Dxgi error driver internal error как исправить
That error code is 'incomplete' what is the last work of the code? Hung, removed, reset?
Investigating the cause of device removed errors
- DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: The graphics driver stopped responding because of an invalid combination of graphics commands sent by the app. If you get this error repeatedly, it is a likely indication that your app caused the device to hang and needs to be debugged.
- DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: The graphics device has been physically removed, turned off, or a driver upgrade has occurred. This happens occasionally and is normal; your app or game should recreate device resources as described in this topic.
- DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET: The graphics device failed because of a badly formed command. If you get this error repeatedly it may mean that your code is sending invalid drawing commands.
- DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR: The graphics driver encountered an error and reset the device.
- DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: The application provided invalid parameter data. If you get this error even once, it means that your code caused the device removed condition and must be debugged.
- S_OK: Returned when a graphics device was enabled, disabled, or reset without invalidating the current graphics device. For example, this error code can be returned if an app is using Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform (WARP) and a hardware adapter becomes available.
Edited by 9erRed, 08 October 2014 - 04:35 PM.
I can't run max graphics even if my system has the power because of these errors. Try lowering your settings to medium or lower.Crashing here since this patch too. Was fine last patch. Nothing changed on my system except the patch.
9erRed, on 08 October 2014 - 04:25 PM, said:
That error code is 'incomplete' what is the last work of the code? Hung, removed, reset?
Investigating the cause of device removed errors
- DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: The graphics driver stopped responding because of an invalid combination of graphics commands sent by the app. If you get this error repeatedly, it is a likely indication that your app caused the device to hang and needs to be debugged.
- DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: The graphics device has been physically removed, turned off, or a driver upgrade has occurred. This happens occasionally and is normal; your app or game should recreate device resources as described in this topic.
- DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET: The graphics device failed because of a badly formed command. If you get this error repeatedly it may mean that your code is sending invalid drawing commands.
- DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR: The graphics driver encountered an error and reset the device.
- DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: The application provided invalid parameter data. If you get this error even once, it means that your code caused the device removed condition and must be debugged.
- S_OK: Returned when a graphics device was enabled, disabled, or reset without invalidating the current graphics device. For example, this error code can be returned if an app is using Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform (WARP) and a hardware adapter becomes available.
Thanks for the reply 9erRed. So the error code I get is DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED. Any suggestions on what to do next? I have run the repair tool many times to no avail (even though it finds and repairs errors)
I opened the nvidea control panel as you suggested, but not sure what I was supposed to do once it was opened.
I'm almost ready to dump this game because I'm sick of the crashing. Happens every time I play now. No other games I play have issues.
Is your graphics card factory (or manually, by you) overclocked? If it is, it's likely not stable at its overclocked speed in MW:O. The driver crashes and reloads itself, which is what causes the "device removed" error. You can alleviate the problem by using a graphics card overclocking program (Afterburner, Precision X, or others) to down-clock your card.
Durant Carlyle, on 07 November 2014 - 11:29 PM, said:
Is your graphics card factory (or manually, by you) overclocked? If it is, it's likely not stable at its overclocked speed in MW:O. The driver crashes and reloads itself, which is what causes the "device removed" error. You can alleviate the problem by using a graphics card overclocking program (Afterburner, Precision X, or others) to down-clock your card.Thanks for the feedback. The card is factory. Even if wasn't, there's no way I'd downgrade just to make this game work. I have no problems with all the other games I play.
PGI was being very helpful via a ticket I submitted. Gave some premium time and everything for the pain this has caused. But I haven't heard anything back in a couple weeks now and I still crash often.
Durant Carlyle, on 07 November 2014 - 11:29 PM, said:
Is your graphics card factory (or manually, by you) overclocked? If it is, it's likely not stable at its overclocked speed in MW:O. The driver crashes and reloads itself, which is what causes the "device removed" error. You can alleviate the problem by using a graphics card overclocking program (Afterburner, Precision X, or others) to down-clock your card.If overclocking was the problem he'd have errors in his other games.
Op i'd suggest a fresh install.
Namicus, on 04 December 2014 - 03:42 PM, said:
Thanks for the feedback. The card is factory. Even if wasn't, there's no way I'd downgrade just to make this game work. I have no problems with all the other games I play.
