Elite dangerous fuel scoop что это
Fuel Scoops are ship modules used for the collection of fuel from various stars throughout the galaxy.
Fuel Scoop
Fuel scooping is an automatic process provided the fuel scoop is active. Only certain star types can provide fuel to be scooped. The rate of fuel gain is based on the quality and size of the scoop and by the proximity to the star in question. Be aware; remaining close to a star can cause your ship to suffer heat fatigue and potential destruction.
— In-Game Description
A Fuel Scoop is an optional internal module that automatically replenishes a ship's fuel reserves when the ship is flying in supercruise in close proximity to a star that produces hydrogen. This module is an essential device for any explorer, as it allows a ship to refuel without docking at a station and to travel into unsettled regions of the galaxy where no stations have been built. Larger and higher quality Fuel Scoops allow for faster fuel harvesting. A Fuel Scoop will activate automatically as long as it is powered, and provide a dedicated HUD indicator showing the ship's heat status and fuel collection rate.
The following modifications can be applied to this module by Engineers to enhance its abilities:
Class | Rating | Mass | Power Draw | Maximum Rate | Value |
1 | E | 0.00 T | 18.00/s | 309 Cr | |
1 | D | ||||
1 | C | 0.00 T | 5,142 Cr | ||
1 | B | 0.00 T | 20,568 Cr | ||
1 | A | ||||
2 | E | ||||
2 | D | 0.00 T | 4,451 Cr | ||
2 | C | 0.00 T | 17,803 Cr | ||
2 | B | 0.00 T | 71,211 Cr | ||
2 | A | 0.00 T | 284,844 Cr | ||
3 | E | 0.00 T | 3,386 Cr | ||
3 | D | 0.00 T | 14,109 Cr | ||
3 | C | 0.00 T | 56,435 Cr | ||
3 | B | 0.00 T | 225,738 Cr | ||
3 | A | 0.00 T | 176.00/s | 902,954 Cr | |
4 | E | ||||
4 | D | ||||
4 | C | 0.00 T | 245.00/s | 178,898 Cr | |
4 | B | 0.00 T | 715,591 Cr | ||
4 | A | 0.00 T | 343.00/s | 2,862,364 Cr | |
5 | E | ||||
5 | D | 0.00 T | 141,776 Cr | ||
5 | C | 0.00 T | 567,106 Cr | ||
5 | B | 0.00 T | 2,268,424 Cr | ||
5 | A | 0.00 T | 9,073,694 Cr | ||
6 | E | ||||
6 | D | 0.00 T | 449,431 Cr | ||
6 | C | 0.00 T | 1,797,726 Cr | ||
6 | B | 0.00 T | 7,190,903 Cr | ||
6 | A | 0.00 T | 28,763,610 Cr | ||
7 | E | ||||
7 | D | 0.00 T | 1,424,698 Cr | ||
7 | C | 0.00 T | 5,698,790 Cr | ||
7 | B | 0.00 T | 22,795,161 Cr | ||
7 | A | 0.00 T | 91,180,644 Cr | ||
8 | E | ||||
8 | D | ||||
8 | C | ||||
8 | B | ||||
8 | A |
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Elite dangerous fuel scoop что это
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All right. You need to go somewhere, but your ship don't have enough fuel to get there. If your destination is inside the "Civilized Bubble", you can always stop by a station and refuel right ? But what if you want to go, say, to the center of the galaxy ? Maybe you're in a hurry and you don't wan't to waste time going to stations.
This is why Elite: Dangerous allows you to refuel directly from stars using a Fuel Scoop.
Fuel Scooping is easy, but doing it efficiently is an art. An art that I can teach you. Learn it well and you're never gonna need to call the Fuel Rats.
The first thing you need to scoop fuel efficiently is to choose the right equipment. Fuel Scoops comes in many sizes and each size have five "ratings", labeled from E to A, E being the worst and A the best. How fast you you scoop will depends on both size and ratting.
