Europa universalis 4 коррупция как бороться
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Bad events
[trade_goods_province.GetTradeGoodsName] 'Disappearing'
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.With corruption ever on the rise in [Root.GetName], an increasing amount of [trade_goods_province.GetTradeGoodsName] has been disappearing from our legitimate trade networks onto the black market. While some blame too restrictive regulations and tariffs, part of the problem is clearly that these crimes are simply too easy to get away with. When silence is easily bought, secrets are easy to keep, and those secrets are growing more and more costly for [Root.GetName].
Corruption is at least 10
Is triggered only by
A random owned province which does not produce Unknown trade goods:
Corrupt Generals
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Military experience and expertise should be the main, if not only, factors influencing who rises through the ranks of the [Root.GetAdjective] army. As our society grew more and more corrupt, practices drew further and further away from this ideal. The reality today is that a position as general carries a lot of prestige, and those with money or connections are more than willing to use them to secure such a position. With the existing leadership being easily influenced with these tools, they can.
From time to time, someone may rise through the ranks who have actually earned their title, but many of the finest minds in strategic matters will never have a chance to lend their skills to us.
Corruption is at least 10
Is triggered only by
Lose 10 Army tradition
Corrupt Admirals
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Those who command our ships in battle or are sent to explore lands to be claimed by the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] should be chosen from the bravest and wisest in our navy. This is not the case today. From their very first day on a ship, sailors see money illicitly changing hands and protocol being broken as a matter of course, and quickly learn that both the letter and the spirit of the law carry little weight in [Root.GetName] when silver is put on the other pan of the scales.
Those who do not learn quickly make enemies. To advance through the ranks of the [Root.GetAdjective] navy, you need to learn to play this system, and those who rise to the top are rarely those we wished would be there.
Lose 10 Navy tradition
Foreign Merchants Distrust Us
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Every trader tries to cut a deal that will be to their benefit, and many are willing to bend the truth a little to succeed. While this is expected, merchants from [Root.GetName] have a reputation abroad that goes beyond this into outright lies and fraud. The corruption which has become a part of how we do business can be shocking to outsiders, which has led to traders worldwide choosing to avoid us when possible.
It's too late to do anything about our present image, as the damage is already done, but perhaps we can stop this from reoccurring if we stamp out the casual corruption in our society.
Governmental Functions Breaking Down
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.A corrupt administration operates less to sustain itself and more to sustain its members. Consequently, as it begins to fall apart, the immediate reaction of most officials is not to save what they all stand to lose, but to grab what they can while it lasts.
[Root.GetName] may not be on its way to a complete collapse, but the severe corruption reaching all the way from the lowest clerk to those closest to the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] has corroded several crucial governmental functions, leading to a widespread destabilization of the country. This has been a long time coming and we all pay the price.
Corruption is at least 10
Is triggered only by
Lose 1 Stability
Bi-yearly pulse I
Mercenaries Extorting Locals
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.During wartime, soldiers of fortune often find ways to make it home with a bit more than they are paid by raiding the land where they are sent to fight. Normally, this is not a problem for us when they are sent abroad to terrorize our enemies, but sometimes this habit is hard to break, even during peacetime. Some farmers and travelers in [Root.GetName] have complained that mercenaries stationed here have been robbing and extorting them, despite - or perhaps because of - the fact that there isn't even a war ongoing.
Meddling in the ranks of mercenaries, even ones that we hired, is always a difficult matter. Their accusers are unlikely to take the matter further if we let it slide, but the question remains how our society will change if we allow it to continue.
It's part of the price our country pays for their service.Incompetent Administrator
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Matters of governmental organization have never been [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s strong suit. What a good leader does to compensate for such a known weakness is to delegate and this is exactly what our [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] has done, but the people who have handled administration in [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] stead have proven to be more competent than honest. The government runs well enough, but tends to slowly shift its priorities towards matters which the benefactors of these irreplaceable officials find to be of importance.
With [Root.Monarch.GetName] [Root.Monarch.GetHerselfHimself] unable to fully grasp the intricacies of the matters in question, the guilty parties cannot easily be seen or removed from office. For now, we'll simply have to suffer the consequences.
Ruler has administrative skill less than 2
Is triggered only by
Unfortunate that skill and honor do not always go hand in hand.Gain 0.5 Corruption
Overextension Exploited
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.The rapid expansion of the [Root.GetAdjective] borders is most fortunate, but brings with it new administrative challenges. As every person familiar with the optimistic language knows, "challenges" is the sweeter-tasting word for "problems". Our country has not fully adjusted to its new extent yet, and people who have noticed the confusion and poorly enforced law in these new acquisitions are reaping the benefits.
