Fallout 4 configuration tool как пользоваться
Как включить установку модов для Fallout 4: (есть 3 способа)
Способ №1: установка через менеджеры модов NMM, MO2, Vortex:
1. Скачайте и установите менеджер модов:
Nexus Mod Manager или
МО2 или
2. Идём по пути "Мои документы/My Games/Fallout 4". В этой папке будет два файла Fallout4.ini и Fallout4Prefs.ini
3. 2 Открыть файл Fallout4Prefs.ini ищем строку [Launcher]. Непосредственно под ней должна быть строка: (если нету, то добавьте)
[Launcher] . без точки
4. Сохранить и закрыть документ
5. Открыть файл Fallout4Custom.ini, если такого нет, то создайте текстовый документ с названием Fallout4Custom, измените расширение txt на ini. (если недоступно расширение или изменение расширения, то гуглите как включить возможность менять расширение файла). Должен получится файл Fallout4Custom.ini (а не Fallout4Custom.ini.txt).
6. Добавьте в него следующие строки. Тоже самое нужно сделать если вы пользуетесь менеджером Mod Organizer 2, только такой файл нужно сделать в папке куда установлен MO2, смотрите папку profiles/Default или свое имя/fallout4custom.ini и дописать также
[Archive] . (без точки)
7. Сохранить и закрыть документ.
8. Всё, вы готовы, чтобы устанавливать моды.
Способ №2: активация модов непосредственно в самой игре (начиная с патча 1.5, добавлена официальная поддержка модов):
1. Вам нужно обязательно иметь регистрацию и аккаунт на сайте bethesda
2. Далее уже просто скачиваете моды с Нексуса или с сайтов, устанавливаете моды согласно описанию установки, у нас на сайте например в каждом описании мода есть описание установки.
3. Далее запускаем игру, в меню игры заходим в раздел "Модификации", вам предложат ввести логин и пароль (это данные от вашего аккаунта на сайте bethesda), выбираем опцию "Порядок загрузки" и у вас покажется весь список ваших установленных модов, активируйте их если галочки сняты и также можете отсортировать порядок esp. файлов.
4. Всё, можете играть.
Способ №3: ручная установка модов (если вы не любите менеджеры модов и не пользуетесь активацией модов в самой игре):
1. Идём по пути "Мои документы/My Games/Fallout 4". В этой папке будет несколько файлов .ini
2. Открыть файл Fallout4Prefs.ini ищем строку [Launcher]. Непосредственно под ней должна быть строка: (если нету, то добавьте)
[Launcher] . (без точки)
3. Сохранить и закрыть документ
4. Открыть файл Fallout4Custom.ini, если такого нет, то создайте текстовый документ с названием Fallout4Custom, измените расширение txt на ini. (если недоступно расширение или изменение расширения, то гуглите как включить возможность менять расширение файла). Должен получится файл Fallout4Custom.ini (а не Fallout4Custom.ini.txt).
5. Добавьте следующие строки
[Archive] . (без точки)
6. Сохранить и закрыть документ.
7. Далее уже просто скачиваете моды с Нексуса или с сайтов, устанавливаете моды согласно описанию установки, у нас на сайте например в каждом описании мода есть описание установки.
8. После установки мода идём по пути/диск С/пользователи/своя учётка/App Data/Local/Fallout4/ plugins.txt (нажимаете правой кнопкой на этот файл и смотрим свойства. Снимаем галочку для чтения, закрываем и сохраняем). В файл plugins.txt вписываем все esp. файлы от устанавливаемых модов, перед каждым esp. должна быть звёздочка. Например:
9. Сохраните файл и играйте.
Дополнительно (не обязательно, это для ведения отчета логов): При установке модов требующих F4SE
- В папке Data в игре создать папку F4SE, внутри папки F4SE создать текстовый файл f4se.ini
- Открыть файл f4se.ini и просто добавить раздел [Interface]и ниже вставить строчку bEnableGFXLog=1, сохранить документ (не забудьте снять галочку только для чтения)
[Interface] . (без точки)
Дополнительная информация:
1. Доступ к контенту в разделах "Модификации" и "Creation Club" будет только в том случае, если компьютер подключен к интернету. В противном случае кнопки в меню будут серыми и неактивными, а в самой игре будет активна только кнопка "Модификации", но что-либо сделать со списком модов будет невозможно. Поэтому, для работы с модами через игровой менеджер, включаем интернет, запускаем игру и делаем что угодно со своим списком модов. Далее можно выйти из игры, отключить интернет и спокойно играть дальше без интернета.
