Dungeon siege exception detected как исправить
29 авг. 2013 в 4:14 When I tried to start up the game it came up with some error saying this wasn't compatible with my OS, but I just pressed run program. I made my character, and got a bit into the opening cutscene when a box popped up and said "Exception detected" and said it may take a few minutes to complete. Then it went away, the man in the cutscene said a few more words and then the game crashed. Did this happen because I ran the game instead of searching for a fix or is this a common problem? I'm running Vista HP. 29 авг. 2013 в 9:35 This just happened to me too in the exact same manner. I'm running Windows 7. So the forum delving begins. 29 авг. 2013 в 9:38 Same here on Win7 64, has extreme frame drop and screen flashing issues. 29 авг. 2013 в 9:53
I found this in another forum (thank you Snowburden), the resolution change didn't help with my problem, but DISABLING STEAM IN-GAME OVERLAY solved it for me :-) (View-->Settings-->in-game-->uncheck ingame overlay).
What you do is you have to change the compatibility mode to Windows 7 or below. I have Windows 8 as well, and I had similar problems, such as the game would just quit on me because of the compatibility problems. What you do is go into the Dungeon Siege file in your hard drive, find the start application, right click it, go to properties, then compatibility, then check "Run in compatibility mode for:" Windows 7. Then you are good.
I coppied someones post on a different topic if you want to change resolutions and such.
1. go to Steam\steamapps\common\Dungeon Siege 1 and find "DSVideoConfig", then open it and change video driver to you graphic card hardware without TnL extension,click OK when done.
2.Now in the same folder under dungeon siege application icon is dungeon siege ini file, open that file with right click and open with notepad. After you do that you will see in the first 4 lines height and width, edit those field by entering you own resolution, like i did with replacing it to 1920 and 1080 instead of 1024 and 768 and set bpp to 32 if it isnt already.
3.Then select first 4 lines along with driver_description and ctrl+c them, then click close and save changes.
4.go to C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\Dungeon Siege and open the dungeon siege ini file there and replace the first 4 lines with those you coppied from step 3, close and save file.
5. disable steam ingame overlay in steam settings and play the game.
Some ppl change compatibility but i dont have problem playing it with win7, but you can right click in dungeon siege steam folder on app icon and in properties change compatibility.
While you are loading in to the world due to unsupported resolution you will get an error, but just click ok and game will continue, nothing to worry.
18 авг. 2015 в 6:55 I have windows 10, and it ran perfectly the first few times i played it. but now no matter what i do it crashes and displays the exception detected error. I cannot load my saves or start a new game. Anyone have any idea how to fix this? and yes i checked the guides and there were none that handled this error for windows 10. 18 авг. 2015 в 9:45 18 авг. 2015 в 10:56 hey i figured it out, turn shadows to simple and lower object quality by half. i can play again and no errors yet. 18 авг. 2015 в 10:57 also all that doesn't really change how the game looks. 18 авг. 2015 в 12:51 18 авг. 2015 в 13:48 18 авг. 2015 в 15:15 I am having issues with it crashing and i change the same settings you explained but still crashing is there a Windows 7 update patch for this or mod? 18 авг. 2015 в 16:37 oh you have windows 7. there is a guide to get it working on windows 7. goto community guides from the dungeon siege game info page in your library. 19 авг. 2015 в 8:18 did it work for you like it did for me? That's work perfectly thank you 21 авг. 2015 в 14:24 I have Windows 10, when I load the game I play for a few minutes then I can't pick up items on the ground. When I try to save or reload the game it freezes but I get no error message. I've tried turning down the quality and shadows but still nothing.. Dungeon Seige II won't even let me create a character properly.. any ideas? 21 авг. 2015 в 15:10 I have Windows 10, when I load the game I play for a few minutes then I can't pick up items on the ground. When I try to save or reload the game it freezes but I get no error message. I've tried turning down the quality and shadows but still nothing.. Dungeon Seige II won't even let me create a character properly.. any ideas? try resetting ds2 to default graphics then fine tune till you see an improvement. for ds1 i'm not sure why it would do that. have you upgraded your graphics drivers to their windows 10 version? 22 авг. 2015 в 6:30 I've got all the latest updates so far, I've turned all the graphics way down and things seem to be going ok so far. Sux that I've restarted the game 3 times now.. but three's a charm right? 22 авг. 2015 в 7:04 took me 15 tries to figure out how to get it working permanently so if three works for you then consider yourself lucky lol 28 авг. 2015 в 15:17I had the same problem and I fixed it this was:
1. Navigate to . \Steam\SteamApps\common\Dungeon Siege 1
2. Rightclick -> Properties on DungeonSiege.exe
3. Navigate to Compatibility-Mode
4. Set to Windwos XP SP2 (Not SP3) -> OK
Restart Steam and start Dungeon Siege 1 again and for me it works fine for 9 hours now :D
29 авг. 2015 в 13:30 2 сен. 2015 в 15:35I had the same problem and I fixed it this was:
1. Navigate to . \Steam\SteamApps\common\Dungeon Siege 1
2. Rightclick -> Properties on DungeonSiege.exe
3. Navigate to Compatibility-Mode
4. Set to Windwos XP SP2 (Not SP3) -> OK
Restart Steam and start Dungeon Siege 1 again and for me it works fine for 9 hours now :D
я, может, позновато спросил.
но все же - кто точно(?) знает??
из-за чего игра каждый раз сначала думает при считывании каких-то данных после окошка (Exception detected . this wil take one or two minutes. ), а потом наглухо виснет..
при том по всей игре и не зависимо от дров и системы
версия на 4 сд, англ, 2.0
чего ей *игре* надо?
в общем русификатор не причем?
в чем тогда дело может быть.
игр кстати нормально проКЛЮЧена еще во время установки..
еще раз.Ставишь английскую-потом добавляешь logic 1 и object1 и руссифицируешь-вчера проверил ничего не виснет
Игра прописывается в directx линк. И видимо пытается связаться с кем-то в нете. Попробовал ограничить, не получилось. Поставил инглишь и русскую, в одной играю в другой читаю квесты.
Надеюсь, есть хоть один, кто играет на оригинале без проблем, с лицензионным ключом. Гляньте в деректе игра прописывается? или наши русификаторы троянчика впаяли.
У меня финальный босс, Гом-Сек, отказывается драться. И я его тоже атаковать не могу.
Один из неприятных глюков может возникнуть в храме Валдиса. Если один из ваших персонажей погибает на лаве, то после его воскрешения, он может оказаться а ней по пояс и вытащить его оттуда можно лишь отправив его в гостиницу.
Подскажите, такая проблема - установил DS2 на ноут, когда захлжу - экран как обрезан по бокам, смена разрегения ничего не меняет. Знаекто кто как разширить экран?
p.s. у меня версия от 1с на 4 дисках
пробовал и другие репаки - та же фигня (
игрушка старовата и не поддерживает большие разрешения современных экранов
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