Evil genius как обучать миньонов
Minions are divided into three classes: Muscle, Deception and Science. Basic Worker Minions do not belong to any class. Minion capacity is affected by the placement of Lockers and the researching of Minion Capacity. There is a hard cap of 300 Minions in total.
Training of advanced minions is done via training equipment in the Training room. Though they can train without any help an advanced minion further up the tree may act as an instructor accelerating the training.
All values for salaries are given for Medium Difficulty, and before the Evil Genius Discount; Maximillian has a 10% discount on all minion salaries, Ivan, Emma and Zalika all get a 25% discount on salaries for their corresponding class of Minion (Muscle, Deception and Science respectively). The modifiers for difficulty and Evil Genius are applied separately and independently, rather than being added together before being applied.
Overview [ ]
By default, the maximum number of minions you can have in the game is 100. This number is less than it seems, when you consider there are thirteen different types of Minion and various Acts of Infamy will have specific and often demanding number requirements. This can be raised with modifications such as the Unofficial Patch, or directly editing the game files, but setting it too high will put serious stress on the game from trying to track all the minions.
Managing Minions [ ]
Controlling Minions [ ]
Minions cannot be directly controlled by the player. Here are some indirect ways to control them.
Minions on their Own [ ]
Minions and Stats [ ]
Minions are mostly, as the game describes, sycophantic lackeys who will work until they pass out for the sake of their Genius. However, they will attempt to keep their stats up so as to continue to function at their best. Each type of Minion has different maximum levels of each Stat—Guards, for instance, have higher Health and Endurance than Construction Workers and the other basic specialty types, but are lower in Loyalty, Smarts, and Attention (the idea being that they imagine that their new skills are more marketable, deluding themselves to think that their contract allows for such a thing).
is lost in physical combat with enemy Agents, or environmental damage such as traps and being too close to room-creating dynamite detonations. If all Health is lost, the Minion dies. The primary way Minions will look to restore their Health is through the Infirmary. Military Minions and Construction Workers are particularly likely to lose Health, as only the most blood-thirstingly murderous of enemy Agents will open fire on Social and Science Minions. is lost over time, and a Minion who runs out of Loyalty will immediately attempt to defect, fleeing the island and being lost from your pool. Loyalty loss is a problem for every Minion but is especially a problem for those working for long periods in public areas, such as Social Minions staffing a Hotel. Loyalty is one of the stats that Minions will rarely if ever "clock out" to specifically replenish. The Genius' aura can replenish Loyalty, but Minions will attempt to replenish it themselves when not on a job by either witnessing Interrogations, or by going to observe Loot objects, all of which replenish Loyalty in their aura. is drained by certain jobs and traps, usually intellectual ones such as working in the Laboratory or manning the Control Room. A Minion who runs out of Smarts will lose the ability to think and stand in place, scratching their head like an idiot. The primary room Minions will go to in attempting to replenish their Smarts is the Archives. is drained by most jobs and some traps, and is usually the fastest stat to drop. A Minion who runs out of Attention will lose all ability to focus and will stand in place, scratching their head like an idiot. The primary room for restoring Attention is the Staff Room, but witnessing Interrogations will also do the job, and both the Genius' personal aura and many Loot items have Attention restoration as part of their aura. is drained over time and especially by particularly physical jobs, including training new specialty Minions, construction work, and manning the Control Room. Losing all Endurance will cause a Minion to pass out, and if this happens it will slowly regenerate while the Minion is unconscious. The primary rooms associated with Endurance restoration are the Barracks and the Mess Hall. Barracks objects that involve sleep will only be used by Minions during Minion Behavior [ ]
A minion who has been tasked with a job will go to do the job and not stop until their shift has ended, or they run out of a non-Health stat (while some jobs do drain Health, they will not kill on their own). A room with extra staffing may allow Minions to clock off early, thus resulting in more constant readiness.
