Exodus как удалить
Приветствую! Хочется услышать отзывы пользователей данного кошелька! Как с зачислением/выводом обстоят дела? Можно ли его поставить на флешку (вроде как можно, обычная прога), или есть какие-то нюансы? Пробовали майнить прямо на него? Что со взломами, пропадает ли крипта с с него?
Больше спасибо всем тем, кто не останется равнодушным к данному вопросу
Пользуюсь неделю, отзывы вроде бы нормальные, майню прям на него LTC, все приходит.
кошелек отличный, зачисления несколько минут с бирж эксмо, полоникс, йобит. Но мало валют даже догов нету(
кошелек отличный, зачисления несколько минут с бирж эксмо, полоникс, йобит. Но мало валют даже догов нету(
мне количество тоже не нравится валют, но банально можно всё в эфир или лайты перекидывать, если копаешь другие, единственное не понятно, почему нет такой хорошей валюты как ZEC? и ZCL бы добавить им не помешало.
Пляшущий с бубном
Копаю на этот кошелёк, всё чётко. Валют маловато. И непонятно, что делать если комп/винда накроется.
Копаю на этот кошелёк, всё чётко. Валют маловато. И непонятно, что делать если комп/винда накроется.
вроде можно бекап сделать, и фразами потом востановить кошелёк и всю валюту.
Свой человек
мне количество тоже не нравится валют, но банально можно всё в эфир или лайты перекидывать, если копаешь другие, единственное не понятно, почему нет такой хорошей валюты как ZEC? и ZCL бы добавить им не помешало.
Недавно кто то писал что Zec в бета версии сейчас. Значит скоро добавят. Прога обновляется часто. Пару дней пользуюсь, приходит быстро. Выводить еще не пробовал. Перешел на нее с блокчейн.инфо после того как эфир сперли с него(непонятным образом). Теперь на онлайн кошельки ни ногой
For Windows users, you can click the installer after downloading and it will automatically install the application to your desktop. It should only take a few seconds to install, and you will be all set to get started.
Please note:
How do I install Exodus?
To install Exodus on Windows, Mac, or Linux simply download the latest version from our website.
Step 1: Move your current crypto to a Temporary wallet
Make sure you have your current 12-word secret phrase written down. Double check that there are no spelling errors and that the 12 words are in the correct order.
Option A: A temporary Exodus wallet on a different computer you trust.
1 Download Exodus and install it on a different computer. We will use this as a temporary wallet. 2 Open the Exodus wallet you just downloaded on the different computer and restore your assets into it using this guide.Option B: A temporary Exodus wallet on a different user account on the same computer.
1 Please follow these instructions to create a new user account on your computer: How do I create multiple accounts or users on my computer? 2 Once you’ve created an additional user account on your computer, download Exodus on the new account by visiting: Download Exodus and install it and launch it. 3 Now restore your funds on the new Exodus wallet on your new user account by following this guide.Option C: A temporary Exodus wallet on your supported Mobile device
1 Please download Exodus wallet on your supported mobile device by visiting: Exodus mobile. 2 Now restore your current Exodus wallet's 12-word secret phrase into your Exodus mobile application by following this guide.Step 2: Delete your current Exodus wallet files and install a new wallet
Locate the data folder containing your digital asset keys and wallet data on your computer. The data directory is located in different places depending on if you are on a PC, macOS or Linux.
Open the Exodus menu and follow this path: Developer > Data Folder > Open Data Folder
Alternatively, you can also get here by opening finder and pressing Command + Shift + G. Copy and Paste this into the Go To Folder text field:
You can also access the folder from the Exodus wallet by opening the developer menu and following this path: Developer > Data Folder > Open Data Folder. Alternatively, you can follow the path C: > Users > YOUR-USERNAME > AppData > Roaming > Exodus
Windows users may need to show hidden files to access this folder. Here's how to open the developer menu.
home > YOUR-USERNAME > .config > Exodus. Linux users may need to show hidden files to access this folder. On most Linux platforms you can turn on hidden files by typing Control + H
Once you have found the data folder on your Operating system:
Once you have found the data folder containing your digital asset keys and wallet data on your computer.
Close Exodus and remove this folder. Once this folder is removed, opening Exodus should lead straight to the portfolio page, which will show zero funds.
At this point:
If your goal was just to delete your wallet because you no longer want Exodus on this computer, you can now uninstall/delete the Exodus application altogether as you have removed the sensitive files already.
If your goal was to restore your existing wallet or create a new wallet on the same computer, please continue with Step 3:
Step 3: Open Exodus to check you have a new wallet
In this step all you need to do is double click on your Exodus wallet icon again and start your wallet. You should see no crypto in this wallet and a brand new 12 word secret phrase. This means you have successfully deleted your old wallet.
If you have sent out funds in step 1 and want them into this new Exodus wallet we have just created, then please continue with step 4
Step 4: Send your funds back to your new wallet
All you need to do in this step is to go to the wallet you sent your funds to in Step 1 and send them to your new Exodus wallet.
How do I delete my wallet and start over?
For safety reasons, the keys to your Exodus wallet are stored in a location on your computer that is separate from the wallet program's data. This design decision allows users to upgrade easily and makes it difficult for new users to accidentally remove those important files from their computer.
