Error reading user file plants vs zombies как исправить
Why am I getting an "Error Reading User File: File Too Short" message when starting Plants vs. Zombies?
This error is often related to a problem with the Plants vs. Zombies user files, such as your player profile and saved game information.
It may have occurred because the game did not have a chance to close properly, causing the user files to become corrupt.
To fix this error, the corrupt files have to be removed. This will allow the game to start normally and create new user files.
The process for removing these files varies depending on your version of Windows.
Please tap your operating system below:
Windows XP Users
If you're using Windows XP, simply uninstalling and reinstalling the game will delete the user files.
- Open the Start menu.
- Select Control Panel.
- Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
- Select Plants vs. Zombies from the list and click the Change/Remove button.
- To reinstall the game, go to your Purchase History and click Install Now next to Plants vs. Zombies.
Windows 7 / Vista Users
Uninstalling and reinstalling the game will not remove the user files if you are using Windows 7 or Vista. To remove the user file, it is necessary to manually locate and delete the files.
Finding and deleting your Plants vs. Zombies user files
- Open the Start menu (Windows pearl).
- At the bottom of the Start menu, type Folder Options into the Start Search box and press the Enter key.
- Click on the View tab and check Show hidden files and folders.
Please note: This folder's icon should appear faded, indicating that it is a hidden folder. If you don't see the ProgramData folder, please make sure the option to Show hidden files and folders is enabled as described in steps 1 - 3.
After following these steps and deleting the userdata folder, try launching the game again. Once the game has loaded, it should prompt you to create a new user and allow you to play.
Uninstalling and reinstalling the game will not remove the user files if you are using Windows 8 or 8.1. To remove the user file, it is necessary to manually locate and delete the files.
- Press the Home(Windows symbol) and x buttons on your keyboard, or hover over the bottom left corner of the screen and right-click.
- In the menu that appears, select File Explorer.
- At the top of the window, select the View
- Check the box for Hidden Items.
- Open the ProgramData
Please note: This folder’s icon should appear faded, indicating that it is a hidden folder. If you don’t see the ProgramData folder, please make sure the option Show hidden files and folders is enabled as described in steps 1 – 3.
Uninstalling and reinstalling the game will not remove the user files if you are using Windows 10. To remove the user file, it is necessary to manually locate and delete the files.
- Open the Start
- Select File Explorer.
- At the top of the window, select the View
- Check the box for Hidden Items.
- Open the ProgramData
Please note: This folder’s icon should appear faded, indicating that it is a hidden folder. If you don’t see the ProgramData folder, please make sure the option Show hidden files and folders is enabled as described in steps 1 – 3.
23 апр. 2015 в 22:55 Finally Found A Fix For The "File reading error"/"Failed reading file"My laptop runs Windows 8.1 and after a few leads from PopCap Support, I figured out how to fix this issue (hurray!!)
First we need to be able to view hidden files to find the folders/files we need. Here's what PopCap Support told me to do for that for Windows 8 users:
1. Run a Windows search to find "Control Panel"
2. Open the Control Panel shortcut (there may be several listed, as this tool is accessible through multiple paths, but the shortcuts all lead to the same tool)
3. If your Control Panel is set to Category view, change View by option to Large Icons
4. Click Folder Options
5. Click the View tab
6. Click Show hidden files, folders, and drives
7. Click Apply, then OK
(NOTE: remember to change it back to Hide hidden files, folders, and drives after you're done fixing the problem)
Next, navigate to this file path:
PopCap Support suggested a few things that didn't work, such as "restore previous versions" and copying/pasting files from the "userdata" folder. I couldn't find the "restore previous versions" option, nor was I able to find any files in the userdata folder. Instead, I found a folder called "userdata_backup". I did the following steps and was able to launch PVZ AND keep my progress from before the "File reading error":
1. Make sure the userdata folder is empty.
2. Move all the files from userdata_backup into the userdata folder.
3. Launch PVZ. The game will then have a pop-up window that will overall ask if you'd want to load your local save file, Steam save file, or cancel. Click Local Save File.
4. BOOM! You should be able to successfully launch PVZ with your progress still intact.
UPDATE: I completed The Tree of Wisdom achievement AFTER the fix, and it DOES safe to the Steam Cloud!! Now that it's for sure that the local save file has overwritten the one in the Steam Cloud, you're all set to kill them zombies. Good luck everyone!!
since google sent me here and the last post is pretty recent. As far as i know there isn't a known public fix for the save corruption. Any methods meantioned are basically "find a place where there is a backup". Including this one which is "get steam to download the cloud version of your save".
With anything that ever involves deleting a file, always make a backup elsewhere, you want to make sure you can revert if something doesn't work properly.
29 мар. 2013 в 21:40PopCap seems to have a god awful Steam Cloud save implementation, shame on them. After mucking around with this for a while, seemed like somehow my save file stored in the cloud was corrupt and just couldn't be recovered. (That is, my user1.dat file was stuffed. I tried the trick to rebuild my users.dat file, but it didn't work.)
