Enderal темные комнаты нашего разума где тараэль
Tharaêl Narys is a member of the Rhalâta, and the protagonist of the Rhalâta quest line. The Prophet is introduced to Tharaêl during the quest Blood and Dust.
Tharaêl lived on the streets with his friend Letho, until there were two available beds at the Orphanage. The Orphanage, known as Refuge, was run by Sha’Gun until she died from a fleshmaggot infestation. When Tharaêl was six, he and Letho, along with at least a dozen other orphans, were sold to The Father to be subjects of his experiments.
At sometime between the ages of twelve and fourteen, after The Father thought the experiment had failed, Tharaêl was dumped into a pile of dead bodies.Tharaêl tells the Prophet that this is his only memory after he was taken from the orphanage. He attempted to get guards in Ark to do something about this, but since the Rhalâta control the Undercity, they ignored his plea.
Years later, after teaching himself how to fight and survive, he entered the as a fighter in the Dust Pit. One of the Voices of The Father, noticed how well he could fight and offered Tharaêl the chance to join the Rhalâta as a Scion. Over the next eight years he made his way through their ranks until he became a Voice himself. Sometime later he saw the Prophet fight in the Pit, and offered them the chance to become a mercenary in his plot of revenge against The Father.
Enderal:In Our Shadows
This quest will begin automatically after the end of Qalian's Last Smile. Wait one in-game day, and head over to Tharaêl hideout in the Undercity's Main Cavern. You'll find his Shed at the very start of the Main Cavern: from the signpost where you can fast-travel, go down the stairs and take the first door to the left.
Once you enter the shed, you'll be greeted by Tharaêl, sitting on top of a tall crate. He'll explain that you should follow three basic rules in the Rhalâta temple:
- Never talk to anyone unless talked to first
- Always wear clothing and a helmet, do not show your skin
- Do not talk about The Father
Additionally, he will tell you your cover story: You learned about the lost pages from Rezio Daram, met Tharaêl in the Lost Dog, and reclaimed the pages together.
Follow Tharaêl, and he will lead you to the entrance of the Rhalâta hideout, where Brother Sorrow, The Father's personal bodyguard, will allow you entrance. Once inside, breaking any of the rules Tharaêl outline will lead to decreasing trust by the Rhalâta, which will have an effect later. In special, talking to any NPC, even if they say nothing in response, will cause your trust to fall.
Tharaêl will lead you to the First Seer, who will ask how you learned about the lost pages. Reply with "Rezio Daram", the name Tharaêl gave you as a cover. The First Seer will then ask how you met Tharaêl. Reply saying that you met him the Lost Dog. With that, he will give you a note and direct you to Sister Envy, to collect your 300 pennies reward. When collecting your reward, make sure to not tell Sister Envy how you earned it, or your trust will fall. Once you're done, go back to where the First Seer was.
Tharaêl will try to convince the seer that you are worthy of being part of the expedition set out by The Father. When the seer starts considering you, remain silent, or your trust with the Rhalâta will fall. The seer seems to agree, but wants to test you first: He instructs you to kill Sister Pride, a Rhalâim that deserted. If you ask any questions, your trust with the Rhalâta will fall. As such, it is better to simply accept the job straight away, no questions asked.
Brother Greed will teleport you to the Dark Valley when you're ready, then give you a note explaining that Sister Pride fled into the Lightgrove. In the Lightgrove, you'll have the opportunity to find three letters left behind by Sister Pride. The first letter can be found on top of the altar at the center of the cave, straight ahead from the entrance. The second letter can be found on the ground of a corridor leading away from a study room with many jars and books. The third letter can be found at the very top of the stairwell. You'll have to jump your way up to find the third letter, as the stairs are semi-collapsed.
Tharaêl displays symptoms that are similar to those of persons suffering from dissociative identity disorder or DID (formerly known as multiple personality disorder). In the quest "Old Wounds" when the player brings him the book, tharael acts like a traumatized child, sharing memories revolving trauma whilst trying to play. He then feels dizzy and wants to go to sleep, hinting at dissociation, the core symptom of DID. When Tharaêl awakes, he reassumes his 'normal' personality and doesn't recall the things 'child tharaêl' did and said, hinting at another DID symptom: Dissociative fugue, a form of selective amnesia. Having a child identity along with other identities, ignorant of the trauma is typical for people with dissociative identity disorder. It is possible that the fathers experiments caused tharaêls personality to split into at least two identities: The child who preserves his innocence but recalls the trauma and the sociopathic antihero who does what he has to to survive and forgets a lot of traumatizing details.
В детстве Тараэль жил на улицах вместе со своим другом Прорицатель сражается в Яме, и предложил ему(ей) работу - поучаствовать в реализации его плана мщения Отцу.
Тараэль Нарис (ориг. Tharaêl Narys) - главный герой квестовой линии Ралаты. Прорицатель знакомится с Тараэлем во время квеста Кровь и пыль .
- Blood and Dust
- Qalian's Last Smile
- In Our Shadows
- Old Wounds
- Brothers
- Dark Chambers of our Mind
Слово мертвеца
Войдите в комнату Ахрива в Хроникуме. Там вы встретите Архимагистра Лексиля Меррайила, Теалора Арантеаля и Джеспара Даль'Варека, а также тело мертвого пирийца в ледяном саркофаге.
Архимагистр объяснит вам, что, для того чтобы войти в разум мертвого пирийца, вам нужно достать артефакт Слово мертвеца. Этот артефакт, по слухам, находится в руках коллекционера, называемого Старцем. Теалор предупредит вас, что против него нельзя предпринимать никаких насильственных действий, так как даже Рожденные светом приказали Ордену не вмешиваться в его дела. План таков: найти артефакт в усадьбе Старца, телепортировать к себе тело пирийца, а затем использовать артефакт на нем. В воспоминаниях пирийца вы должны найти последние слова ритуала.
Когда слуга уйдет, вы сможете немного поболтать с Джеспаром, но как только музыка начнется, вы должны начать искать артефакт.
Комната с книгами
Вы окажетесь на ферме, окруженной непроходимым туманом. Постучите в дверь дома. Вы узнаете, что пирийцы проигрывают войну Высшим, но у них все еще может быть шанс. Возьмите ключ от сундука в комнате, где молится Курмар. Идите в спальню, где спит Лилиана, чтобы открыть запертый сундук в этой комнате. В этом сундуке вы найдете свиток с глифами.
Однако после этого ваш дом подвергнется нападению. Вам нужно будет отбить три волны врагов, состоящих из воинов, лучников и магов. После этого вы услышите, что кто-то проник в дом. Когда вы броситесь обратно в дом, вас застрелит боевой маг. Он будет игнорировать просьбы о милости и убьет вас.
Когда вы касаетесь одного из осколков, получаете новый постоянный баф в книгу заклинаний: Осколок сигильского камня.
- Кровь и пыль
- Последняя улыбка Калиана
- В наших тенях
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