Enigmatic cache stellaris что это
Андрій Хмельницький запись закреплена
Привет. А что с этим левиафаном делать - Зонд Сущность. Уже который раз играю на протяжении двух лет и там просто одно исследование этой бочки и все, дальше она просто летает по моим системам и ничего не происходит.
Должны быть определенные условия для просвещения, какие не помню
оно дает + к науке. а вообще, один раз мне удалось вроде отремонтировать его, ивент выпадает, но что дало - не помню. могу днем сейв посмотреть и сказать
может дать баф на добычу ресов, продолжительность жизни или счастье как в плюс так и минус
Спустя примерно 50 лет после мид-энда прилетает к самой сильной империи в галактике (только к живому игроку) и предлагает возвыситься.
Сначала дает дебафф к счастью, через какое-то время, потом возникает эвент на ремонт (если правильно выбрать вариант).
Починишь - получишь плюшку в виде баффов. Проигноришь - получишь дебаффы.
Никита, по идее. По факту больше похоже вообще на рандом, по моему опыту.
К обычной империи, несильной по науке и не являющейся машинным разумом
Зонд Сущности - Левиафан, которого невозможно убить, но с которым можно пообщаться. Нейтрален ко всем формам жизни, не имеет вооружения, но при нападении перемещается в неизвестном направлении подальше от нападавшего и продолжает путь по другим империям, не пересекаясь более с агрессором. Способен преобразовать расу в более приспособленных к научной деятельности (с упором на физ.исследования, если не путаю), но с дебафом к счастью, потому что "жизнь настолько же бессмысленна, насколько бессмысленно всё".
Олег, путаешь. Общий баф на 10% ко всем исследованиям и 25% к скорости роста опыта лидерам.
Олег, дебаффа на счастье потом нет - он будет присутствовать только в процессе просвещения на столице
Дмитрий, а, вот оно как. Выходит, не довёл до конца данную линейку заданий. Спасибо за поправку.
Олег, я видел 2 исхода - полное завершение, удачное. И менее удачное, когда раса делится на 3 неравных куска - баф на 5% науки (частичное преобразование), полный баф (мизер от расы), и неудачное преобразование - минус 10% к научной деятельности. Это если забыл про починку трубы строительным кораблём (у меня в этот момент война гремела)
Asteroid Hives
If the system is claimed with a Starbase the Asteroid Hives will awaken with the following MTTH based on the number of constructed mining stations:
Mining Stations | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
MTTH | 100 years | 33.3 years | 11.1 years | 3.7 years | 1.2 years | 0.4 years |
The Asteroid Hives use only strike craft as their weapons. As a result carrier ships are the ideal counters as the Asteroid Hives have no point-defense themselves and launched strike craft will engage and destroy the enemy ones before attacking the guardians. In addition carrier ships have point defenses themselves.
If the Voidspawn did not hatch the planet will return to its original appearance once all Rifts Blockers are removed.
Ether Drake
A random class F star system in the galaxy will feature a Molten World called Dragon's Hoard guarded by the Ether Drake, a dragon-like guardian the size of a moon. The Ether Drake uses only energy weapons that do -20% damage to shields and has high hull and armor but no shields itself. As a result, shielded fleets equipped with energy weapons are the ideal counter. Initially the Ether Drake will stay and guard Dragon's Hoard but should it be attacked enough to lose 20% HP it will go to two random systems belonging to the attacker and destroy their starbases. After the Ether Drake leaves if the systems were colonized the starbases will be rebuild into frontier outposts. If the Ether Drake loses 85% HP it will stay or retreat to Dragon's Hoard and heal.
Defeating the Ether Drake grants the following rewards:
Enigmatic cache stellaris что это
Андрей Чернов запись закреплена
Андрей, 3 колбочки разных цветов, зелёная на пригодность, +5%, самая нижняя на +10 жизни лидерам и хп армий, последняя на -5% жилья попами.
Дмитрий, я про Enigmatic Cache, оказывается у него продолжение есть.
Андрей, а. В какой-то момент прилетает к тебе на столицу, выходит с тобой на связь и говорит, что вы примитивы, но он может провести преображение. Если ты полностью следуешь преображению - получаешь полное преображение на +10% ко всем наукам и 25% к скорости роста опыта у лидеров.
Если ты не подведёшь в процессе строительный корабль
, то часть расы получит частичное преображение (только опыт), а часть расы получит отрицательное преображение (-15% к наукам, - к опыту лидерам)
Дмитрий, ему для этого нужно все планеты просканировать, видимо я первый раз дожил до этого года.
