Emerging conduit eve online где найти
Combat Sites are a broad class of locations involving player versus environment (PvE) combat, usually in engagements against pirate faction enemies. Combat sites can be found throughout all types of space in New Eden, now including null security and wormhole space. The rewards for completing a given site can also vary due to the nature of rare loot mechanics: most sites have a (largely unknown) percentage-based chance to spawn a uniquely named enemy ship, which in turn has its own chance to drop random Deadspace or Faction modules, or even unique blueprint copies.
Combat sites are usually found via exploration and most fall into one of two broad categories: combat anomalies and cosmic signatures. The most notable difference is that anomalies do not need locating, while cosmic signatures must be found using Core Scanner Probes. Combat sites found as cosmic signatures may be further divided into DED rated complexes, unrated complexes, and chemical labs. In general, cosmic signature combat sites are considered to be both more dangerous and more rewarding than combat anomalies found in similar areas of space.
Like missions, the type and amount of enemy ships found in a particular combat site is consistent across all instances of the site, with only a small, pre-determined amount of variance. The enemies present in a given combat site can belong to one of six factions in New Eden: Serpentis, the Angel Cartel, the Blood Raider Covenant, the Guristas Pirates, Sansha's Nation, or the Rogue Drones, and most combat sites are named for the faction found within. Unlike missions, combat sites do not feature any enemy ships from any of the four empires, nor are there combat sites guarded by ORE or the Sisters of EVE. Hostile NPCs from the Mordu's Legion pirate faction only appear in the Besieged Covert Research Facility. All enemy ships within a combat site have bounties that are paid to the player who kills them, and if that player is part of a fleet, the bounty is divided evenly among all fleet members on-grid. As a general rule, bigger ships (such as battlecruisers and battleships) or uniquely named ships (such as those belonging to pirate leaders or complex overseers) will award higher bounties, and will also be harder to destroy.
Expeditions and COSMOS sites are unique combat sites that do not fall into any of the above categories. Expeditions are unique chains of combat sites that may be triggered when a player fulfils certain conditions in an Unrated Complex, and the associated sites can only be reached via the Agency window. COSMOS sites are static combat sites that can be found in several constellations across New Eden, and are marked by beacons that are automatically visible on the overview. These sites reward items required for COSMOS missions, materials for Storyline modules, Faction modules, and other rare items, but can be entered at any time.
Emerging Conduits were introduced in October 2019, during Chapter 1 of the Triglavian Invasion. The site uses an identical layout to Minor Conduits, with significantly weaker waves, and no scrams. Initially on a 1 minute respawn timer, people claimed that they could earn as much as 500M ISK/hr across three characters using smartbomb Praxii. The respawn time was later nerfed to 10 minutes in January 2020, lowering its farmability.
This iteration of conduits were removed in May 2020, alongside the beginning of chapter 3 of the invasion. New versions of Emerging Conduits have replaced them, now exclusive to Invasion space.
Emerging Conduits no longer exist.
Как уже говорилось выше, при прохождении боевых аномалий есть шанс выбить с триггера на последней волне экспедицию, которая зависит от типа зелёнки. Самой дорогой считается экспедиция 10-10. Её цена в большинстве регионов около 100-150кк.
Expeditions (also known as escalations) cannot be found by scanning, instead they "escalate" from Unrated Complexes. When a certain trigger condition is met, there is a small chance (about 5%) that a pop up window will open explaining that the details of the location of another enemy site has been found. This site's information can then be found in The Agency, available from the NeoCom panel.
When the site listed in the Journal is completed, there is a chance that it will escalate further, leading to yet another site. Most expeditions have four such parts.
The locations of the sites provided by an expedition are random, often appearing several jumps away from where the expedition was obtained. Many expeditions may spawn their fourth site in lower-security space than where they began.
The exact method for escalating to next part of expedition is not known. But based on observation the following seems to hold:
Фарм зелёнки в EVE
Зелёнка в EVE — это боевые аномалии, которые можно увидеть воспользовавшись панелью разведзондов (Alt+P) в хайсеке, лоу и нулях. Примерно в этом же порядке, за небольшим исключением, расположена их прибыльность. Прибыль начисляется в виде баунти (деньги на счёт раз в 20 минут) и выпадающего лута (кроме дрон-регионов — там лута нет). Также в конце некоторых боевых аномалий может выпасть «экспедиция» и/или прилететь фракционный NPC с дорогим лутом.
Таблица расположения и сложности аномалий:
* В дополнение к своей базовой версии сайты Hideaway, Den, Rally Point и Hub также содержат три варианта прогрессивного уровня сложности с участием элитных врагов. Эти варианты следуют расширенному соглашению об именах следующим образом:
* Также недавно в хайсеке появились триглавианские аномалии Emerging Conduit. Фармятся на БШ, что говорит о высоком уровне сложности.
