Elite dangerous shield booster что это
3 сен. 2017 в 23:33
2-3 resistance augmented and a thermal resist shield should have you pretty close to 50% resists across the board.
The rest can be heavy duty.
Personally on my 2 main PVE ships i use a Bi-weave with Thermal resist and a 15% bonus to regeneration rate. 8 shield boosters with 1 x kinetic 3 x resist augmented and 4x heavy duty.
Yes it gives you a significant shield hp boost and yes it slows the broken regen time. so don't lose your shields and that problem is nothing.
If you don't lose your shields the bi weaves will continue to regen in between fights. and with over 50% resists you can fight all day.
4 сен. 2017 в 0:32Just see how much you have got on your boosters, and put as many as you need to get to somewhere around +50..60% of total resistance. With good rolls you can push boosters to around +17%. The rest are Heavy Duty.
I'm with naked Picard.
a couple of Resist ones first, get your resists up to 50+, thermal resist on your main shields too, then if you are on a bigger ship with more slots you may consider getting some heavy duty if you wish. Personally my current setup is 3 resist 1 heavy duty as I have point defence, heat sinks and a KWS, though given how little I use the latter these days I'm considering swapping it out for another heavy duty, though given PvE I can't remember the last time I lost shields I always end up not bothering.
4 сен. 2017 в 1:41hd boosters work best after you have a balanced resistance in your shield other than that sometimes you choose to have raw mj than a few % of resistance against plasma.
4 сен. 2017 в 5:41I just bought an Anaconda (YAY!) and am looking to gradually soup it up for RES pve while using it for trading until I get enough credits to buy everything I want.
I'm with naked Picard.
a couple of Resist ones first, get your resists up to 50+, thermal resist on your main shields too, then if you are on a bigger ship with more slots you may consider getting some heavy duty if you wish.
hd boosters work best after you have a balanced resistance in your shield other than that sometimes you choose to have raw mj than a few % of resistance against plasma.
Been using EDshipyard for a long time now, and now it makes sense to me why you guys recommend thermal resistant shields along with all the resistance boosters. With those I get an effective 1889 / 2000.9 / 2768.5 shield power against kinetic / thermal / explosive damage.
So let me ask another question - I notice you guys haven't mentioned chaff or PD, are those things just straight-up obsolete for a ship as big as a Conda (and because of the shield power you can put on it?)
4 сен. 2017 в 5:43 4 сен. 2017 в 6:27 To me chaff is pointless against npc's as thry all seem to use fixed weapons now. But on my "big 3" I DO use a minimum od 2 point defences . Even with my explosive resistance at 68 % without a point defence a missile with the righ special effect can ruin your day.. I don't use heat sinks on my combat ships because I haven't had the need for them , as all my shield cell banks are modified for less heat but with the 7 c bi weave on the vette and a 65.7 % thermal resistance, I really have to be in DEEP CHIT to have to use a shield cell bank. My shield strength is around 11 or 12 hundred as I carry a kill warrent scanner. But I do not recomend useing bi weaves for any pvp situation tho. 4 сен. 2017 в 6:34 To me chaff is pointless against npc's as thry all seem to use fixed weapons now. But on my "big 3" I DO use a minimum od 2 point defences . Even with my explosive resistance at 68 % without a point defence a missile with the righ special effect can ruin your day.. I don't use heat sinks on my combat ships because I haven't had the need for them , as all my shield cell banks are modified for less heat but with the 7 c bi weave on the vette and a 65.7 % thermal resistance, I really have to be in DEEP CHIT to have to use a shield cell bank. My shield strength is around 11 or 12 hundred as I carry a kill warrent scanner. But I do not recomend useing bi weaves for any pvp situation tho.Huh, this is good to know. My shield design is currently sitting at
952 raw MJ. I'll look into those engineer mods you mentioned for SCBs and look at replacing chaff with SBs (in EDshipyard, anyway).