Примечание модов из Creation Club:
моды у которых имеется файл .esl устанавливать и активировать только через менеджеры модов MO2 или Vortex или Nexus Mod Manager 0.65.6 и выше.
* ЧТОБЫ НЕ БЫЛО ПРОБЛЕМ С МОДАМИ, ОБНОВЛЯЙТЕ ИГРУ ДО ПОСЛЕДНЕЙ АКТУАЛЬНОЙ ВЕРСИИ, ТАК КАК в CREATION KIT после последнего своего обновления (версия, Bethesda изменили что то, поэтому многие моды которые созданы на последней версии Cretion Kit не будут работать в играх ниже версии, учтите этот факт!
* То есть, если у Вас версия игры ниже версии 1.10.162, а мод сделан в последней версии Cretion Kit, мод не будет работать, и нужно изменить значение билда с 1.000 на 0.95000 и мод после этого будет работать с версией игры которая ниже, смотрим скриншот как что изменять
* В утилите FО4Edit открываем нужный файл .esp от мода который не работает, смотрим циферку и если цифра 1.000, меняем на 0.95000 и пересохраняем .esp
Reskinned to Metro Theme
Added Color Pickers for the UI tab
Changed ranged values to dropdown boxes
Fixed a typo in settings
Added AA setting
Added Anistropic filter setting
Fixed Mipmap not being able to be toggled to -1
Fixed a potential crash when pressing Play game
Added Difficulty Selection
Added an option to launch the fallout4 launcher to edit settings (toggles the ini files off read only while its open)
Fixed GodRays to actually work
Added ShowCompass
Added Autosave Interval tweaking
split FOV into two settings
Added an INI backup restoration option in settings
Fixed a bug where the game wouldn't launch for some users via my launcher
Fixed a bug where the edit launcher settings would open the new config tool not the vanilla
[New Features]
Ability to revert from profile mode to vanilla mode (steam launcher replacement)
Added Admin checking before admin only actions (registry/programs folder access)
All Fallout4.ini tweaks are mirrored in Fallout4Custom.ini
All Fallout4Prefs.ini tweaks are now mirrored in Fallout4Prefs_Custom.ini
Fixed an issue where an upgrade to new version of the steam launcher would fail
Fixed an issue where Volumetric Lighting was enabled but the godrays button was greyed out
Added quite a few new INI cleanup lines for no longer needed stuff. You will be prompted once the first time you try to save your config to perform the cleanup.
Misc UI Tweaks
Removed Fallout4Prefs_Custom.ini as some users reported this causing a conflict. Use Cleanup INI (in Settings) to remove.
Added a check to "Play Game" that will prevent a user from launching "Fallout4Launcher.exe" as that will just create a launch loop.
Added Input Delay Customization for the following [Under Gameplay]:
* Enter Workshop
* Pipboy Flashlight
* Throw Grenade
* Pickup Object
Added Decal Customization for the following [Under Textures/Decals]:
* Enable Decals
* Enable Skinned Decals
* Max Decals
* Max Skin Decals
* Max Actor Decals
* Max Decals per Frame
* Decal Lifetime
* Decal LOD
Added Mod Support sResourceDataDirsFinal
Added more lines for disabling the intro video to help the few users who still see it for some reason
Added Shadow Resolution and Draw distance options in the Performance tab
Added uGridsToLoad to the performance tab
Added the Misc tab back as 'Color' Tab
Added HUD color changing to Color tab
Added a cleanup INI button in settings to clean up old features that were implemented by this tool and then removed for various reasons
Added a "Play game" Button that will start the game via steam for you automatically and bypass the launcher
Fixed an issue where the ini would set to read only on first launch before you even edited any settings
Fixed Borderless mode to have the correct values
Renamed Framerate lock to Vsync Lock
Fixed Borderless showing the wrong checked state
Tweaked a few tooltips to be more descriptive
Fixed crash error messages to indicate possible resolutions to the crash
Added an experimental Advanced Tweaker option for power users. Data is VERY limited and will take time to add descriptions. Please let me know if you want to help me with those!
