Fallout 76 как проверить пинг
Fallout 76
This is what worked for me:1. Make sure the exe file of the game is excluded by firewall and ransomware protection.
2. Open network and sharing controls and go to adapter settings, slect your network adapter in use and change the IPv4 settings:
The Primary DNS needs to be your router's IP/gateway IP(if youre unsure, find this by typing ipconfig in cmd)
The secondary DNS for me is google's DNS, 15 мая. 2020 в 11:40
Bumping this, because I had the same issue yesterday and fought with it for a few hours before figuring it out.
However, even after doing everything mentioned here alongside some port forwarding [UDP 3000-3010], I also had to reset my router and modem.
Tried this and many other tips around the internet but absolutely nothing works for me. Quite a shame really, as I never had any network issues with all online games I've playedBumping this, because I had the same issue yesterday and fought with it for a few hours before figuring it out.
However, even after doing everything mentioned here alongside some port forwarding [UDP 3000-3010], I also had to reset my router and modem.
PSA: No Region Ping FIX
PSA: No Region Ping FIX
TL;DR: Router NAT Filtering is your problem if you have already allowed Fallout76.exe and BethesdaNetLauncher.exe through firewall and through controlled folder access.
So if you are like my friend who knows nothing about computers I had to do all the tinkering for him.. I will make it as easy as I can to help you out. I made a few changes on his PC and a few changes on his router.
Alright lets dig in with the easy stuff and go from there.
Lets go to your computers windows Firewall Settings and make sure your program is allowed through the firewall.
Click on your start menu (usually its in the bottom left corner of the computer with the windows logo)
Then just type in "Control Panel" without quotation marks and press enter key on keyboard
In the new window that opens in the upper right hand corner of it there is a search bar, type in the word "Allowed"
It should start to populate search results go to the option "Allow an app through Windows Firewall" (the First link in blue)
Here before clicking anything make sure that BethesdaNetLauncher.exe and Fallout76.exe are both allowed through and that they have a checkbox next to Name, Private, and Public just for safe measures.
If they exist with the three check marks then skip to NEXT SECTION in Guide
Then you will RIGHT CLICK the first option and select "Open file location"
Inside of the new window you will RIGHT CLICK AGAIN the first option and select "Open file location"
In this new location this is the file location of the BethesdaNetLauncher.exe so now go back to the window that you left open for allowing Apps through firewall.
Here you will click on Change Settings in the upper middle section of the window. (if prompted by a security window click on yes"
Then at the bottom of the window the option of "Allow another app. " has no become available. Click on that option.
In the new window go to "Browse. "
Now we can go back to the Window for the installation location of BethedaNetLauncher.exe and copy the URL
Then paste the copied URL into your window labeled as "Browse" and select the BethesdaNetLauncher.exe and click on Open.
Then click on Add then check the box for Public as well.
If you need to add Fallout76.exe just follow the same steps from STEP 12 to STEP 16. Except this time instead of just selecting the launcher, go into the folder labeled as games >> Look for and open Fallout76 >> then look for and select Fallout76.exe
After that just hit ok at the bottom of that window are and you are done.
OK If you know that the program is already allowed and you ARE STILL having issues and you are on Windows 10 follow the next steps..
Along the left side there are some option click on the one that looks like a gear symbol (also called cog)
Here go to Update & Security
Along the left side go to Windows Security
In the middle section open click on "Windows Defender Security Center"
Along the left side go to Virus & threat protection
In the middle section go to "Ransomware Protection"
IF this is turned ON you have two options. Either 1 turn it off OR 2 add BethedaNetLauncher.exe and Fallout76.exe to the list of software allowed. If you choose option 2 then refer to STEPS 7-9 for finding the location of BethesdaNetLauncher.exe and then refer to STEP 18 to find Fallout76.exe.
Once you have made your choice of either adding them or simply turning it off altogether we can proceed into the more advanced section of this..
Also I just want to say that if you have been with me this far then I commend you and appreciate your patience with my guides.
If you know how to navigate to your routers configuration page then go ahead and meet me on STEP 10
Open Start Menu and type in "cmd" and press enter
You should have Command Prompt window open and it looks like a black box.
