Dragon s dogma как зачаровать оружие
22 окт. 2018 в 8:17 Как одеться чтобы убить Даймона, если с 2 грейда острова падает одно и тоже
Играю на хард моде на острове Горечи.
Пришёл на 70, с 70 по 100 было тяжко, потом чуть приоделся и разобрался как кого убивать, хотя по-прежнему шотают
Играю ассассином и маг лучником, сейчас 130 лвл, но по шмоту я по-прежнему бомж, на маг луке оч древний лук Дыхание дракона вроде (убиваю циклопов по-тихоньку, минотавров и пешек изи), но даймона вообще не пробиваю, даж под амулетами херово
За ассасина лук ярость дракона, это вроде 2ой грейд, он даж закалён, но дмг со взрыв стрелами и под амул всё равно чудовищно мало, и лук огонь по базе, пешка канеш тупая не хочет мне зачар света кидать.
Как одеться и убить нормально Даймона?
Если у меня овер ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ брони 2 и оружия 2, но эта ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ольра выдаёт ВСЕГДА ОДНО И ТОЖЕ, И ЭТО ЗАВИСИТ ОТ КЛАССА ПЕШКИ, ей ПРОСТО♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥НА МОЙ КЛАСС, я реролил и перезагружался по 20 раз, она всегда даёт ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ накидки и железные трусы, лук ярость дракона, посох для мага жар средоточенности и дичь какую-нить.
Сколько бы не менял класс пешке и себе, ей♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ на перезагрузки♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Вопрос как выролить и получить норм шмотки?
Я 1ое прохождение завершил с кинжами Обморож. лезвия, Я♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ДО СИХ ПОР С НИМИ, хотя если бы падал нормально шмот уже давно сменил на бы на Огненные кинжалы 2 грейда. И уже давно по идее должен бегать с луком молний 2 грейда для маг лука.
Сорь за бомбёжку, просто бесит что разлом фармишь фармишь, а она просто допустим за броню 2 даёт 3 пары трусов никчёмных.
В списке шмота ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ норм шмотья за 2 грейд, как это получать всё?
Most spells except the core spells (such as Magick Bolt), and a few others (eg Ruinous Sigil) have a specific element associated with them, e.g., Fulmination is Lightning, Maelstrom is Dark, Gicel is Ice, Bolide is Fire, Seism is Holy.
Generally element only affects Magickal attacks.
Damage and Use in Battle
Clever use of elemental effects can radically alter the course of a battle. An ill-equipped party without a wide elemental range can find itself in deep trouble, while the same fight's difficulty can be dramatically reduced if the correct element is utilized. Conversely, poor choice of enchantments caused by lack of knowledge can make even an easy battle difficult, and in some cases aid the enemy.
Elemental damage is a percentage modifier on magickal attack power. For example, if using Magick Bolt - if a target's relative elemental weakness to fire is 100% then a magickal attack power with that element does the same damage as an unenchanted magick bolt; but if the weakness is high, as with Undead, where it is 400%, then the attack power is quadrupled; similarly if the weakness is low, such as with Hobgoblins and dark magick (at 60%) then the spell power is reduced to three quarters of what it would be from a non-elemental magick attack.
The increases and decreases in spell power roughly correspond to changes in damage, and may cause much greater relative changes as the spell's power surpasses (or becomes less than) a foe's Magick Defense.
Secondary effects
The secondary effects of attacks or spells based in one of the five Archmagicks such as certain debilitations and effects are not necessarily the same as their corresponding elemental attributes; an archmagick spell may inflict a non-archmagick physical debilitation.
The spell Comestion does Fire based damage and may inflict Burning, however only the initial spell damage is archmagick based. The Burning damage is a Fire-based physical debilitation. As such items providing elemental fire resistance, such as the Ring of Gules, do not protect against Burning, but they will mitigate some damage from Comestion. (Conversely the Rose Ring usually prevents burning but does not reduce damage from the spell itself)
Neutral magick and Non-archmagicks
Neutral Magick is magick not in any of the five archmagicks - it is produced from unechanted Magick Bolts, Focused Bolt, and Magick Agent - the damage of such attacks is not reduced by any Elemental Resistance. A few other spells may also produce neutral magick - one such is Great Sacrifice which initially strikes with a dark magick bolt, but an shockwave which follows lacks any element and is purely magickal.