Fixed another issue with Disabling the intro video
Added a Gamepad acceleration fix (BETA, untested)
Relaxed the administrative check for systems who should have admin rights but are not being granted permission to perform administrative functions.
Added bPipboyDisableFX in UI
Added bBorderRegionsEnabled in Gameplay (World Borders)
Fixed a few boxes not sizing correctly to fit entire values
Changed the UI layout
Various other UI tweaks not important enough to list out
Fixed a few tooltip items
Hotfix to resolve a crash when a user opened and closed the settings screen while using this as a steam launcher replacement
[New Features]
Ability to revert from profile mode to vanilla mode (steam launcher replacement)
Added Admin checking before admin only actions (registry/programs folder access)
All Fallout4.ini tweaks are mirrored in Fallout4Custom.ini
All Fallout4Prefs.ini tweaks are now mirrored in Fallout4Prefs_Custom.ini
Fixed an issue where an upgrade to new version of the steam launcher would fail
Fixed an issue where Volumetric Lighting was enabled but the godrays button was greyed out
Added quite a few new INI cleanup lines for no longer needed stuff. You will be prompted once the first time you try to save your config to perform the cleanup.
Misc UI Tweaks
Fixed a bug where the game wouldn't launch for some users via my launcher
Fixed a bug where the edit launcher settings would open the new config tool not the vanilla
Quick fix if a user sets an LOD to 0 it would give an error saying a textbox was blank
Added Texbox name to the error message for easier troubleshooting
Removed Mouse Smoothing option as it was locking a graphics setting
Added Dev Console Support
Added a Settings tab for those having issues finding the game directory
Added a read-only toggle for those who dont want the ini set to read only
Fallout 4 Configuration Tool / Инструмент настройки
Данная утилита Configuration Tool предназначена для расширенных настроек игры Fallout 4, которых нет в оригинальном лаунчере настроек игры. Вы можете отключить ненужные опции, программа автоматически создаст ini файлы и заменит оригинальные.
- Список изменений и исправлений в последней версии просто невероятно огромный, вышло 36 обновлений, я не обновлял у нас на сайте так как описать весь функционал утилиты письменно просто не представлялся возможным, но некий Di Shiper сделал видео, в котором очень подробно все словесно рассказал что какие опции значат и для чего, поэтому и подвернулся случай здесь на сайте и обновиться. Смотрите видео и все будет понятно, спасибо Di Shiper за видос!
- Добавлена опция Pipboy size X и Y (раздел UI), это настройка размера пип-боя
- Добавлена новая функция в лаунчер, которая позволяет переключаться между несколькими сохранениями/профилями (для тех, кто хочет иметь несколько персонажей или если более чем один человек играет на одном ПК)
- Можно утилиту использовать как обычно, то есть просто установить и запускать через Fallout4ConfigTool.exe или в разделе Setting смотрите ниже полей путей игры вкладку Click to set as Default Launcher, если нажать эту кнопочку, то утилита "сольется" в игровой лаунчер и заменится на новый лаунчер с вшитой данной утилитой, в самой игре появится 2 файла Fallout4Launcher.exe и Fallout4Launcher_Original.exe (Fallout4Launcher.exe это с уже вшитой утилитой, а файл Fallout4Launcher_Original.exe это бекап оригинального игрового файла Fallout4Launcher.exe)
- Исправлена проблема, когда утилита запрашивала доступ к реестру, когда она даже не пыталась изменить настройки в реестре. (Доступ к реестру требуется только для опции CPU High Priority)
- Добавлена экспериментальная опция Advanced Tweaker (Расширенные твики) для опытных пользователей. Данные очень ограничены, и потребуется время, чтобы добавить описания. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если вы хотите, чтобы помочь мне с этими настройками!
