Exodus что значит
A total Exodus of the Muscovites from communal flats to private ones.
Какой? Глобальный исход москвичей из общих ульев в личные гнезда.
One aid worker described it as the largest refugee exodus in modern history.
Очевидцы описывают происходящее, как величайший исход беженцев в современной истории. Повстанцы заняли половину города.
— Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua.
It comes from Exodus, chapter 16, verse 14, meaning food of the divine which God miraculously supplied to the Israelites when they were in the wilderness.
Помните, в Книге Исхода, глава 16, песнь14, помните? Божественная пища, которой Господь чудесным образом наделил странствовавших по пустыне израильтян.
У тебя могут быть дети, которые балдеют от Исхода, сходят с ума от Второзакония, и что тогда?
So anyway in the story of Exodus Chapter 20, there are fourteen commandments, if you include the rest of the book you get up to 613.
В общем, в 20-й главе Исхода было 14 заповедей. Если рассматривать оставшуюся часть книги, наберётся 613 штук.
In the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Exodus describes how the Jewish people suffered as slaves living in
В еврейской Библии, Книге Исхода описывается, как еврейский народ страдал под рабским игом, находясь в
Observant Jewish men have strips of paper with words from Deuteronomy and Exodus on them and these are carried in little boxes here called phylacteries, which they have strapped to their head and to their left arm as they pray.
Блюдущие иудеи носят на себе полоски бумаги со словами из Второзакония и Исхода в маленьких коробочках, которые зовутся филактерии. Они привязывают их ко лбу и левой руке на время молитвы.
I'm interested in selling my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7.
Я заинтересован в продаже моей дочери в рабство, как сказано в Исходе 21:7
Exodus 35: 2 clearly says he should be put to death.
В исходе 35:2, четко сказано, что его должны приговорить к смерти.
And do you vow to uphold the principles of the seventh commandment as set out in Exodus 20:14?
Клянешься ли ты блюсти седьмую заповедь, как написано в Исходе 20:14?
The maid probably just moved it. Always be putting my Gideons in the drawer, making me lose my place in Exodus.
его горничная перевесила. на чем в "Исходе" остановился.
I was born and have remained to this day a pilgrim, a lone man on an. on an exodus West to the promised land, cast out.
С рождения и вплоть до этого дня я был паломником, одиноким странником в. в исходе, шел на запад, к Земле Обетованной, отринутый всеми.
exodus — корабль исход
Councilor Sydney, she took the Exodus ship by force.
Sir, the Exodus ship is fully charged, and they've begun their launch protocol.
Сэр. корабль исхода полностью заправлен, И они инициировали протокол запуска
exodus — массовый уход
We need to focus on our cases or there will be a mass exodus of clients.
Нам надо сосредоточиться на делах или будет массовый уход клиентов.
When I come back we'll discuss the difference between migration and exodus.
Когда я вернусь, мы обсудим различие между миграцией и массовым уходом.
I'm writing a piece on the exodus of assistant US attorneys into the private sector.
Я пишу статью о массовых уходах помощников федеральных прокуроров в частный сектор.
exodus — 1930-х от массового
Because Holland was tolerant of unorthodox opinions it was a refuge for intellectuals fleeing the thought control and censorship of other parts of Europe much as the United States benefited enormously in the 1930s from the exodus of intellectuals from Nazi-dominated Europe.
Так как Голландия была терпима к нестандартным мнениям, она была убежищем для интеллектуалов, спасавшихся от контроля и цензуры других частей Европы, так же, как США выиграла в 1930-х от массового переселения интеллигенции из фашистской Европы.
Well, we better find out who before we have a mass exodus and we lose this artifact for good.
Ладно, нам лучше поскорее выяснить кто, пока все это не станет массовым, и мы не потеряем артефакт насовсем.
And in the days leading up to our victory, we witnessed a mass exodus of their ships leaving our planet.
А за дни, на протяжении которых мы шли к успеху, мы стали свидетелями массового исчезновения их кораблей с нашей планеты.
Now, the real estate was already inexpensive in this area, but when surrounding residents found out that he planned to house sex offenders, there was a mass exodus, so eventually he was able to buy up the rest of the homes and then rename the town.
Недвижимость в том районе не дешева, но когда жители города узнали, что он планирует поселить там сексуальных преступников, было массовое переселение, так что в конце концов он смог купить остальные дома и переименовал город.
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Контекстный русско-англо-русский словарь БЕТА
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Все варианты переводов сгруппированы и снабжены иллюстративным материалом в виде примеров предложений с переводом на соответствующий язык.