This lawlessness may eventually pass, but the temporary administrations appear to have built an unstable foundation for the future. It will take time and money to rid our society from the distrust forming in the present situation.
Overextension is at least 75%
Is triggered only by
Gain 1 Corruption
$TRADER$ Has Corrupt Connections
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.We try to keep our administration free of dishonest individuals, but we cannot always account for the friends and contacts which got them to where they are. $TRADER$ has unfortunately turned out to be a good example of the problems that follow from this, being skilled and personable but somewhat gullible in $TRADER_POSS_PRONOUN$ choice of associates.
Recent investigations have revealed that much of our well-built trade network relies on bribes, smuggling, and other dubious activities to reach its current level of efficiency. $TRADER$ claims to have known nothing of this, which is likely true. Nevertheless, if we decide to expose and end this, the responsibility will be $TRADER_POSS_PRONOUN$ to take.
Has Trader advisor
Is triggered only by
Bribes Growing More Accepted
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.'What is the difference between an honest man and a fool? The fool doesn't know he is being swindled.'
Europa universalis 4 коррупция как бороться
15 авг. 2016 в 22:05so im playing as russia and i have 19 corruption. i got that high from unblanced tech. with my current run of rulers with 8 points or lower i can't keep up. if i put full corruption maintiance it lower by .50 a year and cost me 40-50ducats.
so my question is should i go into debt and fight no wars for 15-25 years maybe longer to get rid of it?
15 авг. 2016 в 23:52You may also have uncored territory which gives you a serious hit to corruption. But for it to be at 19, that's pretty crazy. Seems like you've been ignoring it for a long, long time.
But yeah, just jack up your corruption slider all the way, unman all your forts, and put your maintenence at 0 and wait it out, it's really all you can do.
16 авг. 2016 в 0:26 16 авг. 2016 в 0:32 also im 2 techs behind on mil and adm and much father back on dip thanks to vassal feeding16 авг. 2016 в 0:33 Well for starters when you put the corruption slider to maximum expenditure you should lose 1 corruption every year. If you say you'd only lose 0.5 a year it means you gain 0 5 corruption every uear right now which is very much! Before bothering with paying a ton of money on corruption try to fix the thing causing your corrpution. You've mentioned you have unbalanced tech, which gives quite a bit of corruption, but that shouldn't be 0.5. Maybe you have a very low religious unity or a lot of overextention. Try to fix that first before you waste a ton of money on lowering corruption 16 авг. 2016 в 0:35 Well for starters when you put the corruption slider to maximum expenditure you should lose 1 corruption every year. If you say you'd only lose 0.5 a year it means you gain 0 5 corruption every uear right now which is very much! Before bothering with paying a ton of money on corruption try to fix the thing causing your corrpution. You've mentioned you have unbalanced tech, which gives quite a bit of corruption, but that shouldn't be 0.5. Maybe you have a very low religious unity or a lot of overextention. Try to fix that first before you waste a ton of money on lowering corruption sadly almost all my corrution came and comes from unbalanced was at .50 now its bounceing between .30-.50 when i tech up.i had some really bad leaders 16 авг. 2016 в 1:48 Even with bad leaders with 3lvl advisers you can still tech up in time. Balance your techs, destroy this useless forts, repay loans and reduce inflation 16 авг. 2016 в 1:56 Even with bad leaders with 3lvl advisers you can still tech up in time. Balance your techs, destroy this useless forts, repay loans and reduce inflation the problem is i don't have the money the money to fund lvl 3 advicers.i mean i could destroy all forts cut my army in half from 200-100.but then do i focus on getting rid of loans first or dropping corruption.also evening doing this i could not fully fund getting rid of corruption without going into the red. i'm so lost. 16 авг. 2016 в 2:21 The thing is if you will put all in corruption reduction without balanced techs with ridiculous 0.5 per year you will be bankrupt after this 40 years run. Kappa Set corruption reduction at 0.5 to get zero per year and do something with techs. And destroy forts, thats 8 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gold per month. They are indeed useless. With halfed army maintenance and with no forts you will already save like 40 gold, thats enough to hold some corruption reduction. 16 авг. 2016 в 2:42 The thing is if you will put all in corruption reduction without balanced techs with ridiculous 0.5 per year you will be bankrupt after this 40 years run. Kappa Set corruption reduction at 0.5 to get zero per year and do something with techs. And destroy forts, thats 8 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gold per month. They are indeed useless. With halfed army maintenance and with no forts you will already save like 40 gold, thats enough to hold some corruption reduction. this will be some serious clean up for tomorrow but i guess yours in the most sound ideas.cut costs get even on corruption and if i make allitle extra try to play down loans well teching.