- Исправлена еще одна проблема с опцией Enable Intro video (Отключение интро видео)
Раздел Performance (производительность):
High CPU priority - устанавливает информацию в реестр, чтобы всегда выполнять fallout4.exe с высоким приоритетом процессора
Enable God Rays - Лучи Бога (эффекты солнечных лучей) - Вкл/Выкл
Enable DOF - Включение/отключение DOF (эффект глубины резкости)
Enable Bokeh - Включение/отключение Боке (эффект глубины резкости какой то новый)
Enable Shadows - разрешение теней и дальность теней
iNumHWThreads - отображение количества ядер в приложении, чтобы сэкономить время пользователя при задании потоков
Grass (трава)
MipMap - Наборы iTexMipMapSkip. 1 для мипмап исправления, 0 для ультра настроек, 1 для высоких, 2 для средних
Раздел Settings (путь до ini файлов Fallout4.ini и Fallout4Prefs.ini):
INI Location - путь к папке с ini файлами (например My Document/Fallout4)
Game Location - путь к папке с игрой
Set INI to Readonly after saving - отмечать файл ini после сохранения параметров (это для того чтобы не сбросились настройки)
Hotfix to address resolution issues for some users. No matter what setting I used someone complained so I just added checkboxes for the user to configure themselves
Fixed an issue where the wrong color was showing in the Color preview screen
Added a Fix for the mouse sensitivity. Make sure to revert back to default Y and X values and Set ADS to 0 if you use this fix.
Added a "All NPC's Killable" option. Please read the warning popup that's included if you check it.
Hotfix to fix an issue where Resolution changes in the launcher werent updating in the Config tool
Added "Exit Power Armor" delay tweak under [Gameplay]
Have a great new year! See you in 2016!
Added checkbox to quit the config tool when Play Game is pressed
Moved around the options to be a bit more organized
Dropped the Pipboy/vats color tab as the settings in game are easier to use
Removed the Kodix FPS boost and replaced it with just iNumHWThreads.
Display the PC's core count in the app to save user time when setting Threads
Added High CPU priority tweak which sets information in the registry to always execute fallout4.exe with HIGH cpu priority.
Added Toggles for DOF and Bokek
Added a button to edit INI's directly. This opens all your config files in your default text editor with write access.
Modified some tool tips to be more descriptive.
Added a Gamepad acceleration fix (BETA, untested)
Relaxed the administrative check for systems who should have admin rights but are not being granted permission to perform administrative functions.
Reworked the Steam Launcher Replacement
Added the ability to change the background image of the launcher
Fixed an issue for high DPI users on windows 7
Added option to hide the success button when pressing save
Hotfix to write the new Mouse sensitivity fix to the FO4Custom ini log as well
Fixed a bug where it would say the Game Directory was not found when this exe is in your game directory
Added ability to set the game to not pause when alt tabbed
Added f1rdPersonAimFOV tweaking, lets you disable the fov zoom in when aiming down the sights
Added some more tooltip descriptions
Changed Mipmap Fix to let the user put in a value themselves.
Changing uMainMenuDelayBeforeAllowSkip from 0 to 100 for no intro fix
Hotfix to address resolution issues for some users. No matter what setting I used someone complained so I just added checkboxes for the user to configure themselves
Added a new Theme selector. Currently Dark (Default) and Light, for those having troubles reading the dark theme.
Added Texture Pop-in multiplier to easily change the texture pop in distances
Fixed an issue where high DPI win 7 users may have a messed up tab navigation bar
Fixed Anti aliasing defaulting to TAA when disabled
Moved Vsync to Performance Tab and made it a drop down for those who want to choose 2 for iPresentInterval
Added a brand new Launcher replacement option
Added Pipboy scanlines enable/disable
Fixed max particles tooltip
Hotfix to fix an issue where Resolution changes in the launcher werent updating in the Config tool
fixed "fix ADS FOV" to now change f3rdPersonAimFOV instead of f1rdPersonAimFOV
[New Features]
Added INI's for each profile so different users can use different settings.