Exodus — 1 Exodus 2 Exodus 3 Exodus 4 Exodus 5 Exodus 6 Exodus 7 Exodus 8 Exodus 9 Exodus 10 Exodus 11 Exodus 12 Exodus 13 … The King James version of the Bible
exodus — UK US /ˈeksədəs/ noun [S] ► the movement of a lot of people or things away from a place: an exodus of sth »Trade unions are concerned by the exodus of jobs overseas. an exodus from sth »There has been a mass exodus of workers from the villages to … Financial and business terms
Exodus — Sm Auszug (einer gesamten Gruppe) per. Wortschatz fremd. Erkennbar fremd (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. exodus f., dieses aus gr. éxodos f. Auszug, Abzug, Weggang , zu gr. hodós f. Weg, Marsch und gr. ex . Ursprünglich wurde der Auszug des … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
Exodus — Ex o*dus, n. [L., the book of Exodus, Gr. ? a going or marching out; ? out + ? way, cf. . [=a] sad to approach.] 1. A going out; particularly (the Exodus), the going out or journey of the Israelites from Egypt under the conduct of Moses; and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Exodus — the second book of the Old Testament of the Bible, which tells the story of the Exodus, which is the journey out of Egypt to the ↑Promised Land, made by ↑Moses and the ↑Israelites … Dictionary of contemporary English
Исход (судно) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Исход (значения). «Эксодус» Exodus … Википедия
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Урис — Леон Юрис Леон Юрис,1997 год Дата рождения: 3 августа 1924 года Место рождения: Балтимор, США Дата смерти: 21 июня 2003 года Место смерти: Нью Йорк, США Гражданств … Википедия
Урис Л. — Леон Юрис Леон Юрис,1997 год Дата рождения: 3 августа 1924 года Место рождения: Балтимор, США Дата смерти: 21 июня 2003 года Место смерти: Нью Йорк, США Гражданств … Википедия
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Урис Леон — Леон Юрис Леон Юрис,1997 год Дата рождения: 3 августа 1924 года Место рождения: Балтимор, США Дата смерти: 21 июня 2003 года Место смерти: Нью Йорк, США Гражданств … Википедия
The great deliverance wrought for the children of Isreal when they were brought out of the land of Egypt with "a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm" (Ex 12:51; Deut. 26:8; Ps 114; 136), about B.C. 1490, and four hundred and eighty years (1 Kings 6:1) before the building of Solomon's temple.
The time of their sojourning in Egypt was, according to Ex. 12:40, the space of four hundred and thirty years. In the LXX., the words are, "The sojourning of the children of Israel which they sojourned in Egypt and in the land of Canaan was four hundred and thirty years;" and the Samaritan version reads, "The sojourning of the children of Israel and of their fathers which they sojourned in the land of Canaan and in the land of Egypt was four hundred and thirty years." In Gen. 15:13-16, the period is prophetically given (in round numbers) as four hundred years. This passage is quoted by Stephen in his defence before the council (Acts 7:6).
The chronology of the "sojourning" is variously estimated. Those who adopt the longer term reckon thus:
| Years | | From the descent of Jacob into Egypt to the | death of Joseph 71 | | From the death of Joseph to the birth of | Moses 278 | | From the birth of Moses to his flight into | Midian 40 | | From the flight of Moses to his return into | Egypt 40 | | From the return of Moses to the Exodus 1 | | 430
Others contend for the shorter period of two hundred and fifteen years, holding that the period of four hundred and thirty years comprehends the years from the entrance of Abraham into Canaan (see LXX. and Samaritan) to the descent of Jacob into Egypt. They reckon thus:
| Years | | From Abraham's arrival in Canaan to Isaac's | birth 25 | | From Isaac's birth to that of his twin sons | Esau and Jacob 60 | | From Jacob's birth to the going down into | Egypt 130 | | (215) | | From Jacob's going down into Egypt to the | death of Joseph 71 | | From death of Joseph to the birth of Moses 64 | | From birth of Moses to the Exodus 80 | | In all. 430
During the forty years of Moses' sojourn in the land of Midian, the Hebrews in Egypt were being gradually prepared for the great national crisis which was approaching. The plagues that successively fell upon the land loosened the bonds by which Pharaoh held them in slavery, and at length he was eager that they should depart. But the Hebrews must now also be ready to go. They were poor; for generations they had laboured for the Egyptians without wages. They asked gifts from their neighbours around them (Ex. 12:35), and these were readily bestowed. And then, as the first step towards their independent national organization, they observed the feast of the Passover, which was now instituted as a perpetual memorial. The blood of the paschal lamb was duly sprinkled on the door-posts and lintels of all their houses, and they were all within, waiting the next movement in the working out of God's plan. At length the last stroke fell on the land of Egypt. "It came to pass, that at midnight Jehovah smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt." Pharaoh rose up in the night, and called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, "Rise up, and get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of Israel; and go, serve Jehovah, as ye have said. Also take your flocks and your herds, as ye have said, and be gone; and bless me also." Thus was Pharaoh (q.v.) completely humbled and broken down. These words he spoke to Moses and Aaron "seem to gleam through the tears of the humbled king, as he lamented his son snatched from him by so sudden a death, and tremble with a sense of the helplessness which his proud soul at last felt when the avenging hand of God had visited even his palace."