my only worry is the ottomans might get the wrong idea in their head. 16 авг. 2016 в 4:15
Most of the best options in your situation involve changing the past, unfortunately. When playing as a nation that's aggressively expanding and using vassals to do so, it's not unusual to end up falling behind in Admin and Diplo tech. However, by setting your National Focus intelligently, prioritising the right technology upgrades over ideas (more of that in a second), and spending money on the right advisors to compensate for particularly awful rulers, you should at least be able to maintain the balance of Admin and Diplo tech two levels (and never more than two levels) behind Mil tech. That's the biggest difference you can sustain without triggering unbalanced research, and you never want to cross that line unless you're about to go into a war and you're not too far away from catching up.
As Russia, you're an Empire. That gives you far more flexibility to change your National Focus - make sure you're using it. In addition, whenever you get a crummy heir, make them a general ASAP and always leave them leading an army. You won't always manage to kill them off that way, but it'll leave you with fewer awful rulers in the long run. This can also apply to a ruler that just has stats in the wrong place - if unbalanced research is your problem, you don't just need rulers with a lot of points, you need them with points in the stats that help you. If you need to catch up with tech, you always want to make sure you have at least a level 1 advisor in that area, and higher advisors are better (to save money, you can afford to have no advisor at all in the tech you're too far ahead in). Planning can also be helpful here. If you know that you're better off in Diplo than Admin, focus on annexing vassals for a few decades and take it easy on expanding via coring. If you manage to get a surplus of Admin points, hold off on annexing your vassals and either expand directly or simply vassal feed. You can't choose your ruler, but you can choose the actions that you do around your ruler.
In your position, you need to get your corruption cleaned up as a first priority. When it comes to loans, keep an eye on how much interest you're paying. If it isn't too bad, then don't be afraid to take out a few loans along the way to get corruption down. Given your position, you really shouldn't be expanding a whole lot until your corruption is sorted out, so you should definitely have everything cored. Forts, as mentioned previously, are generally a waste of money; if you're the sort of nation that has money to waste, they can be strategically handy, but they're an extravagence, not an essential. Keep your armies away from your borders and drop the maintenance down to minimum unless you have rebels that are about to pop, and set your root out corruption slider as high as you possibly can. If you do have to fight any wars, make sure that you only feed your vassals rather than taking the territory for yourself; you can't afford the Admin points to core them yourself, and overextension only adds more corruption. If you have provinces that are of the wrong religion, it might be worth either releasing them as additional vassals (if you have diplo slots available) or feed them to your existing vassals (if they're not getting too uppity), because low religious unity also hurts your corruption. At least get to the point where nothing is adding to your corruption; if you keep your root out corruption slider as high as you can afford for long enough while you eliminate all sources of corruption, within a few decades your corruption will be back down to more managable levels. Another thing to note is that you want to build a spy network in the most technologically advanced country in the world; it'll give you a discount to your own tech costs, so you can catch up more easily (you do need a minimum level of Diplo tech to do this - I think it may be tech 10).
Also, be very careful about the demands you make in peace deals. Unless you've taken Religious Ideas and have Deus Vult, the CBs you'll be using in early game will cost you Diplo to take any provinces you don't have claims on (Imperialism crops up later in the game to achieve the same thing). Even if you do have Deus Vult, many demands still cost Diplo points, a luxury you can't afford at the moment. If you're finding yourself falling horribly behind on Diplo tech, it's probably a sign that you're making demands that go beyond your CB too often; it's really easy to miss the cost on the peace deal screen, but a single peace deal can easily cost a few hundred Diplo points.
Good events
The Honest Merchants of [Root.GetName]
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.While many traders are known for cheating countrymen and foreigners alike, lying about the quality of goods and making fraudulent promises, [Root.GetAdjective] merchants are well known to be trustworthy, if competitive. Although they may sometimes cut deals that benefit themselves and not their trade partners, they rarely lie or take bribes. This has made us the first choice of traders around the world.
