Fallout 4 рендеринг через vulkan что это
Fallout 4 Vulkan will now go on a 6 month release cycle as I will be working on other projects involving FSR.
1.6 will be the latest version until this winter.
Tested with Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.6.1 optional.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the project!
Revert to 1.4 if have any issues with excessive gpu ram consumption
dxgi.maxFrameRate = 60 is the default setting
Do note that the this fps limiter does not have any effect if a game has vsync enabled.
If you use Reshade look into the reshade preset I made for use with this renderer Link
Fallout 4 Vulkan Nvidia 1.4n version with DXVK-NVAPI
1.4,1.4a,1.4n all tested with Adrenaline drivers 21.3.1
Users probably need to use Vulkan Framerate controller and set to 60fps and work up to 75,100,etc to what what they prefer(stability vs performance). Even on a 144hz monitor this is recommended at first.
(This will decrease lag spikes and even though the renderer can do 100+fps the game prefers 60.)
Unless you have variable refresh you need to enable vsync to eliminate tearing
Nvidia users might not need this tool as their implementation is currently better than AMD on this at the moment in their
control panel.
75hz or higher monitors will see a benefit from editing the dxvk.conf file to these settings
dxgi.syncInterval = 0
dxgi.tearFree = False
check images bar to see how to clear DirectX Shader cache if having issues on first install.
1.3 and 1.3a with new updates, tested on Adrenaline drivers 20.11.3
If having issues with drivers consider using AMD Pixel Patch and restart system.
ENB confirmed working, check the sticky in posts
Now confirmed working with Reshade, run in background Vulkan mode
ReShade_Setup_4.8.0 or above and use Fallout 4 Vulkan api dxgl.dll in 1.2/1.3 release (delete Reshades dxgl.dll in main folder)
Enables Fallout 4 to run in Vulkan rendering mode. Could help performance issues for both Nvidia and AMD cards.
-Based on work started by DXVK
-will overide any ENB settings
-tested for Windows 10 64 bit but should work on 7/8
Quick Overview
-This mod can help improve quality of life on lower end cards and systems. Think GTX 1050/RX 560. If you are on a higher end card then most likely you don't need this. A higher end card fixes most frame problems with this game. If you are on integrated graphics this mod won't help.
-This mod is wrapping DirectX11 calls and converting them to Vulkan. This does not make Fallout 4 a native Vulkan game.
-You probably will have issue setting this up with ENB at first. If you don't want to go through the steps I wouldn't download the mod. Reshade works fine. I suggest Film Workshop for Reshade with this mod.
-It won't fix frame problems with Boston Downtown.
-Fallout 4 VR won't work with it
-If you have a low end CPU this mod will help drive the game mechanics better. High end CPU's have the headroom already.
Why use it
Built in HUD and Vulkan generally is a better API in utilization than DX11. Game will run better in most areas once set up correctly. Some areas D3D11 is still better.
Some people have said it improves their game and frames, less stutters in Sim Settlements, etc.
It may accidently fix your broken frame times. If it doesn't just delete it. Its meant for tweaking and people who like to tinker.
This can work with Skyrim too or any other dx11 64 bit game. Just change the name of Fallout4.exe in the dxvk.conf to the name of the game you are wanting to use it with.
Run vulkan-runtime.exe to install the libraries on the system
Run vulkaninfo-64.exe to see if Vulkan is installed on the system
backup the d3d11.dll from the main game folder into a safe location
Put both the new d3d11.dll dxgi.dll along with vulkan-1-64.dll in main folder and run with game with f4se_loader
dxvk.conf needs to go in the main game folder as well to enable the HUD and for more advanced users to tweak settings.
Not recommended to run with RTSS aka Rivatuner.
RTSS installed can cause issues since the Vulkan layer for that gets loaded into every Vulkan app
So included is HUD monitoring that can be turned off in DXVK conf with =full to =0
As of 1.2 seems to working well with High FPS Physics Fix, especially with lowered GPU usage in high frames
If having troubleshooting issues at first please backup saves and config files. Then you might want to let F4se_loader rebuild your Documents/My Game/Fallout4 INI's after deleting everything in folder except saves, so run F4SE, let game crash/hang once along with running Fallout4Launcher then finally tweaking with Fallout4ConfigTool. This might help some people get started.