You might be tempted to just buy the biggest, better scoop you money allows, but it's not that simple. Look at the table bellow, it shows all the Scoops you can mount on a standard Sidewinder, with prices and scoop rates.
As you can see, Increasing the Rating inside the same class results in an almost constant increase of 4X the price, the scooping rate on the other hand, shows decreasing returns for your money. Once you calculate how long it takes each unit to fill your tank, you'll see that the bigest, better scoop might not be the right choice.
To find the perfect unit for you, consider the following:
- How much fuel my ship uses each jump ?
- How many jumps can I do with a full tank ?
- How long would it take to refuel after a single jump ?
That is the fuel usage for a 2A Frameshift Drive, the highest one you can have on a Sidewinder.
With a 2A FSD, a Sidewinder can do 2 maximum range jumps, using 900kg of fuel each time. The time to refuel after each jump is then the fuel used divided by the maximum scooping rate.
The problem is. HEAT.
To get maximum scooping rate, you need to get closer to the star, so your ship will start overheating. In the next sections I'll show you how to get topped off without blowing your ship due to heat, so keep reading.
Not all star are made equal. The Universe is filled with all kinds of things that are called "Stars", Some of them even challenge the very definition of what a "star" is. Elite: Dangerous tries to model them as close to the real thing as possible, so we have pretty much everything, from Brown Dwarfs all the way to Neutron Stars.
For fuel scooping, only seven of the many types of stars can be used. Those are the so called "Main Sequence Stars" (that's the actual technical term astronomers use), which means stars that are currently fusing Hydrogen. Each type is identified by a letter, the main sequence ones are O, B, A, F, G, K and M, in decreasing order of temperature (O are hotter, M are cooler). In ED foruns, we usually use "KGB FOAM" for short. If you set the Star Map to show stars based on type, you filter it and leave only the scoopable ones. It's easy, because the scoopable ones are the first seven on the list.
Other than temperature, stars also comes in many sizes. Some, like Antares and Betelgeuse can be more than 800 times larger than the Sun ! Some are very small, White Dwarfs can be as small as Earth and Neutron Stars are so small, they look like any other background star.
The size and temperature will determine how close you can get to them before your ship automatically drops from Super Cruise speeds back to normal space. If this happens, you will probably suffer hull and modules damage, not to mention that to leave the orbit of the star, you will almost certainly overheat.
To help you with that, you ship's HUD show an orange line around any astronomical body that you can't land on (Landable planets have a blue line, to indicate where "Orbital Cruise" begins). I call that line the "Proximity Line".
In the next session I'll show you how to (and how not to) approach it to ensure a safe and quick scooping.
Before anything, remember that your ship will start accelerating towards the star as soon as the Witchspace animation ends. If you're not paying attention, that's a sure way to crash. ALWAYS set the throtle to zero while still in Witchspace. This will make lining up for fuel scooping muche easier.
Now, the image bellow shows my ship approaching a star the right and the wrong way.
That yellow dot marks the center of the screen (it's an option you can activate in the game). In the "Right" way, the dot is above the proximity line, meaning if I keep going straight ahead, I'll clear the star after refueling. In the "Wong" way bellow, if I keep going, I'll crash.
If you don't have the yellow dot activated in your settings, don't worry. See those thin, vertical lines forming two bands in the sides ? They serve two functions while in Super Cruise, they give a feeling of movent and they mark the exact center-line of your ship. As long as you keep the proximity line is bellow the band (If the star is above you, invert everything), you're good to go.
Once lined up, increase throtle to the "blue zone" more or less in the middle of the scale. Soon, the scooping will begin. move on to the next section to know what to do next.
Ok, you kept the proximity line in correct half of the screen, you throttled up and you're now scooping. Look at the image bellow:
The blue line shows the trajectory you want to follow. Start going in a straight line, as your scooping rate increases, reduce the speed and now make sure the bottom of your ship is parallel to the star. Having the star exactly bellow (or above) you means that from now on, your distance from it will ony increase. To make sure you are in the right position, look at your radar screen.