Minions with no room-relevant jobs will typically wander the base, "patrolling it" by their definition. Science Minions will often wander all over the island in search of items to research, which can be extremely hazardous to their health. Minions will gravitate towards Loot items, the Mess Hall, the Barracks, and the Staff Room. If your Hotel is close to the base, some minions may choose to go visit the Lounge and dance. They are also frequently seen hanging out in Freezers or just outside of base entrances, chatting and smoking. Coincidentally, these areas are also frequently out of range of Pathing and Priority [ ]
Minions attempting to reach a place will always attempt the shortest route possible to get there, whether this takes them into danger or through rooms you'd rather they not go through frequently. Level 3 or 4 locks on doors will force this pathing to change; this can both be used to keep minions out of an area, and can also cause weird pathing if the door is in an otherwise important-traffic area. If minions wind up in a room or area with no path outside, such as a room whose hallway has been deleted or getting trapped in a corner by rearranged furniture, they will panic and become uncommandable with the only exceptions being to move objects or to engage in Tagged actions.
Order of Operations: Minions will always prioritize direct commands via the Tagging system first, followed by self-preservation activities, followed roughly by purchasing, construction, and move orders, followed (again, roughly) by normal jobs and/or stat restoration, with the lowest priority being break/free time. Self-preservation differs for certain types; most all minions will attempt to respond with violence in kind if attacked. Military and Construction Minions will engage enemies if they engage in hostile activities within their line of sight, such as shooting people or objects; Valets in particular will always attempt to prioritize putting out fires if possible. Minions will usually attempt to prioritize their current job, but this does not always work, which can lead to some very awkward situations if you order a team out to the World Map while a minion of that type is escorting a detainee somewhere or running an Interrogation.
P/C/M orders can cause major problems. It is common for violent Agents who land on your island to run into supply chain minions running to and from the depot first; if/when those minions are killed, new minions will attempt to pick up the same job by running to retrieve the briefcase or crate in question and will almost certainly wind up killed in turn. This can rapidly exhaust your entire supply of Workers and Valets, so if you see this starting to happen, cancel all construction orders until the Agents are handled. The M involves all types of moving incapacitated people, from bringing arrestees to cells to moving exhausted minions to replenishment rooms. This can also produce a mass slaughter situation that is much less easy to interrupt, where a Henchman is downed by a major attacking force and the entire Social Minion population is then killed attempting to retrieve them.
Deception Minions [ ]
Deception Minion Progression
Deception minions are the minion type tasked with deceiving tourists and Agents (damaging their non-vitality Stats), which happens mostly in the Casino. Valets are the only minions that can man most of the equipment in the Casino. Because of their role, the Deception minions tend to hang around in the Casino actively engaging tagged agents and untagged tourists.
- Valets are basic Deception Minions. They man various equipment in Cover Operation, from gambling tables to the bar. They can be upgraded to Spin Doctors or Socialites. Salary: 500.
- Socialites spend time in Cover Operation distracting Tourists and Agents. Salary: 1500
- Spin Doctor can reduce Suspicion and Skill. Spin Doctors upgrade into Counter Agents Salary: 1500
- Counter Agents have high spotting capability. Can escort and interrogate prisoners. Salary: 3500
Emma's deception minions deal +5 skill and +5 resolve damage when talking with agents in the casino
The skill and resolve damage for social minions for all other Geniuses is as follows. Returns indicates the damage done when an agent is escorted from your lair. If any non-social minions escort agents out then they deal only 15 resolve damage and no skill damage.
Skill | Resolve | Return S/R | |
Valet | 5 | 10 | 5/20 |
Spin Doctor | 10 | 5 | 10/15 |
Counter Agent | 5 | 5 | 5/15 |
Socialite | 2 | 10 | 2/20 |
Stats and Roles [ ]
Minions have different stats, which affect their performance both when on your island and out spreading evil on the world map.
Island Jobs [ ]
Room Construction [ ]
are the only minions that can do this. Whether building new rooms or demolishing them, your construction workers are up to the job.
Item Placing [ ]
Repairing Items [ ]
- If Objects in your base take Wear damage, only Technicians can repair this damage—higher level Science minions cannot. This includes both damage from Agents and use damage such as on overloaded Generators.
Defending the Base [ ]
- Your Henchmen will need help defending the base. Military Minions are best at doing so. Social Minions can help, but not by killing the agents, only by distracting and confusing them. Construction Workers can also help. Putting your base to "alert" will have workers grab a handgun, guards a rifle, and mercenaries a heavy rifle. These weapons do give heat. Please note you must buy the gun racks to have firearms and you may set your base back to stand down to have minions return the weapons. Snipers will always carry their rifles, whereas Martial Artists can only perform melee attacks.
