tiledshot делает это путем рендеринга игрового кадра несколько раз, по одному фрагменту за раз с полным разрешением и объединения всех фрагментов в один файл изображения.
Because of these console commands, you cannot be blocked in video games, with the exception of online games (Dota 2, CS:GO, etc.) / Из-за этих консольных команд вы не можете получить бан в видеоиграх, за исключением онлайн-игр (Dota 2, CS:GO и т. д.)
Warning! SAVE your game before using these commands! Using these commands might impair your Subnautica experience, and will disable achievements!
Console Commands are a group of tools that adjust the player's experience outside the normal scope of the game. These commands can be used for debugging purposes, viewing partially implemented content, or simply for player enjoyment.
The console is an optional feature and is disabled by default. To activate it you need to press «F3» and you'll see a checkbox ticked in the top left saying: "Disable Console". Press «F8» to get a mouse cursor and uncheck the box to activate the console.
Once the console is enabled, press «Tilde (
)» and type one of the commands below. Whenever you restart the game, you need to press one of the overlay keys first (e.g. «F3» ) before pressing the console key.
It is recommended to close all overlays before typing a command, as entering a number does change the game settings on some overlays (e.g. on the «F3» overlay).
In-game press «F6» several times to Toggle HUD and helmet on/off
- Safe Shallow - Безопасные отмели - от 1 до 50 метров глубины
- Kelp Forest - Лес Водорослей - от 25 до 150 метров глубины
- Grassy Plateaus - Травяные плато - от 100 до 150 метров глубины
- Mushroom Forest - Грибной лес - от 125 до 200 метров глубины
- Koosh Zone - от 225 до 275 метров глубины
- Grand Reef - Большой Риф - от 175 до 190 метров глубины
- Floater Islands - Плавучие острова - Поверхность
Freecam subnautica как увеличить скорость
28 янв. 2018 в 12:05so in order to do that you need to press F3, after that F8 and cursor will appear then select disable console, then press F8 and F3 again and press enter, type:targetframerate and the number of fps you want to be locked at (30/ 60/. ). if you type this without pressing F3 again the game will turn black, don't worry simply restart the game and do it again pressing F3 the second time.
I hope this help because there is a lot of people searching how to do it.
28 янв. 2018 в 12:09 22 сен. 2018 в 5:00 Hello. After over a hundred hours your small tip has made the game more playable than ever. Thank you so much q.q 22 сен. 2018 в 7:10 Hello. After over a hundred hours your small tip has made the game more playable than ever. Thank you so much q.q 22 сен. 2018 в 8:12 Using the ♥♥♥♥ called Unity Engine is the biggest and i think only, issue with Subnautica. 23 сен. 2018 в 11:17 Hello. After over a hundred hours your small tip has made the game more playable than ever. Thank you so much q.q 25 дек. 2018 в 17:15Actually, whole procedure is:
1. Set Vsync off in settings.
2. Enter the game.
3. Press [F3] - settings window will pop up
4. To get mouse pointer (you need it) - hit [TAB]
5. Uncheck "Disable Console" on top.
6. Press [Enter] - on left corner of the screen console will appear
7. If you want 30fps cap, type: targetframerate 30
8. Execute command by pressing [Enter].
9. Now you can close setting window [F3] and [TAB] to go back to game.
10. Your fps should now be locked.
After this, every time when you start the game (from desktop) you have to:
1. Enter the game,
2. Press [F3] (You have to do it because game doesn't remember you already unlocked console until you open this settings window - its a trigger)
3. Press [Enter] (Now console will appear because game reminded itself that console is already unlocked)
4. Type (for 30fps): targetframerate 30
5. Press [Enter] (this will execute above command and set the cap - it should be visible immediately)
6. Press [F3] (closes window - actually it may be OK to close this window just after opening it - as opening it is just a trigger to unlock console)
PS. IMHO its a shame, that developers doesn't care to give that option. I'm against stupid regulations, but this I would suggest to lawmakers, that every game should have adjustable FPS cap - because its massive waste of energy if the game runs 150FPS insead of 30 (while 30 is in most situations fair enough).
We changing the bulbs from 30W to 5W to save the Earth, but we loosing hundreds of watts playing games with FPS much higher than we can see the difference.
If not lawmakers, than Steam should demand this from developers otherwise someone could think that Steam doesn't want to save the planet.
Anything above 100 or 120 for me would be wasted on my monitor. 26 дек. 2018 в 4:33
For normal human eye/brain - display with frame rate above 24 FPS is animation.
For the same human eye/brain, display that flicker with frequency above approx 80 Hz, doesn't flicker at all - simply, human eye can not catch flicker.
But, don't forget that technology is changing.
For CRT TVs/Monitors flicker was much more visible because of CRT technology (Only one dot lid up at once that was moving across the screen in approx 32 kHz per line while 60 Hz per screen).
For LCD TVs/Monitors you can notice flicker only related to back light lamp - as it wasn't LED, but energy saving bulbs - they did flicker with frequency of electric grid (50 Hz) and for newer LCDs - it was 100 Hz (doubled to avoid flicker effect), 200 Hz (could be useful for 3D movies while you have 3D glasses using flicker technology) and there were even 400 Hz - that was completely hoax.