Corruption is below 1
- Corruption is not growing
- Does not have country modifier “Trusted Merchants” Stability is +3
Gain country modifier “Trusted Merchants” for 10 years:
Trust Your Neighbor
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Although citizens are encouraged to show trust and good faith in their exchanges, the reality in many nations is that it's a risk people cannot afford to take. This, however, is not the case in [Root.GetName]. We have successfully stamped out corruption on so many levels in society, people not only trust officials to do their jobs without the extra help of a bribe but they also trust each other more in general exchanges. This general belief in the honesty of others is the very thread from which the fabric of society is woven, and our country is a shining example of it.
Corruption is below 1
- Corruption is not growing
- Does not have country modifier “Honest Administrators” Stability is +3
Gain country modifier “Honest Administrators” for 10 years:
Rigorous Researchers
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Academic institutions are not immune to corruption, and the profits that can be made by abusing positions of great influence can stand in the way of creating a good environment for research. However, [Root.GetAdjective] scientists are largely above this, focusing on genuine intellectual achievements above titles and financial contributions. The lack of corruption in society allows us to explore and invent without being impeded by selfish interests.
The search for knowledge must be valued in itself.An Honorable People
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Few are the countries in the world who do not claim to value honor and justice, but even fewer are the countries who actually live up to these ideals. However, the lack of large-scale and everyday corruption in [Root.GetName] has made it one of these rare places where principles matter over personal gain. Even abroad, [Root.GetAdjective] expatriates are sought-after for positions of trust, as our people are known for adherence to duty and rejecting attempted bribes. Who else can claim to live up to these ideals?
Gain 20 Prestige
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Not everyone who aids the enemy knows the true nature of their transgression. Spies may be loyal to a foreign power, but many of their information sources are people who are simply paid well for telling secrets they shouldn't, without understanding who makes use of them. However, in [Root.GetName], corruption has been all but extinguished. Spies who recently tried to compromise our administration through bribery and extortion have found themselves reported instead of aided by our officials, and are now at our mercy.
Corruption is below 1
- Corruption is not growing Stability is +3
- Any known country has Spy Network in our country at least size 25
- One random known country with Spy Network in our country at least size 25:
- Loses 25 Spy Network size in our country
Bi-yearly pulse II
To trigger good events:
Corruption must be below 1
- Corruption is not growing Stability is at least +3
To trigger neutral events:
To trigger bad events:
Europa universalis 4 коррупция как бороться
Playing as a country in Europe. If you take anything more than 2-3 provinces the entire HRE gangs up on you, but if you settle for that you'll never really expand at all.
Wat do? All I can think of is stacking up alliances.
15 мая. 2017 в 13:21- Ally the Emperor if your taking HRE land.
- Take vassals when not allied to Emperor if taking HRE land (If you can)
- Take/Create Vassals that have cores on land owned by an enemy to use the Reconquest CB, Reconquest CB is only 25% AE instead of the 100% of the Conquest CB. HUGE difference. Make sure to transfer occupation of that land with the vassal cores on it to the vassal and give it to the vassal in the peace treaty or you take 100% AE on it. Land you take with the Reconquest CB that does not have a vassals core or your core will be 100% AE and cost you diplo mana per province. Also if you take cores using the Conquest CB it will be 100% AE can cost Diplo mana. Use the right CB at the right time to get the least AE possible! (Notice I said Cores and not Claims. Claims are for the Conquest CB!)
- Take Influence ideas / anything that reduces AE
- Take anything you can that increases "Improve Relations" (Rate of Decay of negative relations such as AE)
- Take land out of HRE; (France, England, Italy-after Shadow Kingdom, Denmark etc etc) if you are IN the HRE.
- Expand out of your areas ASAP if you started in Europe / HRE. (NO-CB Ireland minors, War with Genoa to take Black Sea land etc. Get AE in other areas ASAP)
- If you started outside of Europe, attack specific religions. Continue to attack that religion until it is completely eliminated. Juggle the truces of that Religion so that 4 countries of that religion are never "up" at the same time.
- If you have very powerful allies, don't worry about a small coalition. (I don't mean small countries, I mean number as in the amount of countries actually in it)
- Learn to juggle truce timers so your enemies never sync up being able to join the same coalition against you
- Max out your Force Limit for both Army & Navy ASAP (Makes you appear more dangerous for coalition purposes)
You'll expand faster than any other country in the HRE with the exception of perhaps Bohemia or Brandenburg since they have amazing and somewhat easy access to non-HRE lands via Poland / Denmark 15 мая. 2017 в 14:12
The list above is quite good.