Infinity Machine
A black hole system in the galaxy named Gargantua will house the Infinity Machine, the only guardian in the game that's not hostile. At first no interaction with the Infinity Machine is possible but a year or two after being discovered the guardian will send a transmission and start a special project that requires 360 days and at least a level 3 scientist leader to be finished. Completing the special project allows the following options:
Horizon Signal
Corrupted Avatar
A randomly placed system with a wormhole will bring an event window when first entered, mentioning a signal coming out of the wormhole and hinting that this specific wormhole is different from the rest. Exploring the wormhole will reveal its connection to a trinary system in the galaxy with no hyperlane connections. Said system is guarded by a Corrupted Avatar (aka Psionic Entity). The Avatar uses only energy weapons that ignore armor but do -75% damage to shields. It has moderate hull and shields but no armor, making kinetic weapons very effective.
The Corrupted Avatar can be avoided by setting a science ship's stance to passive and guiding it around the guardian. This approach does not allow colonizing the Gaia World but it does allow the research reward to be claimed.
If a Sentry Array has been completed the system housing the Corrupted Avatar can be seen but cannot be entered with Jump Drives until the system has been entered via the wormhole first.
Unlike other guardians the Corrupted Avatar will always be present if the required DLC is installed. Its system is accessible only via a wormhole which will appear even if wormholes were disabled on game startup.
Automated Dreadnought
A random system in the galaxy with two habitable worlds will be defended by the Automated Dreadnought, an ancient warship of old locked in patrol mode. The Automated Dreadnought uses regular ship components and can be countered appropriately.
2 Launcher T2 5 Plasma T3 3 Plasma T3 2 Disruptor T3 3 Point-Defense T3
6 Armor T5 6 Shields T5 3 Shield Capacitor 2 Regenerative Hull Tissue
Tachyon Sensors Jump Drive Sapient Combat Computer (Line) Impulse Thrusters
Defeating the Automated Dreadnought gives the following two choices:
Enigmatic Fortress
A random class A star system in the galaxy will house the Enigmatic Fortress, a massive space station guarded by numerous unique defense platforms. The Enigmatic Fortress uses regular components and can be countered appropriately. The installation consists of the following stations:
7 Artillery T2 8 Shield T6 7 Armor T5 1 Enigmatic Decoder 1 Shield Capacitor Reactor T6 Sensor T4
1 Artillery T2 1 Autocannon T3 1 Point Defense T3 8 Shield T6 4 Armor T5 1 Enigmatic Decoder 1 Shield Capacitor Reactor T6 Sensor T4
1 Artillery T2 1 Autocannon T3 4 Shield T6 3 Armor T5 1 Shield Capacitor Reactor T6 Sensor T4
1 Autocannon T3 1 Point Defense T3 2 Shield T6 2 Armor T5 2 Shield T6 1 Shield Capacitor Reactor T6 Sensor T4
1 Autocannon T3 1 Armor T5 4 Shield T6 1 Shield Capacitor
Defeating the Enigmatic Fortress will start a lengthy event chain that must be completed to gain its rewards. Letting the timer expire at any point will result in the vault repowering.
Bemat Thalassocracy
1 Kinetic T3 1 Plasma T1 1 Disruptor T1 2 Shield T2 1 Afterburners T2 1 Shield Capacitor Jump Drive Thrusters T4 Sensors T2 Reactor T5 Combat Computer T1
1 Plasma T3 1 Plasma T3 3 Laser T5 4 Shield T4 2 Armor T3 1 Shield Capacitor Jump Drive Thrusters T3 Sensors T2 Reactor T5 Combat Computer T2 (Line)
1 Missiles T5 2 Swarmer Missiles T1 2 Disruptor T2 2 Plasma T3 2 Kinetic T3 5 Shield T4 3 Armor T3 1 Auxiliary Fire Control 1 Nanite Repair System Jump Drive Thrusters T3 Sensors T2 Reactor T5 Combat Computer T2 (Artillery)
Enclaves are neutral NPC spawned factions. They do not own any planets, but consist of large enclave stations. They primarily exist to be interacted with via Diplomacy Menu using the "Others" filter. There are 3 types of enclaves: Artisans, Curators, and Traders. Each of them has two or three basic interactions, and one or two restricted interactions that can only be used after an Opinion of at least 50 is reached.
Their maximum Opinion is 100, and an empire builds opinion with them by using their services or having starbases in their systems. +1 opinion is gained each year. This is not cumulative when owning multiple systems with the same enclave. The enclave Opinion is tracked wholly via the trust mechanic, and no other Diplomacy bonuses or penalties apply.