- Do note that if the base is set to Red Alert, all minion types will run around and attempt to kill every enemy Agent they find on the island. This should be avoided except in scenarios that require absolute desparation, as Valets and Scientists are exactly as combat-capable as you think they are, which is to say not at all. Expect to have the ranks of your Social and Science minions decimated in this scenario—but if you're turning on Red Alert, then likely whatever caused it, such as higher-end Soldiers, is massacring them anyway.
Research [ ]
is only possible when you have Science Minions at your disposal. This is used to unlock more advanced items like new traps, higher security doors, and better surveillance systems to help better protect your base. Technicians are capable of doing research but are both the worst at it by quite a bit and have the essential role of base repairman, so getting higher-level Science Minions is recommended.
Aiding Other Minions [ ]
- Whenever a Minion or Henchman can't work (Endurance, Smarts, or Attention are at 0) Social Minions can help (more often than not a Valet). The Social Minions will carry or direct their fellows to a room in the base where they can remedy this stat. This does not apply to Loyalty or Health for Minions, as minions who bottom out on the former will immediately try to desert and must be stopped like a fleeing Agent, and minions who bottom out on the latter are just dead. Henchmen follow neither of these rules unless a Super-Agent is involved; when a Henchmen is shot into unconsciousness a Social Minion will attempt to retrieve them.
Extinguishing Fires [ ]
- If any part of your base is on fire, valets can run and go and find an extinguisher and extinguish the fire. Please note that ONLY valets can put out fires, and extinguishers are only built in corridors.
Science Minions [ ]
Progression of Science Minions.
The Science Minion Tree has two branches from the start. Worker can either train to Technicians or Scientists. Technicians have no further training available to them, while Scientists can be trained towards Biologists who in turn can train to become Quantum Chemist.
Technicians are the only minion type capable of repairing equipment (restoring their Durability) and will spend most of their time running from item to item. They can also still perform item placement tasks like the Workers, but cannot dig/build.
Scientists, Biologists and Quantum Chemists can either perform research in the laboratory, or gather Intel in the control room at the appropriate Intel generating equipment.
Technicians maintain the durability of equipment using their tech-tool and can buy, place and move items in the lair. The main role of Science Minions other than the Technician is Research, as well as gathering Intel. Different Control room items offer a specific Science minion mode in which they will only be operated by that specific tier of Science minions; producing intel faster than if workers were operating the same item, giving them a purpose even after all research is completed.
Как создать дикторов, наемщиков, плейбоев и т.д.
Нет. Плейбой – это рядовой миньон, пускай и старшего уровня.
Телохранитель-bodyguard у Алексис, как и у остальных Гениев, боец уникальный и после гибели не воскрешаем.
>таких должно быть много?
Кол-во телохранителей зависит от показателя Notoriety.
>Как создать дикторов, наемщиков, плейбоев и мастеров боевых искусств?
Так же как и миньонов младших уровней. Похищаем заложника, пытаем его, в Training Room появляется соответствующий тренажер.
>А как развить рядового миньона до старшего уровня?
Возьмем ситуацию с ученым и техником.
Убедись, что в training room имеется нужный для воспитания требуемого миньона предмет. Для каждого слуги имеется свой тренажер. Он появляется в списке доступных для постройки вещей, как только с Карты Мира украден нужный специалист.
Далее, убедись, что у тебя в наличии имеется хотя бы один ученый (выкради с Карты Мира нужного спеца, пытай его [ткни на стандартный Стул-для-допросов, что ставится в оружейной - пытать будет рабочий] и гляди, как рабочий превращается в ученого ).
Итак, у тебя есть ученый и нужный девайс в тренировочной комнате.
Теперь, выйди на экран менеджмента миньонов и закажи требуемое кол-во ученых.
Свежее вылупившийся ученый пойдет к нужному тренажеру и будет ждать техника. Процесс обучения произойдет автоматически.
Да, если техника нет – не страшно.
Этот же ученый натренирует их рабочего техника, а потом – себе подобного.
>Т.е. этих разных охранников там и т.д. на мировой карте и пытаем? Или на карте >мировой должны появиться новые персонажи?
На мировой карте появляются новые персонажи. Дипломат, плейбой и тому подобное.