Added the ability to auto execute console commands upon startup of the game
Added HUD Opacity to the UI tab
Added two new themes, Dark 2 and Light 2. These let you hover over options and it will display a checkbox for more clarity on if its enabled or not
Added a Fullscreen button under resolution, so if you deselect borderless and deselect fullscreen you will get traditional windowed mode.
uGrids is now a drop down selection of just odd numbers
Shadow Resolution is now a drop down selection with intervals of 1024
Removed the profile feature for those who have partions that don't support Hardlinks (Any filesystem that isn't NTFS)
Fixed PowerArmor Color selection to allow -1 as a value to disable
Re-wrote internal code from scratch for significantly easier additions
reworked the FOV feature, now works more reliably
reworked the no intro fix, as the latest update broke the current implementation
Added God Ray Toggle
Added Kodix FPS boost (multiple ini additions)
Added disable gore option
Added Pip boy color tweaks
Added VATS color tweaks
Added Gamepad sensitivity
Quick fix if a user sets an LOD to 0 it would give an error saying a textbox was blank
Added Texbox name to the error message for easier troubleshooting
Fixed Shadow Resolution showing the wrong value as the initial value before editing
Fixed MipMap tooltip description
Various minor stability fixes
Tweaked a few tooltip descriptions
Fixed an issue where pressing "Play Game" wouldn't start the game
Added iMinGrassSize
Added a color Preview button for the UI Tab
Added a brand new Launcher replacement option
Added Pipboy scanlines enable/disable
Fixed max particles tooltip
Tweaked the borderless setting to allow exclusive fullscreen and non stretched windowed borderless
Added MipMap Fix in Performance tab
Added Hud safezone tweaks to colors tab
Fixed the Bestheda typo in the INI for safezones
Removed the [Interface] FOV tweaks to fix lighting
Fixed the Play button not starting the game for some users
Fallout 4 "Configuration Tool v1.2.9.1211 - By Bilago"
Added a 'Take all' minimum option (sets how many of one item must be in a container before it asks you if you want to take all.
Added an 'open books' delay tweak to allow you to set how long it takes for a book to open. (Gameplay Tab)
Added ability to set the game to not pause when alt tabbed
Added f1rdPersonAimFOV tweaking, lets you disable the fov zoom in when aiming down the sights
Added some more tooltip descriptions
Changed Mipmap Fix to let the user put in a value themselves.
Changing uMainMenuDelayBeforeAllowSkip from 0 to 100 for no intro fix
Added core detection for kotix tweak
Fixed a bug left from debugging
Added checkbox to quit the config tool when Play Game is pressed
Fixed an issue where the wrong color was showing in the Color preview screen
Added a Fix for the mouse sensitivity. Make sure to revert back to default Y and X values and Set ADS to 0 if you use this fix.
Added a "All NPC's Killable" option. Please read the warning popup that's included if you check it.
Fixed a bug where it would say the Game Directory was not found when this exe is in your game directory
[New Features]
Added the following LOD tweaks:
* Objects
* Items
* Actors
Ambient Occlusion Added
Wetness Material Added
Rain occlusion Added
Lens Flare Added
Motion Blur Added
Screenspace Reflection added
Removed Grass settings that were pointless
Moved Grass LOD to the new LOD section with a slider
Moved around a few controls in the UI
Renamed Godrays to Volumetric Lighting
Renamed Nvidia Rays to GodRays
Various Tooltip modifications/fixes
Deleted v 1.2.4.x as it had settings that would cause third person camera issues
Fixed Third person camera to work as expected, pressing "Use Vanilla Settings" will now truly use vanilla settings. Sorry for any inconvenience
Added a new Theme selector. Currently Dark (Default) and Light, for those having troubles reading the dark theme.
Added Texture Pop-in multiplier to easily change the texture pop in distances
Fixed an issue where high DPI win 7 users may have a messed up tab navigation bar
Fixed Anti aliasing defaulting to TAA when disabled
Moved Vsync to Performance Tab and made it a drop down for those who want to choose 2 for iPresentInterval
Added in code to auto upgrade users who set this as their steam launcher
added some error checking to help people with problems launching this software.
Fixed tooltip text on new buttons
Added a new Gameplay tab
Added Dialogue Subtitle toggle
Added General Subtitle toggle
Added Dialogue Cmaera toggle
added Crosshair Toggle
Added Pipboy companion toggle
Added Floating quest marker toggle
Added Show quest marker toggle
Added Run by default toggle
Added a text box to type in mod folders (sResourceDataDirsFinal)
Added a God Rays quality input box (-1 turns godrays off Completely now!!)
