Founders fortune как заводить детей
From the official website, Founder's Fortune is a "creative colony simulation game" with the tagline Craft tools, build a home and protect your people. Guide your colonists by commanding them directly or assigning them job priorities, and generally taking care of them. Collect resources and increase your colony's wealth, build amenities for your colonists to use, engage in trade and war with the natives.
Colonists [ ]
see main article: Colonist
Colonists are the citizens of your colony and the backbone of your workforce. You start the game with 2 of them, with the option to re-roll their bonfire is one of the first things you should do, as it is the only way to attract more people to your colony other than raising children .
Moods [ ]
The mood bar indicates how happy the colonist is currently. Additionally, on the rightmost panel you can see the list of moodlets the colonist is experiencing (e.g. enjoyed sitting by the campfire, was insulted by someone else, successfully won a fight). A colonist in a low mood is in danger of revolting, where they will refuse to do work for an entire day and just laze around.
Needs [ ]
These are the basic requirements for each colonist, such as hunger and stamina. They will attempt to refill them automatically: a hungry colonist will eat, and a tired colonist will go to sleep. Note that you can toggle "combat mode" to temporarily override a colonist's autonomy in order to force them to deal with enemies - they will ignore their needs so long as they are in combat mode. It is possible to drive them to exhaustion this way (they will receive a temporary negative moodlet), so make sure to toggle off combat mode when you are done fighting.
Expectations [ ]
These are quality of life requirements that each colonist expects. For example early in the game they may be content with eating raw food , but later on they will demand cooked food . How well you are meeting their expectations are indicated by the background color for each one, from green (met), to yellow and red (not met).
Note that the colony bonfire will only attract new people once you have met the expectations for all your current colonists. At the beginning of the game or each time a new colonist arrives, the expectations are increased. This means you will not automatically get a steady influx of new arrivals - you have to make sure your current people are happy before more think of joining.
Wishes [ ]
Finally, each colonist has two active wishes. These are optional requirements such as wanting to own a wardrobe in their Resources [ ]
see main article: Resources
Most of your time will be spent harvesting resources on the map, as chopping trees for stone will be your main activities. Your colonists can also plant and grow crops for food, and build various types of storage to accommodate all those resources you are gathering and processing.
Trade [ ]
Additionally, traders will periodically stop by your colony so it is useful to have a surplus of items to trade. Finally, it is possible to interact with non-hostile Tiki Goblins and trade with them.
Jobs: [ ]
Start with basic jobs. Forester & Scholar are necessary. When your third colonist arrives, make him forester to have wood (those are the needed one but make sure to have a Doctor too as soon as possible).
Note: You can use one colonist to have multiple jobs. The first job selected is only for automation. But you can tell a Miner to gather wood for example, or a farmer to make a research. (Manually order)
For your first house, don’t make it too big since you’re limited at the start in resources, make a building with a bedroom for your first colonist.
Note: If you made a mistake and want to delete the wall section select any wall (don’t matter which) then you’ll have to use: Left click + Drag over the wall you want to delete.
When you are satisfied with your house shape, you are going to need some floor.
- Once again, select the build icon, select the "floor" tab and then select one of the floor available at the beginning. Then, just Left click + drag.
Note: If you made a mistake and want to delete the floor section select any floor (don’t matter which) then you’ll have to use: Left click + Drag over the floor you want to delete.
Common General Questions [ ]
- Can I stop Tiki Goblins from spawning? Yes. Tiki Goblins spawn from their huts (the largest circular structures in their villages). With at least one colonist selected, right-click a hut and select the "Destroy" option. Preparation and caution are advised when engaging Tiki Goblins; they may be stronger than they look! Note: As of Alpha 8.0.6, Tiki Goblin huts are the only means by which Tiki Goblins spawn, and destroying them is irreversible.
- Can I remove crystals/stones/trees? While there is currently no method of instant or "quick" removal, crystals, stones, trees, and iron ore deposits will eventually be removed from the landscape once they have been gathered from for a sufficient period of time. Unless the area is built over or the saplings are removed manually, new trees will eventually grow in the areas where the island's initial trees generated. However, as of Alpha 8.0.6, crystal, stone, and iron ore deposits do not regenerate. These natural resources are finite.
- Can I move something after placing it? You can move placed objects and certain structural features (such as doors and windows) by emptying your cursor, clicking and holding on the desired object, and then dragging it into a new position. For best results, ensure that you are in the proper build mode for the type of object you wish to move.
- How many colonists are available? As of Alpha 8.0.6, you start the game with two (2) colonists and, through gameplay, may attract and accept up to nine (9) additional migrants for a maximum of 11 living colonists. Dead colonists do not count towards the maximum.
- Is there a way to improve colonist Job experience without doing the associated work? Yes. Once you have completed the research you will unlock the construction of a Bookshelf. Once a Bookshelf is constructed, you may select a colonist and right-click the Bookshelf to have them learn about any Training Dummy. Only one colonist may use a bookshelf at a time.
- How do I get Trader if he has some for sale.
- How do I remove dead bodies? In construction, under the life menu is an option of Grave. Build a grave. Select a colonist, right click a body and select 'bury'. Make sure you remove equipment from the body first. Once buried, any equipment is lost forever.
How to start
When it’s done find the best location to setup your colony (near wood, crystal, stone, iron, cotton and apple trees if your island has some, but stay far from the Tikigoblins).
First things to build are a Bonfire and a Basket for Raw Food.
Conflict [ ]
Each map you generate will come with a number of different Tiki Goblin settlements, ranging from small 2-hut outposts to 6+ hut villages. At the start they are also randomly assigned a disposition towards your colony, from friendly, neutral, to hostile. Occasionally you will receive a popup demanding Categories
Tricks and Tips
Here you'll find answers to some common questions, tricks and tips provided by community members, and any noteworthy information the developers have shared.
New game startup tips [ ]
When choosing a spot to build a new colony you should consider the following:
Common Technical Questions [ ]
Required furniture [ ]
When the shape is satisfying you will have to put necessary furnitures. Here are the required furnitures:
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