Worker [ ]
Workers are the basic back bone of every Evil Geniuses lair. They're the only minion type which can dig new rooms and the only type besides Technicians that can place/move/sell items in the lair. When not actively constructing they will man various stations including Food counters, Radio Repeaters, Security desks and Computer consoles
Workers have no salary and 2 free workers will arrive at the island every minute, but if desired 5 extra workers can be hired on the spot for $5,000 in the Minion Menu. Alternatively there may be opportunities for hiring 10 workers on the world-stage in exchange for some Intel
Workers that spend a lot of time in the Control Room may earn a unique buff called the "Control room Specialist". Which grants a buff to morale degradation when they work in the control room (10 morale per 10 seconds instead of per 7). They also start wearing a headset at all times.
Люди. Как сделать из техника ученого?
Как сделать из охранника наемника?
Из лакея крупье кажись?
А то у меня уже 230 репки и не знаю как сделать.
Возьмем ситуацию с ученым и техником.
Убедись, что в training room имеется нужный для воспитания требуемого миньона предмет. Для каждого слуги имеется свой тренажер. Он появляется в списке доступных для постройки вещей, как только с Карты Мира украден нужный специалист.
Далее, убедись, что у тебя в наличии имеется хотя бы один ученый (выкради с Карты Мира нужного спеца, пытай его [ткни на стандартный Стул-для-допросов, что ставится в оружейной - пытать будет рабочий] и гляди, как рабочий превращается в ученого ).
Итак, у тебя есть ученый и нужный девайс в тренировочной комнате.
Теперь, выйди на экран менеджмента миньонов и закажи требуемое кол-во ученых.
Свежее вылупившийся ученый пойдет к нужному тренажеру и будет ждать техника. Процесс обучения произойдет автоматически.
Да, если техника нет – не страшно.
Этот же ученый натренирует их рабочего техника, а потом – себе подобного.
Собственно, все.
У меня просто рабочий превращается в техника.
токо что проверял. поясняю ученый это второй уровень техника. тобишь
рабочий->техник->ученый как так сделать. У меня на карте открыта 2 спеца. по науке, 2 по охране и 2 горничных. из заданий остались только где нужны такие уровни.
Управление миньонами
Или я туплю или игровая механика глючит:
Играю на третьем острове (у которого поначалу единственный вход через казино).
Единственный коридор с ловушками, тремя камерами и улучшенными постами охраны. Прямо на выходе комната охраны с оружием и пультами наблюдения. Через управление персоналом расставляю приоритет - двум сидеть на камерах, остальным за столом. Но всем плевать - они вечно где угодно на базе но только не на постах.
И я лично видел как мимо сидящих охранников проходили дознаватели или грабители и охрана вообще не чесалась, пока я лично не нажимал кнопку тревоги.
И так со всеми миньонами. Например ученые: у меня 10 штук, 5 досок для изучения и у пятерых приоритет на лабораторию и у 3 приоритет на добычу данных. И постоянно вижу ситуацию что несколько досок пустует а в комнате находится ученый с полными показателями и просто ходит из угла в угол.
Muscle Minions [ ]
Muscle Minion Progression
Muscle Minions take the role of being your combatants. Their biggest purpose is guarding the Lair by punching, shooting and hitting enemies - thereby either damaging vitality (characters tagged for killing) or damaging skills and vitality (characters tagged for capture). Besides that they're able to man Security Desks to operate the Camera Network and interrogate captured characters.
- Guards are the basic Muscle Minions, they can use pistols and batons. They are upgraded into Mercenaries. Salary: 500.
- Mercenaries can use any weapon type and are upgraded into Martial Artists or Hitmen. Salary: 1500.
- Martial Artists can use Batons or Bo Staffs. Salary: 3500.
- Hitmen can use any Ranged weapon type. Salary: 3500.
Each rank of muscle minion adds +5 damage and reduces damage taken by 5
Base damage Dealt | Damage reduction | |
Worker | 5 | 0 |
Guard | 10 | 5 |
Mercenary | 15 | 10 |
Martial-Artist/Hitman | 20 | 15 |
Weapons: unarmed (0) -> Pistol (5) -> SMG (15) (stun and kill SMGs deal same health damage)
Traits: Good Shot (5)
Ivan: +5 damage to all muscle minions
The Alien Raygun loot item does the same damage as an SMG
The traits thick skin, good reflexes and owns armor reduce damage taken by 2
for melee, traits violent, good cross punch, decent uppercut add +5 melee damage
the strong left jab, strong right jab and strong left hook traits add +3
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