Evoland как победить зефируса
Здравствуйте! Священная роща расположена на юге карты, а попасть в нее крайне просто. Как только Вы в нее зайдете, увидите, что проход загораживает потрескавшийся камень. Однако, для того, что бы пройти дальше, камень этот необходимо взорвать. Если Вы уже побывали в деревеньке чуть выше данной рощи, то скорее всего уже выполнили там одно разговорное задание и имеете в своем инвентаре бомбу. Подходите к камню, ставьте бомбу, затем отойдите на пару шагов, что бы Вас не задело взрывом и вуаля, проход в рощу открыт.
Evoland как победить зефируса
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Zephyros is using a giant floating armor with two giant arms that tries to squash you or hold you at the fire-breathing zone. He'll turn around somewhat randomly, hit his hands down (half heart damage if lands on you) and breath fire between them (quarter heart damage if you're inside). Each hand has a weak spot in the form of red eyes.
The plan is to dodge the arms so you're not inside the are where he'll breath fire. When he hit his arms down, you'll hit his hands as many times as you can. Pay attention that sometimes he tries to watch your movements tochoose which side he should go but sometimes he moves on his own. If he goes to one side, you try going to another.
You need to kill both his hands. Have patience as sometimes he doesn't let you get near the one you want to hit.
This part is somewhat easy. The next one is tricky.
You killed both his arms! Hooray! Now he'll breath fire like crazy, doing a full circle (a little bit more, if you pay attention) and you have to hit the weak spot on his chest, right?
If you played on your own, the first thing you tried is to kill the weak spot in his chest. You'll notice that he'll stop for a second when he finishes breathing fire. If you were like me, you would hit him a lot and… he wouldn't die. What gives?
Here's where the bastard is tricking you. That was not his true weak spot! You were not hitting him at all! Remember that red orb you saw every time he would give his back to you to sterelize the arena with his fire breath? What happened was that hitting the eye on his chest pops out that red orb behind him, outside of your view. That thing is what you need to hit to kill the tricky bastard!
When he breathes fire, try to be somewhat near where you think he'll stop, so you can hit him. If you're close enough, you'll manage to hit him. But hit him only once! Then run like crazy to slash that red orb.
You may notice it comes close to one of the sides and won't go exactly behind him, so sometimes you'll manage to hit it and other times it will go back to the armor before you can reach it.
The next part is not that hard.
Now Zephyros come out of the armor. He'll taunt about how you can't hit him. Once he stop yapping, he'll start throwing stuff at you: three fireballs and an blue energy ball.
All you have to do is defeating him Ganon style. Hit the energy balls so they'll be sent flying into his ugly mug. Dodge the fireballs though and have patience, as that energy ball will miss him sometimes. Clink is not that good at volleyball.
Hit him enough times and he'll fall. Enjoy the ending.
With newer technology comes new problems. This game uses the refresh rate for calculating internal timings. Which means that running this at other than 60 FPS will cause you trouble.
If your monitor is running at 144 FPS, this battle is impossible to complete.
Evoland как победить зефируса
18 апр. 2013 в 11:54 Has anyone grinded up (or cheated I guess you probably can, though it kind of defeats the point) enough to kill Zephyros before he kills Kaeris? I realise that with the 500hp heal once he gets about 200hp it seems unlikely, however I am curious. 18 апр. 2013 в 14:58Currently grinding; from the one fight I had with Zephyros, he's been healing whenever I've done around 700-800 damage to him. I hit him up to 900, but I feel I need more DPS in order to see how much damage Zephyros can take.
Erm, what do you think would be a good MAG stat for Kaeris? ^^;
18 апр. 2013 в 15:45 I have attempted it and Zephyros auto heals whenever you'd kill him meaning you can't kill him. He also heals himself when he is low HP. You hit a point where eventually it just becomes nothing more than a drawn out stalemate since Kaeris gets +3 HP every 3 levels on the heal spell. That's grinding ot level 27 just to confirm. 19 апр. 2013 в 7:25 So when you he goes down to 0 hp he autoheals then, so it would be impossible? 19 апр. 2013 в 13:25Not quite. If R3sistance was level 27, that means hir Kaeris had a magic stat of 14. Thus, her X-Crystal, according to my current hypothesis, would do about. 32-50. Clink's attack would be 34 with the best equipment, so he'd be doing 14-31 on Zephyros. Zephyros' healing skill would be the equivalent of attacking him 13-28 times with these stats.
If it gives you any more insight, at level 61 I had Kaeris hitting for 65-104 and Clink hitting for 25-47; to compare, it would take me 7-12 times of attacking to equate to one of Zephyros' heals. Still, this would require Clink and Kaeris to hit the boss constantly, and Kaeris would need to heal every now and then, mainly after a Kamehameha.
I did do a little bit of cheating with CheatEngine (sorry. >< Tad ashamed of that), so I found that his HP may be 1000 (or this game's really good at encrypting things), so I feel if I level grind more, maybe grind Kaeris to where she can deal 200 damage and Clink to . do more damage, then maybe I could pull it off. I mean, it's all about doing more damage than the boss can heal, right? Or having a high DEF stat to shrug off most of his attacks so there's less need for healing?
Evoland как победить зефируса
8 фев. 2019 в 19:44I am clearly missing something here, but I just can't figure it out. I am at the final boss, Zephyros, and I can't beat his second form because I can't figure out how to make Clink run. I watched a video online and he cleary can, but how? I am using an Xbox One controller to play and have tried everything I can think of such as holding other buttons down while moving, double left/right on the d-pad, click down on the left stick while moving, etc.
I'm sure it will seem obvious, but I just can't figure it out. :(
8 фев. 2019 в 21:11OK, so after reading a lot of comments from various people about how easy/hard the final boss is I finally figured out what the deal is. Being a former software developer myself I can understand how and why this happened, but it's kind of hard to explain. All I can really say is that there is something in the game engine that is tied to the monitor refresh rate and/or the FPS that the game is running at. Since I don't have a way to control the FPS of the game separately from my monitor's refresh rate, I can't narrow it down more than that.
I have an Acer Predator monitor that runs at 144Hz and an nVidia 1080Ti card. This game easily runs at 144 FPS, which means the render loop of the game executes 144 times a second. This makes Clink actually move slower in the final battle (probably due to a vector normalization or rounding error that the developers didn't plan for). It is very difficult to avoid the flame breath during the second phase of the fight and literally IMPOSSIBLE to get to the ball that flies out of him before he starts spewing fire again.
However, by setting the monitor refresh rate to 60Hz, which was standard at the time this game originally came out that forces the render loop to 60 FPS, and is probably what the developers expected. For some reason, Clink runs easily twice as fast around the circle now, which is probably the speed he is supposed to move at, and the boss isn't so hard to beat anymore.
Weird? Yeah, it is.
I would love to hear a better explanation from one of the devs about why it seems to work this way.
Как победить зефируса в Evoland?
Здравствуйте! Зефирус является последним боссом данной замечательной игры. Победить его на самом деле не так то уж и сложно, если придерживаться одной простейшей стратегии. Внимательно посмотрев на этого здоровенного демона Вы сможете увидеть, что у него на руках имеются розового цвета сферы, уворачивайтесь от атак демона и атакуйте эти сферы. Тогда Вы уничтожите руки демона. Затем Вам нужно будет бить в розовую сферу на груди босса, продолжая уворачиваться от его атак, после чего нужно бить по появившейся в воздухе сфере.
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