Added a "Play Game" customizable option in setting,for those who want the "Play Game" button to start up a different executable than Fallout4.exe
Added more tooltip descriptions
Fixed icon not showing up for Steam launcher replacement
Fixed Window name showing incorrectly for steam launcher replacement
Fixed an issue where borderless may be showing checked or unchecked when it shouldn't be
Changed the PA UI color to edit fModMenuEffectColor since the other value had no effect on the game. Set it to -1 to revert to vanilla colors for Power Armor
Fixed a few boxes not sizing correctly to fit entire values
Changed the UI layout
Various other UI tweaks not important enough to list out
Fixed a few tooltip items
Added cleanup for f1rdPersonAimFOV
Fixed an issue where "Auto Execute" would un-toggle when pressing "Add.."
Added cleanup for f1rdPersonAimFOV
Fixed an issue where "Auto Execute" would un-toggle when pressing "Add.."
Moved around the options to be a bit more organized
Dropped the Pipboy/vats color tab as the settings in game are easier to use
Removed the Kodix FPS boost and replaced it with just iNumHWThreads.
Display the PC's core count in the app to save user time when setting Threads
Added High CPU priority tweak which sets information in the registry to always execute fallout4.exe with HIGH cpu priority.
Added Toggles for DOF and Bokek
Added a button to edit INI's directly. This opens all your config files in your default text editor with write access.
Modified some tool tips to be more descriptive.
fixed "fix ADS FOV" to now change f3rdPersonAimFOV instead of f1rdPersonAimFOV
[New Features]
Added INI's for each profile so different users can use different settings.
Added the ability to auto execute console commands upon startup of the game
Added HUD Opacity to the UI tab
Added two new themes, Dark 2 and Light 2. These let you hover over options and it will display a checkbox for more clarity on if its enabled or not
Added a Fullscreen button under resolution, so if you deselect borderless and deselect fullscreen you will get traditional windowed mode.
uGrids is now a drop down selection of just odd numbers
Shadow Resolution is now a drop down selection with intervals of 1024
Removed the profile feature for those who have partions that don't support Hardlinks (Any filesystem that isn't NTFS)
Fixed PowerArmor Color selection to allow -1 as a value to disable
Fixed a potential crash when pressing Play game
Added Difficulty Selection
Removed Mouse Smoothing option as it was locking a graphics setting
Added Dev Console Support
Added a Settings tab for those having issues finding the game directory
Added a read-only toggle for those who dont want the ini set to read only
Re-wrote internal code from scratch for significantly easier additions
reworked the FOV feature, now works more reliably
reworked the no intro fix, as the latest update broke the current implementation
Added an experimental Advanced Tweaker option for power users. Data is VERY limited and will take time to add descriptions. Please let me know if you want to help me with those!
Fixed another issue with Disabling the intro video
Fixed an issue where a user cant put decimals in the power Armor Text field
Fixed an issue for users who use commas for decimal separators instead of the period
Hotfix to write the new Mouse sensitivity fix to the FO4Custom ini log as well
Added an option to launch the fallout4 launcher to edit settings (toggles the ini files off read only while its open)
Fixed GodRays to actually work
Added ShowCompass
Added Autosave Interval tweaking
split FOV into two settings
Added an INI backup restoration option in settings
Fixed Shadow Resolution showing the wrong value as the initial value before editing
Fixed MipMap tooltip description
Various minor stability fixes
Tweaked a few tooltip descriptions
Fixed an issue where pressing "Play Game" wouldn't start the game
Added iMinGrassSize
Added a color Preview button for the UI Tab
[New Features]
uExteriorCellBuffer is now editable
RadialBlur is now editable
Texture Loading (pop in) is now editable
Ability to increase/decrease Tooltip notifications
Ability to Overwrite the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in your game directory (will help those who cant get the game to change)