You didn't answer my question. Is it overclocked from the factory? If it is, try down-clocking it.
If it's a factory-overclocked card (for instance, an EVGA GTX 570 SuperClocked or something similar) and the overclock is causing the problem, there is absolutely nothing PGI can do to help you.
Don't overlook something that might be the answer just because of pure stubbornness. "I don't like that answer, so that must not be the problem" never solved anything.
KharnZor, on 04 December 2014 - 05:47 PM, said:
If overclocking was the problem he'd have errors in his other games.Op i'd suggest a fresh install.
Not necessarily. No two games are alike in their exact usage of each GPU's features. I've had overclocks 100% stable for every single game/program I have, except one. And for different GPUs, it was a different game that caused problems.
I'm an expert overclocker, and have been doing it for over 10 years now. If a graphics driver crashes, the first thing I look to is the graphics card itself. Is it overheating? Is it overclocked?
"No other game crashes" isn't a valid reason to discount the graphics card being the problem.
Durant Carlyle, on 04 December 2014 - 08:32 PM, said:
Don't overlook something that might be the answer just because of pure stubbornness. "I don't like that answer, so that must not be the problem" never solved anything.
Wow. Thanks for the help despite my pure stubbornness.
The card is factory and is not overclocked.
KharnZor, on 04 December 2014 - 05:47 PM, said:
If overclocking was the problem he'd have errors in his other games.Op i'd suggest a fresh install.
I thought that might help too. Unfortunately a clean install was the first thing I tried, and it didn't do anything.
Edited by Namicus, 05 December 2014 - 03:32 PM.
Look under the Nvidia control panel, manage 3D settings.
- You'll see two tabs, Global and Program settings.
Under the global tab are the everything default settings, what's set here is 'across the board' for all items using video.
- Only as a sample I'll include a screen cap of what my settings are, if you mouse over the specific setting there will be a description presented at the bottom of the box explaining what it's for or does.
- You may have some different setting available for a higher or lower version card.
(specifically check the 'power management mode' and select 'Max performance', this is a power throttle for the vid card if it's not being tasked while the CPU is busy.)
Latest Nvidia driver installed is ver. 344.75
There are higher values for some of my settings but MWO is stable and runs great with these.
- the second tab is specifically for altering single programs from the default setting, increasing or decreasing the original settings.
- this tab will find the programs that are installed and use video 'enhancements', if not you can add them.
Ошибка DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED может появиться при возникновении сбоев в работе видеокарты. Компьютер на мгновение теряет контакт с графическим процессором, отсюда и возникает ошибка.
Сбой происходит, например, при разгоне компьютера, когда видеокарта нагревается и отключается на долю секунды, или игра при запуске не может синхронизироваться с графическим устройством. Во многих случаях с ней сталкиваются при запуске таких игр, как Crysis, Apex Legends, Battlefield и прочие.
Переустановка DirectX
Технология DirectX представляет собой набор интерфейсов прикладного программирования для обработки мультимедийных задач. Широко используется для запуска мощных игр на максимальной производительности, чтобы гарантировать, что пользователи получают самое высокое качество.
Возможно, что DirectX установлен на компьютере, но не обновлен до последней версии. В этом случае нужно загрузить пакет с официального сайта Майкрософт. Кроме того, нужно проверить, что на ПК установлены последние версии распространяемого пакета Visual Studio и NET Framework.
Переустановка DirectX
По отзывам пользователей на форуме Steam, им удалось устранить DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE путем установки последней версии DirectX.
Загрузите этот пакет для Windows 10 из сайта Майкрософт. После запустите установщик, чтобы установить или обновить текущую версию, установленную в системе.
Добавление раздела реестра
TDR периодически проверяет, отвечает ли графическое оборудование должным образом. Если оно не реагирует на TDR в течение двух секунд, Windows автоматически предполагает, что оборудование зависло и заставляет его повторно инициализироваться. Это делается для того, чтобы предотвратить зависание всего компьютера. Попробуйте добавить новое значение в реестр, связанное с TDR. Если не сработает, можно вернуть все обратно.
Откройте Редактор реестра командой regedit из окна Win + R.