In this Article:
If you're using a Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu, Linux Mint etc., you can download a .deb package and install Exodus by opening it. Depending on your desktop environment or distribution, the installation process might look different.
Please note: Exodus will only run on 64-bit systems. Make sure to check your operating system is compatible: What operating systems does Exodus support?
These screenshots are taken on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
If this doesn't work for your distribution, please download the zip package and use the method below.
Using Linux .zip package
First, please check if your Linux distribution is based on Debian by following this link to Wikipedia's list of Debian-based distributions. If you find your distribution listed there, please use the .deb instructions above for better user experience.
After you've downloaded the Exodus .zip package, you'll need to unzip it:
Then you can place the folder wherever you like, we recommend just dropping it in your home directory. Inside the unzipped folder you should see a file called exodus.desktop , double-clicking this will launch Exodus.
Registering the Exodus Desktop file with your OS
You can also register the exodus.desktop file with your operating system so that you can launch Exodus from exodus:// protocol links or from your OS application quick-launcher/application search.
To do this, first move the unzipped Exodus folder to a long term location where it can live, for example your home folder. Then, in a terminal inside that folder, execute the script ./install-exodus-desktop.sh .
For example, if you moved your unzipped folder to /home/satoshi/Exodus-linux-x64 , you would open a terminal and run these commands:
cd /home/satoshi/Exodus-linux-x64 ./install-exodus-desktop.sh
This script will register the exodus.desktop file with your OS, letting your OS know that the Exodus executable is located at /home/satoshi/Exodus-linux-x64/Exodus , and allow exodus:// links clicked in your browser to open the Exodus app.
The exodus.desktop file contains a command that launches Exodus from the current directory. Depending on your security settings, you may receive a pop-up asking you whether you trust this file to be launched:
It's okay not to trust us here, we get it :) You can always verify what the file does by opening it in the text editor and reviewing the contents. All the file does is launching Exodus from the current folder. If you decide not to trust the file or your Linux distribution does not support .desktop files, you can always run Exodus directly from the terminal: ./Exodus
If Exodus fails to run from the first try, open your shell app (a.k.a Terminal) and set the correct permissions for the chrome-sandbox file. These are required for Exodus to properly run on certain Linux distributions:
The latter command requires that you have full administrative access to your OS, so you may be prompted to input your password during the procedure.
Some newer Linux releases may require libgconf-2-4 to be installed which can be done by either:
Why would you want to delete and start over?
There are several reasons why you may want to delete your wallet from your computer, or why the Exodus Support Team would advise you to do that:
- You already have your wallet restored on a new computer
- Your wallet doesn't open anymore and all attempts to update it have failed
- Your wallet was compromised and you want to start over with new private keys and a new set of 12 words for security reasons
If you would like to uninstall Exodus, or erase your wallet and start over, please follow the steps outlined below for Windows, macOS and Linux.
You can click the installer after downloading, and you will be prompted to drag the application into the Applications folder. In just a few seconds, your wallet will be installed and ready to run.
Step 1: Move your current crypto to a Temporary wallet
Make sure you have your current 12-word secret phrase written down. Double check that there are no spelling errors and that the 12 words are in the correct order.
Option A: Create a temporary Exodus wallet on a computer you trust.
1 Download Exodus and install it on a computer you trust. We will use this as a temporary wallet. 2 Open the Exodus wallet you just downloaded on the computer and restore your assets into it using this guide.Option B: Send your assets to a different wallet
1 Follow this guide to send all your crypto out of your wallet to a different wallet.Step 2: Delete your current Exodus wallet to generate a new wallet
1 Open Exodus Mobile and tap a) Dashboard then b) Settings.
2 Scroll down until you find the Delete Wallet button in the Advanced section and tap it.
3 This will bring up a prompt to confirm you truly want to erase your wallet. Once you tap Delete, this wallet will be wiped from the device and this cannot be reversed. Only the 12-word phrase can recover a wallet once this is done.
Step 3: Open Exodus to check you have a new wallet
In this step, all you need to do is make sure your Exodus wallet application restarted and generated a new wallet. You should see the welcome screen again.
Step 4: Send your funds back to your new wallet
All you need to do in this step is go to the wallet you sent your funds to in Step 1 and send them to your new Exodus wallet.
If you went with Option A in Step 1 and now want to delete the temporary wallet from the computer, please just follow Step 2 above.
Вопросы по Exodus кошельку, кто пользуется? Ваши отзывы!
BitLocker – встроенный шифровальщик Windows 7/8/10
Если вы пользуетесь максимальной версией Windows, к вашим услугам – штатная криптографическая защита BitLocker.
Чтобы зашифровать флешку, в окне «мой компьютер» правой кнопкой кликните по иконке диска и выберите из контекстного меню пункт «Шифрование». Запустится процедура шифрования диска.
Выберите шифрование с паролем и придумайте надежный пароль. В зависимости от объема флешки процедура шифрования длиться от десяти минут до нескольких часов. После завершения процесса шифрования флешка готова к использованию.
Подключая ее к компьютеру, каждый раз необходимо будет вводить пароль для доступа к данным. В настройках возможно отключить обязательное введение пароля для конкретного компьютера.
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