See that line above the star ? That line shows the objects position relative to you on the vertical axis. Let's call it "Distance Line". A line above the object means it's bellow you, a line bellow the object means it's above you. The position of the line's end shows where it is on the horizontal plane. To make sure the object is exactly bellow the center of your ship, this line must be exactly in the center of the radar.
Now keep moving, controlling your speed and pitch so the tip of the Distance Line is always as close to the center of the radar as possible.
Since you're now looking at the radar, use it to keep an eye on the temperature too.
Ship will start suffering damage if it passes the 100% mark. At about 80%, the ship's voice will warn you that the temperature is too high, that's ok. If you did everything right, you should be done by now.
If you're not done yet, pitch up just a little and follow a straight line untill the scooping rate drops to about half. If the temperature stabilizes or starts to fall, pitch down again.
Once you hear the "THUNK" sound that indicates a full tank, pitch all the way up (the Distance Line on the star will disapear, indicating it's exactly behind you) and hit full throtle to get away from it.
Look at this video to see how it is done. The scooping begins at the 33 seconds mark, soon after I honk the Discovery Scanner:
I'm finished at the 64 second mark (1 min. 4 secs), while the temperature never went above 66%. That means 31 seconds to fill the tank of an Anaconda after two jumps.
The Anaconda in this video has only the standard 32 ton tank, with an A rated, Engineer modified Frameshift Drive that uses about 8.5 tons for a maximum range jump and a Class 6, B rated Fuel Scoop (Maximum rate of 752kg/s).
That was a professional job!
Follow these guidelines and not only you'll never need to fire the Rat Signal, but you will be able to travel to the farthest ends of the Galaxy without risking damage to your ship. Plus, you'll spend less time refuelling and more time doing whathever it is that matters to you.
Great care must be taken when using Fuel Scoops, as it requires a ship to be in supercruise inside of the corona of a stellar mass, which subjects the vessel to intense heat from the star. Flying too close can easily overheat a ship to the point of inflicting hull and module damage, or force a ship out of supercruise while overheating, which is a dangerous proposition considering escape back into supercruise subjects the ship to even more heat. It is advisable to upgrade the ship's Power Plant since it will help the ship dissipate heat when fuel scooping.
Fuel Scoop Guide
It is important to note that a ship must only be in supercruise while scooping fuel; it is not required that the ship be travelling at more than minimum speed. In such a case, a pilot can place their ship close enough to a star to scoop without being too close to risk overheating, and simply set their engines to minimum and wait for their Fuel Tank to fill. Flying around the star or doing "strafing" runs is low efficiency and will take longer, and subjects the pilot to considerably more risk.
When fuel scooping, a notification will appear in the centre of the HUD which lists the projected/current heat level, the current rate at which fuel is being scooped in rate/sec, and shows a progress bar for the amount of fuel in the main fuel tank.
Currently, the Fuel Scoop does not refill the active reservoir tank, which automatically takes one tonne of fuel from the main tank when drained.
Scoopable stars
Sidewinder MkI fuel scooping
An essential skill for any fuel scooper is the ability to identify fuel-producing stars and avoid becoming stranded in a system that has none. When plotting a route, always check the Info tab on the Galaxy Map for a list of star types that can be found in a specific system. Note that in systems that contain multiple stars, a ship will always jump to star with the greatest mass, which may not be scoopable and will require the pilot to seek out the scoopable star or stars manually.
Scoopable Star Types | O, B, A, F, G, K, M |
Non-Scoopable Star Types | DA, DC, Y, T, L, TTS, Neutron, S, W, CN, C, Ae/Be, MS |
FSD Supercharging
A Fuel Scoop can also be used to scoop Neutron and White Dwarf stars to perform FSD Supercharging. This procedure endows an increase in a ship's jump range for one jump, but does not replenish the Fuel Tank, and is significantly more dangerous than normal fuel scooping.
