Europa universalis 4 как создать германию
Эта страница может содержать устаревшую информацию из игры, так как она актуальна для версии 1.17.
Germany is a formable nation that can be formed in Central Europe by anyone with a Germanic culture as their primary culture once they meet certain requirements. Like the Holy Roman Empire, the nation forming Germany will pass its ideas on to the new nation; for example, if Бранденбург or Пруссия formed Germany, the country would retain the old Prussian ideas and traditions.
Historically, Germany, or the idea of a unified German state (aside from the Holy Roman Empire) wasn't conceived of until after the Napoleonic Wars. However, the Germany portrayed in EUIV's timeline is more of the German Confederation as the successor to the Holy Roman Empire rather than the modern state of Germany.
Этот раздел может содержать устаревшую информацию об игре. Последняя версия, для которой эта информация была актуальной, является 1.19.Due to the very unique challenges faced by every nation in the empire, there are no one-size-fits-all guides for forming Germany. However, the two recommended choices for forming Germany are Австрия due to their strong start and position as Holy Roman Emperor and Бранденбург , who despite their sluggish start can quite easily steamroll any opposition when they set up a good income and Пруссия has been formed. They also have access to Königsberg, which means they aren't forced to reach across Germany for Elsass.
Several German countries (notably Австрия , Бавария and Саксония ) have national ideas that make them more suitable for diplomacy and imperial politics than for warfare while some prefer ( Бранденбург / Пруссия ), whose national ideas are suited very well for warfare. Of course, one's play style doesn't necessarily need to follow the path set by the ideas of the chosen country.
This is a compilation and strategy article for Germany.
Mechanics and flavor content are transcluded from other pages.
The German Confederation
−2 National unrest
The Universities of Germany
−10% Technology cost
+5% Discipline
The New Hanseatic League
+10% Trade efficiency
German Junkers
+0.5 Yearly army tradition
+5% Administrative efficiency
Eisen und Kohle
+20% Goods produced modifier
+1 Diplomatic relation
Germany is a formable nation that can be formed in Central Europe by anyone with a Germanic culture (except Dutch) as their primary culture once they meet certain requirements.
Historically, Germany, or the idea of a unified German state (aside from the Holy Roman Empire) wasn't conceived of until after the Napoleonic Wars. However, the Germany portrayed in EUIV's timeline is more of the German Confederation as the successor to the Holy Roman Empire rather than the modern Federal Republic of Germany.
Unifying Germany as Brandenburg
Этот раздел может содержать устаревшую информацию об игре. Последняя версия, для которой эта информация была актуальной, является "Неизвестная версия".Бранденбург is in a very strong position to form Germany as once they have conquered enough high development provinces from their neighbours, gained control of the Lübeck trade node and unlocked their top-tier national ideas they can go one-to-one with the likes of Austria, Poland and even France and Ottomans. A player seeking to unify Germany as Brandenburg should follow the standard Brandenburg strategy as it sets a loose strategy for the point where they are most vulnerable, and forming Пруссия then conquering all neighbouring land is a strategy used in most Бранденбург runs, except to form Germany the player has to act faster in order to not run out of time and also cut their ties with the Holy Roman Empire.
Germany or the HRE
Forming Germany is a unique challenge: Not only are there 14 provinces (and the territory that connects them) to be conquered, these provinces are part of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE). This means, among other things, doubled aggressive expansion penalty, the unlawful territory penalty, a -25 relations penalty for annexing a vassal that is a member of the HRE and very likely a devastating War of the Protestant League (historically known as Thirty Years' War) in the late 16th or 17th century. This makes this achievement harder compared to other similar non-European achievements such as Dar al-Islam.
However, those aiming to unify Central Europe may even consider reforming the Holy Roman Empire up to the point where it is unified as a Germanic cultural union nation. Additionally, the HRE is larger, and also includes the Netherlands (unless the Dutch nation is formed by decision), Bohemia, considerable parts of Italy (if the Shadow Kingdom event is prevented from firing) and some provinces in the French region.