For LED TVs/Monitors there is no real flicker at all. Everyone can test it with camera - just take a photo of the screen with short exposure - there will be no partially displayed frame - nothing like that. If you gonna film it - there will be no flashing screen on recording as was on CRT or LCD.
In LED technology one screen is covering the previous one, so everyone sees just changes on the view but no flicker - because screen is never blanked (unless you want display black screen)
So if you watch a movie, recorded in 24 FPS - there is no need for higher frame rate and also screen frequency than 24 FPS or Hz.
Currently we best video modes that you can select in cameras are operating in 60 FPS - so 60 FPS or Hz (in LED displays Hz and FPS means the same) is enough.
Personally I would say that for LED technology visibility of frame changing is somewhere between 30 and 60 FPS or Hz - and it will differ for every person.
BUT. If someone say, that he needs display of 100, 150, or 200 FPS - I simply don't believe.
26 дек. 2018 в 4:58I've never read so much wrong in one single post.
If you can't see the difference between 24fps and 60fps, you've either got some terrible eyes or you're lying to yourself.
Any gamer who has experienced a proper high refresh rate monitor will tell you that even going back to 60fps feels sluggish.
Cause a video game is not a movie.
You're not watching a video, you're controlling the action and the camera. And the more updates per second you can get out of the screen, the more visually truer to life the image will feel.
Anyways, you should go look up the many experiments where they out gamers in front of the same games playing at different framerates and see which ones they actually preferred to play on.
Maybe the you'll stop apradinging lies.
26 дек. 2018 в 7:20100 FPS means that signal of one frame will take 10ms - in this speed human brain is mixing colours.
200 FPS = 5ms
400 FPS = 2.5ms
Soon you gonna see ping packets going back and forth from your ISP ;)
BTW. I don't see difference between watching recent action movie in 60FPS and playing game.
If game would have stable render on 60FPS level - that would be OK.
I understand, why it is happening that what you say about.
Its just because graphics cards are rendering frames not with equal speed. One time it takes 25ms to render the frame next time it takes 10ms. average speed is 17,5ms - so 57 FPS, but your eye will notice 25ms one as slowdown to 40 FPS.
You can observe this effect in Subnautica - if you will switch FPS graph on.
There will be nice sinusoid of frame rates.
Games should show lowest values as real FPS - but they don't.
Topic is interesting but I don't have a time to spent on discussions.
You don't need to agree. I just say that as I'm paying the bills in my house, I prefer discomfort of 60 FPS over higher electricity bills :D If you would have 4 gamers in your house playing constantly you would understand :D
26 дек. 2018 в 9:59I'm not about to write a dissertation with full citations and sources on my phone to explain why youre wrong about some things, confused about others, and are full of yourself on others.
For some of those you can be forgiven.
I will say, don't use your kids like that in a discussion. It's shameful.
Especially since you begin to assume that the person you're talking to isn't in the same or similar boat.
I've never read so much wrong in one single post.
If you can't see the difference between 24fps and 60fps, you've either got some terrible eyes or you're lying to yourself.
Any gamer who has experienced a proper high refresh rate monitor will tell you that even going back to 60fps feels sluggish.
Cause a video game is not a movie.
You're not watching a video, you're controlling the action and the camera. And the more updates per second you can get out of the screen, the more visually truer to life the image will feel.
Anyways, you should go look up the many experiments where they out gamers in front of the same games playing at different framerates and see which ones they actually preferred to play on.
Maybe the you'll stop apradinging lies.
Agreed. 60fps is slow. It varies for different people but some can see the difference as high as 200fps while I can't notice it above maybe 90fps.
I've never read so much wrong in one single post.
If you can't see the difference between 24fps and 60fps, you've either got some terrible eyes or you're lying to yourself.
Any gamer who has experienced a proper high refresh rate monitor will tell you that even going back to 60fps feels sluggish.
Cause a video game is not a movie.
You're not watching a video, you're controlling the action and the camera. And the more updates per second you can get out of the screen, the more visually truer to life the image will feel.
Anyways, you should go look up the many experiments where they out gamers in front of the same games playing at different framerates and see which ones they actually preferred to play on.
Maybe the you'll stop apradinging lies.
Agreed. 60fps is slow. It varies for different people but some can see the difference as high as 200fps while I can't notice it above maybe 90fps.
It's not so much noticing the difference immedietly. It's about getting used to it and noticing the difference when going back down.
Back when i first started PC gaming 60 fps was pointless i didn't care. But my computer was good enough to get 60 even on max settings anyway. It should have lasted 6-8 years since i was ok with 30 fps. But, over time i got used to the 60fps i hardly noticed. And when framerates went down? Games just weren't fun anymore.
However. Movies are a different form of media. Video games are a series of still frames. A movie? Each frame is a caputre of, quite literally, an infinite amount of motion. You eyes can much easier fill in the gaps when it's told exactly what those gaps look like. But it's also used to 24 fps with movies.
Ive recently gotten my 60hz screen up to 100hz. (Yes. +40hz. I suspect that fact i was able to push it that far has a lot to do with it being G-sync, and getting very VERY lucky). And im only able to get a few games up there. Redout being one of them. The other day, i was getting pretty bad FPS in the game. (steam had decided to start a download on it's own i later found out) Turned on the FPS counter. It read 62. And i thought it was terrible. But, with many games im perfectly fine with 45. FPS tolerance isn't a global. It differs from media type to media type, and even within that media type.
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