The terror-stricken Egyptians now urged the instant departure of the Hebrews. In the midst of the Passover feast, before the dawn of the 15th day of the month Abib (our April nearly), which was to be to them henceforth the beginning of the year, as it was the commencement of a new epoch in their history, every family, with all that appertained to it, was ready for the march, which instantly began under the leadership of the heads of tribes with their various sub-divisions. They moved onward, increasing as they went forward from all the districts of Goshen, over the whole of which they were scattered, to the common centre. Three or four days perhaps elapsed before the whole body of the people were assembled at Rameses, and ready to set out under their leader Moses (Ex. 12:37; Num. 33:3). This city was at that time the residence of the Egyptian court, and here the interviews between Moses and Pharaoh had taken place.
From Rameses they journeyed to Succoth (Ex. 12:37), identified with Tel-el-Maskhuta, about 12 miles west of Ismailia. (See Pithom.) Their third station was Etham (q.v.), 13:20, "in the edge of the wilderness," and was probably a little to the west of the modern town of Ismailia, on the Suez Canal. Here they were commanded "to turn and encamp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea", i.e., to change their route from east to due south. The Lord now assumed the direction of their march in the pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. They were then led along the west shore of the Red Sea till they came to an extensive camping-ground "before Pi-hahiroth," about 40 miles from Etham. This distance from Etham may have taken three days to traverse, for the number of camping-places by no means indicates the number of days spent on the journey: e.g., it took fully a month to travel from Rameses to the wilderness of Sin (Ex. 16:1), yet reference is made to only six camping-places during all that time. The exact spot of their encampment before they crossed the Red Sea cannot be determined. It was probably somewhere near the present site of Suez.
Under the direction of God the children of Israel went "forward" from the camp "before Pi-hahiroth," and the sea opened a pathway for them, so that they crossed to the farther shore in safety. The Egyptian host pursued after them, and, attempting to follow through the sea, were overwhelmed in its returning waters, and thus the whole military force of the Egyptians perished. They "sank as lead in the mighty waters" (Ex. 15:1-9; comp. Ps. 77:16-19).
Having reached the eastern shore of the sea, perhaps a little way to the north of Ayun Musa ("the springs of Moses"), there they encamped and rested probably for a day. Here Miriam and the other women sang the triumphal song recorded in Ex. 15:1-21.
From Ayun Musa they went on for three days through a part of the barren "wilderness of Shur" (22), called also the "wilderness of Etham" (Num. 33:8; comp. Ex. 13:20), without finding water. On the last of these days they came to Marah (q.v.), where the "bitter" water was by a miracle made drinkable.
Their next camping-place was Elim (q.v.), where were twelve springs of water and a grove of "threescore and ten" palm trees (Ex. 15:27).
After a time the children of Israel "took their journey from Elim," and encamped by the Red Sea (Num. 33:10), and thence removed to the "wilderness of Sin" (to be distinguished from the wilderness of Zin, 20:1), where they again encamped. Here, probably the modern el-Markha, the supply of bread they had brought with them out of Egypt failed. They began to "murmur" for want of bread. God "heard their murmurings" and gave them quails and manna, "bread from heaven" (Ex. 16:4-36). Moses directed that an omer of manna should be put aside and preserved as a perpetual memorial of God's goodness. They now turned inland, and after three encampments came to the rich and fertile valley of Rephidim, in the Wady Feiran. Here they found no water, and again murmured against Moses. Directed by God, Moses procured a miraculous supply of water from the "rock in Horeb," one of the hills of the Sinai group (17:1-7); and shortly afterwards the children of Israel here fought their first battle with the Amalekites, whom they smote with the edge of the sword.
From the eastern extremity of the Wady Feiran the line of march now probably led through the Wady esh-Sheikh and the Wady Solaf, meeting in the Wady er-Rahah, "the enclosed plain in front of the magnificient cliffs of Ras Sufsafeh." Here they encamped for more than a year (Num. 1:1; 10:11) before Sinai (q.v.).
The different encampments of the children of Israel, from the time of their leaving Egypt till they reached the Promised Land, are mentioned in Ex. 12:37-19; Num. 10-21; 33; Deut. 1, 2, 10.
It is worthy of notice that there are unmistakable evidences that the Egyptians had a tradition of a great exodus from their country, which could be none other than the exodus of the Hebrews.
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