On a side note, unifying the HRE also isn't an option for players wishing to play a republic; Republics can't be elected Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Это изображение может содержать устаревшую информацию об игре. Последняя версия, для которой эта информация была актуальной, является 1.17.Missions
Formable countries
This article has been verified for the current version (1.31) of the game.
A formable country is one that does not exist at the beginning of the game (although it might in later historical starts) but can be formed if certain conditions are met. A reformable country is one that does start as an independent nation but if it ceases to exist, then other countries with similar culture may transform into it, adopting their flag, ideas, and identity. All the relevant formation decisions can be found in their respective country pages (unless otherwise stated). Generally, a nation must meet the following requirements to form most formables:
- Target formable does not exist
- At peace
- Admin tech level at least 10
- Is not a non-tributary subject
- Is not a Steppe Horde
- Own and core certain provinces
- Some provinces can also be owned by non-tributary subjects
Europa universalis 4 как создать германию
Никита Авдеев запись закреплена
За кого посоветуете собирать Германию?
И сложно ли это вообще?
Александр РыжовИсторично и просто за бранд. Это очень просто, так как нужен аж 20 тех, к нему точно всё сожрешь.
Ainaz Safuanov
Никита Авдеев
Александр Рыжов ответил НикитеСамо собой. Это германию лучше не делать, а вот делать пруссию - обязательно.
Антон Херрингтонников ответил Сергею
Александр Романенко ответил АнтонуАнтон, хуй с ней прусской монархией, фпшка очень переоцененная, а вот прусские ивенты - да, ради них пруссию формить можно и нужно
Антон Херрингтонников ответил Александрупереоцененная по сравнению с феодальным дворянством?
Александр Романенко ответил Антону
Александр Рыжов ответил РуслануВ смысле не создать? Я пруссию из индуистского виджа создавал. Или религию менять тебе религия не позволяет?
Ну если ты верен своей вере? По сути истинно верующий религию сменить не может.(я курией владею лол)
Александр Рыжов ответил РуслануПротестантизм+прусская монархия круче даже перманентного контроля курии.
Ну не всегда же хочется играть за имбы верно? Я за прушку уже играл и формил из чего угодно, а если за котоликов? То кто лучше для форма Германии и не крупный как бранд бавария
Александр Рыжов ответил РуслануЯ тебя не понимаю, ты либо хочешь играть за самую простую страну для формирования германии, тогда бери пруссию и флаг тебе в руки, либо форми её по фану из кого хочешь. Я не знаю из кого проще формить пруссию - из меммингена или из зальцбурга.
Александр, да за прусаков уже играли все просто. Я ж думал пооригинальнее что рибудь придумаешь, например Гессен император сразу после смерти Австрика
Александр, а так в целом да не важно, за любую амебу в СРИ можно формить, но Пруссия уже задолбала
Александр Рыжов ответил РуслануЗачем это? Если ты намеренно вычеркнешь сильнейшие страны, то лучшим просто будет сильнейший из невычеркнутых, я не особо вижу смысл выбирать лучшего из худших, хочешь экзотики - форми из того, кто нравится.
Александр, ну муть не в силе а в процессе, игра ведь, как бы пруссия это как сложность уменьшить по моему. Просто сам играя осознавал что она нечестно сильна. Хотя в истории может так оно и было. Я и написал любая амеба без проблем к 20 то теху соберет
Form German Nation
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Regardless of the absence of a strong, central authority, our nation is prospering. The Hanseatic League, formed by hundreds of towns in northern Germany, has contributed to the prosperity of our nation. Intellectual growth, combined with sea and overland trading, has also helped spur the development and transform our country into a wealthy manufacturing center.
50 of the yellow colored provinces, all red provinces and one of each of the other colors must be owned and cored to form Germany.Содержание
Formable countries
All of these formation decisions require that the game is using the historical setup.
Former colonial nations
The following nations can only be formed by former colonial nations who have achieved independence. Unlike other formable nations, these can be formed in games using the random setup. A country can only form one of these nations during a scenario. Around half of these nations don't have unique ideas or events, so the formation decisions are mostly cosmetic, although they usually provide prestige and permanent claims on their respective regions.