Перейдите в следующую локацию на левой панели навигации:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – SYSTEM – CurrentControlSet – Control – GraphicsDrivers
Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на раздел GraphicsDrivers и выберите Создать – Параметр DWORD (32 бита) .
Присвойте имя новому параметру «TdrLevel», дважды щелкните по нему и установите значение «0». Примените изменения, и перезагрузите компьютер.
Other problems or issues not covered by other troubleshooting topics.uksfpred Posts: 52 Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:18 pm
Post by uksfpred » Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:25 pm
Basically started getting this error message
started yesterday and got it again just.
All i have done to change my sim in last 48hrs is turn my gfx settings down slightly since this starting . .
i cant that turning my settings UP again will fix this ? and i have the latest ATI drivers (which never stop working on anything else by the way . . )
Any thoughts please. . i have searched forums and couldn't find one thread with same error message
uksfpred Posts: 52 Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:18 pmPost by uksfpred » Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:30 pm
my rig i5 2500k running at 4.2 Quad . .windows 7 home 64bit . 7900 3g ATI gfx 16G Ram- all P3D running on C drive - SSD
jdog109socal Posts: 15 Joined: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:12 amPost by jdog109socal » Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:47 pm
I had kind of the same thing happen to me with a Nvida card. this worked for me hope it will help
If you have an NVIDIA card, try opening the NVIDIA control panel and turning on debug mode. (Do this by opening the NVIDIA Control Panel, go to Help -> and check Debug Mode.) This will ignore the manufacturer's overclock settings and use the factory default stock clock.
IF that doesn’t work lets completely uninstall the drivers using the tool below and the reloading from the CD that came with the card:
uksfpred Posts: 52 Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:18 pmPost by uksfpred » Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:27 pm
uksfpred Posts: 52 Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:18 pmPost by uksfpred » Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:58 pm
Any official word on this would be great ?
Is it a case of changing my gfx drivers? changing any settings? try different version of p3d ?
I don't have a 'control panel' as i installed drivers only. .
this is a daily problem for me right now, happening anywhere from 5mins - -6 hours in game.
Adam Breed Lockheed Martin Posts: 1384 Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:17 pmPost by Adam Breed » Sun Jan 01, 2017 7:42 pm
Overall, this error prompt is letting you know the graphics card has failed.
Do you have any add-ons installed? Some are known to exacerbate this issue.
From the system side, are you using NVIDIA Inspector or any hardware accelerators/overclockers?
Those type of tools could contribute to failures/hangs of the GPU, causing Prepar3D to fail. It has been recommended in other threads to reset any NVIDIA Inspector settings to default to correct any GPU failures.
uksfpred Posts: 52 Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:18 pmPost by uksfpred » Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:01 am
I am not using anything NVIDIA as I have an ATI card . . .
Addons I have tonnes of ORBX, Global base, England, payware airports etc plus i also run Active sky 2016.
yes i have the latest drivers that I am aware of
However my card has been overclocked from its default speeds. . so perhaps i should put it back to default ?
thank you for this reply .. i will make some changes
uksfpred Posts: 52 Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:18 pmPost by uksfpred » Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:19 am
Well, i turned my gfx setting down slightly . and set my graphics back to the default profile, so it was no longer over clocked, and even tuned back my processor from 4.3 to 4.0
but was still getting this error message, sometimes 2 or 3 times within an hour.
At my wits end, i turned all my gfx settings down even further, running at mostly 'medium' settings . and since doing that, I haven't had a problem.
I am amazed i have a faster card with more RAM, yet I've had to turn my settings down. ( I have an ATI 3G 7950 now had a ATI 2G 7870 before . . .)
In all honesty you cant really notice the difference GFX wise.
but yes solved in the end. . i can feel a 480 coming on a lot sooner than it was now though .. :)
uksfpred Posts: 52 Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:18 pmPost by uksfpred » Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:06 pm
Right final update for anyone reading this with similar problems.. . .
It was texture resolution set to 2048 that did it. .
I have slowly been putting everything back bit by bit , giving it a few days before changing anything else.
My GFX is back to being over clocked, my processor back to 4.2, my water detail ultra, cloud shadows msaa back to 2x etc etc
and I'm having no problems. .. the only thing i didnt put back was texture res , that is now at 1024..
so there. . process of elimination learnt the hard way
This thread can be marked as resolved now.