The primary resource for interacting with enclaves is energy. Most actions are repeatable, but some of the actions also have an increasing cost. The price increases as an empire's population goes past certain thresholds:
Curator enclaves can always be asked how would the player's fleets fare against the leviathans. Depending on the total fleet power they will give the following replies:
- Below 5k: Poorly. Very poorly. Wait a second, you're not actually thinking of. My goodness, with the ships you have? It. it would be a slaughter!
- Between 5k and 15k: I would strongly advise against it. Your attacks would likely be more of an annoyance than a threat.
- Between 15k and 30k: Hmmm. yes. yes, I suppose you might actually stand a chance. If you combined your entire fleet. it would not be an easy victory, mind you, but one that is at least within the realm of possibility.
- Over 30k: Yours is a mighty fleet, comparable to some of the greatest armadas recorded in the annals of the Curator Order. Victory is certainly within your reach.
Note that their advice is inaccurate on the highest difficulties which require an even stronger fleet.
Attacking enclaves
While enclaves will never become hostile to any empire except in retaliation, they can be attacked like any neutral entity. With around 7k fleet power and highest level weapons they are no easy prey. Various rewards can be salvaged from their remnants, depending on the type of enclave destroyed.
Enclave stations do not drop debris for salvage. Attacking a curator or artisan enclave will make every enclave station of the same type unavailable for trade.
Crystalline Empire
- 1 use of the Settle Crystalline Refugees decision for 10 years
- 1 use the the Cystalline Construction decision for 10 years
- A level 7 scientist leader
Destroying the Crystalline Empire enclave grants no rewards.
Spaceborne aliens
Spaceborne aliens are spacefaring forms of life which will likely be the first aliens that new spacefarers will encounter. Every difficulty level above Ensign increases the power of Leviathans and Marauder Empires, with the exact raised stats varying for each. Other Spaceborne Aliens are not affected by the difficulty level.
Space creatures
Space creatures are entities which may not even classify as ships or life in the common meaning of the words. They generally inhabit a certain area of space and are seldom seen away from it. Upon First Contact completion a special project will be added to the situation log, which when completed will allow an empire to deal with them in three ways:
If killed, space creatures will slowly respawn in their home system.
Stellar Devourer
The Stellar Devourer's weapons are mostly energy and torpedoes, so shields and point defense are an effective counter. It has extremely high hull and point-defenses, but no armor or shields, making hull-damaging weapons such as plasma weapons and particle launchers the most effective counter.
Defeating the Stellar Devourer will give the option to issue a special project to investigate its remains that takes 60 days to be finished. Once examined it will give the following options:
Scavenger Bot
A random class M Red Giant star system will contain an ancient battlefield debris field patrolled by the Scavenger Bot, an ancient construct constantly scrounging the debris field for new parts.
The guardian uses only guided weapons. It uses equal amounts of shields and armor but has no point-defense and barely any evasion, making both guided weapons and strike craft very effective against it.
Dimensional Horror
A random black hole system in the galaxy will appear empty on sensors but reveal the Dimensional Horror when first entered, a nightmarish creature that entered only partially in the current dimension. The guardian cannot move but its tentacles can strike across the entire system. Its weapons ignore armor but do -75% damage to shields. The Dimensional Horror has equal amount of shields, armor and hull as well as no evasion, making the long-ranged Kinetic Artillery or size X weapons the ideal counter.
Defeating the Dimensional Horror will leave behind a dimensional rift with a special project that takes 140 days to be researched. Once examined, it will give the following rewards:
Guardians are extremely powerful Spaceborne aliens added in various DLCs. They can be found in special predetermined systems and rival moons in size and mass. They are marked with a skull icon both in the fleet power box and on the galactic map, and the exact strength number can only be seen with debug mode on. Each guardian has a unique event chain. While one can just stumble over one during exploration, they can also be found with the help of the Curator Enclave. Guardians have an immense amount of health and should only be engaged mid-late game.
Guardians get various bonuses to make them stronger based on the game difficulty. AI empires will only attack a guardian if their fleet power is at least 40k.
Available only with the Necroids DLC enabled. |
Tiyanki Matriarch
A random system in the galaxy with a Gaia World and another habitable world will be home to the Tiyanki Matriarch, the eldest member of the species and the only one to be aggressive when approached. The Matriarch has two weapons - one that ignores armor and does -75% damage against shields and one that deals double damage against both shields and armor. It also has significant armor and very high hull but no shields and as a result should be engaged with energy weapons.