4 сен. 2017 в 6:42 So let me ask another question - I notice you guys haven't mentioned chaff or PD, are those things just straight-up obsolete for a ship as big as a Conda (and because of the shield power you can put on it?)I use PD on mine, a lot out of habbit from when 2.1 came out and missiles were more powerful and a lot of people were dying to them (also they were flying unshielded with no PD) I've considered getting rid of it, but in all honest the NPCs don't trouble me enough on an average day to make me want to beef my shields more if that makes sense?
I don't use chaff, I've actually rarely used it on any ships, a bit in CQC a year + back but mostly I found it very ineffective against NPCs as. well. they tend to cheat a bit ;) Or have in the past. It doesn't help against fixed weapons anyway and a lot of the problems you are likely to get aren't going to be from some NPC with a couple of gimballed pulse lasers if you get my drift.
For me heat sinks are a must, though post some recent re-engineering becomming less so, though as I play in open I like to have them incase I bump into some thermal overload boat, I run dual beams on my conda's belly and they can get hot sometimes, and of course SCBs generate a boatload of heat. Though it's possible to engineer your ship to be low heat and then you don't need them, or you can suck up the damage. or fly constantly with 4 pips to shields (I don't) to keep them up longer.
4 сен. 2017 в 6:46 So let me ask another question - I notice you guys haven't mentioned chaff or PD, are those things just straight-up obsolete for a ship as big as a Conda (and because of the shield power you can put on it?)I use PD on mine, a lot out of habbit from when 2.1 came out and missiles were more powerful and a lot of people were dying to them (also they were flying unshielded with no PD) I've considered getting rid of it, but in all honest the NPCs don't trouble me enough on an average day to make me want to beef my shields more if that makes sense?
Yeah, I get that.
So it's not just me that's noticed it doesn't feel as useful as it once did. Nice. And yeah, I think I get what you mean :p
For me heat sinks are a must, though post some recent re-engineering becomming less so, though as I play in open I like to have them incase I bump into some thermal overload boat, I run dual beams on my conda's belly and they can get hot sometimes, and of course SCBs generate a boatload of heat. Though it's possible to engineer your ship to be low heat and then you don't need them, or you can suck up the damage. or fly constantly with 4 pips to shields (I don't) to keep them up longer.Cool, I'll keep heat sinks in mind as I build my ship up. Thanks!
4 сен. 2017 в 11:21
So let me ask another question - I notice you guys haven't mentioned chaff or PD, are those things just straight-up obsolete for a ship as big as a Conda (and because of the shield power you can put on it?)
chaff as the size increases need to have distance to be effective if you don't have dd5 and fly full faoff the big 3 are slow so chaff becomes ineffective
pd are good if you plan to stay after shields come down or against mines both not recommended and you need 2 min for big 3
The Shield Booster increases shield strength by a given percentage of the base shield automatically and continuously once installed. It will continue functioning as long as it is powered and unbroken. Note that the Shield Booster is not a substitute for a Shield Generator, and will provide no benefit if it is installed on a ship that does not already have an active Shield Generator. If multiple Shield Boosters are installed, the boost effect stacks additively.
Shield Booster
Strengthens the active shield if powered. Multiple boosters stack in effectiveness.
— In-Game Description
The Shield Booster is a utility module that is used to increase the strength of a ship's shields.