Kem Posts: 35 Joined: Mon May 09, 2016 2:22 pmPost by Kem » Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:14 pm
I have past this year with a full instal of P3Dv3.2 all the year without any problems.
I have make the client update of v3.4.18 and fly with a lot without any bug .
I have do in the same way the v3.4.22 update just after updating Nvidia driver to 378.49 and at first launch i have DXGI error bug since now 4 days later after trying everything .
Nothing have change in my computer or settings . I have just do the Nvidia and P3d v3.4.22 update and all failed.
Now DXGI error can happend when i change view , or click to a file in windows or just lanch game on scenery.
Why just updating making everything like that and why it don't do before ? imedialtly after updating i have this error.
I have a home cockpit and reinstal all is possible but long stuff, ok but for what ? can it happend again ? do i need to change my GC ?
I take really care of my system and never had bug like this in 8 years.. (FSX or P3Dv3)
Thank you for helping , i am loosing faith.
[Win10 -i74790k + noctua -16go Ram- Gtx560ti x2 Sli mode in a Matrox triple Head 2go with 3 screens-1 ssd 850 evo 500go]
Kem Posts: 35 Joined: Mon May 09, 2016 2:22 pmPost by Kem » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:06 pm
Kem wrote: ↑ Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:14 pm Hello,
I have past this year with a full instal of P3Dv3.2 all the year without any problems.
I have make the client update of v3.4.18 and fly with a lot without any bug .
I have do in the same way the v3.4.22 update just after updating Nvidia driver to 378.49 and at first launch i have DXGI error bug since now 4 days later after trying everything .
Nothing have change in my computer or settings . I have just do the Nvidia and P3d v3.4.22 update and all failed.
Now DXGI error can happend when i change view , or click to a file in windows or just lanch game on scenery.
Why just updating making everything like that and why it don't do before ? imedialtly after updating i have this error.
I have a home cockpit and reinstal all is possible but long stuff, ok but for what ? can it happend again ? do i need to change my GC ?
Other things is when it works, i have more Fps but big slutters that i have never had before.
I take really care of my system and never had bug like this in 8 years.. (FSX or P3Dv3)
Thank you for helping , i am loosing faith.
[Win10 -i74790k + noctua -16go Ram- Gtx560ti x2 Sli mode in a Matrox triple Head 2go with 3 screens-1 ssd 850 evo 500go]
Martyson Posts: 12332 Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:08 amPost by Martyson » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:19 pm
Kem wrote: ↑ Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:14 pm Hello,
I have past this year with a full instal of P3Dv3.2 all the year without any problems.
I have make the client update of v3.4.18 and fly with a lot without any bug .
I have do in the same way the v3.4.22 update just after updating Nvidia driver to 378.49 and at first launch i have DXGI error bug since now 4 days later after trying everything .
Nothing have change in my computer or settings . I have just do the Nvidia and P3d v3.4.22 update and all failed.
Now DXGI error can happend when i change view , or click to a file in windows or just lanch game on scenery.
Why just updating making everything like that and why it don't do before ? imedialtly after updating i have this error.
I have a home cockpit and reinstal all is possible but long stuff, ok but for what ? can it happend again ? do i need to change my GC ?
Other things is when it works, i have more Fps but big slutters that i have never had before.
I take really care of my system and never had bug like this in 8 years.. (FSX or P3Dv3)
Thank you for helping , i am loosing faith.
[Win10 -i74790k + noctua -16go Ram- Gtx560ti x2 Sli mode in a Matrox triple Head 2go with 3 screens-1 ssd 850 evo 500go]
"I have a home cockpit and reinstal all is possible but long stuff"
Home cockpit is a custom setup with many variables.
There is a lot about your full setup that you have not mentioned (hardware, software, etc).
Maybe you could do a Windows restore point or uninstall/reinstall as necessary to get back to where all was working with your custom setup.
При попытке запустить игру пользователи часто сталкиваются с ошибками DirectX, которые обычно вызваны устаревшими драйверами или отсутствующими распространяемыми пакетами. Об одной из них DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE узнаем подробнее в этой статье.