Type in ipconfig and press enter inside of the Window.
You should see some information on the screen.
So I am connected wired so my connection type will be labeled as "Ethernet adapter Ethernet (1, 2 ,3 etc.)" the numbers are not important
Then look under that option and look for Default Gateway and get that number. Mine is (I set mine up inside the router to be what I want it to be.) yours might be or or all just depends on the router you have.
Open your choice of browser (mine Google Chrome) and type in that set of numbers that correlates with your routers gateway.
When you do you should get prompted by a security window asking for username and password. GENERALLY SPEAKING it just admin for username and admin for password. sometimes its password for the password. sometimes its just admin for the username.. it all depends.. this information would have been obtained upon first setting up your router. Some times its also on a label on the back side or on the side or UNDER your router.
So you are finally inside your router. Now in the every router it is a bit different.. for my friend I had to completely set his stuff up. We wont be doing that with yours because some of you may not want to.. First if there is a firmware upgrade go ahead and update your firmware so you can be up to date.
Now that your firmware has been updated we can proceed.
Go to Advanced Setup
Setup >> LAN Settings or in WAN Settings
AS for completely setting up his router I changed the local settings for his Router to the following..
Router IP:
Default Gateway:
Then on his computer I went to the network sharing location and changed his computer IP address to the following:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gatewat:
DNS Server 1:
DNS Server 2:
The DNS Server 2: belongs to Google and that was all the changes I made.
EDIT: Thank you kind stranger for the gold! My first ever!
Fallout 76 Gamepass No Region Ping (I found a permanent fix)
I recently downloaded Fallout 76 on Gamepass and had the No Region Ping fix as the game is not on my primary hard drive.
I saw this post a few months ago:
Suggesting a way to fix the No Region Ping fix is to copy the Fallout76.ini file each time to \Documents\My Games\Fallout 76
The issue is you need to do this everytime you launch the game, and its annoying, someone made a Github a bat file to do this everytime. fallout76-noregionping-fix/fo76.bat at master · iedame/fallout76-noregionping-fix · GitHub
Open up Powershell Prompt as administrator
cmd /c mklink "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76\Project76.ini" "F:\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Fallout 76\Project76.ini"
Change the last line to be what drive you installed it on, for example if you have it installed on your E Drive change it to this
"F:\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Fallout 76\Project76.ini"
"E:\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Fallout 76\Project76.ini"
Or change to whatever drive.
What this does is create a symbolic link in Windows, so its creating almost like a shortcut, this tool was designed for literally use cases exactly like this!
By doing this, you only need to do that once and never again, its a permanent fix.
Fallout 76 как проверить пинг
да обычно через DDU всё и делаю) проблема была в том что менял по гайдам значения дальности прорисовки теней (вот эти fShadowDistance=60000.0000
fDirShadowDistance=60000.0000). Жаль конечно что проседает, и Спасибо за ответ
Алексей, значит у Вас какой-то сбой, бэкап не делали чтобы откатиться? Может появилась какая-то проблема в ОС. В техподдержку, думаю, писать безполезно. У них один ответ. Хотя попробуйте.
Антивирус отключать пробовали?
Andrey, суть в том, что данная проблема случилась, когда я играл на сервере, выдало уведомление о том, что сервер прекращает работу и уходит на перезапуск, я заранее решил выйти с мира, подождать немного и зайти в новый, но в этот момент у меня просто вылетела игра и появилась данная ошибка.Антивирусов у меня на компьютере нет, работает только встроенный от Windows, бэкапа нет никакого, к сожалению.На счет тех. поддержки тоже думаю что смысла писать туда нет, так что я солидарен.Думаете что нужно попробовать отключить встроенный антивирус?
Алексей, тут либо сбой на сервере, какой-то глобальный, и в этом случае всё равно придётся писать в Беседку. Либо ОС словила глюк, либо да, попробуйте отключить антивирус и брандмауэр, обязательно.
Andrey, играю с другом, у друга всё хорошо, но сейчас попробую антивирус выключить
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