Чертежи/Усилитель щита
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Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Надёжный усилитель щита (англ. Heavy Duty Shield Booster)
Модификация даёт дополнительную прибавку к щитам и улучшает целостность модуля, однако увеличивает его массу. Состав чертежа «Надёжный усилитель щита» (нажмите, чтобы развернуть)Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Противокинетический усилитель щита (англ. Kinetic Resistant Shield Booster)
Это усиление снижает сопротивление термальному урону и взрывам, но увеличивает сопротивление механическому урону. Состав чертежа «Противокинетический усилитель щита» (нажмите, чтобы развернуть)Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Усилитель щита с универсальной защитой (англ. Resistance Augmented Shield Booster)
Модификация увеличивает общее сопротивление урону, но отрицательно влияет на энергопотребление и целостность модуля. Состав чертежа «Усилитель щита с универсальной защитой» (нажмите, чтобы развернуть)Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Термостойкий усилитель щита (англ. Thermal Resistant Shield Booster)
Чертёж снижает сопротивление механическому урону и взрывам, однако увеличивает сопротивление термическому урону. Состав чертежа «Термостойкий усилитель щита» (нажмите, чтобы развернуть)Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Сreated by Rainkorn with help Glock2how
Экспериментальные эффекты для усилителя щита
Экспериментальные эффекты для усилителя щита (англ. Shield Booster)
Elite dangerous shield booster что это
Вопрос к опытным пилотам:
Задумался над апгрейдом щитов (пока только у Эльвирки) и не знаю какой тип лучше выбрать.
Shield Generator Enhanced, Low Power Shields - как я понимаю, это для дальнобойных/скрытных полетов;
Shield Generator Kinetic Resistant Shields - сомнительные преимущества (плюсы равны минусам);
Shield Generator Reinforced Shields - вроде лучшие, но снижена скорость восстановления, это критично в бою?
Shield Generator Thermal Resistant Shields - неплохое соотношение (хороший плюс к защите от теплового урона (лазеры, плазма?) и небольшой минус к книтетик-защите);
Пока выбрал (просто на пробу, нужне же прокачать отношения) - Thermal Resistant Shields.
Подскажите, пожалуйста, кто пробовал - с чем удобнее летать?
И еще: у Эльвирки написано в условиях поднятия репутации:
Craft modules (крафтить чего-нибудь)
Sell exploration data at Long Sight Base (продавать ей исследовательские данные)
Продал ей иссл. данных на 185 к - почти ничего не поднялось)
Надо продавать значительно больше?)
Я бы рекомендовал Reinforced Shields с двухпоточными щитами (Bi-weave) для крупных кораблей и Thermal Resistant Shields для малых и средних. В первом случае не так сильно урезется восполнение щита, можно с 1.8Mj в сек потерять где-то до 1.5Mj. А сопротивление добираем через усилители щита (Shield booster - Resistance Augmented 5 ур.). Во втором случае наоборот, из-за ограничения конструктива средних кораблей на количество внешних модулей общего назначения (utility mounts), ставим 2 усилителя щита (Shield booster - Heavy Duty 5 ур).
Остальные решения достаточно ситуационные. Для Питона также можно рассмотреть экзотический вариант с раздуванием щита через Reinforced Shields 5ур. + Призматические щиты (Prismatic Shield Generator из PowerPlay за Aisling Duval) + 2 усилителя щита (Shield booster - Heavy Duty 5 ур) под +60% каждый, который даст порядка +1200Mj щитов. Плюс 2хПостановщика ловушек (Chaff Launcher) и +2х6А Shield Cell Bank. При прожигании сразу двух батарей щита корабль будет неплохо прожариваться, но при этом обладать очень высокой боевой устойчивостью. На этом билде также можно попробовать нивелировать влияние перегрева за счет 3 Beam Laser-ов, каждый из которых будет под экспериментальным эффектом Termal Vent.
В бою скорость восполнения щита не особо актуальна, особенно на больших кораблях из-за общего размера щита и постоянного сбивания восполнения. Вне боя выигрышнее брать для крупных кораблей в PvE двухпоточные щиты (Bi-weave).
Engineer Modifications
The following modifications can be applied to this module by Engineers to enhance its abilities:
Class | Rating | Mass (T) | Integrity | Power Draw (MW) | Shield Boost | Value (CR) |
0 | E | 0.50 | 25 | 0.20 | 4% | 10,000 |
0 | D | 1.00 | 35 | 0.50 | 8% | 23,000 |
0 | C | 2.00 | 40 | 0.7 | 12% | 53,000 |
0 | B | 3.00 | 45 | 1.00 | 16% | 122,000 |
0 | A | 3.50 | 48 | 1.20 | 20% | 281,000 |
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