Create 'Cold War' conditions. This one used to be a lot easier before the change, but you can still sometimes get a situation where no one can get at you because of their needing military access through someone that they are rivalled with. Pay attention to who is hostile towards who, and you can sometimes find a window where potential coalitions would all be blocked by lack of military access to even get at you. If such a window opens up, you can sometimes take provinces with impunity so long as you are careful to stackwipe any coalition naval landings (assuming you aren't land-locked and/or can't just destroy the combined coalition naval power at sea). This used to be a lot easier. like I wrote, it's quite a bit different now, though it can still be done.
15 мая. 2017 в 14:15The list above is quite good.
Create 'Cold War' conditions. This one used to be a lot easier before the change, but you can still sometimes get a situation where no one can get at you because of their needing military access through someone that they are rivalled with. Pay attention to who is hostile towards who, and you can sometimes find a window where potential coalitions would all be blocked by lack of military access to even get at you. If such a window opens up, you can sometimes take provinces with impunity so long as you are careful to stackwipe any coalition naval landings (assuming you aren't land-locked and/or can't just destroy the combined coalition naval power at sea). This used to be a lot easier. like I wrote, it's quite a bit different now, though it can still be done.
Good one. I do this as well although I never had a cool name for it. 15 мая. 2017 в 14:32
i have 158 AE with almost the world nvm austria im playing as italy in 1602 atm i don't care for AE after i secure alliances at the start and i took diplomatic ideas my allies are france,aragon who ate all the top half as castille,morroco who has eaten portugal and the bottom half of castile, bohemia who has eaten all of poland tunis who ate almost all of mamluks aside from the ottomans land, saxony who ate all of almost germany aside from bohemias land and im currently the second world power so i dare attacks to come my way i think aragon and france can beat it nvm much effot from me,
Advice > in europe it's not really about the AE it's about only eating claims try claiming land that should belong to your capitale state first and make sure you get max allies even an opm can lend upwards of 6k units also an improved relations guy goes a long way and third don't rush there is no rush you should give at least 3 years of AE tick down with an improved relations guy b4 going to war again max AE before coalitions is 50 you should not care for AE after you can support 50k+ troops and have a big ally or two cause europe nations cant really beat you then
15 мая. 2017 в 14:39i have 158 AE with almost the world nvm austria im playing as italy in 1602 atm i don't care for AE after i secure alliances at the start and i took diplomatic ideas my allies are france,aragon who ate all the top half as castille,morroco who has eaten portugal and the bottom half of castile, bohemia who has eaten all of poland tunis who ate almost all of mamluks aside from the ottomans land, saxony who ate all of almost germany aside from bohemias land and im currently the second world power so i dare attacks to come my way i think aragon and france can beat it nvm much effot from me,
Advice > in europe it's not really about the AE it's about only eating claims try claiming land that should belong to your capitale state first and make sure you get max allies even an opm can lend upwards of 6k units also an improved relations guy goes a long way and third don't rush there is no rush you should give at least 3 years of AE tick down with an improved relations guy b4 going to war again max AE before coalitions is 50 you should not care for AE after you can support 50k+ troops and have a big ally or two cause europe nations cant really beat you then
Claims do not impact AE whatsoever. Zero.
Claims do reduce coring cost by 10% and coring time by 10% however
The single exception to this is Permanent Claims.
FYI, the Wiki is wrong.
The list above is quite good.
Create 'Cold War' conditions. This one used to be a lot easier before the change, but you can still sometimes get a situation where no one can get at you because of their needing military access through someone that they are rivalled with. Pay attention to who is hostile towards who, and you can sometimes find a window where potential coalitions would all be blocked by lack of military access to even get at you. If such a window opens up, you can sometimes take provinces with impunity so long as you are careful to stackwipe any coalition naval landings (assuming you aren't land-locked and/or can't just destroy the combined coalition naval power at sea). This used to be a lot easier. like I wrote, it's quite a bit different now, though it can still be done.
I've accidentally done something like this in peacetime actually, where Austria had a rebellion is post-burgundy land. They paid full maintaince for 40,000 soldiers because a 12 stack of rebels occupied a single cut off province. This continued for almost 20 years untill a random army with access into Austria met the rebels and killed them.
Is creating vassals just for reconquests really worth it? Vassals feel pretty useless so far, and integration is expensive and takes a long time.