Defeating the Tiyanki Matriarch gives the following rewards:
Spectral Wraith
The Spectral Wraith is a guardian that can only appear during the mid-game years. A random pulsar in the galaxy when surveyed will reveal a unique Pulse Germination modifier. The first empire that surveys the pulsar will be shown an event window pointing to the date when the mid-game starts and hinting that is the system where the Spectral Wraith will spawn.
- the hull has 20k Hitpoints, 10k Armor and a serious 75% Evasion. With aforementioned debuff reducing it to 5k Armor, 25% Evasion. Accordingly, small Energy Weapons offer the right amount of Tracking and Anti-Armor Ability, but with the high hull/armor ratio just about any weapon can work
- the Weapons deal 100% to hull, 200% to Armor, 50% to Shields, at 80% Accuracy, 75% Tracking
- Destroyers or Cruisers with small to medium guns and heavy shields or crystal plating should be ideal and available
- Defeating it is possible starting
5k Fleet power, assuming a perfect countering built. With
Defeating the leviathan gives a permanent empire modifier with the following effects:
The Nomads, or Namarians as they call themselves, are a passive millennia old intergalactic race with no homeworld, forever traveling the void in their starships. Once they establish communications the nomads will help establish communications between any encountered empires that did not discover each other yet. They travel from system to system and their stay in the galaxy is temporary and will eventually set sail for another one. Events related to them can take place during their stay.
The date when and if the Nomads arrive is rolled at game start, with the following chances:
- 20% chance to appear after 20 years ± 500 days
- 25% chance to appear after 40 years ± 500 days
- 25% chance to appear after 55 years ± 500 days
- 30% chance to never appear
When their time is due they will spawn in a random Rim System that has no ship in it and that no empire has an intel level better than low. Upon appearing, they will decide the midpoint and endpoint of their journey. On their journey Nomads will perform an action when entering a system. Those actions depends on if the system has an owner and what the relationship with the owner is.
If the system is owned by an empire that has neither contact nor is hostile to them, they will start orbiting a random planet in the system until contact is established. The player is not capable of deciphering their communications but contact will always be established by them after 100 days. After contact is established they will send the owner a request. If they enter another system owned by the same empire they will roll for a request again. Each interaction has the following chances:
If the system has no owner, and neither hostile, mid- or endpoint of their journey, they will perform a peaceful action with the following chances:
- 10% - Build new Ships
- x10 if under 3k Fleet Power
- x5 if under 5k Fleet Power
- x0 if over 10k or has the have the ship building lockout
- x0 if less than 1.5k Fleet Power
While the Nomads are inherently peaceful, a fight can be picked in order to get access to their technology. Nomads are easy prey but their technology is just average by midgame, making this rarely useful. The nomad fleet consists of the following:
1 Laser T4 2 Point-Defense T2 2 Armor T3 1 Shields T3 Hyperdrive T3 Thrusters T3 Sensors T3 Reactor T4 Combat Computer T3 (Picket)
Hyperdrive T3 Thrusters T3 Sensors T3 Reactor T4
Enigmatic Cache
The Enigmatic Cache, or BALDOR as it calls itself, is a tubular entity that will emerge from any Gateway or L-Gate once the mid-game year is reached and set course for the nearest empire that is not at war. Upon taking damage to its hull it will instantly teleport away to the closest system with a Gateway or L-Gate.
After all colonies in the galaxy have been scanned, the Enigmatic Cache will go to the capital of a biological empire that did not attack it and request to uplift the main species via a special project that takes 2 years. In multiplayer the human player with the lowest Relative Power is chosen, random if tied. In singleplayer the player empire is always chosen.
Around 4 months into the project is started the empire will be notified that the Enigmatic Cache is deteriorating and bring the following options:
Note: The traits do not give unique bonuses to leaders despite the tooltips saying they do.
The Elder One
The Elder One fights identically to the Dimensional Horror. If killed the empire modifier provided will be removed.
Shard is a guardian that fights identically to the Ether Drake. She appears upon the conclusion of the Kleptomaniac Rats Archaeology Site excavation. Defeating her grants the Rubricator Relic.
If the Relic World is colonized the guardian will destroy the colony in two years if it's not defeated.
As the excavation already requires claiming the system, the starbase can be upgraded into a bastion citadel in preparation for the fight. Alternatively the final Chapter of the site can be delayed to better prepare technologically.
If Shard spawns adjacent to a Fallen Empire, the Empire will send a fleet to destroy her, rendering the Rubricator unobtainable.
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