Earpiece unturned что это
Earpiece Item ID Share
@animal ID
@animal 5 would spawn a Bear.
@experience username/amount
@experience Bob/10 would give you 10 experience to use.
- Unturned Item ID: 21
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- Unturned Item ID: 1078
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- Unturned Item ID: 348
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- Unturned Item ID: 435
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- Unturned Item ID: 138
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- Unturned Item ID: 591
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- Unturned Item ID: 517
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- Unturned Item ID: 15,044
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- Unturned Item ID: 375
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- Unturned Item ID: 830
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- Unturned Item ID: 23,006
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- Unturned Item ID: 1083
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- Unturned Item ID: 1326
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- Unturned Item ID: 372
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- Unturned Item ID: 1058
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- Unturned Item ID: 15,050
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- Unturned Item ID: 602
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- Unturned Item ID: 52,009
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- Unturned Item ID: 1218
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- Unturned Item ID: 758
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- Unturned Item ID: 217
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- Unturned Item ID: 1064
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- Unturned Item ID: 34
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- Unturned Item ID: 1805
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- Unturned Item ID: 52,008
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- Unturned Item ID: 15,028
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- Unturned Item ID: 491
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- Unturned Item ID: 1504
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- Unturned Item ID: 1308
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- Unturned Item ID: 1242
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Unturned IDs
About Unturned IDs
Role-Play (Rp) - Реальная игра, реальное поведение, как в жизни, игра по ролям.
Non Role-Play (NonRp) - Не реальная игра, действие, как данный персонаж не поступил бы в жизни. Нарушение Rp режима.
Остальные термины:
OOC (Out Of Character) - это все, что касается реального мира. (пишется: *текст)
IC (In Character) - это все, что касается вашей виртуальной жизни на РП сервере. (пишется в обычный чат)
AFK (Away From Keyboard) - отошел от клавиатуры.
Spawn (ReSpawn) - место появления персонажа на сервере. На игровом сленге - "Респ".
Role-Play Nickname - ник в формате: Имя_Фамилия. Пример: Fabio_Winch.
Newbie (Noob) - новичок, игрок непонимающий сути игры RP, игрок не умеющий играть. На игровом сленге - "Нуб".к
Earpiece Item ID
To copy the Unturned ID for Earpiece, simply click the "Copy" button to the right.
Earpiece Give Command
To copy the command for Earpiece on Unturned servers, simply click the "Copy" button to the right.
You also customize the command by specifying a steam ID or player name, and an amount.
Earpiece Information
The earpiece is one of 47 masks in Unturned. It takes up 1 inventory slot, is of the rare rarity and weighs 0.15kg.
All Ears Unturned - Achievement Guide Overlay
Conquerors of the Atlas and the Metamorph league are almost upon us. With them, many new characters will be created. It is the perfect opportunity to attempt some new challenges.
All Ears Unturned is an overlay guide designed to help complete both the ‘All Ears’ and the ‘No Stone Unturned’ achievements. The program guides you step-by-step during the leveling process. The guide explains, which NPC to talk to and when, where to go, and what objectives must be completed in order to trigger each dialogue option.
The program also has a list of all lore pieces needed for the ‘No Stone Unturned’ achievement, sorted by act and location. You may track both achievements at the same time, or only enable one if that is your focus.
Basic knowledge of areas and NPCs is required.
Follow the ‘All Ears’ steps exactly as given. Do not enter new areas or complete quests, as doing so may cause you to miss certain dialog options.
You must kill ALL bandits in order to complete the ‘All Ears’ achievement.
For the program to automatically progress through travel steps, the path to your Path of Exile folder must be set in the settings menu.
Path of Exile must not be in full screen mode for the overlay to be visible.
Thank you to Path of Exile Wiki and the 3.8 Achievement Guide Google Doc for the information that this guide is based upon.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castOh Nooooo. I finished both this weekend with a excel sheet you mentioned in 14 hours. This tool would have been a nice help.
Let me know if you need anything. I am the author of the Google Doc and will be updating to 3.9 within a couple weeks of league start. Not sure how complicated it is to update on your end!
at the correct point in the steps.json file. And maybe some more for the Epilogue.
Holy shit, was about to try it with the excel and now you come with an overlay? Nice, gonna do it later!
Reserve for a later try.
EDIT: Mmm seems we got new lines with 3.9, I guess this will not be the league for this then.
Do it now. Just finished both all ears and stone unturned.
Took me 3 hours to "fail" the first try. At the end i noticed i didnt fail the first try but better safe than sorry lol. Second try was smooth and i got all ears after around 7-8h iirc. Stone unturned seperately this time cuz its super fast, did it with my deadeye archer in around 2-2.5h.
All on ssf btw, so with a party for some stone unturned stuff or even more speedy gear youd be even faster. Or if you have the prophecies at hand already.
Thanks so much for the overlay /u/nswob! Worked pretty smooth. Noticed one small mistake, All Ears: when you reach act 8 town. It said Yeena at one point not Maramoa iirc. But no problem since its obvious who to talk to.
Ohh and for Act 5: when you get to the ossuary and have to talk to sin (after picking up the item). I think you are allowed to leave the ossuary. On my first run i left, then entered again and he was still there and had the same text as in my second run where i immediately talked to him. But id just leave the notice in, better safe than sorry :P
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