Комментарии про « Фарм зелёнки в EVE »
Праксис в одиночку запросто фармит с откачкой 300+ и резистами 50+ без отварпа. Главное сбивать сначала дамажных (Raznabok) и/или нейтриков (что то толи Silver или похожее). И респ кондуита уменьшили до 10 минут, а дроп сильно порезали, так что теперь это далеко не самый популярный фарм.
How to do combat sites
Running combat sites, is the act of entering and clearing the sites of hostile NPC ships (a.k.a. "rats").
Clearing these sites greatly benefit from having a PvE ship that can deal with the type of pirate ships you will face. Below you will find the combat sites divided up according to the pirate faction that you will find in these sites, so make sure your ship is equipped to handle them.
Cosmic Signatures
When you scan down a Cosmic Signature it may be a Combat Site.
A Combat Site can be a:
- Unrated Complex
- DED Rated Complex or
- Chemical Lab
Unrated complexes
Unrated complexes have a good chance to contain a commander spawn that can drop Faction items. They may also escalate into an expedition.
The sites contain multiple deadspace rooms separated by acceleration gates. The acceleration gates separating the rooms are usually locked, in which case some condition must be fulfilled, or a key must be found to proceed. The sites also have triggers for additional defender spawns and/ or an escalation. The size of ship allowed in Unrated Complexes does not follow a predictable pattern; each site, even of the same difficulty but from a different faction, may have a different ship size limit.
Blood Raider Temple Complex
The Blood Raider Temple Complex is another variant of the Dark Blood Fleet Staging Point. It is much harder than its staging point counterpart and requires several people in well-tanked ships.
The escalation for this site is the Blood Raider Temple Complex (The Inner Sanctum)
DED rated complexes
DED complexes are a type of cosmic signature that has been rated on a difficulty scale of 1/10 to 10/10 by CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Department. Lower rated sites contain weaker enemies, and limited ship class access. DED rated complexes are found using Core Scanner Probes, or are received as an escalation from a combat anomaly. There are no 9/10-rated DED complexes, however some consider the <Faction> Fleet Staging Point to be their equivalent.
The structure of a DED rated complex is very similar an Unrated Complex, and usually involve gated deadspace pockets with multiple groups of enemies.
Unlike other combat sites, DED rated complexes do not have additional enemy spawns; all enemies begin on-grid in each pocket. Many DED rated complexes also contain locked gates that may be unlocked by a certain trigger. This makes blitzing possible, as not all enemies need to be cleared to proceed. The sites also always contain one or more overseer structures or overseer ships that can drop deadspace modules, a pirate ship BPC or very rarely a faction module. The overseer that drops deadspace modules will always drop 0-3 modules. Each possible deadspace module has same chance to drop and no more than one module of same type can drop at once. Some DED complexes contain additional targets that have a very low probability to drop a Faction module. Additionally overseers always drop Overseer's Personal Effects that can be sold to NPC buy orders to earn ISK.
DED rated complexes do not normally escalate, but DED rated complexes that are received as an escalation from an anomaly may receive another escalation to the same site or a second part.
The difficulty rating of a complex determines maximum size of ship class that may be used to engage. Starting from frigates at level 1/10, the ship size that can enter a site goes up by one size category with each increase in rating, maxing out at battleships at level 5/10.
6/10 sites: Please click on the numbered superscript for additional information regarding the rating of these sites.
- ^ ab This site has also been observed in null-sec
- ^ ab There is no rating displayed in warp in popup text.
Chemical Labs
Chemical Labs are Cosmic Signatures, and may be found by scanning with Core Scanner Probes. Even though the probe scan window categorizes these as "gas sites", they are actually combat sites. To access all possible rewards you will need to hack containers using a Data Analyzer module. You will also need to take care of the hostiles unless you can tank them all while hacking.
The Production Facility and digital sites spawns in null security space only, while all other sites spawn in low security space.
Details of these sites are not well documented. Most contain two waves of enemies and containers that need to be hacked, and the sites are restricted to specific regions, though the region in which each site spawns is not entirely known. The regions listed here may not be the only region containing the particular site.
Combat relic sites
Combat relic sites are extremely rare combat sites that are only found in certain Nullsec regions. Though they are cosmic signatures and seems like relic sites, they appear to Probes as combat sites. These particular sites are often harder than normal, gated, and only allow up to T2 Battleships to enter.