Pawn Chatter
On granting various elemental boons:
"I grant you Ice's Bite!" "I grant you Fire's Blaze!" "I'll embue your weapon with Holy light!" "I grant you sacred radiance!"
Улучшение огнем дракона
Этот процесс не требует материалов или денег, улучшение с какой то долей вероятности может быть достигнуто только после убийства дракона.
В случае удачи, значком улучшения на вашей экипировке станет дракон красного цвета.
An enchanted weapon will also be able to inflict the Archmagick specific Elemental Debilitation; for example, Fire enchantment gives the ability to inflict Burning.
A temporary enchantment increases the magick power of melee, ranged, and staff and archistaff Core Skills (e.g. Magick Bolt), based primarily on the enchanter's magick power. Archmagick based spells are not boosted or altered by temporary enchants.
Permanent weapon enchantments are shown by the archmagick symbol in menus, and temporary enchantments are also indicated on the recipient's health bar by an icon.
Требование для Dragonforging [ ]
Предмет для улучшения до состояния Dragonforging, должен быть экипирован на игроке, а не находиться в инвентаре или на Пешке.
Улучшается только экипировка надетая на игроке в момент смерти дракона.
При убийстве драконов типа (Дрейк, Вирм и Виверна) а также Ур-Дракон в режиме оффлайн улучшаемая экипировка должна быть должна быть проапгрейжена хотя бы на 1 звезду, в идеале лучше на 3. Чем больше звезд тем выше шанс на Dragonforging.
Убивая драконов и Ур-Дракона в режиме онлайн,экипировка имеет шанс быть улучшена до состояния Dragonforging без начальных звезд .
При убийстве драконов для каждой вещи шанс на улучшение типа Dragonforging рассчитывается индивидуально.
Staff and Archistaff Elemental Enchantments
Staffs enchanted with a spell produce Magick Bolts and Focused Bolts different from those generated from a permanently enchanted staff.
Permanently enchanted magick staffs have Magick and Focused Bolts similar in behaviour to those from an unenchanted staff, save the elemental effect, and of course the appearance.
- Spell Holy enchantment greatly increases effectiveness of magick and focused magick bolts
- Spell Dark enchantment generally greatly decreases the effectiveness of magick bolts due to the reduced speed of motion of the bolts. is unchanged.
Extending and enhancing enchantments
- The augment Perpetuation extends the duration of temporary enchantments by approximately 30% when this augment is equipped by the caster.
- Exceptions include some Mystic Knight shield spells, Dark Anguish, Abyssal Anguish
- Stacks with the augment Perpetuation. For example, a Pact with Perpetuation and this bonus enhancement lasts for six-and-a-half minutes.
Elemental Attributes
In Dragon's Dogma, spells and weapons either have or can be given elemental attributes. There are five elements: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Dark, and Holy.
These five elements are also known as and often referred to as the "Five Archmagicks".
Spells, enchantments, and equipment based on one of the archmagicks will indicate which realm they are in through the associated display of the relevant elemental attribute icon or rune symbol.
Debilitating Power
All enchanted weapons can debilitate with the effect corresponding to their respective element
- Debilitating power increases with the spell at each casting tier.
- Upgrading permanently-enchanted weapons do not increase debilitation frequency, unlike aneled, rusted, or golden weapons.
- Debilitating power of permanently-enchanted weapons over enchanted with a spell does not stack, and may even be reduced when using a weak spell.
Enchantment spells
Casting Ice Affinity, followed by multiple ice enchanted Magick Bolts.
Any weapon may be temporarily enchanted with an Archmagick, giving the benefits of an enchanted weapon for a short period of time.
An elemental spell will temporarily overwrite any prior elemental enchantment. Such spells do not stack, and only one element can be present on a weapon at a time.
Mage, Sorcerer, and Mystic Knight all have enchantment spells of varying power and effect; spells are available in variants matching all five Archmagicks.
Boons, Trances and higher level spells
The range of Mystik Knights enchantment spells are a few meters - here Ser Rickart's weapon is enchanted, but his colleague at the gate is just out of range
Mage and Sorcerer Boon, Affinity and Pact spells enchant an individual target's primary and secondary weapons with an elemental Archmagick.
Mystic Knight has Enchanter, Trance and Invocation spells which are shorter in duration, more powerful, and benefit all allies within range of when the spell is cast.
Both enchanter and boon type spells enchant primary and secondary weapons, but Magick Shields are unaffected by either (Demonswrath is an exception).