Anyhow, I managed to clear my save data this way, so I could at least play PvZ again:
- In the game properties for PvZ, turn off Steam Cloud sync.
- Find your cloud save folder for PvZ in explorer. E.g.
- Delete all the files in this folder.
- Start PvZ again. It'll ask your name to create a new profile with and won't crash. Hurray! But we're not done yet.
- Turn Steam Cloud sync back on and start PvZ again. Steam will present a cloud conflict dialogue; pick local files/upload to cloud.
- PvZ will create a new profile for you again.
- You can exit PvZ and the new profile will then sync back into the cloud and it should be all fixed.
Hope this helps.
16 июн. 2016 в 0:25 @well ACTUALLY: Old thread is old, but had to say thank you. Just spent hours of trying *everything*, and this post solved the issue in less than 5 minutes. You rock. 16 июн. 2016 в 2:12 17 июн. 2016 в 14:34 17 июн. 2017 в 1:16 Just here to say that Kindlewave's method actually works! I've been unable to play this game for YEARS! 16 мар. 2018 в 16:55PopCap seems to have a god awful Steam Cloud save implementation, shame on them. After mucking around with this for a while, seemed like somehow my save file stored in the cloud was corrupt and just couldn't be recovered. (That is, my user1.dat file was stuffed. I tried the trick to rebuild my users.dat file, but it didn't work.)
Anyhow, I managed to clear my save data this way, so I could at least play PvZ again:
- In the game properties for PvZ, turn off Steam Cloud sync.
- Find your cloud save folder for PvZ in explorer. E.g.
- Delete all the files in this folder.
- Start PvZ again. It'll ask your name to create a new profile with and won't crash. Hurray! But we're not done yet.
- Turn Steam Cloud sync back on and start PvZ again. Steam will present a cloud conflict dialogue; pick local files/upload to cloud.
- PvZ will create a new profile for you again.
- You can exit PvZ and the new profile will then sync back into the cloud and it should be all fixed.
So first off, thanks for this post, the game is finally working again after years of it just sitting useless on my PC.
However, I wasn't prompted to create a new profile again.
My old save data seems to be gone with the files I deleted per the instructions. Is that the way this has to be? If so, I'm still just happy the game is working again.
Часто играла в игру "plants vs zombies" и через какое-то время она перестала запускаться. Выскакивает вот такое окно.
Удаление и установка игры заново не помогает. В чем причина и что делать?
Действительно, если зайти в папку, где содержится игра и удалить папку userdata, то игра начнет запускаться без проблем. Я конечно сначала вырезала папку и сохранила на рабочем столе, но затем удалила ее бесповоротно, так как проблем с игрой больше не возникало.
Я не уверен, но есть смысл попробовать удалить файл сохранения, а затем попробовать зайти в игру
зайдите в папку куда установлена игра, там должна быть папка userdataсодержимое папки скопируйте, допустим на рабочий стол, после этого удалите все из папки и по пробуйте зайти в игру
Мне помог запуск от имени администратора.
Фундаментальная потребность человека -быть правым! Иначе он не сможет жить,просто потеряет смысл! Как альтернатива признанию своих ошибок,для твердолобых -подойдет вариант "я не отступаю,это я развернулась -и прямо вперед. "
Самая распространенная их ошибка - это навязчивость. Как правило, в основной своей массе, при общении такие люди будут постоянно настаивать на своих интересах и пытаться убедить потенциального покупателя в том, что ему это необходимо. На деле, потенциального клиента очень мало волнует, что там ему пытаются "впарить", он преследует только свои интересы и сам хочет решать, на что ему тратить собственные денежки. Располагают к себе люди, способные переключиться со своих на потребности другого человека, даже, если они не могут решить проблему, занимающую мысли человека в данную минуту, но дадут полезный совет или проявят искреннее участие, человек будет благодарен и может сделать "ответный жест", проявив интерес к бизнесу.
Ученики очень ответственно относятся к государственному экзамену ЕГЭ и конечно же очень много нервничают и могут допустить ошибку, заполняя экзаменационный бланк.
В этом случае организаторы обязаны заменить индивидуальный пакет с записью в протоколе. В том случае, если ошибка была допущена в написании фамилии то пакет не заменяют.
В том случае, если ошибка была допущена в самом экзамене, то ученик после сдачи экзамена должен подать апелляцию на рассмотрение комиссии ГЭК.
А лучше не совершать ошибок и внимательно отнестись к сдаче экзамена, чтоб такие мелочи как заполнение бланка не отвлекали от экзамена.
Все оказалось сильно просто. Эта функция AVZGuard не работает в автономном режиме и в windows 8. В windows 7 еще запускается, а в 8 не подключается. Разработчикам только предстоит ее адаптировать для windows 8.
Эта хрень только сегодня появилась и то - совсем недавно, с утра не было. У меня он ещё и не открывается ничем, но я сильно и не стремлюсь его открыть, раз он весит 0.
Просто сразу удаляю на всякий пожарный - на фига мне всякие непонятки.
Думаю, это какая-то техническая заморочка на сайте и администрация в скором времени разберётся с этим недоразумением.
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