I understand juggling coalitions, though usually on a smaller scale. I instantly declare war on nearby major countries before they can join the massive HRE coalition against me. Thing is, europe blobs into one giant coalition, so its hard to "juggle" multiple. Not to mention that war is costly and bloody, and my manpower can't take it.
I don't have the means or reasons to conquer lands outside europe just yet, but is it really worth it? They can be hard to suppress rebellions in, barely pay any tax, and may be difficult to defend.
Do coalitions always have that nasty +30 coalition war modifier? I made them lose 290,000 men and no less than EIGHTY THREE (83!) ships fighting me, while losing 80,000 men and only 3 ships, but they wouldn't even go for a white peace even after a decade long war, so I had to concede defeat for the greater good.
Also, can I have some advice for my current situation? I've recently conceded defeat to above mentioned coalition due to 2 of my allies not joining my war (Castille was apparently in a rebellion, and the Danish are a bunch of cowardly no good fish eating dirty bearded viking barbarians), and my AE penalty is starting to drop pretty well. Thing is, there is still land I want to own nearby, but taking them through conquest will bump it back up to doomstack level coalitions.
How do you deal with corruption?
So I found that EU4 is really broken for me since 1.17; because I have no ducats in-game.
So yeah - how do you manage corruption?
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castI just root it out.
it shouldnt cost you that much, you either have low religious unity (get humanism or religious ideas), very imbalanced techs (set your focus, catch up a bit) or are very overextended.
if you get hit with the event that gives +1 corruption or -1 stability then yeah it will probably cost a few hundred gold to get rid of the corruption, so chose wisely, but overall corruption should have a rather limited influence on your game.
Neutral events
Corrupt Taxmen
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Those who handle large sums of money have always been tempted to claim more than their share of it, and tax collectors are no exception. However, while money getting lost along the way may be a price we can afford to pay, affluent citizens have now found that they can avoid some taxes altogether by paying large bribes to taxmen instead. Currently this seems to be a scheme supported by some of the older collectors trying to retire comfortably. While it is costly, we might be able to avoid spending time and effort on a detailed investigation and just wait it out.
Corruption is between 2 and 10
Is triggered only by
Lose 40 Administrative power
Let them retire, they've served us well in the past.Lose ducats equal to 0.25 years of income
Corrupt Advisor
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.[Root.GetName] may be plagued by corruption, but we try to ensure that those closest to the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] can be trusted, at the very least. Try and fail, it seems, since one of [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s advisors was recently caught taking large bribes from people already wielding great influence in our country to provide the government with advice slanted to advance their interests. How shall we respond to this betrayal?
Publicly expose these lies and prepare an execution. Arrange for a quiet retirement in house arrest.Wily Smugglers
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Smuggling is an activity even the most simple-minded can decide to pursue - the only difference is that they get caught. More worrying are those with genuine talent in knowing who to bribe and what lies to tell to elude capture, and as smuggling becomes more profitable, these tend to grow in numbers.
We have been on the trail of a particularly clever band of smugglers recently, and the network of deceit they have managed to create to continue their operations continues to surprise us. How should we go about resolving this?
Corruption is between 2 and 10
- Does not have country modifier “Recruited Smugglers”
- Does not have country modifier “Smugglers Dominating”
[culture_province.Culture.GetName] Community Distrusts Us
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.[Root.GetName] may not house the most egregious liars and traitors in the world, but compared to some other countries, our people do tend to be a bit more easily bribed into abusing their authority. Most of the [Root.Owner.GetAdjective] population accepts the difficulties and, to the dishonest, occasional benefits this brings.
The [culture_province.Culture.GetName] people in [culture_province.GetName] see things differently. They lament this state of things as a consequence of letting the easily corrupted [Root.Culture.GetName] people rule the nation, claiming that the country ruled by their own people doesn't suffer the same fate. Some of them are suggesting that they would be better off seceding.
Apologize for our failure and promise to improve.Corrupt Ambassador
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Our representatives to other countries should represent our very best people, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes people are given posts as ambassadors because the administration wants them far away, and at worst, there is good reason for this.
As it turns out, one such ambassador has spent his well-paid exile further enriching himself with bribes. While this is not exactly improving our reputation with the locals, he has maintained important connections here at home and will not be dismissed without causing some trouble.
He has caused more trouble where he is. Get rid of him.Lose 30 Diplomatic power
One random ally gains opinion modifier “Corrupt Ambassador” towards us, worth −30 opinion with a yearly decay of 1 .
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