Only found in Catch (especially in 9HXQ-G constellation) Only found in Wicked Creek (especially in 760-9C constellation) Only found in Vale of the Silent Only found in Fountain Only found in Delve Only found in Cloud Ring Only found in Feythabolis (especially in I-3ODK constellation)
ISHAEKA Tactical Response HQ
This is a scannable cosmic signature found only in the Monalaz constellation. It is very hard and can barely be completed in a T2 fit Dominix with and MJD and Curator IIs.
Emerging Conduit
The Emerging Conduit combat site appeared as an anomaly in all areas of high security space regardless of the presence of Triglavian Invasions between October 2019 and May 2020.
Корабли для фарма
В хаях зелёнку можно фармить на чём угодно, включая БШ (хотя корабли с дорогими модулями могут суицидить), а про фарм зелёнки в лоу я почти ничего не знаю — можете дополнить информацию в комментариях. Зато могу назвать 5 популярных вариантов для фарма зелёнки в нулях:
Самым же лучшим кораблём для фарма зелёнки будет супер-кара (обычно это Nyx*/Hell*), но для фарма на ней нужны особые условия. Дополнительно можно было бы рассмотреть варианты фарма зелёнки на кораблях классов дредноут и титан, что, конечно же, тоже возможно, но такие большие кораблики, пожалуй, описывать пока не буду, так как предположу, что пилоты таких больших кораблей сами знают что делать.
The site consists of single ungated normal space pocket. Three waves of increasing difficulty will spawn with next wave appearing after previous wave has been killed. The rats in the site will use various types of EWAR: Energy neutralizing, tracking disruptors, guidance disruptors, webs and target painters. The site does not have warp disrupting or warp scrambling enemies.
Frigates are the most common enemy type in the site. Each wave will usually contain one or two destroyers with rest of the ships being frigates.
Wave 1: 3-6 Frigates/destroyers (Kikimora/Damavik).
Wave 2: 4-7 Frigates/destroyers (Kikimora/Damavik) and a chance of a named Kikimora (Zorya's Kikimora).
Wave 3: 9 Frigates/destroyers (Kikimora/Damavik) and a named Vedmak (Zorya's Vedmak).
Completing the site will pay 4.5 million isk and 300 DED LP to each pilot present on site. If more than three pilots are on site the payout will be reduced.
The different payouts are as follows. No matter how many pilots are in the conduit after three pilots, the combined max payout is 13.5 million isk.
1 to 3 Players - 4.5 Million isk each
- 1 Player - 4.5 Million isk Total
- 2 Players - 9 Million isk Total
- 3 Players - 13.5 Million isk Total
4 Players - 3.375 Million isk each
5 Player - 2.7 Million isk each
The Triglavian wrecks will often contain stacks of Triglavian Survey Databases and rarely abyssal filaments or mutaplasmids. Loot from the wrecks can vary from 150,000 isk to upwards of 50 million isk.
The Triglavian Survey Databases can be either sold in a station, typically in trade hubs, to buy orders, or you can go to any Concord Station and sell them to Concord for 100,000 isk before in game taxes.
Salvage from the Triglavian wrecks will drop materials used for T2 Triglavian ships.
With the exception of Rogue Drone sites, all combat anomalies follow a naming scheme of <faction> <anomaly> . The <anomaly> denotes the difficulty of the site, and follows an identical pattern for all factions except Rogue Drones. Generally, the higher the difficulty of the site, the higher the rewards for completing it. Each faction's sites will only appear in their designated regions (with the exception of Rogue Drone sites, which can appear anywhere). For example, the Heimatar region has Angel Cartel rats, and therefore only Angel Cartel and Rogue Drone combat sites can be found there. For a list of which pirate factions can be found in which regions, see Dotlan.
The difficulty of possible combat anomalies depends on the security status of the system, with higher security status equating to easier sites. Within high-sec (security status 1.0 to 0.5), sites in the lowest difficulty tier (in terms of difficulty/ value) will be found. Low-sec (security status of 0.4 to 0.1) contains the middle tier, and the highest tier will be found within nullsec. The security level of the space where Rogue Drone sites are found also affects the difficulty of the site.
The <faction> Burrows and the Drone Collections are generally only worth doing for meager bounties/salvage.
The other type of anomaly involves harvestable resources, such as ore or ice. All other types of site, such as Relic and Data always appear as signatures and require a probe launcher, and therefore they are never anomalies.
In addition to their basic version, Hideaway, Den, Rally Point and Hub sites also feature three variants of progressive difficulty featuring elite enemies. These variants follow an extended naming convention as follows:
- <Faction> Hidden <anomaly> - Level 2; higher amount of triggered spawns.
- <Faction> Forsaken <anomaly> - Level 3; moderate difficulty, featuring elite enemy ships.