Pirate nations
These pirate nations (except for Tétouan who has a core in the 1444 start date) can only appear via special event which allows the player to either: to release said country as an independent nation, release it as a march, or play the country as a newly released independent nation.
Federation countries
These countries can be formed by uniting a federation with the federation advancement “Federal Constitution”. Which country gets formed depends on the primary culture of the federation leader (in parenthesis).
Reformable countries
The following nations exist at the 1444 start, but can be reformed by other nations if they cease to exist:
End-game tags
German regional tags
The below is one of many player suggested strategies for Germany. Bear in mind, due to the dynamic nature of the game, it may unfold differently for other players.Starting as Brandenburg
Form Prussia as soon as possible. Prussia is an ideal candidate for forming Germany because of their militant ideas and government. See the Brandenburg and Prussia pages for strategy on starting. Note that Poland will most likely have taken Königsberg (41) from the Teutonic Order so it is a good idea to ally Poland's rivals to obtain the province.
Once Prussia is formed, the player should improve relations with Austria to form an alliance with them. If not Austria, the player should ally France or a strong non-Germanic country. For instance, Denmark (Or Sweden if they overthrow and are stronger than Denmark), Muscovy , Hungary , or even Ottomans . The player should use their discretion to choose allies. Austria may be the most critical alliance because they are frequently Emperor and are in the best position [aside from Prussia] to unite the German States, meaning if they go to war, Brandenburg [Prussia] would want to join them and control as much enemy territory as possible to prevent Austrian coring. However, Bohemia also has a high chance of winning the electorate. If that is the case, an alliance with Austria is key to get Bohemian land.
With a strong alliance, the player should begin to eat up North Germany, specifically gaining territories that lead to the provinces necessary to form Germany. For instance, Prussia should work their way through the Saxony regions to get to Brunswick (57), Thüringen (63), and Oberhessen (81). Prussia should continue with direct lines to the significant provinces until all are under control. It will not look organized, but is an efficient method. In addition, the player should pay special attention to the North German trade cities in the Lubeck trade node, as they are integral to amassing a sizable trade income.
It is important for the player to pay constant attention to heir-less German states that can become possible personal union partners. This allows for acquiring land without worrying about aggressive expansion, but only if the subjugation is caused diplomatically.
For more experienced players, you can use Prussia's OP ideas to quickly make a powerful military and expand very quickly in the HRE. With strong allies, you do not need to fear about gaining too much AE. Or, When Protestantism/Reformed spawns, Take the religion from these( as you need it for forming Prussia, and generally is better that Catholicism in-game ), and wait for the league war. In the league war, occupy the required capitals and dismantle the HRE, Or, you could ally all the electors, call in all possible allies to war with the emperor, occupy the emperor's capital and dismantle the HRE.
Starting as Brunswick
Forming Germany is similar as for Brandenburg, but with a few twists.
You start sharing the Welfian dynasty with Lüneburg . Either wait for a Claim Throne opportunity for a low liberty desire subject; or prioritise their annexation for fast Hanover formation. Brunswick and Hanover have ok diplomatic ideas; combine with Diplomatic to spread your dynasty - and ultimately form personal unions - over lesser HRE dukes. This can lessen aggressive expansion, balance admin and diplo mana use, and lead to direct inheritance of small dukes without any war at all. With Mandate of Heaven, remember you can halve the warscore cost of transferring subjects to you. An opportune player might be able to snag Bavarian or Saxon junior partners for themself. With another German tag as your subject, you can use their missions - and their claims - for more expansion opportunities.
The Lübeck node should be your main trading node, as you can steer all German trade there. Declaring on free cities, like Hamburg , will call the Emperor in. Instead, declare on their ally. Unlawful Territory demands can be avoided by vassalising in the peace deal.
Hanover generally has better ideas than Brunswick - form it as soon as possible. The Hanoverian mission tree includes a Restore Union CB on England . Use it for a colonial ally. Integrating England/GB helps earn other achievements, such as Fine Financials and Industrial Powerhouse.
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