Elite dangerous fuel scoop что это
Elite Dangerous
13 июл. 2015 в 2:06 any tips for fuel scooping?im currently using the cheapist one on starting ship; my ship kept over heating, i just got a tiny bit of fuel. HELP
13 июл. 2015 в 2:09 Well, there is not much you can do. Fly further from the star to cool better, or get a better power plant or FSD to get a better overall heat
13 июл. 2015 в 2:10 thats why. It takes forever with those and you spend more time in danger. Buy a better one with the biggest size you can fit, and its over in a few seconds 13 июл. 2015 в 2:21 but, im doing iliegal buisnesses (lots of cash) and im going to switch ship soon. btw, can u sell ships? and where can i find the ship's fuel capacity info in the shipyard? 13 июл. 2015 в 2:25 but, im doing iliegal buisnesses (lots of cash) and im going to switch ship soon. btw, can u sell ships? and where can i find the ship's fuel capacity info in the shipyard? you can sell parts for 100% value back, theres no risk in buying a part. Ships sell back for 90% their value at any station. 13 июл. 2015 в 2:26 and how do i know each ships fuel cpacity without actually buying them? 13 июл. 2015 в 2:42 the class 1A fuel scoop is good enugh for size 8 fuel storage 13 июл. 2015 в 2:52 I know this will sound 'funny' but if you can see the ring that surrounds the sun between your feet, you will find the sweet spot where the temperature is minimum for safe collection of fuel.. 13 июл. 2015 в 3:00 It definitely helps to put on the biggest one you can fit/afford. Better the scoop, the less time you spend scooping, so less chance of getting roasted 13 июл. 2015 в 5:48
Each ship has different fuel tank sizes, but the standard size on each one is pretty proportional to the size of the ship. A 2 ton tank on a sidewinder can hyperdrive about as many times as a Python's 32 size tank. So size of tank doesn't really matter when buying a ship. So buy whatever ship to meet your needs. Sounds like you want to work your way up to a Cobra, it's basically the starter "illegal business" ship.
Bigger the class, better the rating of the fuel scoop, the faster it works. I use a class 4A on my Python because I don't use it to jump all over. If I was planning a long trip, I would replace it for a class 6 to get better use out of it.
13 июл. 2015 в 6:56 and how do i know each ships fuel cpacity without actually buying them? they are in the stat's you get right under the cargo capacity. 13 июл. 2015 в 6:58Each ship has different fuel tank sizes, but the standard size on each one is pretty proportional to the size of the ship. A 2 ton tank on a sidewinder can hyperdrive about as many times as a Python's 32 size tank. So size of tank doesn't really matter when buying a ship. So buy whatever ship to meet your needs. Sounds like you want to work your way up to a Cobra, it's basically the starter "illegal business" ship.
Bigger the class, better the rating of the fuel scoop, the faster it works. I use a class 4A on my Python because I don't use it to jump all over. If I was planning a long trip, I would replace it for a class 6 to get better use out of it.
i just bought hauler though; but im actually trying to work my way toward the Asp Explorer since my ultimate goal is to explore this beautiful universe :D 13 июл. 2015 в 7:44 Fuel is cheap. Unless you are in the ass-end of the galaxy with no civilization for dozens of lightyears, don't bother scooping unless it's an emergency. Add bigger/more fuel tanks if you want to extend your range. 13 июл. 2015 в 8:59 i still dont know why the A7 Scoop is over 90 million cr . makes no sense. 13 июл. 2015 в 11:16Things you can do:
- Watch your heat. Try going slowly closer to the star and find out where your 66% heat point is (what scoop rate). When you hit 66% that's the continous value you can scoop at for you setup. Going closer will heat you up more and more.
- Every steering input makes you heat up, so for maximum continous scooping it is counter-productive.