Отключение Nvidia ShadowPlay
Откройте Nvidia GeForce Experience от имени администратора. Перейдите на вкладку «Общие» с помощью панели навигации, расположенной в левой части экрана. В разделе «Внутриигровое наложение» переместите переключатель в положение «Выключено».
Нажмите на кнопку «Применить», чтобы сохранить изменения. Перезапустите систему и посмотрите, решена ли проблема.
Отключение разгона
Многие аппаратные средства позволяют пользователю разогнать процессор или видеокарту для повышения производительности системы. Разгон производится увеличением тактовой частоты до максимальных значений, при которых сохраняется стабильность работы ПК. Каждый раз при выполнении вычислений на максимальных настройках, температура соответственно возрастает, возможно, до критических значений, что может спровоцировать ошибку DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED. Если включен разгон, попробуйте его отключить.
Чем вызвана ошибка?
- Повреждены компоненты DirectX.
- Устаревшие или неисправные драйверы графических устройств.
- Установленное разрешение на мониторе не совместимо с запускаемым приложением.
- Использование кабеля DVI. Проблема будет устранена путем замены на HDMI.
- Установленная частота обновления экрана не совместима с программной или игрой.
Изменение разрешения экрана
Подключение устройств через кабель HDMI
Обновление драйверов
Если драйвера видеокарты не обновляются, то, скорее всего, столкнетесь с подобными неполадками.
Если используете видеокарту Nvidia, перейдите на официальный сайт в расширенный поиск и скачайте новую версию программного обеспечения.
Аналогично, при использовании видеокарт AMD Radeon, загрузите с официальной страницы последнюю версию ПО.
После запустите загруженный файл и следуйте инструкциям до завершения установки. После перезагрузки компьютера посмотрите, устранена ли проблема.
Изменение частоты обновления
Чтобы устранить ошибку, попробуйте изменить частоту обновления экрана в Windows. Обычно рекомендуется использовать 60 Гц, но если устройство вывода изображения поддерживает более высокие, попробуйте их использовать.
Откройте меню Пуск и нажмите на значок шестеренки для входа в Параметры. Перейдите в раздел Система.
Нажмите на вкладку Дисплей, затем выберите опцию Дополнительные параметры дисплея.
Нажмите на свойства видеоадаптера для дисплея 1, затем перейдите на вкладку Монитор.
Измените частоту на 60 Гц. Это значение можно увеличить, если монитор их поддерживает.
После этого снова откройте программу, которая вызывала сбой DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE.
Обновление драйвера видеокарты
Иногда ошибку DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED удается решить путем обновления драйвера видеокарты. Возможно, он неисправен или устарел. Нужно полностью удалить драйвер перед установкой нового, для этого воспользуйтесь утилитой Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU).
После установки DDU загрузите компьютер в безопасном режиме. Запустите приложение, укажите графический процессор и нажмите на кнопку «Удалить и перезапустить». Приложения автоматически удалит установленные драйверы, затем перезапустит ПК.
После загрузки ПК в обычном режиме перейдите на сайт поставщика видеокарты, загрузите и установите последнюю версию драйвера. Либо это можно сделать в разделе «Драйверы» приложения GeForce Experience.
Перезагрузите систему. Проверьте, прерывается ли игра ошибкой DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED.
Настройка параметров охлаждения
Прежде чем приступить к изменению настроек охлаждения, очистите все вентиляторы и убедитесь, что к процессору поступает полноценный поток воздуха.
Отключение сглаживания
Технология сглаживания предназначена для уменьшения эффекта зубчатости, то есть разглаживания зубчатых неровностей по контурам кривых. Она проявляется, когда у монитора нет достаточного разрешения для получения гладкой линии. Сглаживание уменьшает заметность этих неровностей, размыванием границ промежуточными оттенками цвета. Графическое ПО использует этот метод для повышения качества изображения. Но иногда использование сглаживания может привести к ошибке DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED, поэтому попробуйте его отключить.
Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по рабочему столу, выберите «Панель управления nVidia».
В левой панели навигации откройте вкладку «Управление параметрами 3D». Верните все настройки сглаживания в положение «Выключено», чтобы переопределить все внешние настройки.
Примените изменения, и перезагрузите компьютер.
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