- <Faction> Forlorn <anomaly> - Level 4; featuring tougher enemies and elite ships.
Besieged Covert Research Facility
Besieged Guristas Covert Research Facility is an unique cosmic anomaly found in all low sec regions that spawns two waves of Mordu's Legion cruisers and battleships equipped with webifiers and warp disruptors. Unlike other enemies, these ships are able to switch damage types to find what is most effective against a given target (instead of dealing omni damage).
Besieged facilities are not to be confused with Ghost Sites, which are found in all types of space, can belong to any faction, and are hacking analyzer focused. There are no other pirate faction versions of the besieged site as of 2018. Notable loot includes higher-end implants and ship skin BPCs, as well as special module BPCs.
Faction Warfare
In faction warfare space, faction warfare complexes show up as combat anomalies. Once someone warps to a site, it will also show up as a beacon in the overview.
Triglavian Invasion Combat Sites
In Pochven, Minor EDENCOM and Triglavian Victory Systems EDENCOM and Triglavian Sites appear as Cosmic Anomalies.
Emerging Conduits
Shortly after warping in at 0, a first wave spawns in the black portal thingie in the center, 4-5 ships, mix of Damaviks and Kikimoras.
Waves 2 and 3 spawn as soon as the previous one is completed.
All ships except Vedmak orbit within 10 km which can be useful for locking them down.
Overall, really easy to farm in an Orca.
As others have indicated, the site award 4.5m ISK and 300 DED LP upon destruction of the last NPC.
Notable loot: mutaplasmids (seen decayed and gravid), trig survey databases, filaments (low tier though), trig T2 research skill books.
COSMOS sites
Certain constellations contain COSMOS combat sites, which are connected to COSMOS missions but may be accessed at any time. These sites appear as a static complex beacon that is visible in the Overview. COSMOS sites can be located using the Star Map and the "DED deadspace reports" or combat signatures tag setting. Not all static DED sites are combat sites, some of them are landmarks or Epic Mission Agent locations.
COSMOS sites are static and do not move. Even the ones that can be scanned are always in the same location.
Gated COSMOS sites follow the same ship size restrictions as DED rated complex sites. Un-gated COSMOS sites have no restrictions.
The rats will spawn on top of the rift at the center of the site. This is
70 km from the warpin. The frigates and destroyers will orbit at
6 km range making webs and grapplers highly effective once they are in range.
Frigates have a speed of
3 km/s and a range of
20 km. Destroyers have a speed of
1.5 km/s and a range of
30 km. Zorya's Vedmak has a speed of 2.3 km/s and a range of 35 km. EWAR weapons have longer ranges. Incoming damage from the waves spike up to 1k to 1.5k per second during the final wave (earlier waves are easier/deal less damage).
Kiting them is technically possible, but the fits required to maintain the speed and distance leave very little room for dps.
The typical tactic is to stay where you warped in and let them come to you, which gives you time to target them and be ready for the next wave, or, as some are selecting the closest Talassonite asteroid and warping 70km from it allowing you to land directly on to the rift that they spawn from.
The site can be completed solo with a heavily tanked passive shield tank battleship - Rattlesnake is the most obvious choice. Other known (successful) options include Leshak, Dominix, Dominix Navy Issue, Drekavac, Praxis and Vindicator. It can also be done with Dual Shield Rep Dominix or Praxis, but they require high drone skills for the proper dps and would require two or more pilots.
The rats deal quite high damage but they also switch aggro quite often. This makes it possible to complete the site in a group of ships that can tank the incoming damage in bursts but not sustain the tank.
The named rats (Zorya's Vedmak/Kikimora) will warp off if not killed early and is not required to be killed to trigger the next wave. The Zorya's Kikimora will randomly spawn only in the second wave, and if left as the last ship in that second wave, it will trigger the third wave. It is recommended to kill them early in their respective wave to maximize loot and to avoid spawning the next wave early or having them warp off.
Triglavian damage from their regular weapons is Thermal/Explosive and their defense weakness is also Thermal/Explosive. In addition, some Triglavians (the Liminal, the (non-prefix)Raznaborg and Zorya's variants) will also fire 'Majorana' missiles that deal heavy EM/Kinetic damage(270 for Raznaborg Damaviks). Therefore, an omni tank is highly recommended.
Фракционные NPC
В конце аномалии может прилететь фракционный NPC. В разных регионах у них разные названия, но суть примерно одинакова:
- Dred — фракционный БШ, с которого дают 10кк и лут;
- Dreadnought — корабль капитального класса «Дредноут». Около 70кк и лут;
- Фракционный Dreadnought — очень редкий фракционный дредноут. 90кк? Не уверен.
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