Additionally the duration of the spells increases.
Pawn behavior
It has been noticed that Pawn behaviour is altered depending on the element they receive - for example against Poisoned Undead the element of Fire causes melee Pawns to greatly favor the use multistrike skills, whereas Holy makes them slightly favor Core Skills; without either enchant they will tend to use Climbing attacks on.
Self enchantment
The Boons, Affinities, and Pact spells can be cast on the caster, and the Trance-based spells always enchant the invoker's weapon. Certain Mystic Knight enchantments can only be cast on the caster's own weapon.
Counters enchant the Mystic Knight's magick shield with one of the five elements, allowing magickal damage to be summoned by blocking or Perfect Blocking.
Ripostes are advanced versions that last longer and generate more powerful return spells. Feints (Dark Arisen only) further increase power and duration
Holy Grace can heal past 'white damage' with a Perfect Block
Enchanted melee weapons do both physical and magickal damage. Each quantity is separate,and weapon enchantment, whether innate or temporary, does not affect the physical damage performed in any way.
In general if a skill can be Silenced it will incorporate the user's core magick, otherwise it will not.
Augments such as Acuity and Attunement boost damage from both permanently and temporarily enchanted weapons.
Spell Enchantments
The boost from an enchantment generally increases damage - the only exception is when a permanently enchanted weapon is overwritten with a much worse choice of element - such as giving a holy weapon a dark enchant when fighting undead.
The lowest level spells (such as Holy Boon) give a large initial increase in spell power. The higher tier spells (i.e., Holy Affinity or Holy Pact) only slightly further increase power.
A Mystic Knight lightning trance spell only enchants the mace and not the shield
During Griffin's Bane the soldiers can have their weapon's enchanted, but the Arisen's, pawn's, and other allies weapon's do not at the same time.
Foe resistances
All Undead are weak to holy and resist dark, whilst non-skeletal undead are also weak to fire, and skeletons resist both lightning and ice, and fire to a less extent. Ghosts are generally more succeptible to holy but strongly resistant to dark.
Generally Goblins show mild resistance to dark; Saurian and Human resistances depend on the subspecies or vocation, with no general pattern.
Круче чем Dragonforged [ ]
В обновлении Dark Arisen предметы могут быть улучшены выше состояния Dragonforging. Визуально они обозначаются значком синего и золотого дракона. Для следующих улучшений потребуются очки RC и зачастую уникальные материалы, которые можно найти только в глубинах подземелий Острова Гибели (Bitterblack Isle). Услуги по улучшению предостовляет НПС Бароч (Barroch).
Также на острове были введены другие виды драконов, дающие более высокий шанс красного Dragonforged.
Weapon Enchantment
Weapon Enchantment refers to weapons enchanted with one of the Five Archmagicks; enchantments can be either permanently imbued on a weapon, or temporarily bestowed using an enchantment spell.
The elements
Fire magick and weapons have a chance to inflict a burning status on enemies, which gradually reduces health the longer the effect lasts. Enemies set ablaze may run away, begin to roll on the ground or grow frenzied.
Fire can also ground flying enemies if their wings begin to burn.
Particularly useful against cold-blooded enemies like Saurians, ice attacks have a chance to freeze opponents solid, preventing them from attacking or dodging incoming attacks. Enemies killed while frozen will shatter.
(Also known as Thunder) May stun enemies - Cyclopes are easily stunned with lightning magick or weapons' enchantments. All physical and magickal attacks with a lightning element will occasionally chain to nearby enemies and objects for, a debilitation known as Thundershock - smaller creature's hit by thundershock are likely to be knocked down.
Weapons enchanted with the Dark element have a chance to cause Critical Hits.
Many enemies resist Dark-elemental attacks, including all Goblin variants and Undead. Only few enemies possess a weakness to Dark: Direwolves, The Dragon, Saurian Sages and Giant Saurian Sages, Sirens, Maneaters and the Dark Bishop. Despite this, some Dark-elemental attacks such as Maelstrom can still be effective even against Undead due to side effects such as Maelstrom's fall damage.
Holy attacks are especially potent against Undead enemies. Holy-elemental attacks also have a chance to heal the user for 10% of their Magick Defense stat.
The area of effect from curative and defensive Holy magick (Anodyne, Halidom, Spellscreen) will inflict Holy damage on the undead; this still has the chance to heal the user.
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