For AMD owners, in your fallout4custom.ini, these settings also help performance.
First run of the renderer should take 1 minute to 1 minute 20 to load game. After that it should take 10-30 seconds. This is the standard time on a hard drive.
If you want to queze a few extra 5-10 frames use these two mod with it
in the DXVK conf file you might be able to control better the overuse of tessellation in this game by
d3d11.maxTessFactor = 8
d3d11.maxTessFactor = 64
leave at 0 if causes a new issue to arise.
Works with Buffout 4 confirmed May 14th
Will need to change XML file in xSE PluginPreloader.xml to Load method for xSE plugins, 'ImportAddressHook'
Also consider using these settings for running Vulkan wrapper with these in Fallout4Pref. It will enable you to get back to the desktop quickly without hangs.
bFull Screen=0
This is usually a problem when you aren't running the game at your native resolution aka your monitor is 1920x1080 (1080p) and the game is set at 1600x900 (900p)
This is the modlist I used for a 20+ hour run in July 2021 Mod List
also here is my personal FalloutCustomPrefs if you need as a reference Fallout 4 Custom
If Using Mod Manager and not Vortex, remember MO uses its own internal INIs that are unique to each MO profile and not the ones stored by the game. To edit those, you'll need to use the INI Editor within MO itself. Backup your settings in that particular program so it doesn't load the incorrect INI's.
Higher refresh monitors will need the setting dxgi.syncInterval=1 changed to 0
Optional Vulkan Framerate controller (put in main folder with Fallout4.exe), This is mainly for AMD users trying to get a form of Vsync working and are on a 60HRZ monitor and getting stutters at 75fps or more frames.
Vulkan idea originally recommended on Nexus by SavageBoy14 for New Vegas
Special thanks to Gamevibz for his video in getting me back into Fallout 4. Also a very special thanks to Thuggysmurf for all he has done to help improve the mod community along with being a comedic genius.
В Fallout 4 и Fallout: New Vegas добавили поддержку Vulkan через враппер
Все мы знаем, что Fallout 4 и Fallout New Vegas имеют проблемы с производительностью и оптимизацией на ПК. Однако моддеры смогли улучшить производительность, добавив поддержку Vulkan API через враппер.
Вы можете скачать мод Vulkan для Fallout 4 здесь и для Fallout New Vegas здесь. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это перетащить содержимое zip-файлов в корневой каталог игры, и все готово. Обратите внимание, что если вы используете мод ENBSeries, вам придется внести некоторые корректировки.
Также обратите внимание, что эти моды не добавляют встроенную поддержку Vulkan API. Это просто оболочки, которые потенциально могут улучшить производительность. Это может произойти на графических процессорах AMD, которые имеют посредственные драйверы AMD DX11. И, согласно ряду отчетов, эти оболочки действительно улучшают производительность при различных сценариях.
Fallout: New Vegas "Рендеринг через Vulkan"
Новый мод дляFallout: New Vegas изменяет стандартные механизм рендеринга на Vulkan, через использование враппера. Мод в первую очередь значительно улучшает оптимизацию в игре и позволяет улучшить производительность на видеокартах Nvidia и AMD.
Установка: извлеките d3d9.dll в папку с игрой
Fallout: New Vegas "Броня Чумного Апокалипсиса / Apocalyptic Plague - Project 049"
Моддеры добавили в Fallout 4 и New Vegas поддержку API Vulkan
Игроки Fallout 4 и Fallout: New Vegas с момента релиза сталкиваются с проблемами производительности в этих играх. Моддеры решили помочь фанатам и добавили в тайтлы поддержку API Vulkan через врапперы.
Все что остается сделать, это поместить содержимое zip-архивов в корневой каталог игры. В комментариях игроки отмечают, что количество fps действительно стало больше.
На Nexus Mods можно увидеть скриншот, сделанный на GTX 1060. Также поддержка Vulkan поможет владельцам видеокарт AMD, которые имеют высокую нагрузку на память из-за посредственных драйверов DX11.
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