Fixed an issue where the wrong settings were being written to the wrong custom ini file
Fixed an issue where Antialiasing wasn't writing to the right config file
Fixed an issue where one of the custom cfg files were not being set to read only
Removed fDefaultFOV from being set
Added core detection for kotix tweak
Fixed a bug left from debugging
Added InvalidateOlderFiles toggle (Main > Invalidate Archives)
Fixed an issue where a user cant put decimals in the power Armor Text field
Fixed an issue for users who use commas for decimal separators instead of the period
Added Mod Support sResourceDataDirsFinal
Added more lines for disabling the intro video to help the few users who still see it for some reason
Added Shadow Resolution and Draw distance options in the Performance tab
Added uGridsToLoad to the performance tab
Added the Misc tab back as 'Color' Tab
Added HUD color changing to Color tab
Added a cleanup INI button in settings to clean up old features that were implemented by this tool and then removed for various reasons
Added a "Play game" Button that will start the game via steam for you automatically and bypass the launcher
Fixed an issue where the ini would set to read only on first launch before you even edited any settings
Fixed Borderless mode to have the correct values
Renamed Framerate lock to Vsync Lock
Fixed Borderless showing the wrong checked state
Tweaked a few tooltips to be more descriptive
Fixed crash error messages to indicate possible resolutions to the crash
Fallout 4 "Configuration Tool v1.1.8.4073 - By Bilago"
AI Use Ammo toggle
Show NPC HealthBar toggle
NPC Shadows Toggle
Water Reflection Toggle
Gamepad Rumble toggle
Gamepad invert Y axis toggle
Blood Splatter toggle
Skip the ConfigTool And/Or Custom Steam launcher by adding /autostart to the commandline arguments via shortcut or in steam properties for fallout 4.
Reworked the Advanced tweaker! No longer a dangerous WIP and relatively safe. Still proceed with caution!
Now only shows 100% valid Fallout4 ini settings with their proper paths.
Added descriptions for all settings I know, and added community submitted descriptions
Now has a delete setting option
Fixed a issue where the start up binary would revert to fallout4.exe unexpectedly
Turned off Debug mode that was accidentally left on
Removed Gamepad acceleration fix for now as it reportedly didn't do anything.
Added God Ray Toggle
Added Kodix FPS boost (multiple ini additions)
Added disable gore option
Added Pip boy color tweaks
Added VATS color tweaks
Added Gamepad sensitivity
Fixed an issue where a user changing the resolution options in the original launcher would conflict with the settings in the config tool
Reverted Shadow Resolution back to a custom text box as it seems many people are using custom settings instead of intervals of 1024
[New Features]
Now you can turn on Godrays but still have NVidias Rays turned off
3 new Grass settings added:
Fade Max
Fade Min
Fade Start
SkyCell Fade added
New Audio Tab added with controls for:
Fixed wrong tooltip info
Separated fSunShadowUpdateTime and fSunUpdateThreshold
Fixed an issue where pressing Clean INI would revert some settings
Added pipboy x and y resolution tweaking to the UI tab
Fixed a typo in a tool tip
Added a new feature to the Steam Launcher replacement that lets you toggle between multiple Save profiles (for those who want multiple characters or if more than one person plays on the same pc)
Added some additional errorchecking to the Steam Replacement launcher
AI Use Ammo toggle
Show NPC HealthBar toggle
NPC Shadows Toggle
Water Reflection Toggle
Gamepad Rumble toggle
Gamepad invert Y axis toggle
Blood Splatter toggle
Skip the ConfigTool And/Or Custom Steam launcher by adding /autostart to the commandline arguments via shortcut or in steam properties for fallout 4.
Reworked the Advanced tweaker! No longer a dangerous WIP and relatively safe. Still proceed with caution!
Now only shows 100% valid Fallout4 ini settings with their proper paths.
Added descriptions for all settings I know, and added community submitted descriptions
Now has a delete setting option
Fixed a issue where the start up binary would revert to fallout4.exe unexpectedly
Turned off Debug mode that was accidentally left on
Removed Gamepad acceleration fix for now as it reportedly didn't do anything.