- Better fuel scoop = higher scoop rate
- better Power plant = better heat dissipation = you can fly closer to a star before overheating (see 1)
Additionally there are different tactics when it comes to scooping. One is to stop (throttle = 0) at your scooping point. Makes you kind of easy prey for interdiction, but it's ok to do that most of the time.
Second is flying at high speed around the star, while keeping the ideal distance. This requires two things: some practice and a high class fuel scoop (or you overheat too much before your tank is filled).
Class | Rating | Integrity | Power Draw | Max Scoop Rate (kg/s) | Value (CR) |
1 | E | 32 | 0.140 | 18.00 | 309 |
1 | D | 24 | 0.180 | 24.00 | 1,285 |
1 | C | 40 | 0.230 | 30.00 | 5,142 |
1 | B | 56 | 0.280 | 36.00 | 20,568 |
1 | A | 48 | 0.320 | 42.00 | 82,270 |
2 | E | 41 | 0.170 | 32.00 | 1,068 |
2 | D | 31 | 0.220 | 43.00 | 4,451 |
2 | C | 51 | 0.280 | 54.00 | 17,803 |
2 | B | 70 | 0.340 | 65.00 | 71,211 |
2 | A | 61 | 0.390 | 75.00 | 284,844 |
3 | E | 51 | 0.200 | 75.00 | 3,386 |
3 | D | 38 | 0.270 | 100.00 | 14,109 |
3 | C | 64 | 0.340 | 126.00 | 56,435 |
3 | B | 90 | 0.410 | 151.00 | 225,738 |
3 | A | 77 | 0.480 | 176.00 | 902,954 |
4 | E | 64 | 0.250 | 147.00 | 10,734 |
4 | D | 48 | 0.330 | 196.00 | 44,724 |
4 | C | 80 | 0.410 | 245.00 | 178,898 |
4 | B | 112 | 0.490 | 294.00 | 715,591 |
4 | A | 96 | 0.570 | 343.00 | 2,862,364 |
5 | E | 77 | 0.300 | 247.00 | 34,026 |
5 | D | 58 | 0.400 | 330.00 | 141,776 |
5 | C | 96 | 0.500 | 412.00 | 567,106 |
5 | B | 134 | 0.600 | 494.00 | 2,268,424 |
5 | A | 115 | 0.700 | 577.00 | 9,073,694 |
6 | E | 90 | 0.350 | 376.00 | 107,864 |
6 | D | 68 | 0.470 | 502.00 | 449,431 |
6 | C | 113 | 0.590 | 627.00 | 1,797,726 |
6 | B | 158 | 0.710 | 752.00 | 7,190,903 |
6 | A | 136 | 0.830 | 878.00 | 28,763,610 |
7 | E | 105 | 0.410 | 534.00 | 341,930 |
7 | D | 79 | 0.550 | 712.00 | 1,424,698 |
7 | C | 131 | 0.690 | 890.00 | 5,698,790 |
7 | B | 183 | 0.830 | 1,068.00 | 22,795,160 |
7 | A | 157 | 0.970 | 1,245.00 | 91,180,644 |
8 | E | 120 | 0.480 | 720.00 | 1,083,910 |
8 | D | 90 | 0.640 | 960.00 | 4,516,291 |
8 | C | 150 | 0.800 | 1,200.00 | 18,065,165 |
8 | B | 210 | 0.960 | 1,440.00 | 72,260,660 |
8 | A | 180 | 1.120 | 1,680.00 | 289,042,641 |
Fuel Scooping
Fuel scooping is automatically initiated by flying close enough to a suitable star during supercruise. The rate at which the fuel is gathered depends on the class and rating of your ship's fuel scoop, and your distance from the star in question.
Not all stars are suitable for fuel scooping. Generally, any star that isn't a dwarf star or a neutron star is suitable for fuel scooping; however, the acronym "KGB FOAM" can be used to remember valid star types for fuel scooping.
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