Added Sun Shadow Update rate (Performance Tab> Shadows)
Updated the recommended Texture Loading Values. Press "recommended" to update your values! (Textures tab)
Removed a bogus INI setting added by Bethesda (go to Settings Tab > Cleanup INI)
Reworked the Steam Launcher Replacement
Added the ability to change the background image of the launcher
Fixed an issue for high DPI users on windows 7
Added option to hide the success button when pressing save
Tweaked the borderless setting to allow exclusive fullscreen and non stretched windowed borderless
Added MipMap Fix in Performance tab
Added Hud safezone tweaks to colors tab
Fixed the Bestheda typo in the INI for safezones
Removed the [Interface] FOV tweaks to fix lighting
Fixed the Play button not starting the game for some users
Changed ranged values to dropdown boxes
Fixed a typo in settings
Added AA setting
Added Anistropic filter setting
Fixed Mipmap not being able to be toggled to -1
Fixed issue where the config tool was asking for registry access when it wasn't even trying to change a setting in the registry. (Registry access is only needed for the CPU High Priority tweak)
Fixed a bug with shadow resolution reverting to default
Added particle effect count
[New Features]
Added the following LOD tweaks:
* Objects
* Items
* Actors
Ambient Occlusion Added
Wetness Material Added
Rain occlusion Added
Lens Flare Added
Motion Blur Added
Screenspace Reflection added
Removed Grass settings that were pointless
Moved Grass LOD to the new LOD section with a slider
Moved around a few controls in the UI
Renamed Godrays to Volumetric Lighting
Renamed Nvidia Rays to GodRays
Various Tooltip modifications/fixes
Fixed issue where the config tool was asking for registry access when it wasn't even trying to change a setting in the registry. (Registry access is only needed for the CPU High Priority tweak)
Added a new Gameplay tab
Added Dialogue Subtitle toggle
Added General Subtitle toggle
Added Dialogue Cmaera toggle
added Crosshair Toggle
Added Pipboy companion toggle
Added Floating quest marker toggle
Added Show quest marker toggle
Added Run by default toggle
Added a text box to type in mod folders (sResourceDataDirsFinal)
Added a God Rays quality input box (-1 turns godrays off Completely now!!)
Added a "Play Game" customizable option in setting,for those who want the "Play Game" button to start up a different executable than Fallout4.exe
Added more tooltip descriptions
Fixed icon not showing up for Steam launcher replacement
Fixed Window name showing incorrectly for steam launcher replacement
Fixed an issue where borderless may be showing checked or unchecked when it shouldn't be
Changed the PA UI color to edit fModMenuEffectColor since the other value had no effect on the game. Set it to -1 to revert to vanilla colors for Power Armor
Quick hotfix for Advanced Tweaker not writing to the correct INI file for some setting
Quick Fix for a button showing the wrong description text
Added pipboy x and y resolution tweaking to the UI tab
Fixed a typo in a tool tip
Added a new feature to the Steam Launcher replacement that lets you toggle between multiple Save profiles (for those who want multiple characters or if more than one person plays on the same pc)
Added some additional errorchecking to the Steam Replacement launcher
[New Features]
Edit Plugins.Txt button
Main menu Music toggle (Tweaks Tab)
Pipboy brightness Emit/Difuse (UI Tab)
Power Armor Pipboy Brightness Emit/Defuse (UI Tab)
VATS Distance Range (Gameplay Tab)
Crosshair opacity (Gameplay Tab)
new Camera Tab (Moved FOV to this location)
3rd Person Camera Location: (Camera Tab)
* Vanity Min/Max
* Pitch Distance
* Mouse Zoom Speed/Increments
* Melee XYZ Camera location
* NonMelee XYZ Camera location
* Holstered XYZ Camera location
Fixed a bug where the ini files would remain writable after pressing Edit INI's Directly.
Added Workshop snap grid setting to Gameplay tab
Reworked third person camera so you can reset it to vanilla properly but still edit some of the settings
Moved the 'add. ' button for auto Execute back near the auto execute button
Reskinned to Metro Theme
Added Color Pickers for the UI tab
Fixed a bug with shadow resolution reverting to default
Added particle effect count
Fixed an issue where a user changing the resolution options in the original launcher would conflict with the settings in the config tool
Reverted Shadow Resolution back to a custom text box as it seems many people are using custom settings instead of intervals of 1024
[New Features]
Now you can turn on Godrays but still have NVidias Rays turned off
3 new Grass settings added:
Fade Max
Fade Min
Fade Start
SkyCell Fade added
New Audio Tab added with controls for:
Added in code to auto upgrade users who set this as their steam launcher
added some error checking to help people with problems launching this software.
Fixed tooltip text on new buttons
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